913 resultados para 1 Corinthians 13:12


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本论文在国内外首次报导了中国辽宁海洋放线菌资源考察研究结果。结果表明中国辽宁海洋放线菌资源丰富;在分离出的海洋放线菌中以链霉菌属居绝对优势,占所分离菌株总数的90%以上,此外尚有少量的海洋小单孢菌和海洋诺卡氏菌;所获提的海洋链霉菌可分为7个类群,已鉴定出11个种和1个新种。选择生长较快的链霉菌属13株菌株,对其形态特征、培养特征、生理生化特征、抗菌谱、细胞化学组分、DNA中的G+C mol%等内容进行系统研究。结果,全部13株菌株均能忍耐6%NaCl和pH13的碱性,5株菌株能耐受10%NaCl;G+C mol%均在69.5%-72.5%之间;均为细胞壁I型;但在形态特征、培养特征、生理生长特性、抗菌谱等方面各菌株之间又有差异。根据链霉菌鉴定手册,将13株菌株中的12株逐一定名:(1)将菌株H72-9定名为威德摩尔链德菌(S. wedmorensis, H72-9),(2)将菌株H73定名为细黄链霉菌(S. microflavus, H73)(3)将菌株H74-2定名为天蓝色链霉菌生天蓝亚种(S. coelicolor,subsp. coelicoferus, H74-2),(4)将菌株Hai-75定名为娄彻氏链霉菌(S. rochei, Hai-75),(5)将菌株H75-2定名为鲜黄链霉菌(S. galbus, H75-2),(6)将菌株H76定名为束丛链霉菌(S. fasciculus, H76),(7)将菌株H77定名为灰红链霉菌(S. griseoruber, H77),(8)将菌株H78-1定名为栗褐链霉菌(S. badius, H78-1),(9)将菌株J5定名为吡啶霉素链霉菌(S. pyridomyceticus, J5),(10)将菌株J7定名为锈亦链霉菌(S. rubiginosus, J7),(11)将菌株J10和J11定名为栗色浑圆链霉菌(S. castaneoglobosus)。将13株中的另一株海洋放线菌Hai-74确定为放线菌新种,它除了在形态特征、培养特征、生理生化特性等与已知近似种有明显的不同外,最主要的是在其独特的“索状”孢子丝结构,为国内外首次发现,故将此新种命名为索孢天蓝链霉菌(Strepomyces multisticho-cateniformis n. sp. Xie and Ding)。在研究中国辽宁海洋放线菌的抗菌性能中,我们还首次发现并报道了海洋细黄链霉菌H73的抗菌物质,它能显著减轻大豆连作障碍(重茬大豆根际土壤紫青霉菌及其毒素对大豆的危害),因此在今后它很有可能被用来研制一种能够减轻大豆连作障碍的新型农用抗生系。为此,我们对海洋细黄链霉菌H73的基因组DNA文库进行了构建,这将为今后研究有关抗菌基因方面的工作奠定基础。


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新疆野生果树种类独特,起源古老,栽培果树种质资源丰富,在我国生物多样性中占有特殊的地位。在国家自然科学基金项目(C39770085)和中国科学院生物分类区系学科发展特别支持费项目的资助下,通过大量国内外有关文献的查阅,本研究以全新疆范围内的野生果树资源为研究对象,以中国生物多样性关键地区一伊犁、塔城地区为重点区域(重点考察面积约30000km~2),进行了行程12,000km的野外考察、标本和样品采集,并进行了实验测试分析。首次在物种、生态系统和遗传水平三个层次上,比较系统地对新疆野生果树资源进行了生物多样性研究,得出了以下主要结果。1.在前人工作基础上,较系统全面地研究报道了新疆境内的野生果树种类,计有105种,含变种和亚种(不包括半野生果树、野生果树近缘种)。其中,蔷薇科野生果树为主要类群,有13属50种,占新疆野生果树总属的46.4%,总种数的47.6%:蔷薇科、忍冬科、虎耳草科以及小檗科四个大科含17属80种,占新疆野生果树总科数33.3%,总属数的60.7%,总种数的77.6%,显示出该四科的野生果树在新疆野生果树区系组成中的重要地位。2.新疆野生果树不但物种丰富,而且种类独特,其分布与新疆的地理、气候等生态环境因子密切相关,呈现出北疆多于南疆,西部多于东部,山地多于平原的分布格局。其中,北疆的野生果树种类多达92种,占新疆野生果树总种数的87.6%,而南疆仅有28种,占26.6%。受降水条件的影响,新疆山地与平原野生果树物种多样性的差异十分明显,塔里木和准噶尔两大盆地中仅有野生果树18种,而天山山区的就多达81种。这进一步证明,高海拔的山地是干旱区中的“湿岛”,有利于多数中生性的野生果树的分布和生长。几大山系中,以天山山区的野生果树种类最为丰富。3.伊犁和塔城两地区是我国落叶阔叶野果林分布面积最大,富有代表性的地区,但是果树林呈不连续分布。落叶阔叶野果林主要分布在新疆的伊犁、塔城以及阿克苏三个地区的十四个县市范围内。