536 resultados para shade


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Global environmental changes (GEC) such as climate change (CC) and climate variability have serious impacts in the tropics, particularly in Africa. These are compounded by changes in land use/land cover, which in turn are driven mainly by economic and population growth, and urbanization. These factors create a feedback loop, which affects ecosystems and particularly ecosystem services, for example plant-insect interactions, and by consequence agricultural productivity. We studied effects of GEC at a local level, using a traditional coffee production area in greater Nairobi, Kenya. We chose coffee, the most valuable agricultural commodity worldwide, as it generates income for 100 million people, mainly in the developing world. Using the coffee berry borer, the most serious biotic threat to global coffee production, we show how environmental changes and different production systems (shaded and sun-grown coffee) can affect the crop. We combined detailed entomological assessments with historic climate records (from 1929-2011), and spatial and demographic data, to assess GEC's impact on coffee at a local scale. Additionally, we tested the utility of an adaptation strategy that is simple and easy to implement. Our results show that while interactions between CC and migration/urbanization, with its resultant landscape modifications, create a feedback loop whereby agroecosystems such as coffee are adversely affected, bio-diverse shaded coffee proved far more resilient and productive than coffee grown in monoculture, and was significantly less harmed by its insect pest. Thus, a relatively simple strategy such as shading coffee can tremendously improve resilience of agro-ecosystems, providing small-scale farmers in Africa with an easily implemented tool to safeguard their livelihoods in a changing climate.


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The negative effects of climate change are already evident for many of the 25 million coffee farmers across the tropics and the 90 billion dollar (US) coffee industry. The coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei), the most important pest of coffee worldwide, has already benefited from the temperature rise in East Africa: increased damage to coffee crops and expansion in its distribution range have been reported. In order to anticipate threats and prioritize management actions for H. hampei we present here, maps on future distributions of H. hampei in coffee producing areas of East Africa. Using the CLIMEX model we relate present-day insect distributions to current climate and then project the fitted climatic envelopes under future scenarios A2A and B2B (for HADCM3 model). In both scenarios, the situation with H. hampei is forecasted to worsen in the current Coffea arabica producing areas of Ethiopia, the Ugandan part of the Lake Victoria and Mt. Elgon regions, Mt. Kenya and the Kenyan side of Mt. Elgon, and most of Rwanda and Burundi. The calculated hypothetical number of generations per year of H. hampei is predicted to increase in all C. arabica-producing areas from five to ten. These outcomes will have serious implications for C. arabica production and livelihoods in East Africa. We suggest that the best way to adapt to a rise of temperatures in coffee plantations could be via the introduction of shade trees in sun grown plantations. The aims of this study are to fill knowledge gaps existing in the coffee industry, and to draft an outline for the development of an adaptation strategy package for climate change on coffee production. An abstract in Spanish is provided as Abstract S1.


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The present work concerns the use of shade elements as architectural elements to block sunlight in public buildings. In a city like Natal, (5o South) the incidence of sunrays in any type of design should be a constant concern for all the architects. Besides, this habit of avoiding insolation in the environment is not a common practice. Within this context, the present work has the objective to dig deep into the knowledge of solar control, studying some cases and verifying its function according to the orientation and the original design of the building, having in mind if the shade elements usually used in the region have achieved their purpose of providing protection against the incidence of direct sun rays. This study considers the position of the shade element (horizontal and vertical), the angle formed between them and the respective facades, and the local of the buildings in relation to their orientation during the summer, winter and equinox solstice. As supporting instruments the solar map of the city and the protractor, for measuring shade angles, were used. It was concluded that in all the cases studied, it was not possible to obtain the maximum use of the elements. It was verified that the best type of shade element (more efficient) for the city of Natal is the mixed type (horizontal and vertical) and that the vertical shade elements are more efficient in the early mornings and late afternoon. The horizontal shade elements are used more effective at midday. We intend to present the results of this study to the architects in the region in order to show them the correct ways of using the shade elements according to the possible orientation on the facade, as a supporting tool at the time of designing a project as well as a subsidy for further discussions on the elaboration of the new urban standards for the city of Natal/RN


