885 resultados para the chemical industry in Brazil
The aim of this study was to characterize the LenYois Maranhenses ponds (Maranhao State, Brazil) with respect to morphometry and physical and chemical aspects of the water body, in particular, the planktonic community. LenYois Maranhenses is a tropical coastal region with sand dunes and numerous interdunal ponds, most of them temporary. Ten ponds were studied, and a nictemeral variation was carried out. They have similar physical and chemical characteristics (high temperature - 27.5 to 32.0 [degree]C, acid pH - 4.9 to 6.2, low values of dissolved nutrients, chloride - 0.75 to 1.00 mg.L[long dash]1, and electric conductivity - 18.8 to 33.2 [mu]S.cm[long dash]1, and light penetration up to the sediment). With respect to the plankton, it is likely that the different histories of colonization, the formation of the ponds, and the initial organisms, affect the species richness, density and dominance observed. The lakes were classified as polymitic and oligotrophic.
This experiment was developed in order to evaluation the efficiency of pheromone to control the pink bollworm and the total time of its release in cotton field. The experiment was installed in field conditions, in Chapadao do Sul/SP/Brazil, from January to April, 1998. The treatments consisted of 2 areas, being one of 30ha, where it was applied the pheromone and another of 10ha that was chosen as control area and did not receive pheromone. In the treated area, the laboratory synthesized sex pheromone (PB-Rope) was used thought of dispensers that allowed the slow and gradual release of the active substance. A total of 250 dispenser per hectare were evenly hand distributed in the area. The dispensers were wrapped around the plants. Both areas (treated area and untreated area) were monitored by delta trap. For evaluation of the boll damage, the treatment area was divided into 4 sub-areas. Twenty five green bolls were collected at random from each sub-area at 48 and 65 days after pheromone treatment. Bolls were cracked open by hand, and number of the bolls with symptoms of pink bollworm attacks was recorded. For evaluation of the productivity four areas were demarcated in each treatment, where all fibers and seeds harvested were weighted. Release rate of pheromone from dispenser was evaluated through of the weigh of the dispensers. Were marked and weighed in analytic scale, 20 dispensers contend the pheromone, being placed 10 dispensers under the cotton plants in treated area and other 10 dispensers in an open area. To every 15 days the dispensers were retired and weighed in analytic scale and soon after put back in the field in the same places. The results showed that only one application of mating disrupt pheromone, used in a dosage of 250 dispenser/ha, reached 80% of control for pink bollworm. the release period of pheromone from dispenser, after the application, was 120 days.
This investigation was carried out in Patrocínio Paulista municipality, located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Sugarcane has been extensively cultivated in the area in order to be utilized by the sugar and ethanol industries. The major effluent from the ethanol industry, vinasse, has been applied in the sugarcane fields as an alternative to supply several nutrients in crop production. Because it may represent a major environmental problem in that area, with implications to human health, soil samples from six points were collected and analyzed in order to evaluate the main factors related to the vinasse application in the ground. The importance of clays, iron oxides, organic matter and minor refractory minerals was also considered for explaining several relationships identified from the acquired data. © 2009 WIT Press.
Incluye Bibliografía
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Fruits and vegetables that are rich in polyphenolic compounds, especially flavonoids, may be used to benefit human health by reducing the incidence of cancers and cardiovascular diseases. Previous studies have demonstrated the antioxidant activity of guava, a fruit widely available in Brazil, possibly due to the presence of these polyphenolic compounds. The aim of this study was to analyze the total phenolic and flavonoid contents of various guava extracts, assay their antioxidant activity and record the chromatographic profiles of these extracts, to determine a simple and low way of extracting these compounds efficiently from guava. The results confirmed the presence of polyphenols in guava, including flavonoids, and its antioxidant activity. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the 70% ethanol (by volume) was the most effective solvent to extract these compounds from the fruit, among those tested.
