706 resultados para teacher professional identity
This paper reports on the early stages of a three year study that is investigating the impact of a technology-enriched teacher education program on beginning teachers' integration of computers, graphics calculators, and the internet into secondary school mathematics classrooms. Whereas much of the existing research on the role of technology in mathematics learning has been concerned with effects on curriculum content or student learning, less attention has been given to the relationship between technology use and issues of pedagogy, in particular the impact on teachers' professional learning in the context of specific classroom and school environments. Our research applies sociocultural theories of learning to consider how beginning teachers are initiated into a collaborative professional community featuring both web-based and face to face interaction, and how participation in such a community shapes their pedagogical beliefs and practices. The aim of this paper is to analyse processes through which the emerging community was established and sustained during the first year of the study. We examine features of this community in terms of identity formation, shifts in values and beliefs, and interaction patterns revealed in bulletin board discussion between students and lecturers.
Increasingly, academic teachers are designing their own web sites to add value to or replace other forms of university teaching. These web sites are tangible and dynamic constructions that represent the teachers thinking and decisions derived from an implicit belief system about teaching and learning. The emphasis of this study is to explore the potential of the research techniques of concept-mapping and stimulated recall to locate the implicit pedagogies of academic teachers and investigate how they are enacted through the learning designs of their web sites. The rationale behind such an investigation is that once these implicit belief systems are made visible, then conversations can commence about how these beliefs are transformed into practice, providing a potent departure point for academic development.
BRUNELLI, Conceição Aparecida Garcia: Gênero, raça, discriminação: o tom da cor na direção da escola pública. Mestrado em Educação. Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, São Bernardo do Campo - SP. 1 v. 244 p. 2007. Esse trabalho teve por objetivo investigar a trajetória das mulheres negras diretoras de escola pública e o processo de construção de sua identidade social, cultural, de gênero e raça. De fato, as mulheres negras em questão constroem suas identidades nadando entre águas profundas e revoltas: a das relações de gênero e a das relações raciais. A pesquisa permitiu-nos desvendar o processo seletivo pelo qual passam essas mulheres que conseguiram romper o duplo bloqueio formado pelas relações de gênero e de raça e atingiram a posição profissional de diretoras de escola pública. A questão central que norteia essa pesquisa diz respeito à trajetória de vida da mulher negra que optou pela carreira do magistério, as intercorrências encontradas ao longo de sua trajetória pessoal, de formação acadêmica e profissional, suas experiências, frustrações, expectativas, preconceitos e discriminações sofridos na caminhada até chegar ao exercício de sua atividade pública, sua ascensão social, o ingresso na carreira pública e as relações de poder que perpassam as questões de gênero e raça. Aborda ainda como essas intercorrências incidem sobre o processo de construção da identidade dessas mulheres negras e de suas relações com seus colegas brancos, homens e mulheres. A coleta de dados empíricos foi realizada através da história oral representada pela memória dessas mulheres, baseada nos depoimentos escritos e em entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os depoimentos colhidos permitiram reunir material que foram interpretados segundo as relações de poder elaboradas por Foucault e que nos possibilitam a compreensão e uma reflexão do processo de construção das identidades individual e coletiva.
Esse trabalho teve por objetivo investigar a trajetória das mulheres negras diretoras de escola pública e o processo de construção de sua identidade social, cultural, de gênero e raça. De fato, as mulheres negras em questão constroem suas identidades nadando entre águas profundas e revoltas: a das relações de gênero e a das relações raciais. A pesquisa permitiu-nos desvendar o processo seletivo pelo qual passam essas mulheres que conseguiram romper o duplo bloqueio formado pelas relações de gênero e de raça e atingiram a posição profissional de diretoras de escola pública. A questão central que norteia essa pesquisa diz respeito à trajetória de vida da mulher negra que optou pela carreira do magistério, as intercorrências encontradas ao longo de sua trajetória pessoal, de formação acadêmica e profissional, suas experiências, frustrações, expectativas, preconceitos e discriminações sofridos na caminhada até chegar ao exercício de sua atividade pública, sua ascensão social, o ingresso na carreira pública e as relações de poder que perpassam as questões de gênero e raça. Aborda ainda como essas intercorrências incidem sobre o processo de construção da identidade dessas mulheres negras e de suas relações com seus colegas brancos, homens e mulheres. A coleta de dados empíricos foi realizada através da história oral representada pela memória dessas mulheres, baseada nos depoimentos escritos e em entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os depoimentos colhidos permitiram reunir material que foram interpretados segundo as relações de poder elaboradas por Foucault e que nos possibilitam a compreensão e uma reflexão do processo de construção das identidades individual e coletiva.