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O presente relatório tem como principal objetivo desenvolver a competência da interculturalidade no âmbito da linguagem não-verbal de alunos portugueses, do 3º ciclo do ensino básico, com frequência à disciplina de Espanhol. A Linguagem não-verbal tem um contributo preponderante na comunicação e, quando há a pretensão de se conhecer outra cultura, é forçoso que se interpretem os diferentes sistemas onde cada indivíduo se integra e interage, porque comunicar eficazmente com o outro implica um conhecimento das estruturas simbólicas e dos códigos culturais intrínsecos, não só à cultura de um outro específico, mas também ao seu próprio contexto sociocultural, histórico-cultural e económico-cultural. Este trabalho faz apologia de um ensino intercultural que promova o diálogo entre culturas, sabendo-se de antemão que há representações que devem ser desconstruídas, bem como uma linguagem não-verbal específica que pode interferir na pragmática da interculturalidade. Trata-se de uma investigação-ação demarcada por dois momentos distintos: um primeiro estudo vocacionado para a consciencialização dos alunos de que a comunicação não-verbal é uma competência que se ensina e se aprende e um segundo estudo dedicado a aspetos culturais diferenciadores, entre Espanha e Portugal, na linguagem não-verbal , com enfoque nos gestos culturais e no tratamento do tempo. Os dados a analisar são: a transcrição de uma aula gravada, onde foram aplicados vários recursos audiovisuais e escritos consentâneos com as unidades programáticas, e as respostas a um questionário dirigido à turma de intervenção e a uma turma de nacionalidade espanhola que com ela colaborou. A implementação destas atividades/estratégias didáticas permitiu concluir que, por um lado, os alunos interpretam os diferentes códigos não -verbais à luz de uma perspetiva universal, por outro, há uma forte influência de estereótipos herdados e filtrados, a partir de diferentes marcos histórico-temporais. Este estudo sobre o não- verbal também se traduziu num alicerce bastante hábil para motivar à aprendizagem em geral e para enriquecer o conhecimento sobre a cultura do outro e a sua própria cultura, através da aquisição de códigos não- verbais comunicativo-funcionais.


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The function of the extracytoplasmic AUXIN-BINDING-PROTEIN1 (ABP1) is largely enigmatic. We complemented a homozygous T-DNA insertion null mutant of ABP1 in Arabidopsis thaliana Wassilewskia with three mutated and one wild-type (wt) ABP1 cDNA, all tagged C-terminally with a strepII-FLAG tag upstream the KDEL signal. Based on in silico modelling, the abp1 mutants were predicted to have altered geometries of the auxin binding pocket and calculated auxin binding energies lower than the wt. Phenotypes linked to auxin transport were compromised in these three complemented abp1 mutants. Red light effects, such as elongation of hypocotyls in constant red (R) and far-red (FR) light, in white light supplemented by FR light simulating shade, and inhibition of gravitropism by R or FR, were all compromised in the complemented lines. Using auxin-or light-induced expression of marker genes, we showed that auxininduced expression was delayed already after 10 min, and light-induced expression within 60 min, even though TIR1/AFB or phyB are thought to act as receptors relevant for gene expression regulation. The expression of marker genes in seedlings responding to both auxin and shade showed that for both stimuli regulation of marker gene expression was altered after 10-20 min in the wild type and phyB mutant. The rapidity of expression responses provides a framework for the mechanics of functional interaction of ABP1 and phyB to trigger interwoven signalling pathways.


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The auxin receptor ABP1 directly regulates plasma membrane activities including the number of PIN-formed (PIN) proteins and auxin efflux transport. Red light (R) mediated by phytochromes regulates the steady-state level of ABP1 and auxin-inducible growth capacity in etiolated tissues but, until now, there has been no genetic proof that ABP1 and phytochrome regulation of elongation share a common mechanism for organ elongation. In far red (FR)-enriched light, hypocotyl lengths were larger in the abp1-5 and abp1/ABP1 mutants, but not in tir1-1, a null mutant of the TRANSPORT-INHIBITOR-RESPONSE1 auxin receptor. The polar auxin transport inhibitor naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) decreased elongation in the low R: FR light-enriched white light (WL) condition more strongly than in the high red: FR light-enriched condition WL suggesting that auxin transport is an important condition for FR-induced elongation. The addition of NPA to hypocotyls grown in R-and FR-enriched light inhibited hypocotyl gravitropism to a greater extent in both abp1 mutants and in phyB-9 and phyA-211 than the wild-type hypocotyl, arguing for decreased phytochrome action in conjunction with auxin transport in abp1 mutants. Transcription of FR-enriched light-induced genes, including several genes regulated by auxin and shade, was reduced 3-5-fold in abp1-5 compared with Col and was very low in abp1/ABP1. In the phyB-9 mutant the expression of these reporter genes was 5-15-fold lower than in Col. In tir1-1 and the phyA-211 mutants shade-induced gene expression was greatly attenuated. Thus, ABP1 directly or indirectly participates in auxin and light signalling.


