982 resultados para topological insulator


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Topological quantum error correction codes are currently among the most promising candidates for efficiently dealing with the decoherence effects inherently present in quantum devices. Numerically, their theoretical error threshold can be calculated by mapping the underlying quantum problem to a related classical statistical-mechanical spin system with quenched disorder. Here, we present results for the general fault-tolerant regime, where we consider both qubit and measurement errors. However, unlike in previous studies, here we vary the strength of the different error sources independently. Our results highlight peculiar differences between toric and color codes. This study complements previous results published in New J. Phys. 13, 083006 (2011).


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10 pages, 5 figures, conference or other essential info Acknowledgments LK and JCS were supported by Blue Brain Project. P.D. and R.L. were supported in part by the Blue Brain Project and by the start-up grant of KH. Partial support for P.D. has been provided by the Advanced Grant of the European Research Council GUDHI (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions). MS was supported by the SNF NCCR ”Synapsy”.


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Induced conformational change provides a powerful mechanism to modulate the structure and function of molecules. Here we describe the synthesis of chiral, surface-functionalized oligomeric pyridine/imidazolidin-2-one foldamers, and interrogate their acid-mediated transition between linear and helical topologies.


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Analogues of the smooth tubular neighborhood theorem are developed for the topological and piecewise linear categories.


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Frustrated systems, typically characterized by competing interactions that cannot all be simultaneously satisfied, are ubiquitous in nature and display many rich phenomena and novel physics. Artificial spin ices (ASIs), arrays of lithographically patterned Ising-like single-domain magnetic nanostructures, are highly tunable systems that have proven to be a novel method for studying the effects of frustration and associated properties. The strength and nature of the frustrated interactions between individual magnets are readily tuned by design and the exact microstate of the system can be determined by a variety of characterization techniques. Recently, thermal activation of ASI systems has been demonstrated, introducing the spontaneous reversal of individual magnets and allowing for new explorations of novel phase transitions and phenomena using these systems. In this work, we introduce a new, robust material with favorable magnetic properties for studying thermally active ASI and use it to investigate a variety of ASI geometries. We reproduce previously reported perfect ground-state ordering in the square geometry and present studies of the kagome lattice showing the highest yet degree of ordering observed in this fully frustrated system. We consider theoretical predictions of long-range order in ASI and use both our experimental studies and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate these predictions. Next, we introduce controlled topological defects into our square ASI samples and observe a new, extended frustration effect of the system. When we introduce a dislocation into the lattice, we still see large domains of ground-state order, but, in every sample, a domain wall containing higher energy spin arrangements originates from the dislocation, resolving a discontinuity in the ground-state order parameter. Locally, the magnets are unfrustrated, but frustration of the lattice persists due to its topology. We demonstrate the first direct imaging of spin configurations resulting from topological frustration in any system and make predictions on how dislocations could affect properties in numerous materials systems.


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The class of all locally quasi-convex (lqc) abelian groups contains all locally convex vector spaces (lcs) considered as topological groups. Therefore it is natural to extend classical properties of locally convex spaces to this larger class of abelian topological groups. In the present paper we consider the following well known property of lcs: “A metrizable locally convex space carries its Mackey topology ”. This claim cannot be extended to lqc-groups in the natural way, as we have recently proved with other coauthors (Außenhofer and de la Barrera Mayoral in J Pure Appl Algebra 216(6):1340–1347, 2012; Díaz Nieto and Martín Peinador in Descriptive Topology and Functional Analysis, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol 80 doi:10.1007/978-3-319-05224-3_7, 2014; Dikranjan et al. in Forum Math 26:723–757, 2014). We say that an abelian group G satisfies the Varopoulos paradigm (VP) if any metrizable locally quasi-convex topology on G is the Mackey topology. In the present paper we prove that in any unbounded group there exists a lqc metrizable topology that is not Mackey. This statement (Theorem C) allows us to show that the class of groups satisfying VP coincides with the class of finite exponent groups. Thus, a property of topological nature characterizes an algebraic feature of abelian groups.


