881 resultados para socio-demographic differences


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El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la comorbilidad entre los factores de ansiedad del SCARED y síntomas depresivos en niños de 8-12 años. 792 niñas y 715 niños completaron el Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorder (SCARED), el Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) y un cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos. El 47% de la muestra presentó síntomas ansiosos y el 11,5% presentó síntomas depresivos. La comorbilidad heterotípica fue del 82% en niños con riesgo de depresión y del 20% en niños con riesgo de ansiedad. La comorbilidad homotípica entre los factores de ansiedad fue del 87%. La comorbilidad homotípica y heterotípica fueron elevadas, su detección hará posible prevenir la continuidad de un trastorno de ansiedad y el desarrollo de depresión


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In this study we examined the shape of the association between temperature and mortality in 13 Spanish cities representing a wide range of climatic and socio demographic conditions. The temperature value linked with minimum mortality (MMT) and the slopes before and after the turning point (MMT) were calculated. Most cities showed a V-shaped temperature-mortality relationship. MMTs were generally higher in cities with warmer climates. Cold and heat effects also depended on climate: effects were greater in hotter cities but lesser in cities with higher variability. The effect of heat was greater than the effect of cold. The effect of cold and MMT was, in general, greater for cardio-respiratory mortality than for total mortality, while the effect of heat was, in general, greater among the elderly


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Sabe-se que a definição de identidade tem como base os diferentes estilos de processamento identitários assim como a definição de um projeto, finalidade ou sentido de vida. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi o de compreender como os estilos de processamento de identidade, por um lado, e a definição de um sentido de vida e de objetivos, podem concorrer para o desenvolvimento de uma identidade positiva. Para estudar esta questão foram aplicados cinco questionários: o questionário de dados socio-demograficos, a Escala de Sentido de Vida, a Escala de Objetivos de Vida, a versão traduzida do Psychosocial Inventary of Ego Strenghts e a versão traduzida do Identity Stile Inventory (ISI13).A amostra foi composta por 149 estudantes, sendo 24 do género masculino e 125 do género feminino, de um 1º ciclo de estudos com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 30 anos. Os resultados demonstraram que os estilos de processamento de identidade e o sentido de vida encontram-se relacionados com a identidade reunindo em si a capacidade proditora da mesma, atuando como fatores independentes.


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O objectivo principal desta dissertação é estudar qual o impacto do contexto cultural e do local de trabalho sob os valores sociais. Pretende-se averiguar se a “herança cultural” portuguesa em Macau gera, ou não, consenso nos valores de portugueses a viver e trabalhar em Macau e em Portugal. Vai-se verificar se as atitudes sociais dos portugueses a viver em Macau variam das dos portugueses a viver em Portugal. Por outro lado, deseja-se perceber se a cultura chinesa influencia os valores dos portugueses a viver em Macau. Realizou-se um estudo comparativo com 119 participantes portugueses, dos quais 61 viviam em Macau e 58 a viviam em Portugal, os quais responderam a um questionário que apresentava primeiro a medida de valores e de seguida as questões sócio demográficas. A medida usada foi a versão portuguesa da versão reduzida do PVQ (Portrait Values Questionaire; Schwartz, 2001 in Ramos, 2006). Os resultados mostram que há um conjunto de valores e atitudes partilhados por Portugueses em Macau e em Portugal, no entanto, o local de trabalho e o contexto sócio-cultural não tiveram efeito significativo sob os valores.


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O interesse e a escolha do tema satisfação dos profissionais docentes acontece porque a satisfação profissional influencia por um lado o trabalhador ao nível da saúde e bem-estar, e por outro a organização, uma vez que associados à satisfação estão aspectos tão importantes como eficácia, produtividade, clima e abandono. No caso dos professores, o mal-estar vai afectar não só os docentes como também os alunos, influenciando assim negativamente o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O objectivo deste estudo consiste em identificar quais os factores que contribuem para a satisfação e insatisfação dos professores da Escola Conde de Oeiras, analisando também a influencia de variáveis sócio-demográficas como os anos de experiencia e o ciclo de ensino leccionado. Para tal foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: - o Questionário de Satisfação Profissional dos Professores (TJSQ); - e o Questionário de Satisfação Geral no Trabalho. Através dos resultados obtidos é possível concluir que, de uma forma geral os professores desta escola se encontram satisfeitos face à sua actividade profissional e que não a desejam abandonar, no entanto na dimensão recompensas pessoais existe algum mal-estar, confirmando assim a teoria de Herzeberg que afirma, que a insatisfação dos professores decorre de motivos sócio-políticos.


