593 resultados para win-owas
Esta investigación está basada en el funcionamiento de las ligas de Fútbol Infantil en la ciudad de La Plata, con niños de edades comprendidas entre los 6 a 12 años, entendiendo al Fútbol Infantil como un deporte de ligas altamente competitivas sin tener en cuenta los intereses de los niños en función de la edad, o los contextos políticos y socioeconómicos en los cuales esos niños se desarrollan. El principal punto de observación fue conocer cómo se comportan los chicos en distintas situaciones que se plantean; realizarle críticas a ese Fútbol Infantil, tratando de explicar también lo que se entiende como fútbol dentro de la escuela. Para desarrollar este trabajo decidimos realizar observaciones en distintos clubes de las ligas de Fútbol Infantil de la ciudad de La Plata. Las mismas fueron realizadas durante el año 2013 para el Eje Fútbol de la materia Educación Física 2, correspondiente al segundo año del Profesorado Universitario en Educación Física de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Luego utilizamos esas observaciones como insumo para el Trabajo Final de Promoción de la materia Educación Física 2. Del análisis de las observaciones realizadas tomamos para su desarrollo los siguientes aspectos: 1) relación entre el sujeto, sus compañeros, entrenadores y público; 2) aspectos psicológicos de los niños (dentro de un partido de Fútbol Infantil); 3) relación de los niños con los elementos del juego; 4) relación con las reglas. Nuestra investigación es de carácter cualitativo ya que decidimos darle un enfoque en el que se puedan describir las características y la particularidad que tienen las ligas infantiles de fútbol en la ciudad de La Plata 1 . La recolección de datos se realizó en distintos clubes pertenecientes a las ligas 2 . Hicimos distintas observaciones y encuestas a los padres y dirigentes. Además, se tuvieron en cuenta para el análisis las referencias bibliográficas obligatorias de la cátedra, a sugerencia de los docentes. Este tema obtuvo nuestra atención ya que consideramos que el funcionamiento de las ligas no parece ser el adecuado. Por ende el propósito de nuestro trabajo es demostrar esta afirmación por medio de diferentes situaciones que surgieron en las observaciones. También se observó que los adultos tratan como profesionales a los niños, deseando que sus hijos ganen a cualquier costo. Teniendo en cuenta lo planteado anteriormente, entenderíamos a la escuela como uno de los sitios principales donde se pueden practicar varios deportes, entre ellos el fútbol, ya que es masiva la concurrencia de niños de diferentes condiciones socioeconómicas. Una de las críticas que le podríamos dar a esta institución es que no se enseña este deporte ya que se da por sobreentendido que puede ser aprendido en diferentes espacios (plazas, clubes, colonias, etc.) debido a su popularidad y atracción. En el caso de la escuela, la enseñanza está a cargo de profesionales que tienen en cuenta el contexto económico, social y cultural de cada niño; a diferencia de un mero entrenador no profesional que, a pesar de sus conocimientos sobre el deporte, no tiene en cuenta las cuestiones antes mencionadas, que a nuestro entender son de vital importancia. Estas son las cuestiones que se observan según nuestro estudio en las ligas y con las cuales disentimos. Para finalizar consideramos que otros ítems podrían ser desarrollados pero son objeto de investigaciones futuras o de otras disciplinas, como por ejemplo la relación entre padres y niños al tratar que los mismos lleguen a ser profesionales cuando en realidad todavía se encuentran en una etapa de desarrollo, o por qué existe el prejuicio de que lo popular no necesita estudio o preparación dentro de la escuela
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
This article examines two women who signified the 'ideal' feminine for Australians and represented the Australian nation on the global stage: Beryl Mills, the first Miss Australia, crowned in 1926, and Tania Verstak, Miss Australia 1961. Both women gained celebrity through their role as Miss Australia, but Tania Verstak is of particular significance as the first 'new Australian' woman to win the coveted title. The strategy of viewing the two women as embodying the Australian nation reveals some of the dramatic social shifts that occurred in the Australian consciousness over the thirty-five years that separated the two title-holders; furthermore, it demonstrates how those shifts reshaped Australia's national identity and its feminine imagery.