Transnational corporations and structural changes in industry in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico
Includes bibliography
The main objective of this study is to verify the influence of Environmental Management (EM) on Operational Performance (OP) in Brazilian automotive companies, analyzing whether Lean Manufacturing (LM) and Human Resources (HR) interfere in the greening of these companies. Therefore, a conceptual framework listing these concepts was proposed, and three research hypotheses were presented. A questionnaire was elaborated based on this theoretical background and sent to respondents occupying the highest positions in the production/operations areas of Brazilian automotive companies. The data, collected from 75 companies, were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The main results are as follows: (a) the model tested revealed an adequate goodness of fit, showing that overall, the relations proposed between EM and OP and between HR, LM and EM tend to be statistically valid; (b) EM tends to influence OP in a positive and statistically weak manner; (c) LM has a greater influence on EM when compared to the influence HR has over EM; (d) HR has a positive relationship over EM, but the statistical significance of this relationship is less than that of the other evaluated relationships. The originality of this paper lies in its gathering the concepts of EM, LM, HR and OP in a single study, as they generally tend not to be treated jointly. This paper also provided valid empirical evidence for a littlestudied context: the Brazilian automotive sector. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Green teams are frequently considered in the state-of-the-art literature as an essential factor for companies aiming to implement and improve environmental management approaches and practices. However, most of the available literature on green teams is conceptual and theoretical by nature. Therefore, the main purpose of this article is to evaluate the main characteristics of green teams in Brazilian companies and to analyse the relationships between green teams and the maturity level of environmental management in those companies. Based on a conceptual background on corporate environmental management and green teams, a research was done in two complementary phases: a survey of 94 companies with ISO 14001 certification; and a multiple case study of four industrial companies. Survey results suggest that 82% of the studied companies have cross-functional green teams, i.e. involving various companies' departments; and 65% have functional green teams, i.e. individual department teams. The results of the case study suggest that the use of green teams is an instrument to the greening of companies with ISO 14001 in Brazil. The company with the most proactive and advanced environmental management is the same company which uses green teams more intensely. Green teams are especially necessary for implementing more technical environmental management practices, e.g. Life Cycle Assessment. Since this is one of the first studies analysing green teams, the results presented can be useful for companies and public policies aiming to implementation of environmental initiatives. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Industries need to adopt the environmental management concepts in the traditional supply chain management. The green supply chain management (GSCM) is an established concept to ensure environment-friendly activities in industry. This paper identifies the relationship of driving and dependence that exists between GSCM practices with regard to their adoption within Brazilian electrical/electronic industry with the help of interpretive structural modelling (ISM). From the results, we infer that cooperation with customers for eco-design practice is driving other practices, and this practice acts as a vital role among other practices. Commitment to GSCM from senior managers and cooperation with customers for cleaner production occupy the highest level. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
The ongoing decline in abundance and diversity of shark stocks, primarily due to uncontrolled fishery exploitation, is a worldwide problem. An additional problem for the development of conservation and management programmes is the identification of species diversity within a given area, given the morphological similarities among shark species, and the typical disembarkation of processed carcasses which are almost impossible to differentiate. The main aim of the present study was to identify those shark species being exploited off northern Brazil, by using the 12S-16S molecular marker. For this, DNA sequences were obtained from 122 specimens collected on the docks and the fish market in Bragança, in the Brazilian state of Pará. We identified at least 11 species. Three-quarters of the specimens collected were either Carcharhinus porosus or Rhizoprionodon sp, while a notable absence was the daggernose shark, Isogomphodon oxyrhyncus, previously one of the most common species in local catches. The study emphasises the value of molecular techniques for the identification of cryptic shark species, and the potential of the 12S-16S marker as a tool for phylogenetic inferences in a study of elasmobranchs.
Neste trabalho realizou-se a caracterização química de fragmentos de artefatos cerâmicos encontrados em sítios arqueológicos com terra preta no Baixo Amazonas (Cachoeira-Porteira, Pará, Brasil), representativos da cultura Konduri (de 900 a 400 anos AP). Esses fragmentos são constituídos de SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, Na2O e P2O5, sendo que SiO2 e Al2O3, juntos, perfazem mais de 80 % em peso. Os teores de P2O,5 são relativamente elevados (2,37 % em média) sob a forma de (Al,Fe)-fosfatos, incomuns em cerâmicas vermelhas primitivas, mas encontrados em algumas cerâmicas arqueológicas egípcias e romanas. As concentrações dos elementos traços são comparáveis ou mesmo inferiores ao nível crustal, embora a composição total seja próxima a mesma. A composição química (exceto P2O5) em conjunto com os dados mineralógicos e texturais indicam material saprolítico derivado de rochas ígneas félsicas ou rochas sedimentares como matéria-prima das cerâmicas. Os teores de K, Ca e Na mostram que os feldspatos e fragmentos de rochas foram adicionados ao material argiloso, como sugerido pela mineralogia. Os altos teores de sílica respondem pela presença de cauixi, cariapé e/ou areias quartzosas. Fósforo deve ter sido incorporadoà matriz argilosa da cerâmica, quando do cozimento de alimentos nos vasos cerâmicos, e ainda, em parte, durante a formação do perfil de solo tipo ABE sobre Latossolos Amarelos. A matéria prima e os temperos (cauixi, cariapé, rochas trituradas e fragmentos de vasos cerâmicos descartados) encontram-se disponíveis próximos aos sítios até a atualidade, e, portanto foram a área fonte dos mesmos para a confecção dos artefatos cerâmicos.