在野外调查和资料分析的基础上,采用MAPGIS软件首次分别绘制11,500,000比例尺的新疆伊犁地区和塔城地区野果林分布图,以及110,000,000比例尺的中国新疆及中亚部分国家野果林分布图。4.新疆野生果树林类型相对单调和贫乏,这主要与该区的地理与生态气候因子有关。据初步研究结果,新疆野生果树林可划分为:寒性落叶针叶林、典型落叶阔叶林、落叶阔叶灌丛、荒漠落叶阔叶灌丛和荒漠落叶阔叶小灌丛、半灌丛五种植被亚型。对主要的野生果树林的种群结构分析表明,不同强度的人为干扰明显地影响着种群的年龄结构,使种群更新困难。5.以不同性状为指标的新疆野苹果地理和生境居群特征测定和聚类分析表明,叶片性状受到生态环境的影响;而花粉、果实以及过氧化物酶分析显示出新疆野苹果丰富的种下变异,这种变异与居群所在的环境条件并没有明显的对应性,具有丰富的遗传基础。6. 昆虫及菌类是野果林生态系统的重要组成部分。对伊犁地区新源县交托海野果林区的昆虫进行了调查和标本采集,初步鉴定出昆虫11目,62科,178种。调查还表明,新疆野生果树已有病害31种,为害严重的病虫害8种。7. 由于新疆野生果树生态系统受到人类经济活动的强烈影响,野果林分布范围缩减、面积下降,物种减少,有的濒临灭绝状态,必须引起重视。通过本项研究,提出了新疆野生果树资源保护和可持续利用的建议及对策:(1)加强新疆野生果树种质资源的收集和保存;(2)应及早建立新疆新源野苹果林自然保护区和霍城大西沟野生樱桃李白然保护区;(3)保育和开发利用并重,实现资源的永续利用;做到因地制宜、重点突破、综合开发;(4)自然资源的获取应严格纳入到政府的管理范围之中。


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本论文对四川蜡瓣花 (Corylopsis willmottiae Rehd. et Wils.)、密花樫木[Dysoxylum densiflorum (Blume) Miq.]、四川溲疏 (Deutzia setchuenensis Franch)及云南豆腐柴 (Premna yunnanensis W. W. Smith)的化学成分进行了研究。通过色谱分离得到44个化合物。主要基于波谱数据鉴定了它们的结构,其中1个为新化合物。 1.从四川蜡瓣花全株的95%乙醇提取物中共分离鉴定了13个化合物,它们是:1-O-(3-O-甲基没食子酸)-岩白菜素(1)、11-O-没食子酰基岩白菜素(2)、 11-O-紫丁香基岩白菜素(3) 、岩白菜素(4)、4-O-没食子酰基岩白菜素(5) 、4,11-O-二没食子酰基岩白菜素 (6)[14]、β-谷甾醇 (7)、acetyl aleuritolic acid (8)、(-)-表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(9)、对羟基苯甲酮 (10)、 11-香豆酸酰岩白菜素 (11)[19]、丁香酸 (12)和没食子酸 (13)。其中1为新化合物。 2.从密花樫木根的95%乙醇提取物中共分离纯化了13个化合物,它们是:β-白檀酮(14)、richenone (15)、β-谷甾醇 (7)、cabraleadiol (16)、β-香树脂醇 (17)、龙脑香醇酮 (18)、cabraleadiol monoacetate (19)、cabraleone (20)、3β-hydroxy-5 -pregnen-20-one (21)、3β-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (22)、cabraleahydroxylactone (23)、川楝子甾醇B (24)、表儿茶素 (25)。 3.从四川溲疏全株95%乙醇提取物中共分离11个化合物,鉴定了其中的9个化合物。它们是:β-谷甾醇 (7)、白桦酯醇(26)、齐墩果酸(27)、hydrangetin (28)、肉桂酸 (29),齐墩果酸-3-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖醛酸苷(30)、β-胡萝卜苷 (31)、齐墩果酸-3-O-(β-D-吡喃葡萄糖醛酸-6-正丁酯)(32)、齐墩果酸-3-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖醛酸-28-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷 (33)。 4.从云南豆腐柴95%乙醇提取物中分离得到12个化合物,分别为白桦脂醇 (25)、7-羟基黄烷酮 (34)、松属素 (35)、2’,4’-羟基查儿酮 (36)、高良姜素-3-甲醚 (37) 、高良姜素-3,7-二甲醚 (38)、异甘草素-4-甲醚 (39)、豆蔻明 (40)、乔松酮 (41)、异甘草素 (42)、arjunolic acid (43)、槲皮素3-O-β-D-木糖苷(44)。 5.