999 resultados para sector-motor


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Paper delivered at the Western Regional Science Association Annual Conference, Sedona, Arizona, February, 2010.


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This study examines the inter-industry wage structure of the organised manufacturing sector in India for the period 1973-74 to 2003-04 by estimating the growth of average real wages for production workers by industry. In order to estimate the growth rates, the study adopts a methodological framework that differs from other studies in that the time series properties of the concerned variables are closely considered in order to obtain meaningful estimates of growth that are unbiased and (asymptotically) efficient. Using wage data on 51 manufacturing industries at three digit level of the National Industrial Classification 1998 (India), our estimation procedure obtains estimates of growth of real wages per worker that are deterministic in nature by accounting for any potential structural break(s). Our findings show that the inter-industry wage structure in India has changed a lot in the period 1973-74 to 2003-04 and that it provides some evidence that the inter-industry wage differences have become more pronounced in the post-reforms period. Thus this paper provides new evidence from India on the need to consider the hypothesis that industry affiliation is potentially an important determinant of wages when studying any relationship between reforms and wages.


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This paper disaggregates a UK Input-Output (IO) table for 2004 based on household income quintiles from published survey data. In addition to the Input-Output disaggregation, the household components of a UK Income Expenditure (I-E) account used to inform a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM),have also been disaggregated by household income quintile. The focus of this paper is on household expenditure on the UK energy sector.


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The world-wide electricity sector reforms of the early 1990s have revealed the considerable complexities of making market driven reforms in network and infrastructure industries. This paper reflects on the experiences to date with the process and outcomes of marketbased electricity reforms across less-developed, transition and developed economies. The reforms outcomes suggest similar problems facing the electricity sector of these countries though their contexts vary significantly. Many developing and developed economies continue to have investment inadequacy concerns and the need to balance economy efficiency, sustainability and social equity after more than two decades of experience with reforms. We also use a case study of selected countries that in many respects represent the current state of the reform though they are rarely examined. Nepal, Belarus and Ireland are chosen as country-specific case studies for this purpose. We conclude that the changing dynamics of the electricity supply industry (ESI) and policy objectives imply that analysing the success and failure of reforms will indeed remain a complex process.


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Este trabajo analiza los lazos existentes entre productividad, innovación e investigación a nivel de empresa utilizando una extensión del modelo estructural de función de producción de Crépon, Duguet y Mairesse (1998). El modelo explica la productividad por medio de la innovación y, la innovación a través de la inversión en investigación. El estudio se realiza para las empresas del sector manufacturero español utilizando datos provenientes de la Encuesta sobre innovación tecnológica en las empresas 2004. Se corrigen los sesgos de selectividad y simultaneidad que se presentan dadas las características estadísticas de los datos y de las relaciones económicas entre las variables: sólo una pequeña proporción de las empresas realizan actividades de investigación; y la investigación, innovación y productividad se determinan de forma endógena. Al aplicar la forma tradicional de estimación del modelo se encuentran resultados muy similares a trabajos anteriores realizados para España. Sin embargo, se demuestra que dicha formulación no produce estimaciones consistentes, por lo que aquí se utilizan extensiones alternativas, y se exploran nuevas especificaciones para las decisiones de realizar actividades internas de investigación y desarrollo.


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Motivated by the highly-unionized public sectors, the high public shares in total employment, and the public sector wage premia observed in Europe, this paper examines the importance of public sector unions for macroeconomic theory. The model generates cyclical behavior in hours and wages that is consistent with data behavior in an economy with highly-unionized public sector, namely Germany during the period 1970-2007. The union model is a signifi cant improvement over a model with exogenous public employment. In addition, endogenously-determined public wage and hours add to the distortionary e ffect of contractionary tax reforms by generating greater tax rate changes, thus producing signi ficantly higher welfare losses.


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Durante los dos años que van desde noviembre de 2005 a noviembre de 2007, en los que se ha llevado a cabo la Beca de colaborador en el ámbito del deporte, tanto en el CAR de Sant Cugat como en el Consell Catala de l’Esport, se han investigado y estudiado las acciones práxicas de un deporte tan popular, pero al mismo tiempo tan desconocido, como es el futbol. El primer año se investigaron las acciones práxicas que finalizaron en gol en la Liga de Fútbol Profesional, Liga Española, temporada 2005-2006. Dichas investigaciones sirvieron como una primera toma de contacto en relación a este tipo de estudios y sirvieron también para elaborar unas primeras aplicaciones informáticas que nos permitieran el registro de dichas acciones para su posterior análisis. Durante el segundo año, se trabajó en la confección de una aplicación informática que reflejara y permitiera el registro de las acciones práxicas del portero de futbol durante un partido de competición. Así mismo, durante este segundo año también se elaboraron y publicaron dos artículos científicos relacionados con las investigaciones llevadas a cabo en el primer año de Beca. La finalidad y propósito de toda esta serie de investigaciones y trabajos ha sido conocer en profundidad el deporte en cuestión para poder plantear nuevas metodologías y planteamientos de entrenamiento basadas en la competición, que nos permitan mejorar el rendimiento en el deporte investigado. 