Is it ever justifiable to target non-combatants deliberately? This article assesses Michael Walzer's claim that the deliberate targeting of non-combatants may be justifiable during 'supreme emergencies', a view that has received some support but that has elicited little debate. It argues that the supreme emergencies exception to the prohibition on targeting non-combatants is problematic for at least four reasons. First, its utilitarianism contradicts Walzer's wider ethics of war based on a conception of human rights. Second, the exception may undermine the principle of non-combatant immunity. Third, it is based on a historical fallacy. Finally, it is predicated on a strategic fallacy-the idea that killing noncombatants can win wars. The case for rejecting the exception, however, has been opposed by those who persuasively argue that it is wrong to tie leaders' hands when they confront supreme emergencies. The final part of the article addresses this question and suggests that the principle of proportionality may give political leaders room for manoeuvre in supreme emergencies without permitting them deliberately to target non-combatants.
A quantidade de micro e pequenas empresas que encerram suas atividades no Brasil, antes de dois, três ou cinco anos, chega a taxas de mortalidade que se aproximam dos 75%. O presente estudo buscou analisar dez empresas de micro porte do setor de varejo na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo que estão em atividade e que conseguiram superar e vencer as taxas de mortalidade empresarial e de concorrência mercadológica. A investigação iniciou-se pelo ABC paulista, efetuando um levantamento no SEBRAE (Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas) e na JUCESP (Junta Comercial do Estado de São Paulo) para descobrir a quantidade de micro e pequenas empresas que estavam em atividade e que inauguraram entre 2006 e 2007. Posteriormente o foco foi para a cidade de São Bernardo do Campo onde foram inauguradas 744 MPE´s (Micro e Pequenas Empresas), sendo que 49 delas estavam categorizadas no setor de varejo do vestuário e por fim definiram-se dez empresas que atenderam aos pré-requisitos metodológicos do estudo. A discussão sobre o tema da longevidade empresarial, ou seja, entender quais foram às capacidades que algumas empresas tiveram de manter-se operante por tantos anos, foi fator essencial para o estudo. O objetivo central deste trabalho foi de verificar a forma de administrar e de tratar de seus negócios destes dez empresários que fizeram com que tivessem sobrevida no mercado. Este estudo valeu-se dos métodos qualitativos, de recorte transversal com amostra não probabilística e por cota para poder efetuar todo processo metodológico e construir a análise final da pesquisa.
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo identificar a intensidade dos valores organizacionais de uma empresa familiar do ramo de prestação de serviços do setor elétrico, como se dá a transmissão destes valores e quanto eles estão alinhados com uma percepção ideal de valor. Foi conceituado como ditos os elementos culturais formalizados. Atribuiu-se a expressão não dito aos valores formalizados mas que não conseguiram vencer a barreira do documento onde estão expressos. A pesquisa, de natureza empírica, adotou o modelo de estudo de caso único e utiliza como seu principal referencial teórico a pesquisa de Tamayo (1996), denominada Escala de Valores Organizacionais. Foram utilizadas entrevistas do tipo pautadas com o fundador da empresa e focalizadas com os funcionários e líder. Foi utilizado questionário estruturado do autor mencionado com as instruções adaptadas para o contexto da empresa e dado tratamento matemático para apurar os resultados. O estudo de campo deu-se por meio de observações sistemáticas em visitas realizadas nas duas unidades da empresa (Osasco SP e Jundiaí SP). Os resultados do estudo apresentam-se em tabelas para melhor visualização dos dados. As conclusões apontaram para a existência de valores com pouca intensidade. Os mais intensos são direcionados para Eficiência e Eficácia e para laços de relacionamento, ambos originários da formação profissional e pessoal do fundador. Os resultados também mostram, por meio da observação dos componentes da cultura, uma baixa capacidade de transmissão dos valores organizacionais e um alto desalinhamento dos valores percebidos como real em relação ao ideal. Por fim, recomenda-se novos estudos sobre o tema.(AU)
Professional English football combines publicly traded ownership shares with an active and observable wagering market. This article utilizes the information from these markets, presenting a model that may be used to estimate the impact of matches on club values. Such information is potentially useful as clubs assess the values of players and coaches based on their anticipated contributions to team performance. The article also illustrates the modelling of ‘binomial events,’ such as win/lose, hire/do not hire or approval/disapproval, and how market-determined price responses illuminate expectations.