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As florestas de galeria vêm sendo fragmentadas, levando à perda de sua elevada diversidade, tornando-se imprescindíveis estudos que avaliem o comportamento ecológico de suas espécies arbóreas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo testar a hipótese de que a produção de mudas de Copaifera langsdorffii é influenciada pela luminosidade do ambiente, apresentando maior qualidade e desenvolvimento inicial em níveis intermediários de luz. As plantas foram testadas em pleno sol, 30%, 50%, 70% e 90% de sombreamento, avaliando-se número de folhas, altura e diâmetro aos 60, 90, 120 e 191 dias após a emergência (DAE) e massa seca aérea e radicular e, índice de qualidade de Dickson ao final do experimento (191 DAE). O efeito dos níveis de sombreamento foi analisado por meio de análise de regressão. As plantas apresentaram boa plasticidade de crescimento nos diferentes níveis de luminosidade, mas com melhor desenvolvimento e qualidade (IQD) em 50% de sombreamento, corroborando a hipótese testada. A luminosidade ou sombreamento excessivo devem ser evitados para garantir a produção de mudas mais vigorosas de Copaifera langsdorffii. Assim, recomenda-se a produção de mudas desta espécie sob 50% de sombreamento para favorecer a sua qualidade e possivelmente garantir melhor sobrevivência em campo.


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Para o sucesso de um processo de revegetação, além de melhorar as condições edáficas da área, deve-se dispor de mudas de boa qualidade, o que pode ser avaliado pelo estado nutricional. Neste trabalho, avaliaramse os teores foliares de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn de mudas de Dipteryx alata produzidas a pleno sol ou em cultivo protegido (30% de sombreamento), utilizando como substrato solo degradado, condicionado ou não com resíduo orgânico (32 t ha-1 macrófitas) e com diferentes doses de fósforo (0, 100, 200 e 300 mg dm-3 P2O5), comparativamente à mudas e parte aérea de plantas adultas, coletadas em campo. A cada coleta de folhas em campo, o solo foi coletado e analisado para P, MO, pH, K, Ca, Mg, H+Al, SB e CTC. A mesma análise foi realizada nas unidades experimentais, ao final do experimento. Os resultados mostram que o Dipteryx alata é pouco exigente em P, que os teores foliares, nas mudas de campo, são superiores às plantas adultas em N, P, K e S e inferiores para Ca e que o estádio de desenvolvimento da planta não influenciou os teores foliares de Mg, B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn. O resíduo orgânico não foi suficiente para fornecer o N necessário às mudas produzidas. O cultivo a pleno sol propiciou maiores teores foliares de N, P, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Fe e Mn. Teores foliares de N, P, K, Ca, B, Fe e Zn foram superiores na presença de resíduo orgânico.


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The rehabilitation of the old cocoa ( Theobroma cacao L. ) farms is one of the major challenges for a sustainable cocoa production. A study was carried out to set up a guide which could be used as a decision making tool for a quick and efficient diagnosis of the old cocoa orchards and to choose the appropriate regeneration option (rehabilitation or replanting). A sample of 90 rehabilitated cocoa farms and of 75 replanted cocoa farms was surveyed in 12 regions representing the three main cocoa producing sectors in the country. Data were collected on the key agronomic characteristics of these cacao farms. These were cocoa variety, farm size, age, yield, planting density, number of shade trees and the level of damages caused by insects and diseases. The results showed that age, planting density and yield were the discriminating criteria of these farms. The average values of these criteria were 25 to 30 years for the age, 800 to 1 000 trees ha-1 for the planting density and 250 to 400 kg ha-1 an-1 for the yield. Based on these criteria and their average values, a decision making guide was designed for the diagnosis of cocoa farms and the choice of regeneration option. According to this guide, old cocoa farms (more than 25 years), degraded and unproductive should be replanted. However, younger farms having planting density and yield higher than the average values above should be rehabilitated.