综述了1976年以来樫木属植物化学成分和活性研究的概况。 Phytochemical investigation on Corylopsis willmottiae, Dysoxylum densiflorum, Deutzia setchuenensis, and Premna yunnanensis, led to the isolation of 44 compounds, 1 of which was new one. 1. One new compound was isolated from 95% ehanolic extrat of the whole plants of C. willmottiae, identified as 11-O-(3-O-methylgalloyl)-bergenin (1). The twelve known compounds isolated were 11-O-galloylbergenin (2), 11-O-syringylbergenin (3), bergenin (4), 4-O-galloylbergenin (5), 4,11-di-O-galloylbergenin (6), β-sitosterol (7), acetyl aleuritolic acid (8), (-)-epigallocatechin 3-O-gallate (9), 1-(4-hydroxyphenyl) ethanone (10), 11-O-coumaroylbergenin (11), syringic acid (12), gallic acid (13). 2. Thirteen compounds were isolated from 95% ethanol extract from the roots of D. densiflorum and identified as β-amyrenone (14), richenone (15), β-sitosterol (7), cabraleadiol (16), β-amyrin (17), hydroxydammarenone-Ⅱ (18), cabraleadiol monoacetate (19), cabraleone (20), 3β-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one (21), 3β-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (22), cabraleahydroxylactone (23), toosendansterol B (24) and (-)-epicatechin (25). 3. Eleven compounds were isolated from ethanol extract of D. Setchuenensis. Nine were identified as β-sitosterol (7), betulin (26), oleanolic acid (27), hydrangetin (28), cinnamic acid (29), oleanolic acid 3-O-β-D-glucuronopyranoside (30), β-daucosterol (31), oleanolic acid 3-O-β-D-glucuronopyranoside-6-O-butyl ester)(32), oleanolic acid 3-O-β-D-glucuronopyranosyl-28-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (33). 4. Twelve compounds were isolated from ethanol extract of P. yunnanensis and identified as betulin (26), 7-hydroxyflavanone (34), pinocembrin (35), 2’,4’-dihydroxychalcone (36), galangin 3-methyl ether (37), galangin 3,7-dimethyl ether (38), isoliquiritigenin 4-methyl ether (39), cardamonin (40), pinostrobin (41), isoliquiritigenin (42), arjunolic acid (43), quercetin 3-O-β-D-lyxosopyranoside (44). 5. Chemical constituents and biological activities of the genus Dysoxylum (Meliaceae) were reviewed during 1976-2009.


