740 resultados para video-assisted thoracoscopy
In order to develop applications for z;isual interpretation of medical images, the early detection and evaluation of microcalcifications in digital mammograms is verg important since their presence is often associated with a high incidence of breast cancers. Accurate classification into benign and malignant groups would help improve diagnostic sensitivity as well as reduce the number of unnecessa y biopsies. The challenge here is the selection of the useful features to distinguish benign from malignant micro calcifications. Our purpose in this work is to analyse a microcalcification evaluation method based on a set of shapebased features extracted from the digitised mammography. The segmentation of the microcalcifications is performed using a fixed-tolerance region growing method to extract boundaries of calcifications with manually selected seed pixels. Taking into account that shapes and sizes of clustered microcalcifications have been associated with a high risk of carcinoma based on digerent subjective measures, such as whether or not the calcifications are irregular, linear, vermiform, branched, rounded or ring like, our efforts were addressed to obtain a feature set related to the shape. The identification of the pammeters concerning the malignant character of the microcalcifications was performed on a set of 146 mammograms with their real diagnosis known in advance from biopsies. This allowed identifying the following shape-based parameters as the relevant ones: Number of clusters, Number of holes, Area, Feret elongation, Roughness, and Elongation. Further experiments on a set of 70 new mammogmms showed that the performance of the classification scheme is close to the mean performance of three expert radiologists, which allows to consider the proposed method for assisting the diagnosis and encourages to continue the investigation in the sense of adding new features not only related to the shape
A visual SLAM system has been implemented and optimised for real-time deployment on an AUV equipped with calibrated stereo cameras. The system incorporates a novel approach to landmark description in which landmarks are local sub maps that consist of a cloud of 3D points and their associated SIFT/SURF descriptors. Landmarks are also sparsely distributed which simplifies and accelerates data association and map updates. In addition to landmark-based localisation the system utilises visual odometry to estimate the pose of the vehicle in 6 degrees of freedom by identifying temporal matches between consecutive local sub maps and computing the motion. Both the extended Kalman filter and unscented Kalman filter have been considered for filtering the observations. The output of the filter is also smoothed using the Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) method to obtain a better alignment of the sequence of local sub maps and to deliver a large-scale 3D acquisition of the surveyed area. Synthetic experiments have been performed using a simulation environment in which ray tracing is used to generate synthetic images for the stereo system
El video expone un panorama general de la Biblioteca de la Universidad del Rosario; contiene información sobre las diferentes sedes, horarios, los principales recursos y servicios que se ofrecen a los usuarios. A través de este medio audiovisual el espectador podrá conocer a grandes rasgos cómo la Biblioteca de la Universidad del Rosario ha pasado a ser un moderno centro de apoyo a las labores académicas, investigativas y culturales de la Universidad.
There is a wealth of open educational content in audio and video formats available via iTunes U, one of the services offered especially for education via iTunes. There are details of how to get started as well as an informative video to help you. Details of how to get started with sharing content can be found for developers.
"Rob, Vikki, Shireen, Muzz and Delia have been randomly selected to work together to develop a presentation entitled 'The barriers to learning'. It's not an easy ride. The following 10 episodes show the journey, from their first meeting through to their impressions of the presentation and working together". Produced by the LearnHigher CETL Three areas covered by the site as follows Listening and Interpersonal Skills - the University of Leeds Oral Presentations - Brunel University Group Work - Bradford University
Vintage video (1986) on laser safety, presented by Dr. Gillian Rice. This is a 37 minute video, explaining the hazards which are likely to be encountered and ways to reduce those hazards in teaching and research laboratories in higher education. Presented in 5 parts: Part 1 (1:49) Laser radiation and the body Part 2 (8:49) Classes of laser Part 3 (13:32) Safety measures Part 4 (21:32) Other risks: precautions Part 5 (31:49) Summary
This video is for students with specific learning differences that mean that they are entitled to use a computer to type written examinations rather than writing them longhand. It show them how to use the special AER workstations that provide a cut-down version of Microsoft Word and absolutely no access to the Internet.
This short video is designed to make you think about the safety aspects of working with lasers within laser laboratories. Postgraduates and research fellows work with many different types of lasers in a variety of different experimental conditions. These lasers are often more powerful than those used as an undergraduate and require additional safety practices. The video was demonstrated to the EUNIS 2008 conference Aarhus, Denmark, and was a finalist in the Dorup E-Learning Award.
This short video shows how to add a video produced using Camtasia Studio to a Blackboard course
Video's from iSolutions introducing student related ICT services.
Materials from week 0 induction at Winchester School of Art and details on setting up your iSolutions university account
Videos (mpg) for Therese Allan
This PowerPoint slideshow covers the educational uses of video podcasts, describes how RSS feeds work and shows how they can be created using Blackboard.
These links and resources are used in a LATEU seminar.
This training video is intended to familiarise researchers and technicians working with Hazard Group 1 pathogens in Containment Level 1 animal facilities. It is in Flash video format which will require a free media player such as VLC Media Player (http://www.videolan.org/vlc/) to watch.