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In the context of this work we evaluated a multisensory, noninvasive prototype platform for shake flask cultivations by monitoring three basic parameters (pH, pO2 and biomass). The focus lies on the evaluation of the biomass sensor based on backward light scattering. The application spectrum was expanded to four new organisms in addition to E. coli K12 and S. cerevisiae [1]. It could be shown that the sensor is appropriate for a wide range of standard microorganisms, e.g., L. zeae, K. pastoris, A. niger and CHO-K1. The biomass sensor signal could successfully be correlated and calibrated with well-known measurement methods like OD600, cell dry weight (CDW) and cell concentration. Logarithmic and Bleasdale-Nelder derived functions were adequate for data fitting. Measurements at low cell concentrations proved to be critical in terms of a high signal to noise ratio, but the integration of a custom made light shade in the shake flask improved these measurements significantly. This sensor based measurement method has a high potential to initiate a new generation of online bioprocess monitoring. Metabolic studies will particularly benefit from the multisensory data acquisition. The sensor is already used in labscale experiments for shake flask cultivations.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of environmental variables on dairy buffaloes physiology in two different places after milking, shaded plus artificial ventilation and another one non-shaded, in Ribeira Valley, São Paulo State, Brazil. Data on the respiratory rate (RR) and the surface temperature (ST) at udder, neckmiddle, forehead, back middle and rump were collected in 12 dairy buffaloes at autumn. In the same way, it were recorded the black globe temperature in the sun (GTS) and in the shade (GTNS), air temperature and wind speed at padronized height of 1.60 meters. All data were collected at 10:30am and 1:30pm. The results showed statistical difference among black globe temperature, wind speed, RR and ST (P<0.01) in two treatments.The results showed the necessity of protection against the solar radiation in the buffaloes, even in periods of warm climates.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o efeito da intensidade de luz no crescimento de mudas de Hymenaea parvifolia Huber., bem como inferir sobre o seu grau de tolerância à sombra. Para tal, foi instalado um experimento em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos (níveis de luz): pleno sol (PS), 50% de sombreamento, 70% de sombreamento e sombreamento natural (SN). Os níveis de 50 e 70% de sombreamento foram obtidos com o uso de telas de polipropileno preto, e o sombreamento natural constituiu a luminosidade natural sob um dossel fechado de floresta. Cada tratamento foi constituído de 10 repetições. Plantas sob sombreamento (50% e 70% de sombreamento) apresentaram maior altura, área foliar e razão de área foliar e poucas diferenças no acúmulo de massa seca quando comparadas com plantas mantidas a pleno sol. Como conseqüência, poucas diferenças foram observadas na taxa de crescimento relativo das mudas desses tratamentos. Todavia, mudas mantidas sob sombreamento natural foram as que exibiram menor taxa de crescimento relativo e taxa assimilatória líquida. em conjunto, os resultados indicaram que Hymenaea parvifolia foi capaz de se ajustar para maximizar a aquisição de luz mesmo em condição muito limitante, como a proporcionada pelo sombreamento natural, e a produção de mudas dessa espécie vegetal pode ser realizada em viveiro desde a pleno sol, como a 50% ou 70% de sombreamento.


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Aim: To evaluate, in vitro, the effect of brushing with a Ricinus communis -based experimental toothpaste on color stability and surface roughness of artificial teeth. Methods: Ninety artificial teeth (maxillary central incisors) in different shades, light and dark (NatusDent Triple Pressing, Dentbras) were used. Initial color (Spectrophotometer Easyshade, VITA) and surface roughness (Rugosimeter Surfcorder SE 1700, Kosakalab) readouts were performed. After baseline measurements, samples were assigned to 10 groups (n=9) according to the artificial tooth shade and type of toothpaste used during the mechanical brushing test (Pepsodent, MAVTEC): Sorriso Dentes Brancos – SDB, Colgate Luminous White - CLW (Colgate-Palmolive), Close up White Now - CWN (Unilever), Trihydral - THL (Perland Pharmacos) and Ricinus communis - RCE (Experimental). After 29,200 cycles of brushing, corresponding to 2 years of brushing by a healthy individual, new color and roughness readouts of the specimens were performed. Data (before and after the tests) were statistically analyzed (2-way repeated measures ANOVA, Tukey, p<0.05). Results: RCE toothpaste produced the greatest color stability for dark tooth shade and the second best color stability for light tooth shade. For surface roughness alteration, there was no difference (p>0.05) for any tested toothpaste regardless of tooth shade. Conclusions: The experimental Ricinus communis toothpaste did not cause color and surface roughness alteration in the artificial teeth, and it may be considered a suitable option for denture cleaning.


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Doutoramento em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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The present work concerns the use of shade elements as architectural elements to block sunlight in public buildings. In a city like Natal, (5o South) the incidence of sunrays in any type of design should be a constant concern for all the architects. Besides, this habit of avoiding insolation in the environment is not a common practice. Within this context, the present work has the objective to dig deep into the knowledge of solar control, studying some cases and verifying its function according to the orientation and the original design of the building, having in mind if the shade elements usually used in the region have achieved their purpose of providing protection against the incidence of direct sun rays. This study considers the position of the shade element (horizontal and vertical), the angle formed between them and the respective facades, and the local of the buildings in relation to their orientation during the summer, winter and equinox solstice. As supporting instruments the solar map of the city and the protractor, for measuring shade angles, were used. It was concluded that in all the cases studied, it was not possible to obtain the maximum use of the elements. It was verified that the best type of shade element (more efficient) for the city of Natal is the mixed type (horizontal and vertical) and that the vertical shade elements are more efficient in the early mornings and late afternoon. The horizontal shade elements are used more effective at midday. We intend to present the results of this study to the architects in the region in order to show them the correct ways of using the shade elements according to the possible orientation on the facade, as a supporting tool at the time of designing a project as well as a subsidy for further discussions on the elaboration of the new urban standards for the city of Natal/RN