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本学位论文报道了西藏产三种藏族传统植物药材的化学成分研究。论文由四章组成,前三章是实验部分,分别报道了尼泊尔黄堇(Corydalis hendersonii Hemsl.)、藏波罗花(Incarvillea younghusbandii Sprague)和全缘叶绿绒蒿(Meconopsis interifolia Franch.)的化学成分研究结果。从这三种青藏高原药用植物中共分离鉴定出33 个化合物,其中1 个是新化合物。第四章概述了罂粟科紫堇属植物的化学和药理研究进展。 第一章为尼泊尔黄堇的化学成分研究。通过正、反相硅胶柱色谱等分离方法从药用植物尼泊尔黄堇的地上部分共分离纯化得到12 个化合物。运用MS、1H-NMR、13C-NMR、DEPT、HMBC、NOESY 等现代波谱学方法将它们的结构鉴定为:刺罂粟碱(1) , 普托品(2) , 新那亭(3) , 斯可任(4) , tetrahydrothalifendine (5) ,9-methyl-decumbenine C (6),tetrahydroberberrubine (7),隐品碱(8),α-别隐品碱(9),6,7-methylenedioxy-1(2H)-oxoisoquinolinone (10),6-丙酮基-5,6 -二氢血根碱(11)和β-谷甾醇(12)。其中化合物6 为新化合物,为首次发现的分子骨架上C-9 位连有甲基的苯肽异喹啉类型生物碱。另外,除化合物1 和2 外,其它9 个生物碱(3~11)均为首次从该种植物中分离得到。同时,我们还对对尼泊尔黄堇中的总生物碱进行了串联质谱分析。 第二章为藏波罗花的化学成分研究。从该药用植物的地上部分共分离得到16个化合物,通过理化常数和波谱数据鉴定为:异佛手柑内酯(1),6-甲氧基当归素(2),欧前胡素(3),花椒毒内酯(4),珊瑚菜素(5),水合氧化前胡素(6),rivulobirin A (7),齐墩果酸甲酯(8),咖啡酸甲酯(9),银桦酸(10),(D)-boschniakinic acid (11),对羟基苯甲酸(12) , tert-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(R)-heraclenol (13) , 5-methoxy-8-O-β-D-glucopyranosyloxypsoralen (14),前胡苷V(15)和苯乙醇-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖-(1→2)-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(16)。所有以上化合物均为首次从该种植物中分离得到。另外我们还首次对藏波罗花挥发油的化学成分进行了气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用分析,共鉴定出39 个挥发性成分。 第三章为全缘叶绿绒蒿化学成分的分离鉴定。从传统藏药材全缘叶绿绒蒿地上部分共分离纯化出8 个化合物。通过理化常数和波谱数据将他们的结构分别鉴定为:去甲血根碱(1),β-谷甾醇(2),3-羟基-齐墩果烷-12(13)-烯-30-酸(3),6-丙酮基-5,6-二氢血根碱(4),木犀草素(5),胡萝卜苷(6),quercetin 3-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside (7)和普托品(8)。其中化合物1,4 和7 为首次从该种药用植物中分离得到。 第四章为综述,总结和归纳了近年来罂粟科紫堇属植物的化学和药理研究进展。 This dissertation consists of four parts. The first, second and third parts report the studies on the chemical constituents from the medicinal plants of Corydalis hendersonii, Incarvillea younghusbandii and Meconopsis interifolia. The forth part reviews the progress of the studies on Corydalis species. The first chapter is about the isolations and identifications of alkalids from the aerial parts of C. hendersonii which is a traditional Tibetan medicine to treat febrifuge, high blood pressure and hepatitis. A new isoquinoline alkaloid, 9-methyl-decumbenine C (6), together with ten known alkaloids, stylopine (1), protopine (2), canadine (3), scoulerine (4), tetrahydrothalifendine (5), tetrahydroberberrubine (7), cryptopine (8), α-allocryptopine (9), 6,7-methylenedioxy-1(2H)-isoquinolinone (10) and 6-acetonyl-5,6-dihydrosanguinarine (11), and β-sitosterol (12) were isolated. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods. Furthermore, the total alkaloids were analyzed by ESI-MSn. The second chapter is about the isolations and identifications of chemical constituents from the aerial parts of I. younghusbandii. Sixteen compounds were isolated and purified by normal and reversed phase silica gel column chromatography. By spectral analysis, there structures were identified as isobergapten (1), sphondin (2), imperatorin (3), xanthotoxin (4), phellopterin (5), heraclenol (6), rivulobirin A (7), methyl oleanolate (8), methyl caffeate (9), grevillic acid (10), (D)-boschniakinic acid (11), 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (12), tert-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(R)-heraclenol (13), 5-methoxy-8-O-β-D-glucopyranosyloxypsoralen (14), decuroside Ⅴ(15), and phenylethyl-O-β-Dglucopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-glucopyranoside (16). All of these compounds were isolated from this plant for the first time.By the way, the chemical components of the essential oil from I. younghusbandii were analyzed by GC-MS for the first time. The third chapter is about the the isolations and identifications of the chemical constituents of M. interifolia. Eight compounds were isolated and identified as norsanguinarine (1), β-sitosterol (2), 3-hydroxyolean-12(13)-en-30-oic acid (3), 6-acetonyl-5,6-dihydrosanguinarine (4), luteolin (5), daucosterol (6), quercetin 3-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside (7) and protopine (8). The compounds 1, 4 and 7 were isolated from this herb for the first time. The last chapter is a review of the research progress of the studies on Corydalis species, which includes the chemical constituents in this genus and their pharmacology.