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We present topological derivative and energy based procedures for the imaging of micro and nano structures using one beam of visible light of a single wavelength. Objects with diameters as small as 10 nm can be located and their position tracked with nanometer precision. Multiple objects dis-tributed either on planes perpendicular to the incidence direction or along axial lines in the incidence direction are distinguishable. More precisely, the shape and size of plane sections perpendicular to the incidence direction can be clearly determined, even for asymmetric and nonconvex scatterers. Axial resolution improves as the size of the objects decreases. Initial reconstructions may proceed by gluing together two-dimensional horizontal slices between axial peaks or by locating objects at three-dimensional peaks of topological energies, depending on the effective wavenumber. Below a threshold size, topological derivative based iterative schemes improve initial predictions of the lo-cation, size, and shape of objects by postprocessing fixed measured data. For larger sizes, tracking the peaks of topological energy fields that average information from additional incident light beams seems to be more effective.


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We discover novel topological effects in the one-dimensional Kitaev chain modified by long-range Hamiltonian deformations in the hopping and pairing terms. This class of models display symmetry-protected topological order measured by the Berry/Zak phase of the lower-band eigenvector and the winding number of the Hamiltonians. For exponentially decaying hopping amplitudes, the topological sector can be significantly augmented as the penetration length increases, something experimentally achievable. For power-law decaying superconducting pairings, the massless Majorana modes at the edges get paired together into a massive nonlocal Dirac fermion localized at both edges of the chain: a new topological quasiparticle that we call topological massive Dirac fermion. This topological phase has fractional topological numbers as a consequence of the long-range couplings. Possible applications to current experimental setups and topological quantum computation are also discussed.


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This thesis presents studies of the role of disorder in non-equilibrium quantum systems. The quantum states relevant to dynamics in these systems are very different from the ground state of the Hamiltonian. Two distinct systems are studied, (i) periodically driven Hamiltonians in two dimensions, and (ii) electrons in a one-dimensional lattice with power-law decaying hopping amplitudes. In the first system, the novel phases that are induced from the interplay of periodic driving, topology and disorder are studied. In the second system, the Anderson transition in all the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian are studied, as a function of the power-law exponent of the hopping amplitude.

In periodically driven systems the study focuses on the effect of disorder in the nature of the topology of the steady states. First, we investigate the robustness to disorder of Floquet topological insulators (FTIs) occurring in semiconductor quantum wells. Such FTIs are generated by resonantly driving a transition between the valence and conduction band. We show that when disorder is added, the topological nature of such FTIs persists as long as there is a gap at the resonant quasienergy. For strong enough disorder, this gap closes and all the states become localized as the system undergoes a transition to a trivial insulator.

Interestingly, the effects of disorder are not necessarily adverse, disorder can also induce a transition from a trivial to a topological system, thereby establishing a Floquet Topological Anderson Insulator (FTAI). Such a state would be a dynamical realization of the topological Anderson insulator. We identify the conditions on the driving field necessary for observing such a transition. We realize such a disorder induced topological Floquet spectrum in the driven honeycomb lattice and quantum well models.

Finally, we show that two-dimensional periodically driven quantum systems with spatial disorder admit a unique topological phase, which we call the anomalous Floquet-Anderson insulator (AFAI). The AFAI is characterized by a quasienergy spectrum featuring chiral edge modes coexisting with a fully localized bulk. Such a spectrum is impossible for a time-independent, local Hamiltonian. These unique characteristics of the AFAI give rise to a new topologically protected nonequilibrium transport phenomenon: quantized, yet nonadiabatic, charge pumping. We identify the topological invariants that distinguish the AFAI from a trivial, fully localized phase, and show that the two phases are separated by a phase transition.

The thesis also present the study of disordered systems using Wegner's Flow equations. The Flow Equation Method was proposed as a technique for studying excited states in an interacting system in one dimension. We apply this method to a one-dimensional tight binding problem with power-law decaying hoppings. This model presents a transition as a function of the exponent of the decay. It is shown that the the entire phase diagram, i.e. the delocalized, critical and localized phases in these systems can be studied using this technique. Based on this technique, we develop a strong-bond renormalization group that procedure where we solve the Flow Equations iteratively. This renormalization group approach provides a new framework to study the transition in this system.


