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Foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário “Luiz Quintiliano de Oliveira”, o felino Nick, SRD, de quatro meses de idade, pesando 700 gramas, com histórico de trauma por arranhadura em bulbo ocular esquerdo. Ao exame físico específico, evidenciou-se úlcera profunda e prolapso de íris, sendo então indicada a enucleação. Ao exame físico geral, observou-se freqüência cardíaca (FC) de 160 batimentos.min-1, frequência respiratória (f) de 80 movimentos.min-1, tempo de preenchimento capilar menor do que dois segundos, temperatura retal (TR) de 39,2oC e mucosas normocoradas. Como medicação pré-anestésica, empregou-se acepromazina (0,04 mg.kg-1) e metadona (0,3 mg.kg-1), administradas pela via intramuscular. A veia femoral esquerda foi cateterizada com cateter 24G para administração de Ringer com Lactato de sódio (10 mL.kg-1.h- 1 ). A indução foi realizada por máscara facial tendo-se como agente o isofluorano em fluxo diluente de 100 mL.kg-1.min-1 de oxigênio a 100%, seguida de intubação orotraqueal com sonda n o 2,5 sem cuff. Seguiu-se a manutenção anestésica com a mesma mistura da indução, administrada por meio de circuito anestésico sem reinalação de gases, do tipo Baraka, mantendose o paciente sob ventilação assistida. Ato contínuo, realizou-se a técnica anestésica peribulbar de punção única inferior, utilizando-se lidocaína 2% com vasoconstritor (3mg.kg-1) associada a bupivacaína 0,5% sem vasoconstritor (0,8mg.kg-1), perfazendo um volume total de 0,3ml.kg-1 . Uma agulha 13x4,5 foi introduzida em todo o seu comprimento com o bisel voltado para a órbita, no terço lateral do fórnice conjuntival inferior da órbita esquerda, administrando-se a associação dos agentes anestésicos locais, seguida de compressão manual da área para facilitar a difusão dos mesmos. Durante o procedimento anestésico, realizou-se a monitoração da FC, f, pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), TR e saturação periférica da hemoglobina (SpO2). O tempo total de anestesia e cirurgia foi de 30 e 20 minutos, respectivamente, e a SpO2, concentração de isofluorano e TR mantiveram-se em 99±1%, 1,7±0,8% e 37,4±1,5oC, respectivamente. O plano anestésico manteve-se estável, sem a necessidade de resgate analgésico. Não houve a ocorrência de reflexo óculo-cardíaco (ROC) frente à manipulação do nervo óptico, o que pode ser atribuída provavelmente ao bloqueio peribulbar. A anestesia regional é frequentemente empregada para cirurgias oftálmicas em humanos, como a facoemulsificação, sendo que o manejo anestésico pode contribuir para o sucesso do procedimento. Pode-se concluir que, também na espécie felina, o bloqueio peribulbar pode ser uma boa alternativa para a realização de protocolos de anestesia balanceada para procedimentos oftálmicos.


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The most important role played by the enzyme Glucose- 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) in erythrocyte metabolism is in generating energy and reducing power used to protect the cell against oxidative attack. G6PD deficiency is the erythroenzymopathy that most frequently causes hemolytic anemia, and more than 130 molecular variants have already been identified. The aim of this study was to analyze the genetic mutations in the G6PD-deficient adult males in the population of the region of Araraquara, São Paulo State. Out of 5087 male blood donors, 89 were deficient for G6PD, as confirmed by assaying the enzyme activity and electrophoresis on cellulose acetate. Thus, a frequency of 1.75% of G6PD-deficient patients was found, this value being similar to other investigations in São Paulo state. Molecular analysis was performed by amplification of genomic DNA with specific primers and digestion with restriction enzymes. In 96.6% of the patients, the G6PD A¯ variant was observed, with mutations at residues 376(A→G) and 202(G→A). Mean G6PD specific activity among the patients was 1.31 IU.g Hb-1.min-1 at 37ºC, that is 10.8% of the normal activity of the G6PD B enzyme. The variant forms G6PD A¯ 680(G→T) and 968(T→C) were not found. In 3.4% of the deficient individuals, the G6PD Mediterranean variant was found, with a mutation at 563(C→T). In these cases, mean enzymatic activity was 0.25 IU.g Hb-1.min-1 at 37ºC, or 2.1% of the enzymatic activity of G6PD B. The use of traditional techniques, allied to the identification of the different molecular variants, is important for the understanding of the structural and functional properties and hemolytic behavior of the red blood cells of the patient.