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黄龙世界自然遗产地岷江冷杉林(Abies faxoniana)生境类型多样,群落结构复杂,群落植物种类组成多样性丰富。揭示不同生境的生物多样性及其差异是认识生物多样性格局、形成及维持机制的前提和进行多样性保育的基础。本文采用样方法对黄龙钙化滩生境、阴坡非钙化生境及半阳坡非钙化生境的岷江冷杉原始林植物群落结构及植物多样性进行了研究。结果表明: 黄龙岷江冷杉林具有明显的复层异龄结构,垂直结构明显,乔木、灌木、草本、苔藓层次分明。共发现高等植物386 种,其中维管植物46 科103 属163 种,苔藓植38 科83 属物223 种。各层片结构及物种组成如下: (1)钙化滩生境、阴坡非钙化生境、半阳坡非钙化生境分别发现乔木18 种、13种、8 种。乔木层均可分为两个亚层,第一亚层优势种均为岷江冷杉,第二亚层主要为岷江冷杉异龄树或其它大高位芽物种。钙化滩生境第一亚层除优势种岷江冷杉外混生有巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)、粗枝云杉(Picea asperata)以及阔叶树种白桦(Betula platyphylla)等,第二亚层主要为岷江冷杉异龄树;阴坡非钙化生境第一亚层除优势种岷江冷杉外间有巴山冷杉和白桦,第二亚层物种主要为川滇长尾槭(Acer caudatum var. prattii);半阳坡非钙化生境第一亚层除优势种岷江冷杉外混生有巴山冷杉,第二亚层主要为岷江冷杉异龄树。依乔木层优势种的差异,钙化滩生境及半阳坡非钙化生境为岷江冷杉纯林,阴坡非钙化生境为岷江冷杉-川滇长尾槭混交林。不同生境乔木层郁闭度、乔木密度、树高结构、直径结构均存在差异。 (2)钙化滩生境发现灌木41 种,平均盖度为18.49±1.72(%),平均高度为52.12±4.45(cm),优势种为直穗小檗(Berberis dasystachya);阴坡非钙化生境发现灌木30 种,平均盖度为29.33±2.56 (%),平均高度为119.55±8.01 (cm),优势种为箭竹 (Fargesia spathacea) 、唐古特忍冬(Lonicera tangutica) 和袋花忍冬(Lonicera saccata);半阳坡非钙化生境发现灌木29 种,平均盖度为31.35±1.93 (%),平均高度为107.55±4.24 (cm),优势种为箭竹(Fargesia spathacea)。不同生境灌木层结构和物种组成多样性差异显著,钙化滩生境的灌木盖度、高度总体上较非钙化的坡地生境低, 钙化滩生境灌木以小型叶的落叶灌木为主,沟两侧非钙化的坡地生境上则发育了丰富箭竹。 (3)钙化滩生境发现草本46 种,平均盖度为7.18±0.79 (%),平均高度为5.04±0.26(cm),以山酢浆草(Oxalis griffithii)为优势种;阴坡非钙化生境发现草本物种71 种,平均盖度达29.04±2.31(%),平均高度为9.08±0.52(cm),以钝叶楼梯草(Elatostema obtusum)、山酢浆草为优势种;半阳坡非钙化生境草本物种50 种,平均盖度为以8.79±0.82(%),平均高度为7.67±0.43 (cm),以扇叶铁线蕨(Adiantum flabellulatum)、双花堇菜(Viola biflora)、华中蛾眉蕨(Lunathyrium shennongense)、山酢浆草为优势种。阴坡非钙化生境草本层片发育良好,多样性最为丰富,盖度和物种丰富度均显著高于钙化滩生境和半阳坡非钙化生境。 (4)钙化滩生境发现苔藓物种140 种,平均盖度达84.25±1.30 (%),以仰叶星塔藓(Hylocomiastrum umbratum) 等大型藓类为优势种;阴坡非钙化生境发现苔藓物种115 种,平均盖度为79.29±1.64 (%),以刺叶提灯藓(Mnium spinosum)、大羽藓(Thuidium cymbifolium)、毛尖燕尾藓(Bryhnia trichomitra)等个体较小的物种为优势种;半阳坡非钙化生境发现苔藓物种91 种,平均盖度为60.64±1.93 (%),也以刺叶提灯藓为优势种。 (5)钙化滩生境、阴坡非钙化生境、半阳坡非钙化生境的物种数分别为234 种、221 种、175 种。乔木层的Shannon-Wiener 指数分别为0.75 ±0.12、1.87±0.12、1.78±0.07(灌木层,0.44±0.08、1.71± 0.15、2.49±0.06;草本层,0.33±0.13、1.31±0.15 、2.15±0.08; 苔藓层1.30±0.11、2.08±0.04、1.73±0.11,);Pielou 均匀度指数分别为0.45±0.05、0.29±0.06、0.28±0.08(灌木层,0.75±0.03、0.68±0.05、0.52±0.06;草本层,0.68±0.02、0.77±0.02、0.74±0.02;苔藓层,0.40±0.03、0.63±0.02、0.52±0.03);Simpson's 优势度指数分别为0.63±0.06、0.78±0.04、0.83±0.07(灌木层,0.21±0.03、0.28±0.05、0.45±0.06;草本层,0.25±0.02、0.12±0.01、0.17±0.01;苔藓层,0.45±0.04、0.18±0.01、0.31±0.04)。三种生境间乔木层、草本层的Sorenson 群落相似性系数较低, 灌木层、苔藓层的的Sorenson 群落相似性系数较高。 综上所述,黄龙岷江冷杉林的群落结构、植物多样性在三种生境间存在差异性,这将意味着我们在进行黄龙世界自然遗产地的森林经营管理时要较多地关注岷江冷山林群落在不同生境中的差异性。 There were multiplex habitat types, complicated community structure and abundant species composition in the Huanglong World Natural Heritage Site. Uncovering the differences of biodiversity among different habitats was a precondition to understand the distribution, formation and sustaining mechanism of the biodiversity, and the foundation of biodiversity conservation. In the present study, using plenty of quadrants, we investigated the community structure and the biodiversity of the primitive Abies faxoniana forest in different habitats (travertine bottomland, semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat and shady-slope non-calcified habitat) in the Huanglong World Natural Heritage Site. The main results are as follows: All the primitive Abies faxoniana forests in the three habitats were uneven-aged with obvious vertical structure including tree layer, shrub layer, herb layer and bryophyte