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Aims:To analyze the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with adult polycystic kidney disease admitted to hemodialysis services in Northwestern Paraná state,Brazil. Methods: This was an observational, descriptive and retrospective longitudinal study. Medical records of patients with polycystic kidneys who initiated hemodialysis between 1995 and 2012, in four centers that treat patients of the coverage area of the 15th Regional Health Region of Paraná state where analyzed. Results:We found that 10.3% of hemodialysis patients had polycystic kidney disease as a leading cause of stage 5 of chronic kidney disease. The mean age of patients was 54.9±9.4 years (ranging between 27 and 74 years), with equal gender distribution and Caucasian predominance (72.9%). The average age of dialysis initiation was 50±10.2 years. The most common comorbidity was systemic hypertension (66.7%). Liver cyst was the main extra-renal manifestation (10.4%). Twenty-five percent of the patients required renal transplantation, and (22.9%) undergone nephrectomy. The most widely used classes of antihypertensive drugs were β-blockers (41.7%) and drugs that act on the renin-angiotensin system (31.3%), while 56.3% of patients were treated with recombinant human erythropoietin. Conclusions:This is a pioneering epidemiological study in Northwestern Paraná state. We found in this population a sociodemographic and clinical profile of adult polycystic kidney disease similar to that of North America and Europe, probably because the ethnic constitution of the sample was predominantly of Euro-descendants.


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No contexto complexo dos mercados de consumo, entender e dominar todas as bases e práticas de marketing tornou-se essencial para a sobrevivência de qualquer marca/empresa. No mercado global da moda, a transformação ainda é mais acelerada em resultado da evolução das necessidades e desejos dos consumidores e do fácil acesso à informação. A partir da pesquisa bibliográfica especificamos e analisamos complexo mundo da moda, o conceito de marketing de moda e os factores estratégicos necessários para compreender a sobrevivência e crescimento de uma marca de moda no mercado actual, compreendendo a capacidade do sector da moda em adaptar-se às constantes mudanças do mercado e da sociedade, sem deixar de corresponder às expectativas e necessidades dos consumidores. Aprofundaremos esta problemática explorando o caso da marca de moda Zara, reconhecida e aplaudida pelo seu êxito global, realizando um estudo de caso, com o objectivo de compreender a percepção dos diferentes consumidores em resultado das estratégias de comunicação e de marketing da marca. O do nosso estudo empírico é compreender se a marca age correctamente ou não ao aplicar as mesmas estratégias em dois países distintos, Portugal e Espanha, que considera como domésticos. Em resultado do estudo realizado, constatámos que apesar da percepção da marca ser algo semelhante, as divergências no que toca no factor preço e influência dele, misturado com as diferenças socioeconómicas e de disponibilidade económica de ambos os países, provocam uma discrepância de opiniões e percepções.Concluímos a nossa dissertação com a apresentação de sugestões relativas ao marketing mix que visam um melhor ajustamento entre a percepção da imagem de marca da Zara e a estratégia de marketing seguida por esta marca de moda.


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It is becoming increasingly difficult for the public to attempt to assess risks using traditional methods such as smell, taste or other physical attributes of food. The existence of extrinsic cues such as the country of origin (COO) of food can help to make food purchase decisions easier for consumers. However, the use of extrinsic cues depends heavily on the extent to which consumers trust such signals to be indicative of quality or safety, which in turn depends on the credibility behind that cue. This paper aims to examine consumers association of domestically produced food with increased food safety standards and the association of COO and food safety information with socio-demographics and other aspects of consumer psychology such as attitudes, risk perception and trust. Using an ordered probit model, domestic production is examined as an extrinsic cue for food safety by looking at the relationship with trust in food safety information provided by national food standards agencies (NFSAs) and other socio-demographic characteristics, based on nationally representative data from 2725 face-to-face interviews across five European countries. Results suggest that domestic production of food is an extrinsic cue for food safety and as consumers place increasing importance on food safety they are more interested in food produced in their own country. This, coupled with consumer trust in a strong, and independent national food standards agency, suggests the potential exists for the increased consumption of domestically produced foods.


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This study suggests a statistical strategy for explaining how food purchasing intentions are influenced by different levels of risk perception and trust in food safety information. The modelling process is based on Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behaviour and includes trust and risk perception as additional explanatory factors. Interaction and endogeneity across these determinants is explored through a system of simultaneous equations, while the SPARTA equation is estimated through an ordered probit model. Furthermore, parameters are allowed to vary as a function of socio-demographic variables. The application explores chicken purchasing intentions both in a standard situation and conditional to an hypothetical salmonella scare. Data were collected through a nationally representative UK wide survey of 533 UK respondents in face-to-face, in-home interviews. Empirical findings show that interactions exist among the determinants of planned behaviour and socio-demographic variables improve the model's performance. Attitudes emerge as the key determinant of intention to purchase chicken, while trust in food safety information provided by media reduces the likelihood to purchase. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The complex interactions between the determinants of food purchase under risk are explored using the SPARTA model, based on the theory of planned behaviour, and estimated through a combination of multivariate statistical techniques. The application investigates chicken consumption choices in two scenarios: ( a) a 'standard' purchasing situation; and (b) following a hypothetical Salmonella scare. The data are from a nationally representative survey of 2,725 respondents from five European countries: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Results show that the effects and interactions of behavioural determinants vary significantly within Europe. Only in the case of a food scare do risk perceptions and trust come into play. The policy priority should be on building and maintaining trust in food and health authorities and research institutions, while food chain actors could mitigate the consequences of a food scare through public trust. No relationship is found between socio-demographic variables and consumer trust in food safety information.