Sítios arqueológicos com Terra Preta, denominados de Terra Preta de Índio ou ainda Terra Preta Arqueológica (TPA) são muito freqüentes na Amazônia. As TPA geralmente contém fragmentos de vasos cerâmicos, por vezes abundantes, além de líticos, que são materiais de grande importância para os estudos arqueológicos. Para consubstanciar esses estudos, realizou-se pesquisas mineralógicas e químicas em fragmentos cerâmicos provenientes de dois sítios arqueológicos da região de Cachoeira-Porteira, Estado do Pará. Os fragmentos foram classificados segundo seus principais temperos em: cauixi, cariapé, areia+feldspatos e caco de vaso cerâmico. Mineralogicamente são compostos de quartzo, minerais de argila calcinados (especialmente caulinita), feldspatos (albita e microclínio), hematita, goethita, maghemita, variscita-estrengita, fosfatos amorfos, anatásio, e raramente apatita, rhabdophana e óxidos de Mn e Ba. Cauixi e cariapé são componentes orgânicos silicosos e amorfos a DRX. A composição mineralógica e a morfologia dos seus grãos indicam saprólito (material argiloso rico em quartzo) derivado de rochas ígneas félsicas de granulação fina ou rochas sedimentares ricas em argilominerais como matéria-prima dos vasos cerâmicos. Neste material argiloso cauixi, cariapé e/ou areias, ricas em sílica, foram intencionalmente adicionados. O elevado conteúdo de fosfatos de Al-Fe, amorfos ou como de baixa cristalinidade, originou-se a partir do contato entre a matriz argilosa da parede do vaso cerâmico com a solução aquosa quente durante o cozimento diário de alimentos de origem animal (principal fonte de fósforo). A cristalização dos fosfatos deve ter prosseguida mesmo depois que os vasos foram descartados, e juntos com os restos de matéria orgânica vegetal e animal incorporaram-se aos solos residuais. Participaram desta forma na formação dos solos tipo TPA.
The Constant Flux: Constant Sedimentation (CF:CS) and Constant Rate of Supply (CRS) of unsupported/excess Pb-210 models have been applied to a Pb-210 data set providing of eighteen sediments profiles sampled at four riverine systems occurring in Brazil, South America: Corumbatai River basin (S1=Site 1, Sao Paulo State), Atibaia River basin (S2=Site 2, Sao Paulo State), Ribeirao dos Bagres basin (S3=Site 3, Sao Paulo State) and Amazon River mouth. (S4=Site 4, Amapa State). These sites were chosen for a comparative evaluation of the performance of the CF:CS and CRS models due to their pronounced differences on the geographical location, geological context, soil composition, biodiversity, climate, rainfall, and water flow regime, among other variable aspects. However, all sediments cores exhibited a common denominator consisting on a database built from the use of the same techniques for acquiring the sediments major chemical composition (SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O, K2O, CaO, MgO, Fe2O3, MnO, P2O5, TiO2 and LOI-Loss on Ignition) and unsupported/excess 210Pb activity data. In terms of sedimentation rates, the performance of the CRS model was better than that of the CF:CS model as it yielded values more compatible with those expected from field evidences. Under the chronological point of view, the CRS model always provided ages within the permitted range of the Pb-210-method in the studied sites, whereas the CF:CS model predicted some values above 150 years. The SiO2 content decreased in accordance with the LOI increase in all cores analyzed and such inverse relationship was also tracked in the SiO2-LOI curves of historical trends. The SiO2-LOI concentration fluctuations in sites S1 and S3 also coincided with some Cu and Cr inputs in the drainage systems. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.