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Symmetrization of topologically ordered wave functions is a powerful method for constructing new topological models. Here we study wave functions obtained by symmetrizing quantum double models of a group G in the projected entangled pair states (PEPS) formalism. We show that symmetrization naturally gives rise to a larger symmetry group G˜ which is always non-Abelian. We prove that by symmetrizing on sufficiently large blocks, one can always construct wave functions in the same phase as the double model of G˜. In order to understand the effect of symmetrization on smaller patches, we carry out numerical studies for the toric code model, where we find strong evidence that symmetrizing on individual spins gives rise to a critical model which is at the phase transitions of two inequivalent toric codes, obtained by anyon condensation from the double model of G˜.


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We report the observation of the insulator-to-metal transition in crystalline silicon samples supersaturated with vanadium. Ion implantation followed by pulsed laser melting and rapid resolidification produce high quality single-crystalline silicon samples with vanadium concentrations that exceed equilibrium values in more than 5 orders of magnitude. Temperature-dependent analysis of the conductivity and Hall mobility values for temperatures from 10K to 300K indicate that a transition from an insulating to a metallic phase is obtained at a vanadium concentration between 1.1 × 10^(20) and 1.3 × 10^(21) cm^(−3) . Samples in the insulating phase present a variable-range hopping transport mechanism with a Coulomb gap at the Fermi energy level. Electron wave function localization length increases from 61 to 82 nm as the vanadium concentration increases in the films, supporting the theory of impurity band merging from delocalization of levels states. On the metallic phase, electronic transport present a dispersion mechanism related with the Kondo effect, suggesting the presence of local magnetic moments in the vanadium supersaturated silicon material.


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Silicon photoanodes protected by atomic layer deposited (ALD) TiO2 show promise as components of water splitting devices that may enable the large-scale production of solar fuels and chemicals. Minimizing the resistance of the oxide corrosion protection layer is essential for fabricating efficient devices with good fill factor. Recent literature reports have shown that the interfacial SiO2 layer, interposed between the protective ALD-TiO2 and the Si anode, acts as a tunnel oxide that limits hole conduction from the photoabsorbing substrate to the surface oxygen evolution catalyst. Herein, we report a significant reduction of bilayer resistance, achieved by forming stable, ultrathin (<1.3 nm) SiO2 layers, allowing fabrication of water splitting photoanodes with hole conductances near the maximum achievable with the given catalyst and Si substrate. Three methods for controlling the SiO2 interlayer thickness on the Si(100) surface for ALD-TiO2 protected anodes were employed: (1) TiO2 deposition directly on an HF-etched Si(100) surface, (2) TiO2 deposition after SiO2 atomic layer deposition on an HF-etched Si(100) surface, and (3) oxygen scavenging, post-TiO2 deposition to decompose the SiO2 layer using a Ti overlayer. Each of these methods provides a progressively superior means of reliably thinning the interfacial SiO2 layer, enabling the fabrication of efficient and stable water oxidation silicon anodes.


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Starting from a minimal model for a two-dimensional nodal loop semimetal, we study the effect of chiral mass gap terms. The resulting Dirac loop anomalous Hall insulator’s Chern number is the phase-winding number of the mass gap terms on the loop.We provide simple lattice models, analyze the topological phases, and generalize a previous index characterizing topological transitions. The responses of the Dirac loop anomalous Hall and quantum spin Hall insulators to a magnetic field’s vector potential are also studied both in weak- and strong-field regimes, as well as the edge states in a ribbon geometry.


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Facing with the difficulty in information propagation and synthesizing from conceptual to embodiment design, this paper introduces a function-oriented, axiom based conceptual modeling scheme. Default logic reasoning is exploited for recognition and reconstitution of conceptual product geometric and topological information. The proposed product modeling system and reasoning approach testify a methodology of "structural variation design", which is verified in the implementation of a GPAL (Green Product All Life-cycle) CAD system. The GPAL system includes major enhancement modules of a mechanism layout sketching method based on fuzzy logic, a knowledge-based function-to-form mapping mechanism and conceptual form reconstitution paradigm based on default geometric reasoning. A mechanical hand design example shows a more than 20 times increase in design efficacy with these enhancement modules in the GPAL system on a general 3D CAD platform.