layer. A total of 386 higher plants including 163 vascular plant species (103 generic, 46 families) and 223 bryophyte species (83 generic, 38 families) were investigated. The structure and species composition of each layer are as follows: (1) There were 18, 13 and 8 tree species in travertine bottomland, shady-slope non-calcified habitat and semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, respectively. The tree layers in all habitats can be divided into two clear sub-layers. The upper tree layers were dominated by Abies faxoniana, and the lower tree layers were dominated by uneven-aged Abies faxoniana or other phanerophytes species. There were Abies fargesii , Picea asperata and Betula platyphylla besides the dominated species (Abies faxoniana) in the upper tree layer in travertine bottomland, and the lower tree layers were dominated by uneven-aged Abies faxoniana; There were Abies fargesii and Betula platyphylla besides the dominated species (Abies faxoniana) in the upper tree layer in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the lower tree layers were dominated by Acer caudatum var. prattii; There was Abies fargesii besides the dominated species (Abies faxoniana) in the upper tree layer semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the lower tree layers were dominated by uneven-aged Abies faxoniana. According to composition percentage of dominate species in tree layer, both the forest in travertine bottomland and in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat could be ranked as pure forest, and the forest in shady-slope non-calcified habitat could be ranked as mingled forest. There were significant differences in crown density, plant density, height structure and diameter structure among the three habitats. (2) A total of 41 shrub species (average coverage 18.49±1.72%; average height 52.12±4.45 ㎝)were found in travertine bottomland, and the dominate species was Berberis dasystachya; A total of 30 shrub species (average coverage 29.33±2.56 %;average height 119.55±8.01 ㎝)were found in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Fargesia spathacea, Lonicera tangutica and Lonicera saccata. A total of 29 shrub species (average coverage 31.35±1.93%; average height 107.55±4.24 ㎝) were found in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Fargesia spathacea. There were significant differences in structure and species diversity of the shrub layers among the three habitats. The coverage and height of shrub had lower value in travertine bottomland than in two non-calcified habitats. Moreover, travertine bottomland was dominated by deciduous shrub species with microphyll and non-calcified habitats developed abundant Fargesia spathacea species. (3) A total of 46 herb species (average coverage 7.18±0.79%;average height 5.04±0.26 ㎝)were found in travertine bottomland, and the dominate species was Oxalis griffithii; A total of 71 herb species (average coverage 29.04±2.31%;average height 9.08±0.52 ㎝)were found in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Elatostema obtusum and Oxalis griffithii. A total of 50 herb species (average coverage 8.79±0.82%;average height 7.67±0.43 ㎝) were found in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Adiantum flabellulatum, Viola biflora, Lunathyrium shennongense and Oxalis griffithii. Herb layers developed well in shady-slope non-calcified