994 resultados para 12-115


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Life cycle and population biology of a perennial halophyte Arthrocnemum indicum Willd, was studied from February 1992 to January 1993. During the 12 months, the population was exposed to great variations in soil salinity from 35 to 58 ms/cm2 and soil moisture ranging from flood to drought levels. Seasonal changes in dry weight are directly related to soil salinity stress. When salinity levels become low, the dry matter production increases. A little increase in dry weight from April to July indicates that more negative soil water potentials were limiting plant growth. Proline content increased considerably during the dry season with a corresponding increase in salinity. Water soluble oxalate did not vary much with changes in salinity.


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This work demonstrates transmission at 2.5 Gbit/s across two wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) network nodes, constructed using counter-propagating semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) wavelength converters and an integrated wavelength-selective router separated by 45 km of fiber, with an overall penalty of 0.6 dB. Minimal degradation of the eye diagram is evident across the whole system. Full utilization of the capacity of the router would allow an aggregate 360-Gbit/s node capacity for a WDM channel of 2.5 Gb/s.


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The Austrian-Ceylonese hydrobiological mission studied 38 biotopes; 28 of which contain Odonata. From the Zygoptera the Calopterydoidea seem to be the dominant form (22 habitats), while the Coenagrionoidea are scarcer (11 habitats). The most frequent species was Euphaea splendens (Epallagidae - 16 habitats) followed by Vestolis apicalis nigrescens (Calopterygidae, 8 habitats) and Neurobasis chinensis (Calopterygidae, 6 habitats). From the Anisoptera Zygonyx ceylanica (Libellulidae: Zygonictinae) was the dominant form (8 habitats), but some Libellulinae remain undescribed. The number of species varied greatly between different biotopes. The biotopes containing Odonata are small brooks, in which the pH was mostly on the limit between acid and alkaline reaction. They are fast running waters, situated in most cases on lower or middle elevations, only three species being found in higher elevations (1800-2000 m). Adaptations to fast currents and other factors are described.


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Si bien existen varios ensayos biográficos que enfocan diferentes momentos de su vida (ANÓNIMO, 1963, BAHAMONDE, 1962, LÓPEZ et al., 2015, NION, 2015, PEQUEÑO, 2015, SÁNCHEZ CARRILLO, 2001), hasta donde tenemos conocimiento, no se ha publicado aún una bibliografía completa de la obra del Dr. FERNANDO DE BUEN Y LOZANO (Fig. de tapa). Bibliografías parciales se encuentran, entre otros, en los autores arriba citados. Aquí nos atrevemos a hacer el intento, aunque en forma defectuosa, ya que muchas de sus publicaciones no las hemos podido consultar directamente (se señalan con un asterisco, *). En parte nos hemos basado en una compilación hecha por el propio DE BUEN, que abarca los años 1915 a 1949 (Fig. 1), aunque no siempre con los datos necesarios para una completa información sobre la publicación; en lo posible intentamos complementarla. En sus casi cincuenta años de actividad científica, llegó a producir casi 300 títulos, de variado contenido, aunque siempre relacionados con el medio acuático, sea marino o dulceacuícola. Esta producción se puede dividir en cuatro períodos, que comienza con su etapa española, europea y africana (marroquí), entre 1915 y 1937, durante la cual publicó más de 140 títulos. Como consecuencia de la Guerra Civil Española, en 1939 se radica en México, donde permanece desde el 12 de Julio de 1939 hasta Noviembre 1946, país al que regresa entre 1953 y 1957. Durante este período escribe unos 70 artículos. Entre esas dos etapas mexicanas, estuvo brevemente radicado en el Uruguay, desde el 26 de Noviembre de 1946 hasta 1953, sin duda la etapa de menor producción científica, con una docena trabajos. A ésta sigue el último período de su vida, en Chile (Fig. 2), la que lamentablemente termina trágicamente, en 1962. Durante este período publica más de 60 publicaciones, de los cuales, aparentemente, seis quedan inéditas. Cabe señalar que durante estas tres etapas de exilio americano, si bien sus publicaciones están mayoritariamente relacionadas con el país de residencia, hay algunas excepciones. Preivo a estas estadías en América, hay que mencionar tres europeas, fuera de España, a saber: en el Museo Oceanográfico de Mónaco (1919), en el Instituto Centrale di Biologia Marina, Messina, Italia (1919), y en el Laboratorio Arago, Banyuls sur Mer, Francia (1939). En general, puede considerarse que FERNANDO DE BUEN fue un investigador solitario, ya que solamente seis, de sus casi 300 trabajos, fueron publicados en colaboración: dos con su hermano SADÍ DE BUEN (#31 y 32), dos con F. FRADE (#115 y 116), y dos con MANUEL ZOZAYA (#162 y 176). En su obra científica hemos podido identificar la descripción original de 12 géneros, 9 subgéneros, 54 especies y 11 subespecies, como se indican en la Tabla I.


