990 resultados para teleparallel gravity


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Although weightlessness is known to affect living cells, the manner by which this occurs is unknown. Some reaction-diffusion processes have been theoretically predicted as being gravity-dependent. Microtubules, a major constituent of the cellular cytoskeleton, self-organize in vitro by way of reaction-diffusion processes. To investigate how self-organization depends on gravity, microtubules were assembled under low gravity conditions produced during space flight. Contrary to the samples formed on an in-flight 1 × g centrifuge, the samples prepared in microgravity showed almost no self-organization and were locally disordered.


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From the above and the grafical results it can be concluded that cores in the research area are locally dominated by turbiditic sequences, which can be observed by a strong increase in coarser sediment (>35 µm). These coarser intercalations are lacking in the vicinity of basaltic seamounts, probably due to a shadowing effect of the seamounts. The infill of the King George Basin might be dominated by a north eastern current. Sedimentary structures as observed in the cores are often lacking or vague due to hydrothermal effects (Suess, L, 1986).


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Oligocene to Quaternary sediments were recovered from the Antarctic continental margin in the eastern Weddell Sea during ODP Leg 113 and Polarstern expedition ANT-VI. Clay mineral composition and grain size distribution patterns are useful for distinguishing sediments that have been transported by ocean currents from those that were ice-rafted. This, in turn, has assisted in providing insights about the changing late Paleogene to Neogene sedimentary environment as the cryosphere developed in Antarctica. During the middle Oligocene, increasing glacial conditions on the continent are indicated by the presence of glauconite sands, that are interpreted to have formed on the shelf and then transported down the continental slope by advancing glaciers or as a result of sea-level lowering. The dominance of illite and a relatively high content of chlorite suggest predominantly physical weathering conditions on the continent. The high content of biogenic opal from the late Miocene to the late Pliocene resulted from increased upwelling processes at the continental margin due to increased wind strength related to global cooling. Partial melting of the ice-sheet occurred during an early Pliocene climate optimum as is shown by an increasing supply of predominantly current-derived sediment with a low mean grain size and peak values of smectite. Primary productivity decreased at ~ 3 Ma due to the development of a permanent sea-ice cover close to the continent. Late Pleistocene sediments are characterized by planktonic foraminifers and biogenic opal, concentrated in distinct horizons reflecting climatic cycles. Isotopic analysis of AT. pachyderma produced a stratigraphy which resulted in a calculated sedimentation rate of 1 cm/k.y. during the Pleistocene. Primary productivity was highest during the last three interglacial maxima and decreased during glacial episodes as a result of increasing sea-ice coverage.


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Nineteen samples of the Cape Roberts-1 drillcore were taken from Miocene- age deposits, from 90.25 - 146.50 metres below seafloor (mbsf) for thin section and laser grain-size analysis. Using the grain-size distribution, detailed core logging, X-radiography and thin-section analysis of microstructures, coupled with a statistical grouping of the grain-size data, three main styles of gravity-flow sedimentation were revealed. Thin (centimetre-scale) muddy debris-flow deposits are the most common and are possibly tirggered by debris rain-out from sea-ice These deposits are characterised by very poorly sorted, faintly laminated muddy sandstones with coarse granules toward their base. Contacts are gradational to sharp. Variations on this style of mass-wasting deposit are rhythmically stacked sequences of pebbly-coarse sandstones representing successive thin debris-flow events. These suggest very high sedimentation rates on an unstable slope in a shallow-water proximal glacimarine environment. Sandy-silty turbidites appear more common in the lower sections of the core, below approximately 141.00 mbsf, although they occur occasionally with the debris flow deposits The turbidites are characterised by inversely to normally graded, well-laminated siltstones with occasional lonestones, and represent a more distal shallow-water glacimarine environment.


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At Sleipner, CO2 is being separated from natural gas and injected into an underground saline aquifer for environmental purposes. Uncertainty in the aquifer temperature leads to uncertainty in the in situ density of CO2. In this study, gravity measurements were made over the injection site in 2002 and 2005 on top of 30 concrete benchmarks on the seafloor in order to constrain the in situ CO2 density. The gravity measurements have a repeatability of 4.3 µGal for 2003 and 3.5 µGal for 2005. The resulting time-lapse uncertainty is 5.3 µGal. Unexpected benchmark motions due to local sediment scouring contribute to the uncertainty. Forward gravity models are calculated based on both 3D seismic data and reservoir simulation models. The time-lapse gravity observations best fit a high temperature forward model based on the time-lapse 3D seismics, suggesting that the average in situ CO2 density is about to 530kg/m**3. Uncertainty in determining the average density is estimated to be ±65 kg/m**3 (95% confidence), however, this does not include uncertainties in the modeling. Additional seismic surveys and future gravity measurements will put better constraints on the CO2 density and continue to map out the CO2 flow.


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Project no. MO-011.


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Mode of access: Internet.