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There is little information on Caribbean soccer players. Thus, the aim this study was to descriptive and to compare the anthropometric, motor and aerobic fitness profile between Trinidad and Tobago team professional and junior soccer players. Twenty six soccer players were evaluated (14 professional and 12 junior): anthropometric (height, body mass, BMI, body fat percent), flexibility (sit and reach), velocity (30 m), explosive strength (horizontal and vertical jump), anaerobic power (maximum, mean and minimum power, index of fatigue) and maximum aerobic power. Student Test-t to independent sample was used in statistical analyzes, considering 5% of significance (p<0,05). Results of professional and junior players were, respectively: height (180,6 ± 8,1; 175,0 ± 6,9 cm), body mass (77,1 ± 7,5; 70,6 ± 8,7 kg); BMI (23,6 ± 1,5 / 23,0 ± 1,6 kgm 2 ); body fat (11,9 ± 1,7; 11,6 ± 1,2 %); sitting and reaching (24,9 ± 10,3; 24,9 ± 7,7 cm); velocity (30 m) (4,61 ± 0,14; 4,66 ± 0,15 s); horizontal jump (263,4 ± 14,9; 239,7 ± 12,1 cm); vertical jump (58,7 ± 4,3; 54,6 ± 6,6 cm); maximum power (7,9 ± 0,9; 6,6 ± 0,8 w∙kg-1 ); mean power (6,5 ± 0,7; 5,4 ± 0,9 w∙kg-1 ); minimum power (5,3 ± 0,7; 4,3 ± 1,1 w∙kg-1 ); index of fatigue (33,0 ± 7,9; 34,8 ± 12,8 %); aerobic power (55,0 ± 3,2; 57,2 ± 4,8 ml∙kg-1 ∙min-1 ). Professional players presented higher horizontal jump and maximum, mean and minimum anaerobic power in comparing to the junior players. The highest values of power tests for the lower limbs may be relationship to the longer time of practice in the modality of professional players, which can also indicate a higher level of specialization, which gives priority to the training of power (force and velocity).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The actual study goal is to test the Ellestad and Weltman protocol concordance in the prediction of VO2max in Futsal athletes. There was no significant difference between the two protocols, there was significant correlation between methods, but the Bland & Altman plotting shown very high amplitude in the Confident Interval at 95%.


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O futsal é uma modalidade intermitente cuja a participação do metabolismo aeróbio é importante na ressíntese de ATP e CP gastos anaerobiamente. A capacidade aeróbia máxima (VO2max) pode ser mensurada por testes de campo e testes laboratoriais. Dentre os vários testes laboratoriais existentes, se destaca o teste de Ellestad, devido à sua segurança e capacidade diagnóstica de patologias cardíacas. Dentre os testes de campo se destaca o teste de Vai e Vem de 20m (VV20m), devido à sua alta validade e reprodutibilidade em adultos, e devido à alta especificidade ao futsal e ao futebol, comprovado pela existênicia de correlações significativas do desempenho no VV20m com várias medidas de performance no futebol. Porém, não existem estudos sobre a validação ou concordância do teste de Ellestad em atletas de esportes coletivos. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi testar a concordância do teste de Ellestad e o VV20m na predição do VO2max em atletas de futsal. Quinze jogadores semi-profissionais (25,4 ± 5,51 anos, 70,37 ± 5,74kg, 1,75 ± 0,04m e 8,43 ± 3,02% de gordura) realizaram os testes de Ellestad e o VV20m em ordens aleatórias, separados por quatro dias. A concordância foi testada pela comparação entre as diferenças (Teste t-studet para dados independentes), correlação (coeficiente de Pearson) e concordância (dipersão de Bland e Altman). Não houve diferença significativa entre os valores de VO2max estimados pelos dois protocolos, mas a correlação foi significativa (p < 0,05; r = 0,479; EPE: 1,8 mlO2×kg -1 ×min -1 ) entre os métodos. A análise de Bland e Altman apresentou concordância entre os testes para um intervalo de ±95% em torno da média da diferença (1,3 mlO2×kg -1 ×min -1 ), porém a dispersão indica um enviesamento positivo e significativo (p < 0,01), sugerindo que a a diferença aumenta com o aumento da média do VO2max. Assim, para atletas de alto rendimento, o teste de Ellestad não apresenta a mesma adequação na determinação do VO2max, quando comparado ao VV20m.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The sugarcane industry has been important in the Brazilian economy since the colonial period. The search for alternative energy sources has gained more prominence, by offering a product generating clean energy. With the opening of the Brazilian economy, the sector has undergone transformations operating in a free market environment requiring greater efficiency and competitiveness of those involved in order to stay in business. This scenario is producer/supplier independent, and social aspects related to their stay in the market. Although its share in sugarcane production is smaller than the plant itself, it is still considerable having reached around 20% to 25% in 2008 by employing labor, also production factors had an important economic impact in the regions where they operate. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate the economic efficiency and production of independent sugarcane producers in the state of Paraná through the DEA model. The Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a nonparametric technique that, using linear programming constructs production borders from production units that employ similar technological processes to transform inputs into outputs.The results showed that of the total surveyed, 13.56% had maximum efficiency (an efficiency score equal to 1). The average efficiency under variable returns to scale (BCC-DEA) was 0.71024. One can thus conclude that for the majority of the samples collected, it might be better use of available resources to the in order to obtain the economic efficiency of the production process.