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To test the hypotheses of modern human origin in East Asia, we sampled 12,127 male individuals from 163 populations and typed for three Y chromosome biallelic markers (YAP, M89, and M130). All the individuals carried a mutation at one of the three sites.


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A rice-fish culture experiment with four treatments viz., T 1 with Amblyphmyngadan mala alone, T 2 with A. mala and Barbodes gonionotus, T3 with A. mala and Cyprinis carpio and T4 as control (without fish) was carried out in the rice fields during April through August1999. The recovery rate of A. mala were 42%, 37% and 42% in treatments 1, 2 and 3 respectively and the same recorded for B. gonionotus and C. cmpio were 62% and 55% respectively. Among the three species of fish, B. gonionotus showed much higher recovery rate than both of A. mala and C. carpio. The production of A. nwla was 12.50 kg/ha/3 months in monoculture, and 7.92 kglha/3 months and 8.86 kglha/3 months in combination with B. gonionotus and C. carpio, respectively. The production of B. gonionotus in T2 was 169.29 kg/ha/3 months and C. cmpio in T 3 was 252.92 kg/ha/3 months. The total fish production was 12.50 kg/ha/3 months, 175.21 kg/ha/3 months and 261.88 kg/ha/3 months in Tp T2 and T3, respectively. The highest yields of rice grain (5.78 ton/ha) and straw (7.83 ton/ha) were recorded in T3 and the lowest of the same was in T4 (grain 4.96 ton/ha and straw 6.62 ton/ha). Rice yield increased by about 12.10% in T1, 13.30% in T2 and 16.33% in T3 in context to T4, rice-alone culture. The results demonstrated that the culture of fish in rice fields had profound beneficial impact on the production of rice grain and straw.


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Distribution of vitamin B-12 in the skeletal muscle of several marine and fresh water fish and marine invertebrates are reported. The vitamin B-12 content of white muscle of various fish ranges between 0.05 and 1.5 micrograms. The elasmobranch fish, such as sharks and rays, has a lower levels of vitamin B-12. The distribution of vitamin B-12 in the red muscle, heart, brain and liver of various fish is also shown. Content in red muscle varies between 3 and 22 micrograms, averaging 8 micrograms. The values show that the heart is a rich source of vitamin B-12. Internal organs are also rich in vitamin B


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A simple method of leaching the minced muscle with water repeatedly followed by cooking, pressing, drying the cake and powdering has been described for the preparation of fish protein concentrate (FPC) from shark without the use of solvents. The FPC thus prepared had high protein content and was completely free of urea. It contained all the essential amino acids in a balanced proportion with high lysine content and had a storage life up to 12 months. This product can be used for the fortification of bread, biscuits and chappathis respectively at 10, 5 and 2% levels.


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目的 探讨蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫 (Giardialamblia)磷酸丙糖异构酶基因种内差异。方法 提取虫体总DNA ,对所有虫株磷酸丙糖异构酶 (tim)基因部分片段进行PCR扩增。测定序列后 ,用简约法和NJ法构建系统树进行系统发育分析。结果 共有 12 4个位点存在变异 (占所有测定序列中的 2 3% ) ,且大多数为发生在密码子的同义突变。两种构树方法所得二树的分枝结构相似 ,均将受试的 16株蓝氏贾第虫分为明显的两组。结论 宿主及地理因素对蓝氏贾第虫群体的遗传多样性影响不大。在DNA分子进化水平上 ,自然选择的影响十分显著。可将tim基因作为蓝氏贾第虫群体遗传结构一个十分有效的遗传标记。


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鳃形目鱼类是一类在鱼类乃至脊椎动物进化史上占有很重要地位的古老濒 危鱼类,长期悬而未决的系统演化关系为世人瞩目.采用DNA测序技术首次测定了 包括中国特有鳃形目鱼类在内的12种鳃形目鱼类的mtDNA ND4L和ND4基因(703 by)的序列,并进行了分子系统学分析.从分子系统学的角度得出了如下结论:(1) 鲤属可以归并到鳃属;(2)达氏鳃与中华鳃的亲缘关系最近,很有可能为中华鳃的 一陆封类型;(3)环太平洋地区的鳃科鱼类可能有共同的起源;(4) ND4L和ND4基 因是进行鳃形目鱼类系统演化研究很好的遗传标记.


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The effect of certain chemical agents on dopa oxidation by phenolases has been examined. Sulphur containing amino carboxylic acids are inhibitory agents for dopa oxidation. Tyrosine, a substrate for the enzyme also acts as an inhibitor for dopa oxidation by the enzyme. The possible mode of action has been discussed. The function of diethyl dithiocarbamate in suppressing the display of enzyme activity has been detailed and its behaviour has been compared to the other chemical agents studied.