Competition in the 3PL market continues to intensify as providers compete to win and retain clients. 3PL providers are required to reduce costs while offering tailored innovative logistical solutions in order to remain competitive. 3PL providers can reduce costs through the consolidation of assets and introduction of cross-docking activities. Innovative logistical services can be tailored to each client via the introduction of real-time data updates. This paper highlights that RFID enabled RTE can assist in improvements of both these areas through increased network visibility. A framework is presented where the 3PL provider focuses on asset reduction, asset utilisation, real-time data employment and RTE cycle time reduction in order to enhance competitiveness. © 2011 IEEE.
Conflicts are part and parcel of online community dynamics (De Valck 2007; Harrison and Jenkins 1996; Kozinets 2001) – from flames about publishing inappropriate content (De Zwart and Lindsay 2009) to battles to win high status positions (Campbell, Fletcher and Greenhill 2009) and stigmatization of illegitimate insiders (Tikkanen, Hietanen, Henttonen, and Rokka 2009) up to bashing and smearing campaigns (Bocij 2002). As the concept of community presumes unity, marketers may be inclined to suppress any dissonance in their online brand communities thinking that it may hurt brand image or community attractiveness. However, Fournier and Lee (2009) advise marketers to embrace the conflicts that make communities thrive. As tensions and conflict cannot be avoided this seems logical advice. Nevertheless, are all tensions and conflicts created equally? Are some not more constructive (or destructive) than others? Thus, should all tensions and conflicts really be embraced, and what can be done to channel tensions and conflicts such that they do not become destructive? These questions form the starting point of this paper.
Previous empirical assessments of the effectiveness of structural merger remedies have focused mainly on the subsequent viability of the divested assets. Here, we take a different approach by examining how competitive are the market structures which result from the divestments. We employ a tightly specified sample of markets in which the European Commission (EC) has imposed structural merger remedies. It has two key features: (i) it includes all mergers in which the EC appears to have seriously considered, simultaneously, the possibility of collective dominance, as well as single dominance; (ii) in a previous paper, for the same sample, we estimated a model which proved very successful in predicting the Commission’s merger decisions, in terms of the market shares of the leading firms. The former allows us to explore the choices between alternative theories of harm, and the latter provides a yardstick for evaluating whether markets are competitive or not – at least in the eyes of the Commission. Running the hypothetical post-remedy market shares through the model, we can predict whether the EC would have judged the markets concerned to be competitive, had they been the result of a merger rather than a remedy. We find that a significant proportion were not competitive in this sense. One explanation is that the EC has simply been inconsistent – using different criteria for assessing remedies from those for assessing the mergers in the first place. However, a more sympathetic – and in our opinion, more likely – explanation is that the Commission is severely constrained by the pre-merger market structures in many markets. We show that, typically, divestment remedies return the market to the same structure as existed before the proposed merger. Indeed, one can argue that any competition authority should never do more than this. Crucially, however, we find that this pre-merger structure is often itself not competitive. We also observe an analogous picture in a number of markets where the Commission chose not to intervene: while the post-merger structure was not competitive, nor was the pre-merger structure. In those cases, however, the Commission preferred the former to the latter. In effect, in both scenarios, the EC was faced with a no-win decision. This immediately raises a follow-up question: why did the EC intervene for some, but not for others – given that in all these cases, some sort of anticompetitive structure would prevail? We show that, in this sample at least, the answer is often tied to the prospective rank of the merged firm post-merger. In particular, in those markets where the merged firm would not be the largest post-merger, we find a reluctance to intervene even where the resulting market structure is likely to be conducive to collective dominance. We explain this by a willingness to tolerate an outcome which may be conducive to tacit collusion if the alternative is the possibility of an enhanced position of single dominance by the market leader. Finally, because the sample is confined to cases brought under the ‘old’ EC Merger Regulation, we go on to consider how, if at all, these conclusions require qualification following the 2004 revisions, which, amongst other things, made interventions for non-coordinated behaviour possible without requiring that the merged firm be a dominant market leader. Our main conclusions here are that the Commission appears to have been less inclined to intervene in general, but particularly for Collective Dominance (or ‘coordinated effects’ as it is now known in Europe as well as the US.) Moreover, perhaps contrary to expectation, where the merged firm is #2, the Commission has to date rarely made a unilateral effects decision and never made a coordinated effects decision.
