931 resultados para west campus
Audit report on the City of West Liberty, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2015
The Railroad Avenue groundwater contamination site (the site) is in West Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. Located on approximately 120 acres. The site comprises mixed residential, industrial and commercial properties. Underneath the site, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have contaminatcd the shallow (i.e., 30-50 feet deep) groundwater. These compounds have compromised several shallow wells within the West Des Moines water works system. A contamination source, however, has not yet been identified. In 1993, routine water analysis by the City of West Des Moines identified 1, 2 cis-dichlorocthylcne (1, 2 cis-DCE) at a concentration of 1.2 μg/L (micrograms) per liter of water) in the water supply. Subsequently. several shallow municipal wells were found to be contaminated by VOCs, including 1. 2 cis-DCE, trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and benzene. Five of these wells have been taken out of service. Because of the impact on the West Des Moines water supply, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has assigned the site to the National Priorities List. Surface water und sediment at the site have not been impacted by the VOCs. Testing for VOCs in surface soils has not revealed any significant VOC contamination. Subsurface soils -- generally 8 feet or greater in depth -- are contaminated with VOCs, but at levels which should not present a health hazard. The past, present, and future health hazard category chosen for this site is no apparent public health hazard. This category is used when exposure to toxins might be occurring or might have occurrcd in the past, but at levels below any known health hazard. Analysis of available environmental data has not revealed that residental or commercial water customers are or have been exposed to VOCs at concentrations that might cause any adverse health effects.
This article reports on a project at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC: The Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona) to develop an innovative package of hypermedia-based learning materials for a new course entitled 'Current Issues in Marketing'. The UOC is a distance university entirely based on a virtual campus. The learning materials project was undertaken in order to benefit from the advantages which new communication technologies offer to the teaching of marketing in distance education. The article reviews the main issues involved in incorporating new technologies in learning materials, the development of the learning materials, and their functioning within the hypermedia based virtual campus of the UOC. An empirical study is then carried out in order to evaluate the attitudes of students to the project. Finally, suggestions for improving similar projects in the future are put forward.
Descripció del projecte. S’han de destacar les innovacions i aportacions a l’avanç del coneixement que incorpora el projecte. Es poden incorporar memòries, plànols, fotografies, esbossos, etc. També l’adreça web si s’ha penjat més informació sobre el projecte a la web.DESCRIPCIÓ DE L’EDIFICI: La proposta vol implantar-se seguint la topografia del Parc de Torreblanca i aprofitar el desnivell per disposar les edificacions al voltant de patis per tal de minimitzar les seves alçaries.L'edifici Creapolis s'ubica pròxim al Centre Borja per establir relacions immediates i de proximitat entre la Residencia-Club i els llocs de Treball de Creapolis.L'àrea Academico-Docent, és localitza al voltant de patis vegetals, que de manera natural disposem estratègicament al voltant dels aularis, i ajudem a la concentració i reflexió.La Residència Universitària situada a l'extrem Sud del complex, amb un bon assoleix i en connexió directa amb l'àrea Docent i l'àrea Esportiva. Finalment, un recorregut-rambla serà la peça que des del nivell d'accés -extrem Nord- vagi connectant amb totes les àrees per arribar finalment a la zona esportiva, sense creuar el vial d'accés al Centre Borja.
Projecte sobre Biblioteques Universitàries (PBU) presentat en la convocatòria d'oposicions a l'escala facultativa d'arxius, biblioteques i museus de la UPC de novembre de 2004.
A new radiolarian genus and species, Joergensenium rotatile, is described. This species is restricted to recent sediments and plankton samples from the North Atlantic. Its recent distribution in the Norwegian Sea and West Norwegian fjords shows a strong affinity to the neritic province and reaches almost 2% in Hryangerfjord. This species is only known from late Glacial and Holocene sediments in the Nordic seas. This genus shows, however, a patchy stratigraphic distribution with its first occurrence in the south-west Pacific within Palcocene, in the Middle to Late Miocene from the Norwegian Sea, and in the Labrador Sea at the base of biozone NN 21. Two fjords are compared for the general radiolarian distribution, but with special emphasis on the occurrence of J. rotatile in both sediment and plankton.
Using the transit pulse method, we have determined compressional wave velocities of rocks from various geological units belonging to the Penninic zone along the NFP20-West profiles of the Swiss western Alps. The velocities have been measured at confining pressures up to 400 MPa, along three orthogonal axes defined by the macrostructure of the rocks. The samples analysed show a degree of metamorphism ranging from greenschist to eclogite facies. This collection includes schists, dolomites, gneisses and ophiolitic rocks. The mean velocities range from 5.9 km/s for a quartzitic calcschist to 7.9 km/s for an eclogitic metagabbro. The velocity anisotropy is as high as 20 %. The range of acoustic impedance is wide, from 15 to 27 10(6) kg/m2s. From these measurements, normal incident reflection coefficients for likely rock assemblages within and between geological units were estimated in order to interpret zone of the strong reflections recorded along the seismic profiles. Reflection coefficients as high as 0.17 could be determined.
The energy system of Russia is the world's fourth largest measured by installed power. The largest are that of the the United States of America, China and Japan. After 1990, the electricity consumption decreased as a result of the Russian industry crisis. The vivid economic growth during the latest few years explains the new increase in the demand for energy resources within the State. In 2005 the consumption of electricity achieved the maximum level of 1990 and continues to growth. In the 1980's, the renewal of power facilities was already very slow and practically stopped in the 1990's. At present, the energy system can be very much characterized as outdated, inefficient and uneconomic because of the old equipment, non-effective structure and large losses in the transmission lines. The aim of Russia's energy reform, which was started in 2001, is to achieve a market based energy policy by 2011. This would thus remove the significantly state-controlled monopoly in Russia's energy policy. The reform will stimulateto decrease losses, improve the energy system and employ energy-saving technologies. The Russian energy system today is still based on the use of fossil fuels, and it almost totally ignores the efficient use of renewable sources such as wind, solar, small hydro and biomass, despite of their significant resources in Russia. The main target of this project is to consider opportunities to apply renewable energy production in the North-West Federal Region of Russia to partly solve the above mentioned problems in the energy system.
Focus of this thesisis made on development of electricity sector of Russian North-West. The objective was to determine the most likely scenarios for development of the most critical (western) part of Interregional Power System of North-West, from where the most part of Russian electricity exports to the countries of European Union take place. For this purpose all the involved sides were analyzed: generation, transmission system and electricity consumption in different regions of Russian North-West. The analysis was performed through investigation of existing generation andtransmission capacities and plans for their development to be performed by the generation and transmission companies operating in the region. Principles of Russian electricity sector restructuring and electricity market design are also discussed as well as factors that may influence on future electricity price in the region.