890 resultados para traduzione, traduzione teatrale, larry kramer, the normal heart, aids, inglese, lgbtq, teatro


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This is the Rivers Taw and Torridge scale reading investigation: the 8th annual report for the 1972 season produced by Devon River Authority in 1973. The object of the investigation is to examine by means of scale reading the biology of age classes of the salmon populations of the Rivers Taw and Torridge. The report is arranged in sections as previously and tables referred to in the report form an appendix. Scales were collected only from fish taken during the normal open season, which in 1972 was 1st April - 31st August. A weekly close time was in operation for the nets, a period of 60 hours from 6 p.m. on Friday evening to 6 a.m. on the following Monday. Thirty six licences for draft or seine nets were issued for the 1972 season and netsmen submitted samples of scales collected direct.


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Os mecanismos celulares envolvidos na hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) não são bem compreendidos e pouco se sabe sobre como os proteoglicanos estão relacionados com esta condição. Neste estudo foi avaliada a expressão de proteoglicanos de superfície celular e do estroma na HPB. As amostras de próstata com HPB foram colhidas de pacientes submetidos à prostatectomia aberta e ressecção transuretral da próstata (RTUP), enquanto as amostras do grupo controle consistiram na zona de transição de próstatas normais de adultos jovens. Foram usados anticorpos primários anti-sindecan-1, anti-biglican e anti-decorin. A imunomarcação foi avaliada determinando-se a área relativa marcada pelo anticorpo, ou usando-se um escore atribuído à intensidade da coloração. Os resultados mostraram que, no grupo controle, a expressão do sindecan-1 foi mínima ou nula. Na HPB, no entanto, a imunomarcação deste proteoglicano foi intensa e localizada principalmente nas células basais do ácino prostático e com menor intensidade na superfície basolateral das células secretoras. Como não houve diferença entre as amostras obtidas através da prostatectomia aberta e da RTUP, esses grupos foram combinados em um único grupo HPB. A área marcada pelo anticorpo anti-sindecan-1 no epitélio das amostras de HPB foi nove vezes maior do que na próstata normal (p<0,001), e não houve correlações significativas entre a marcação do sindecan-1naHPB e o volume da próstata, o PSA ou a idade do paciente. Quanto ao biglican e ao decorin, a marcação foi exclusivamente no estroma, tanto no grupo controle quanto no grupo HPB, e não houve diferença significativa na extensão e intensidade da coloração entre estes dois grupos. Em conclusão, a imunomarcação do sindecan-1 na HPB é intensa e está localizada no epitélio glandular exclusivamente, mas a intensidade não se correlaciona com o tamanho da próstata ou PSA. A expressão do decorin e do biglican, no entanto, não foi alterada na HPB.


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Trace metal analysis of 23 species of common Pacific Coast marine foods revealed high cadmium values for Bent-nosed clams (Macoma nasuta), Bay mussels (Mytilus edulis), Bay oysters (Osrtrea lurida), Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas), and Littleneck clams (Protothaca staminea). Metals were found to concentrate in the gills, heart, and visceral mass of all 10 species of bivalve mollusks examined. Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) demonstrated the highest cadmium values for fish flesh.


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Este estudo foi realizado para investigar os níveis de leptina no fluido de endometriomas ovarianos e comparar a expressão de leptina e seus receptores no tecido ovariano afetado por endometrioma de mulheres inférteis com a sua expressão no tecido ovariano normal de controles férteis sem endometriose. Neste estudo observacional, o tecido ovariano , amostras de sangue e fluido peritoneal foram obtidas de 20 mulheres (10 controles férteis sem endometriose ou qualquer doença ovariana, que foram submetidos à cirurgia de laqueadura tubária e 10 mulheres inférteis com endometriose grave endometrioma ovariano). O fluido contido no endometrioma ovariano foi aspirado, e biópsias de implantes peritoneais foram realizadas. Os tecidos removidos durante as cirurgias foram imediatamente congelados em nitrogênio líquido para determinação da expressão proteica por western blot e níveis de leptina pelo ELISA. A expressão do receptor de leptina foi maior no tecido do ovariano afetado por endometrioma que no tecido de ovariano normal (controle= 0,38 0,05, estudo= 0,60 0,09, p= 0,03), mas não houve diferença significativa nos níveis de leptina entre estes grupos (controle= 0,1 0,57, estudo= 0,1 0,35, p= 0,18). Foram observadas correlações positivas e significativas entre a leptina e seu receptor no endometrioma ovariano (r = 0,85, p = 0,004) e em implantes peritoneais (r= 0,87, p= 0,001). Os resultados do ELISA demonstraram uma maior concentração de leptina no fluido endometrioma em comparação com a leptina sérica e no fluido peritoneal (soro= 8,4 1,0, FP= 1,6 0,5, FE= 73,8 16,2, p= 0,0001), mas não houve correlação entre estas variáveis. Observou-se uma correlação positiva, significativa e forte entre os níveis de leptina no fluido peritoneal e a expressão de leptina e seu receptor em implantes peritoneais (leptina: r= 0,88, p= 0,0008; OBR: r= 0,96, p= 0,0001) e entre os níveis de leptina no fluido endometrioma e a expressão da leptina e seu receptor no endometrioma ovariano (leptina: r= 0,94, p= 0,001; OBR: r = 0,84, p= 0,02). Nossos resultados sugerem que a leptina pode desempenhar um papel importante na fisiopatologia do endometrioma ovariano por meio de uma interação moduladora com o seu receptor.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): There were many similarities between the February 1986 storm and that of December 1964 and also December 1955. The 1964 storm hit hardest a little further north and the North Coast took the brunt of that storm. December 1955 also produced higher north coastal area runoff. December 1955 produced greater peaks in the central part of the state than the 1964 flood and is perhaps more comparable south of the Lake Tahoe-American River area. But the real surprise this time was the volume. Four reservoirs, Folsom, Black Butte, Pardee, and Comanche, were filled completely and became surcharged (storing more water than the designed capacity). The 10 day total rainfall amounted to half the normal annual totals at many precipitation stations. The February 1986 flood is a vivid reminder of the extremes of California climate and the value of the extensive system of flood control works in the state. Before the storm, especially in January, there was much concern about the dryness of the water year. Then with the deluge, California's flood control systems were tested. By and large the system worked preventing untold damage and misery for most dwellers in the flat lands.