Many automated negotiation models have been developed to solve the conflict in many distributed computational systems. However, the problem of finding win-win outcome in multiattribute negotiation has not been tackled well. To address this issue, based on an evolutionary method of multiobjective optimization, this paper presents a negotiation model that can find win-win solutions of multiple attributes, but needs not to reveal negotiating agents' private utility functions to their opponents or a third-party mediator. Moreover, we also equip our agents with a general type of utility functions of interdependent multiattributes, which captures human intuitions well. In addition, we also develop a novel time-dependent concession strategy model, which can help both sides find a final agreement among a set of win-win ones. Finally, lots of experiments confirm that our negotiation model outperforms the existing models developed recently. And the experiments also show our model is stable and efficient in finding fair win-win outcomes, which is seldom solved in the existing models. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
This paper is the first paper to present findings evaluating the consequences for employees of full and partial privatization using difference-in-differences combined with propensity score matching. We find: (1) partial privatization causes job creation in contrast to full privatization, which destroys jobs, (2) full privatization causes higher labor productivity improvement than partial privatization, (3) wage increases occur only in partially privatized firms and (4) there are small increases in labor quality investment in both cases. The results suggest partial privatization exploits market discipline to induce labor productivity whilst simultaneously providing welfare improvements for labor. This is the ‘win-win’ outcome predicted by the ‘helping hand’ theory of government. Our results suggest that governments are likely to gain wider support for a program of partial privatization rather than full privatization.
Our paper presents the work of the Cuneiform Digital Forensic Project (CDFP), an interdisciplinary project at The University of Birmingham, concerned with the development of a multimedia database to support scholarly research into cuneiform, wedge-shaped writing imprinted onto clay tablets and indeed the earliest real form of writing. We describe the evolutionary design process and dynamic research and developmental cycles associated with the database. Unlike traditional publications, the electronic publication of resources offers the possibility of almost continuous revisions with the integration and support of new media and interfaces. However, if on-line resources are to win the favor and confidence of their respective communities there must be a clear distinction between published and maintainable resources, and, developmental content. Published material should, ideally, be supported via standard web-browser interfaces with fully integrated tools so that users receive a reliable, homogenous and intuitive flow of information and media relevant to their needs. We discuss the inherent dynamics of the design and publication of our on-line resource, starting with the basic design and maintenance aspects of the electronic database, which includes photographic instances of cuneiform signs, and shows how the continuous review process identifies areas for further research and development, for example, the “sign processor” graphical search tool and three-dimensional content, the results of which then feedback into the maintained resource.
Fierce competition within the third party logistics (3PL) market has developed as providers compete to win customers and enhance their competitive advantage through cost reduction plans and creating service differentiation. 3PL providers are expected to develop advanced technological and logistical service applications that can support cost reduction while increasing service innovation. To enhance competitiveness, this paper proposes the implementation of radio-frequency identification (RFID) enabled returnable transport equipment (RTE) in combination with the consolidation of network assets and cross-docking. RFID enabled RTE can significantly improve network visibility of all assets with continuous real-time data updates. A four-level cyclic model aiding 3PL providers to achieve competitive advantage has been developed. The focus is to reduce assets, increase asset utilisation, reduce RTE cycle time and introduce real-time data in the 3PL network. Furthermore, this paper highlights the need for further research from the 3PL perspective. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.