habitat and had the higher species richness and coverage than travertine bottomland and semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat. (4) A total of 140 bryophyte species (average coverage 84.25±1.30%)were found in travertine bottomland, and the dominate species was big bryophyte species such as Hylocomiastrum umbratum and so on; A total of 115 bryophyte species (average coverage 79.29±1.64%)were found in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was small bryophyte species such as Mnium spinosum, Thuidium cymbifolium, Bryhnia trichomitra and so on. A total of 91 bryophyte species (average coverage 60.64±1.93%) were found in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Mnium spinosum. (5) There were 234, 221 and 175 plant species in travertine bottomland, shady-slope non-calcified habitat and semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, respectively. Shannon-Wiener index of the tree layer was 0.75 ±0.12, 1.87±0.12 and 1.78±0.07 (the shrub layer, 0.44±0.08, 1.71± 0.15 and 2.49±0.06; the herb layer, 0.33±0.13, 1.31±0.15 and 2.15±0.08; the bryophyte layer, 1.30±0.11, 2.08±0.04 and 1.73±0.11.) for the three habitats, respectively; Pielou index of the tree layer was 0.45±0.05, 0.29±0.06 and 0.28±0.08 (the shrub layer, 0.75±0.03, 0.68±0.05 and 0.52±0.06; the herb layer, 0.68±0.02, 0.77±0.02 and 0.74±0.02; the bryophyte layer, 0.40±0.03, 0.63±0.02 and 0.52±0.03.) for the three habitats, respectively. Simpson's index of the tree layer was 0.63±0.06, 0.78±0.04 and 0.83±0.07 (the shrub layer, 0.21±0.03、0.28±0.05、0.45±0.06; the herb layer, 0.25±0.02, 0.12±0.01 and 0.17±0.01; the bryophyte layer, 0.45±0.04, 0.18±0.01 and 0.31±0.04.) for the three habitats, respectively. There were low Sorenson index both in the tree layer and in the herb layer among the three habitats, whereas, high Sorenson index occurred both in the shrub layer and in the bryophyte layer. To sum up, there were differences both in community structure and plant diversity among the three different habitats, which means that we should pay more attention to habitats heterogeneities of the primitive Abies faxoniana forest when we take action to manage the forest in the Huanglong World Natural Heritage Site.


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用非线性相对论平均场对两对镜像核13N 13C和15N 15O进行了研究. 发现无论在基态还是激发态, 用两套参数所得的结合能都跟实验值很接近. 计算结果显示13N的第一激发态 (2s1 /2 )和第三激发态(1d5 /2 )各存在一个非束缚的质子晕, 而13C的第三激发态 (1d5 /2 )存在一个弱束缚的中子皮. 另外研究表明, 在另一对镜像核15N 15O的第二激发态 (2s1 /2 )和第一激发态 (2s1 /2 )分别存在一个中子晕和质子皮.


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A new gas delivery system is designed and installed for HIRFL-CSR cluster target. The original blocked nozzle is replaced by a new one with the throat diameter of 0.12mm. New test of hydrogen and argon gases are performed. The stable jets can be obtained for these two operation gases. The attenuation of the jet caused by the collision with residual gas is studied. The maximum achievable H-2 target density is 1.75x10(13) atoms/cm(3) with a target thickness of 6.3x10(12) atoms/cm(2) for HIRFL-CSR cluster target. The running stability of the cluster source is tested both for hydrogen and argon. The operation parameters for obtaining hydrogen jet are optimized. The results of long time running for H-2 and Ar cluster jets look promising. The jet intensity has no essential change during the test for H-2 and Ar.