Este trabalho investiga as relações interpessoais entre professores(as) e formadores(as), tendo como foco o(a) Professor(a) de Apoio Pedagógico (PAP), na Prefeitura de São Bernardo do Campo. Analisa a complexidade que envolve o trabalho formativo e verifica as relações estabelecidas entre estes pares: hierarquia, intervenções formativas, relações de poder, trabalho coletivo e veiculações de conhecimento. O(a) PAP ao final do ano é avaliado(a), num passado recente, pelo grupo, e atualmente, pelo(a) diretor(a) e referendado a assumir a função no ano seguinte, dando continuidade ao seu trabalho ou não. Se não referendado, volta para a sala de aula. Observa-se que alguns(mas) PAP s vem conseguindo ser referendados(as) e mantém-se há dez anos na função. A questão desta pesquisa é: O que leva o(a) formador(a) de professores(as) a conseguir tal legitimidade do grupo? Foram realizadas entrevistas, com vistas a uma abordagem metodológica de Histórias de Vida com análise das trajetórias formativas e profissionais de sete PAP´s (três que estão na função desde 1998, quando da sua criação, e quatro que estão na função desde 2007). Os referenciais teóricos estão ancorados em Antònio Nóvoa quando discute identidade e autoconhecimento do(a) professor(a); Paulo Freire na abordagem sobre dialogicidade como prática da liberdade; Madalena Freire quando analisa a resistência e constituição de grupo. A conclusão da pesquisa aponta que para conquistar a legitimidade do grupo, o(a) formador(a) deve estar atento para não cair na armadilha da burocracia, a qual por muitos anos tem feito parte das instituições escolares, promovendo enquadramento e controle; também não deve se aprisionar na arrogância que a posição gestora pode suscitar. Para conquistar a legitimidade do grupo, a capacidade de enfrentamento dos medos e conflitos através do diálogo como prática da liberdade é fundamental e, neste sentido, construir uma identidade formadora da qual faz parte o ouvir atento e o observar apurado dos movimentos do grupo, demanda uma postura ética em que as relações se constroem através do respeito, amorosidade, fé nos homens e criticidade.(AU)
The focus of this paper is on the doctoral research training experienced by one of the authors and the ways in which the diverse linguistic and disciplinary perspectives of her two supervisors (co-authors of this paper) mediated the completion of her study. The doctoral candidate is a professional translator/interpreter and translation teacher. The paper describes why and how she identified her research area and then focused on the major research questions in collaboration with her two supervisors, who brought their differing perspectives from the field of linguistics to this translation research, even though they are not translators by profession or disciplinary background and do not speak Korean. In addition, the discussion considers the focus, purpose and theoretical orientation of the research itself (which addressed questions of readability in translated English-Korean texts through detailed analysis of a corpus and implications for professional translator training) as well as the supervisory and conceptual processes and practices involved. The authors contend that doctoral research of this kind can be seen as a mutual learning process and that inter-disciplinary research can make a contribution not only to the development of rigorous research in the field of translation studies but also to the other disciplinary fields involved.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015
The purpose of this study was threefold. The primary purpose was to develop a stress profile for teachers in private schools. This study also addressed two exploratory issues. The first, consisted of an examination of the possible differences in the levels of on-the-job stress among teachers in different types of private schools. A second issue was to discuss the findings on private school in light of the extant literature on public schools, specifically using the data collected by Fimain to develop the Teacher Stress Inventory. This study was conducted utilizing 316 full time teachers from seven schools from six different states.^ The instrument employed in this study was the Teacher Stress Inventory (TSI) developed by Fimian (1988). The TSI is a 10 factor, 49 item self-report measure. The 10 factors consist of five Stress Sources and five Stress measure. The 10 factors consist of five Stress Sources and five Stress Manifestations subscales. The mean for these 10 factors yields the stress construct termed "Total Stress." Of the 437 surveys mailed, 316 usable surveys, i.e., 72.3%, were returned.^ The results suggest that private school teachers experience moderate levels of stress. The mean score was 2.27 indicating a lower than average stress level as measured by the TSI. Comparisons between types of private schools revealed that there were no significant differences between the stress levels of teachers in boarding and nonboarding schools. Teachers in large schools experience significantly higher levels of stress than teachers in small and medium size schools. However, the measurable difference between them translates into a very small difference in terms of the real stress levels of these teachers in their professional lives. A significant difference was also found between the stress levels of public $(M=2.60)$ and private school teachers $(M=2.27).$ Both means fall within the moderate range, however, while private school teachers experience lower than average levels of stress, the stress levels of teachers in public schools falls in the higher than average range.^ Recommendations for reducing stress levels in both private and public schools are presented as well as suggestions for future research. ^
