1000 resultados para variação mensal


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Numa conversação qualquer, se a intercompreensão entre emissor e receptor torna-se duvidosa, verifica-se a tentativa de restabelecerem-na a partir de metalinguagens que encontremum termo comum entre eles. A análise desses momentos de uma conversação torna possívelverificar a variação lingüística entre os interlocutores, por eles próprios destacada, de maneiramais segura e objetiva. Assim, o propósito deste trabalho é caracterizar esses momentos deperda da situação de comunicação e suas tentativas de restabelecimento, sobre um corpus colhidoem pesquisa de campo realizada pelo próprio autor.


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This study has investigated the genetic variation for silvicultural traits in an open-pollinated progeny test of Astronium graveolens Jacq., established at Luiz Antônio Experimental Station (State of São Paulo, Brazil). The trial was planted in a random block experimental design, containing 23 families, six replications and five plants per plot. The traits measured were diameter at breast height (DBH), total height and stem form. The assessments were taken at the age of 19 years. Significant differences were not detected by the analysis of variance, suggesting that the genetic variation was low, as well as the probability to raising genetic gains through selection among progenies. The coefficient of genetic variation was moderate for the traits height (8.2%) and DBH (21.2%) and low to stem form (4.0%). However, the average coefficient of heritability among progenies was low for all studied traits (ranging from 0.02 to 0.15), confirming the low probability of genetic improvement of this population by selection among progenies.


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The present study evaluated the liver with homogeneous parenchyma in dogs, with diffuse reduced echogenicity (G1), increased echogenicity (G2) and normal echogenicity (G3) by ultrasound examination associating the findings on animal profile, liver size and hematology and biochemistry results. Blood samples obtained by cephalic or jugular venipunture were submitted for hemogram and ALT, ALP, total proteins, albumin, globulin, urea and creatinine analysis. Among the 30 dogs in G1, 30 (100%) presented portal venous and gall bladder wall clarity, 23 (76.67%) presented normal liver size and edges, 15 (50%) were from 1 to 6 years old and 8 (26.67%) belonged to the lhasa apso breed. No predispositions were found according to gender, as well as no significant alterations in biochemical and hematological exams were observed in G1. The most prevalent disease found in this group was gastroenteritis (43.33%). Among the 30 dogs in G2, 27 (90%) presented hepatomegaly and rounded hepatic edges, 18 (60%) were over 9 years old, 16 (53.33%) were female and 9 (30%) belonged to the poodle breed. The laboratorial findings related to this group were increased ALT and ALP serum activity, decreased levels of total protein, albumin, globulin, erythrocytes and hematocrit, as well as leukocytosis with neutrophilia and a left shift, eosinopenia, lymphopenia and monocytosis. The most prevalent diseases found in this group were metabolic disorders (54%), such as diabetes mellitus and hyperadrenocorticism, and chronic hepatopathies (17%) due to prolonged and continuous use of corticoid and anticonvulsive drugs. Among the 30 dogs in the control group (G3), normal liver size and edges were presented in 22 (73.33%). In this group, no alterations were seen in laboratorial exams.


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Pós-graduação em Fonoaudiologia - FFC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The wood of Eucalyptus tereticornis is intensively used for timber, structures, buildings, poles, posts and coal. The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters and genetic and phenotypic correlations in growth and stem form traits of 52 open-pollinated progenies of E. tereticornis sampled from three Australian populations (20 progenies from Helenvale, 19 from Ravenshoe and 13 from Mt. Garnet). The progenies were compared with three commercial control also from Australian. The experimental design used was the compact family block, with the effect of provenance allocated in the plots and progenies within provenances in the subplots. Ten repetitions of the 52 treatments, sub-plots with six plants and the spacing of 3 x 2 m was used. At 25 years of age it was measured the diameter at breast height (DBH), total height, true volume and the stem form. We found genetic variation amon and within the three provenances and the possibility of obtaining high gains from mass selection and individual among and within progenies. The provenance Helenvale showed the best development for DBH, height and volume. The traits DBH, height and volume showed high genetic correlations (> 0.9), indicating the possibility to use the indirect selection. The coefficient of heritability on a progeny mean for the traits DBH and height was median, being 0.31 and 0.30, respectively. The expected genetic gain with the selection were estimated at 12.4% for DBH and 8.5 % for plant height. These results will subsidize the transformation of the provenance and progeny test in a seedling seed orchard and a clonal seed orchard.


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This monograph analyzes, based on the collected data, some aspects of the teaching of the linguistic variation in schools: if the linguistic studies have been incorporated in teaching in some way in order to promote a less conservative and prejudiced perception of language, providing students the opportunity to recognize the different language varieties and judge the situations in which each of them is the most appropriate one


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The study of the generation of landfill gas contributes to the understanding of the relationship between gas production and other parameters, such as time of disposal of waste and moisture (rainfall) and, thus, can subsidize the viability study for energy. This study aims to evaluate the interference of the time of disposal of waste and moisture (rainfall) in the production and composition of biogas generated at the landfill in Rio Claro - SP. As a result it was observed that for the landfill studied, the average percentage of methane in biogas ranged from 49.9% to 54.7%. It was found that moisture (rainfall) and the time of waste disposal are parameters which do not cause significant changes in methane concentration in biogas. However, when analyzed the flow of biogas, which had the maximum average value of 152.86m3/h and minimum average value of 15.47m3/h was observed great interference of moisture (rainfall) and the time of disposal of waste, because well of gas located in newer areas of the landfill showed higher values of flow rate than the areas where the landfill was the beginning of the arrangement. The same way, it was observed that in the dry season flow of biogas decreased in all drains gas analyzed