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Recreational fisheries in the waters off the northeast U.S. target a variety of pelagic and demersal fish species, and catch and effort data sampled from recreational fisheries are a critical component of the information used in resource evaluation and management. Standardized indices of stock abundance developed from recreational fishery catch rates are routinely used in stock assessments. The statistical properties of both simulated and empirical recreational fishery catch-rate data such as those collected by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Marine Recreational Fishery Statistics Survey (MRFSS) are examined, and the potential effects of different assumptions about the error structure of the catch-rate frequency distributions in computing indices of stock abundance are evaluated. Recreational fishery catch distributions sampled by the MRFSS are highly contagious and overdispersed in relation to the normal distribution and are generally best characterized by the Poisson or negative binomial distributions. The modeling of both the simulated and empirical MRFSS catch rates indicates that one may draw erroneous conclusions about stock trends by assuming the wrong error distribution in procedures used to developed standardized indices of stock abundance. The results demonstrate the importance of considering not only the overall model fit and significance of classification effects, but also the possible effects of model misspecification, when determining the most appropriate model construction.


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The liver, heart and muscle tissues of Rohu, (Labeo rohita, Hamilton) were examined for their ubiquinone (UQ) and tocopherol contents. These three tissues contained respectively 11.60, 3.94 and 0.19 mg of ubiquinone and 10.16, 5.32 and 3.58 mg of tocopherol per 100 g. The 4% (V/V) of diethyl ether (EE) in light petroleum ether (PE) fractions of all three tissues on paper chromatographic separation gave spots having the same Rf value as standard ubiquinone-50 (UQ 10). Both the 4% and 6% (V/V) diethyl ether in light petroleum ether fraction of liver, heart and muscle tissues gave a single spot with the same Rf value as α – tocopherol.


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New types of vortex generators for boundary layer control were investigated experimentally in a flow field which contains a Mach 1.4 normal Shockwave followed by a subsonic diffuser. A parametric study of device height and distance upstream of the normal shock was undertaken with two novel devices: ramped-vanes and split-ramps. Flowfield diagnostics included high-speed Schlieren, oil flow visualization, and pitot-static pressure measurements. A number of flowfield parameters including flow separation, pressure recovery, centerline incompressible boundary layer shape factor, and shock stability were analyzed and compared to the baseline. All configurations tested yielded an elimination of centerline flow separation with the presence of the vortex generators. However, the devices also tended to increase the three-dimensionality of the flow with increased side-wall interaction. When located 25δo upstream of the normal shock, the largest ramped-vane device (whose height was about 0.75 the incoming uncontrolled boundary layer thickness, δo) yielded the smallest centerline incompressible shape factor and the least streamwise oscillations of the normal shock. However, additional studies are needed to better understand the corner interaction effects, which are substantial. © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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Any linearised theory of the initiation of friction-excited vibration via instability of the state of steady sliding requires information about the dynamic friction force in the form of a frequency response function for sliding friction. Recent measurements of this function for an interface consisting of a nylon pin against a glass disc are used to probe the underlying constitutive law. Results are compared to linearised predictions from the simplest ratestate model of friction, and a ratetemperature model. In both cases the observed variation with frequency is not compatible with the model predictions, although there are some significant points of similarity. The most striking result relates to variation of the normal load: any theory embodying the Coulomb relation F∝N would predict behaviour entirely at variance with the measurements, even though the steady friction force obtained during the same measurements does follow the Coulomb law. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cerebral prefrontal function is one of the important aspects in neurobiology. Based on the experimental results of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, behavioral sciences, and the principles of cybernetics and information theory after constructed a simple model simulating prefrontal control function, this paper simulated the behavior of Macaca mulatta completing delayed tasks both before and after its cerebral prefrontal cortex being damaged. The results indicated that there is an obvious difference in the capacity of completing delayed response tasks for the normal monkeys and those of prefrontal cortex cut away. The results are agreement with experiments. The authors suggest that the factors of affecting complete delayed response tasks might be in information keeping and extracting of memory including information storing, keeping and extracting procedures rather than in information storing process.