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The aim of this study was to verify the carrot cooking most suitable method to minimize nutrient losses. Carrot peel slices were subjected to pre cooking tests that were initiated with 0.5 min of duration and then increased in 0.5 min successively. The carrot pieces texture was monitored during the pre tests so all would havethe same texture independent of the type of cooking. The degree of softennes was evaluated by pressuring the pieces between the toes. The carrot pulp and pell were subjected to four types of heat treatment (pressure, immersion, microwave, and steam), after that they were pounded with a food processor and stored at -18 ºC. The nutritional analyses were as follow: The evalu determination of proteins, lipids, fibers, sugars reducers, total of ascorbic acid content and minerals (iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium). The analyses were accomplished with fresh carrot and after cooking with the different methods. The peel of the carrot presented as amounts of proteins, lipids, fibers percentages, sugars reducers, total and ascorbic acid content equivalent to the pulp. In addition, the minerals content was superior in the peel in relation to the pulp, presenting respective percentages of 38,10%, 95,12%, 47,04%, 58,88%, 70,27% and 21,27%. There were nutrient losses in relation to the raw vegetable, when the carrot pieces were submitted to the different cooking methods. The methods of steaming and microwave had lower nutritional losses.


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The effect of different natural antimicrobials on the microbiological and sensorial quality of fresh-cut Cantaloupe melons stored up to 10 days at 5°C was examined. Pieces of melon were washed for 1 min at 5ºC in water (control), vanillin (1000 mg/L and 2000 mg/L) or cinnamic acid (148.16 mg/L and 296.32 mg/L). Other antimicrobial treatments consisted of packaging the pieces of melon with an antimicrobial pad which contained cinnamic acid (148.16 mg/L and 296.32 mg/L). After 10 days of storage, significant differences among antimicrobials treatments and water treatment were found. In water treatment, the psychrotroph load was 3.63 ± 0.09 log cfu g-1 meanwhile on all antimicrobial treatments the values ranged from 3.04 ±0.13 log cfu g-1 to 3.28±0.1 log cfu g-1. Mesophilic growth in the control treatment averaged 6.79±0.06 log cfu g-1 meanwhile on antimicrobial treatments the counts were from 5.15±0.01 log cfu g-1 to 5.30±0.03 log cfu g-1. Total coliform levels were 7.8±0.1 log cfu g-1 when melon was washed in water, followed by washing with cinnamon (296.32 mg/L) at 6.5 log cfu g-1 and for the rest of the treatments were around 5.5 log cfu g-1. The treatments did not display differences among mould and yeast growth after 10 days of storage. The sensorial quality decreased throughout storage. However, at the end of storage, the scores ranged between 6.5 and 7, above the minimum level for marketability (level 5). Sensorial panelist noted a ‘sweet’ taste when vanillin was used as sanitizer. In all antimicrobial treatments, no relation was found between a higher dose and a higher microbial reduction. So, vanillin at 1000 mg/L in water or cinnamic acid at 148.16 mg/L provided in water dip or as a pad inside the trays could be optimal natural sanitizers to substitute the use of chlorine in fresh-cut products as Cantaloupe melon.


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This study evaluated the influence of finishing and polishing procedures and different fluoride solutions on superficial morphology and chemistry of the nanofilled composite resin Supreme XT (3M) through the EDX analysis and SEM evaluation. Circular specimens (n = 30) of 10 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness were prepared, with half of the sample assays finished and polished with Super-Snap (R) sandpaper. The experimental groups were divided according to the presence or absence of finishing and polishing and solutions (artificial saliva, 0.05% of manipulated sodium fluoride solution, Fluordent Reach, Oral B, Fluorgard). Specimens were immersed in each respective solution for 1 min per day, during 60 days and stored in artificial saliva at 37 +/- 1 degrees C between immersion periods. Topography and chemical analysis was qualitative. It was observed that specimens submitted to finishing and polishing procedures had lower superficial degradation. Fluoride solutions promoted superficial alterations on specimens, being the highest degradation obtained with Fluordent Reach. It can be concluded that finishing and polishing procedures and the immersion media influence the superficial morphology of composite resin tested; the Fluordent Reach was the fluoride solution that most affected the material's surface. Microsc. Res. Tech. 2011., (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.