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本文简要叙述了快重离子在固体材料,特别是聚合物材料中引起的强电子激发效应研究的基本理论、发展历史和研究现状。描述了在兰州重离子加速器上完成的25 MeV/u 86Kr离子辐照叠层聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯膜(PET)和聚碳酸酯(PC)膜的实验及结果分析。应用傅立叶红外变换光谱(FT-IR)及X-射线衍射分析(XRD)方法研究了在不同电子能损及不同注量辐照条件下,高能Kr离子在聚合物PET和PC潜径迹中引起的的损伤效应。结果表明:高能Kr离子在聚合物PET、PC膜引起的损伤主要是由于辐照引起的断键及键的重组产生的官能团的降解及非晶化过程,损伤截面存在电子能损阈值,且与官能团的结构有关。 对PET的傅立叶红外变换光谱分析结果给出,电子能损为7.25 keV/nm时,对应官能团吸收峰794 cm-1, 849 cm-1, 1021 cm-1, 1341 cm-1, 1410 cm-1, 1505 cm-1,的损伤截面半径分别为:3.63 nm, 4.70 nm, 4.58 nm, 3.54 nm, 5.17 nm, 5.32 nm。X-射线衍射分析结果表明,PET的非晶化转变截面随离子注量和电子能损的增大而增加,(100)衍射峰的相对强度I/I0随离子注量的增加而指数衰减,对应电子能损为6.62, 6.93, 7.25 keV/nm,其相应的非晶化半径分别为4.86, 5.64, 6.77 nm。 对PC的傅立叶红外变换光谱分析表明,当电子能损比较小,大多数官能团的红外吸收无明显变化,直到当辐照注量为2×1012 ions/cm2 且电子能损比较大时,其绝对吸收强度才发生明显的改变。电子能损为6.37 keV/nm 时,对应官能团吸收峰为519 cm-1, 605 cm-1, 724 cm-1, 1014 cm-1,其损伤截面分别为:13.12, 45.40, 50.21, 56.28 nm2


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ΔE-E望远镜探测器是用于重离子校反应测量的一种装置,它可以测量产物的电荷数和能量。在单路ΔE-E的基础上,我们研制了一路ΔE气体探测器和十路E金硅石垒探测器构成的多路ΔE-E望远镜探测系统。电离室窗直径为8cm,阴极到栅极距离为6cm,栅极到阳极距离为2cm,充入50的Ar(90%) + CH_4 (10%)气体,测得对~(241)Am的5.41Mev/α其能量分辩为13%。所用的十块金硅石垒探测器能量为1%左右。此系统可以同时测量22 °范围内的10个角度点,这对角分布测量将十分有利。该探测器系统对~(16)O + ~(12)C反应体的Z分辩约为6%,它可以清楚的分开C到Mg的各种元素。利用上述多路ΔE-E探测系统,我们测量了E_(16O) = 50Mev-90Mev的16_O束流轰击~RC、~(24)Mg、~(28)Si和~(32)S等四个体系校反应产物的角分布、能谱和激发函数。在测量激发函数时,我们选取能量步长为ΔE_(Lab) = 1Mev,以便观察振荡结构在角分布测量时,对于三个能量点,我们测量了5.1 °- 39 °范围内的13个角度点。由于时间限制,本毕业论文仅给出~(16)O + ~(28)Si反应的全熔合激发函数和角分布。并且运用G-M模型和Wiecki公式对全熔合截石进行了理论计算。从激发函曲线看,实验结果的平均趋势与G-M模型的理论结果符合的相当好,同时还发现了该体系全熔合截石随能量有规律的起伏,这种起伏具有公认的振荡结构和某些特征,因此这些起伏极有可能就是振荡结构


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8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8OHdG) has been widely used as a biomarker of oxidative DNA damage in both animal models and human studies. To evaluate the effect of cigarette smoking on oxidative stress, we studied the levels of urinary 8OHdG from smokers and non-smokers and investigated the association with cigarette smoking. The urinary 8OHdG concentrations were determinated by capillary electrophoresis with end-column amprometric detection (CE-AD) after a single-step solid phase extraction (SPE), and then quantitatively expressed as a function of creatinine excretion. To increase the concentration sensitivity, a dynamic pH junction was used and the focusing effect was obvious when using 30 mM phosphate (pH 6.50) as sample matrix. The limit of detection is 4.3 nM (signal-to-noise ratio S/N = 3). The relative standard deviation (R.S.D.) was 1.1% for peak current, and 2.3% for migration time. Based on the selected CE-AD method, it was found that the mean value of urinary 8OHdG levels in the smokers significantly higher than that in non-smokers (31.4 +/- 18.9 nM versus 14.4 +/- 7.6 nM, P = 0.0004; 23.5 +/- 21.3 mug g(-1) creatinine versus 12.6 +/- 13.2 mug g(-1) creatinine, P = 0.028). (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel tetraaza macrocyclic Schiff base ligand, 6,13-dinitro-5,7,12,14-tetramethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradeca-1,5,7,-12-tetraene, was prepared and its copper(II) and nickel(II) complexes were characterized. This ligand was found to be an excellent extractant for copper(II).