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Non-human primates such as Chinese rhesus macaques are the favorable models for preclinical study of potential therapeutic drugs, vaccines and mechanisms of human diseases. Little is known about the normal levels of leukocyte subpopulations of Chinese rhe


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This research is focused on the contribution of area 7 to the short-term visual spatial memory. Three rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were trained in the direct delayed response task in which 5 delay intervals were used in each session. When each monkey reached the criterion of 90% correct responses in 5 successive sessions, two monkeys underwent a surgery while the other one received a sham operation as a control. In the first stage of the surgery, bilateral areas 7a, 7b and 7ip of the parietal cortex of two monkeys were precisely lesioned. After 7 days of recuperation, the monkeys were required to do the same task. The average percentage of correct responses in the lesioned animals decreased from 94.7% to 89.3% and 93.3% to 82.0% respectively (no significance, P > 0.05, n = 2). In addition, the monkeys' complex movements were mildly impaired. The lesioned monkeys were found to have difficulty picking up food from the wells. In the second stage, bilateral area 7m was lesioned. In the 5 postoperative sessions, the average percentage of correct responses in one monkey, with a relatively precise 7m lesion, decreased from 94.7% to 92.2% (no significance, P > 0.05), while the other monkey, with widely spread necrosis of lateral parietal cortex, showed an. obvious decline in performance, but still over the chance level. After 240 trials this monkey reattained the normal criterion. The results of this research suggest that the lesions of area 7 of the parietal cortex did not significantly affect the short-term visual spatial memory, which has been shown to be sensitive to lesions of the prefrontal cortex; they also support the notion of dissociation of spatial functions in the prefrontal and parietal cortices.


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This paper highlights the results of a 12 month's ecological study of macrophytes and their role in the economy of the lower Sondu-Miriu river of Lake Victoria. A total of 34 species of aquatic macrophytes were identified. These were grouped as emergent, floating leaved, free floating and submersed. The major community type identified were dominated by Cladium jamaicanse (Crantz) Kurk., Cyperus paprus (L.) and Cyperus latifolius (Poir). The study observed an over dependence on macrophytes by the local community for the supply of bedding, grazing fields, fuel, roofing and other building materials. The white (heart) of Typha shoot, Nile cabbage (Pistia stratiotes and a legume solanum nigrum traditionally known as "osuga" are used as vegetables by local community. The only source of protein in this arid region is the fish caught in the swamps and birds which inhabit the swamp. The swamp provides the only source of green pasture in the dry season for the animals. An export oriented economy has developed involving mat making and basket weaving with exports reaching as far as Japan. The study proposes a rational and sustainable exploitation of the littoral zone to support the adjacent rural community.


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The effects of aniracetam on extracellular amino acid levels in the hippocampus of conscious gerbils, with or without transient cerebral ischemia/reperfusion, were measured by microdialysis and reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography. Increased extracellular levels of aspartate and glutamate that were observed in the hippocampus of conscious gerbils during transient global forebrain ischemia were reversed by aniracetam. In contrast, the level of extracellular gamma-aminobutyric acid was increased, while taurine was maintained at a higher level than other amino acids by administration of aniracetam (100 mg/kg, p.o.) 60 min before ischemia. Further, in contrast to ischemic animals, administration of aniracetam (100 mg/kg, p.o.) enhanced the release of glutamate and aspartate in the normal gerbil hippocampus. The results suggest that these effects might be due to a partial calcium agonist activity of aniracetam, and that the effects of aniracetam on amino acid levels might be a mechanism of protection against delayed neuronal death in the ischemic hippocampus, thereby improving memory dysfunction induced by ischemia/reperfusion. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We calculate the density of photon states (DOS) of the normal modes in dye-doped chiral nematic liquid crystal (LC) cells in the presence of various loss mechanisms. Losses and gain are incorporated into the transmission characteristics through the introduction of a small imaginary part in the dielectric constant perpendicular and along the director, for which we assume no frequency dispersion. Theoretical results are presented on the DOS in the region of the photonic band gap for a range of values of the loss coefficient and different values of the optical anisotropy. The obtained values of the DOS at the photonic band gap edges predict a reversal of the dominant modes in the structure. Our results are found to be in good agreement with the experimentally obtained excitation thresholds in chiral nematic LC lasers. The behavior of the DOS is also discussed for amplifying LC cells providing additional insight to the lasing mechanism of these structures. © 2012 American Physical Society.