The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of five educators participating in a teacher-initiated learning community that valued practical teacher knowledge. Connelly and Clandinin (2000) argued that practical teacher knowledge grew out of experience through interaction in the professional knowledge landscape. Collaboration that promoted teacher learning was the foundation to effective school change (Wood, 1997). This teacher-initiated learning community consisted of members who had equal status and collaborated by participating in discourse on curriculum and instruction. The collegiality of the community fostered teacher professionalism that improved practice and benefited the school. This study focused on the following research questions: (1) What was the experience of these five educators in this learning community? (2) What did these five individuals understand about the nature of practical teacher knowledge? (3) According to the participants, what was the relationship between teacher empowerment and effective school change? ^ The participants were chosen because each voluntarily attended this teacher-initiated learning community. Each participant answered questions regarding the experience during three semi-structured tape-recorded interviews. The interviews were transcribed, and significant statements of meaning were extracted. Using a triangulation of ideas that were common to at least three of the participants ensured the trustworthiness of the analysis. These statements were combined to describe what was experienced and how the participants described their experience. The emerging themes were the characteristics of and the relationships, methods, conditions, and environment for the teachers. The teachers described how a knowledge base of practical teacher knowledge was gained as a spirit of camaraderie developed. The freedom that the teachers experienced to collaborate and learn fostered new classroom practice that affected school change as student interaction and productivity increased. ^ The qualitative analysis of this study provided a description of a learning community that valued practical teacher knowledge and fostered professional development. This description was important to educational stakeholders because it demonstrated how practical teacher knowledge was gained during the teachers' daily work. By sharing every day experiences, the teacher talk generated collaboration and accountability that the participants felt improved practice and fostered a safe, productive learning environment for students. ^
Beginning teachers in the field of English Language Arts and Reading are responsible for providing literacy instruction to students. Teachers need a broad background in teaching reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing, as well as critical thinking. In secondary schools in particular, beginning English Language Arts and Reading teachers are also faced with the challenge of preparing students to be proficient enough readers and writers to meet required State standards. Beginning teachers must navigate compelling challenges that exist during the first years of teaching. The school support systems available to new teachers are an integral part of their educational development. ^ This qualitative study was conceptualized as an in-depth examination of the experiences and perceptions of eight beginning teachers. They represented different racial/ethnic groups, attended different teacher preparation programs, and taught in different school cultures. The data were collected through formal and informal interviews and classroom observations. A qualitative system of data analysis was used to examine the patterns relating to the interrelationship between teacher preparation programs and school support systems. ^ The experiences of the beginning teachers in this study indicated that teacher education programs should provide preservice teachers with a critical knowledge base for teaching literature, language, and composition. A liberal arts background in English, followed by an extensive program focusing on pedagogy, seems to provide a thorough level of curriculum and instructional practices needed for teaching in 21st century classrooms. The data further suggested that a school support system should pair beginning teachers with mentor teachers and provide a caring, professional environment that seeks to nurture the teacher as she/he develops during the first years of teaching. ^
Science professional development, which is fundamental to science education improvement, has been described as being weak and fragmentary. The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' perceptions of informal science professional development to gain an in-depth understanding of the essence of the phenomenon and related science-teaching dispositions. Based on the frameworks of phenomenology, constructivism, and adult learning theory, the focus was on understanding how the phenomenon was experienced within the context of teachers' everyday world. ^ Data were collected from eight middle-school teachers purposefully selected because they had participated in informal programs during Project TRIPS (Teaching Revitalized Through Informal Programs in Science), a collaboration between the Miami-Dade school district, government agencies (including NASA), and non-profit organizations (including Audubon of Florida). In addition, the teachers experienced hands-on labs offered through universities (including the University of Arizona), field sites, and other agencies. ^ The study employed Seidman's (1991) three-interview series to collect the data. Several methods were used to enhance the credibility of the research, including using triangulation of the data. The interviews were transcribed, color-coded and organized into six themes that emerged from the data. The themes included: (a) internalized content knowledge, (b) correlated hands-on activities, (c) enhanced science-teaching disposition, (d) networking/camaraderie, (e) change of context, and (f) acknowledgment as professionals. The teachers identified supportive elements and constraints related to each theme. ^ The results indicated that informal programs offering experiential learning opportunities strengthened understanding of content knowledge. Teachers implemented hands-on activities that were explicitly correlated to their curriculum. Programs that were conducted in a relaxed context enhanced teachers' science-teaching dispositions. However, a lack of financial and administrative support, perceived safety risks, insufficient reflection time, and unclear itineraries impeded program implementation. The results illustrated how informal educators can use this cohesive model as they develop programs that address the supports and constraints to teachers' science instruction needs. This, in turn, can aid teachers as they strive to provide effective science instruction to students; notions embedded in reforms. Ultimately, this can affect how learners develop the ability to make informed science decisions that impact the quality of life on a global scale. ^