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Promotion of adherence to healthy-eating norms has become an important element of nutrition policy in the United States and other developed countries. We assess the potential consumption impacts of adherence to a set of recommended dietary norms in the United States using a mathematical programming approach. We find that adherence to recommended dietary norms would involve significant changes in diets, with large reductions in the consumption of fats and oils along with large increases in the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and cereals. Compliance with norms recommended by the World Health Organization for energy derived from sugar would involve sharp reductions in sugar intakes. We also analyze how dietary adjustments required vary across demographic groups. Most socio-demographic characteristics appear to have relatively little influence on the pattern of adjustment required to comply with norms, Income levels have little effect on required dietary adjustments. Education is the only characteristic to have a significant influence on the magnitude of adjustments required. The least educated rather than the poorest have to bear the highest burden of adjustment. Out- analysis suggests that fiscal measures like nutrient-based taxes may not be as regressive as commonly believed. Dissemination of healthy-eating norms to the less educated will be a key challenge for nutrition policy.


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Promotion of adherence to healthy-eating norms has become an important element of nutrition policy in the United States and other developed countries. We assess the potential consumption impacts of adherence to a set of recommended dietary norms in the United States using a mathematical programming approach. We find that adherence to recommended dietary norms would involve significant changes in diets, with large reductions in the consumption of fats and oils along with large increases in the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and cereals. Compliance with norms recommended by the World Health Organization for energy derived from sugar would involve sharp reductions in sugar intakes. We also analyze how dietary adjustments required vary across demographic groups. Most socio-demographic characteristics appear to have relatively little influence on the pattern of adjustment required to comply with norms, Income levels have little effect on required dietary adjustments. Education is the only characteristic to have a significant influence on the magnitude of adjustments required. The least educated rather than the poorest have to bear the highest burden of adjustment. Out- analysis suggests that fiscal measures like nutrient-based taxes may not be as regressive as commonly believed. Dissemination of healthy-eating norms to the less educated will be a key challenge for nutrition policy.


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The inequality of nutrition and obesity re-focuses concern on who in society is consuming the worst diet. Identification of individuals with the worst of dietary habits permits for targeting interventions to assuage obesity among the population segment where it is most prevalent. We argue that the use of fiscal interventions does not appropriately take into account the economic, social and health circumstances of the intended beneficiaries of the policy. This paper reviews the influence of socio-demographic factors on nutrition and health status and considers the impacts of nutrition policy across the population drawing on methodologies from both public health and welfare economics. The effects of a fat tax on diet are found to be small and while other studies show that fat taxes saves lives, we show that average levels of disease risk do not change much: those consuming particularly bad diets continue to do so. Our results also suggest that the regressivity of the policy increases as the tax becomes focused on products with high saturated fat contents. A fiscally neutral policy that combines the fat tax with a subsidy on fruit and vegetables is actually more regressive because consumption of these foods tends to be concentrated in socially undeserving households. We argue that when inequality is of concern, population-based measures must reflect this and approaches that target vulnerable populations which have a shared propensity to adopt unhealthy behaviours are appropriate.


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Excessive salt intake is linked to cardiovascular disease and several other health problems around the world. The UK Food Standards Agency initiated a campaign at the end of 2004 to reduce salt intake in the population. There is disagreement over whether the campaign was effective in curbing salt intake or not. We provide fresh evidence on the impact of the campaign, by using data on spot urinary sodium readings and socio-demographic variables from the Health Survey for England over 2003–2007 and combining it with food price information from the Expenditure and Food Survey. Aggregating the data into a pseudo-panel, we estimate fixed effects models to examine the trend in salt intake over the period and to deduce the heterogeneous effects of the policy on the intake of socio-demographic groups. Our results are consistent with a previous hypothesis that the campaign reduced salt intakes by approximately 10%. The impact is shown to be stronger among women than among men. Older cohorts of men show a larger response to the salt campaign compared to younger cohorts, while among women, younger cohorts respond more strongly than older cohorts.


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Issues pertaining to consumer understanding of food health claims are complex and difficult to disentangle because there is a surprising lack of multidisciplinary research aimed at evaluating how consumers are influenced by factors impacting on the evaluation process. In the EU, current legislation is designed to protect consumers from misleading and false claims but there is much debate about the concept of the ‘average consumer’ referred to in the legislation. This review provides an overview of the current legislative framework, discusses the concept of the ‘average consumer’ and brings together findings on consumer understanding from an international perspective. It examines factors related to the personal characteristics of individuals such as socio-demographic status, knowledge, and attitudes, and factors pertaining to food and food supplement products such as the wording of claims and the communication of the strength and consistency of the scientific evidence. As well as providing insights for future research, the conclusions highlight the importance of enhancing the communication of scientific evidence to improve consumer understanding of food health claims.