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This paper develops a two-sector growth model in which institutional investors play a significant role. A necessary and sufficient condition is established under which these investors own the entire capital stock in the long run. The dependence of the long-run growth rate on the behaviour of such investors, and the effects of a productivity increase are analysed.


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This paper evaluates the effects of policy interventions on sectoral labour markets and the aggregate economy in a business cycle model with search and matching frictions. We extend the canonical model by including capital-skill complementarity in production, labour markets with skilled and unskilled workers and on-the-job-learning (OJL) within and across skill types. We first find that, the model does a good job at matching the cyclical properties of sectoral employment and the wage-skill premium. We next find that vacancy subsidies for skilled and unskilled jobs lead to output multipliers which are greater than unity with OJL and less than unity without OJL. In contrast, the positive output effects from cutting skilled and unskilled income taxes are close to zero. Finally, we find that the sectoral and aggregate effects of vacancy subsidies do not depend on whether they are financed via public debt or distorting taxes.


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Estudi sobre la comptabilitat del sector hoteler enfocat a conèixer y analitzar els diferents tipus de comptabilitats existents en aquest sector. A través, d’aquest treball es podrà tenir un visió general de les diferents comptabilitats que existeixen, els mètodes de comptabilització de costos, els suports auxiliars necessaris per dur a terme la comptabilitat y la gestió d’un hotel, etc... A més a més, es podrà tenir una visió clara del sistema internacional, per excel•lència, de la comptabilitat per aquest sector i el sistema de comptabilitat espanyol per al sector hoteler.


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Menorca va ser declarada Reserva de la Biosfera per la UNESCO l’any 1993. Entre d’altres, un dels aspectes més emblemàtics de l’Illa és el Camí de Cavalls. Preservar la diversitat que aquest ofereix comporta una gestió complexa. Per això, és necessària per una millor gestió ambiental la realització prèvia d’una diagnosi per determinar en quina situació es troba actualment el Camí, i així poder optimitzar els mecanismes de gestió de l’espai. Aquesta diagnosi té com a objectius desenvolupar un sistema d’indicadors ambientals i socioeconòmics i validar-los per avaluar els canvis que es poden donar en el litoral de Menorca en els propers anys en relació a aquest espai. Dins d’aquest marc de treball, el sistema d’indicadors dissenyat a nivell teòric ha estat validat a través d’un exhaustiu treball de camp. Amb aquest objectiu s’ha volgut crear un disseny eficient, de forma que qualsevol persona que vulgui aplicar-lo al Camí de Cavalls o en altres tipologies de camí pugui fer-ho d’una manera correcte.


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Menorca va ser declarada Reserva de la Biosfera per la UNESCO l’any 1993. Entre d’altres, un dels aspectes més emblemàtics de l’Illa és el Camí de Cavalls. Preservar la diversitat que aquest ofereix comporta una gestió complexa. Per això, és necessària per una millor gestió ambiental la realització prèvia d’una diagnosi per determinar en quina situació es troba actualment el Camí, i així poder optimitzar els mecanismes de gestió de l’espai. Aquesta diagnosi té com a objectius desenvolupar un sistema d’indicadors ambientals i socioeconòmics i validar-los per avaluar els canvis que es poden donar en el litoral de Menorca en els propers anys en relació a aquest espai. Dins d’aquest marc de treball, el sistema d’indicadors dissenyat a nivell teòric ha estat validat a través d’un exhaustiu treball de camp. Amb aquest objectiu s’ha volgut crear un disseny eficient, de forma que qualsevol persona que vulgui aplicar-lo al Camí de Cavalls o en altres tipologies de camí pugui fer-ho d’una manera correcte.


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There are controversial reports about the effect of aging on movement preparation, and it is unclear to which extent cognitive and/or motor related cerebral processes may be affected. This study examines the age effects on electro-cortical oscillatory patterns during various motor programming tasks, in order to assess potential differences according to the mode of action selection. Twenty elderly (EP, 60-84 years) and 20 young (YP, 20-29 years) participants with normal cognition underwent 3 pre-cued response tasks (S1-S2 paradigm). S1 carried either complete information on response side (Full; stimulus-driven motor preparation), no information (None; general motor alertness), or required free response side selection (Free; internally-driven motor preparation). Electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded using 64 surface electrodes. Alpha (8-12 Hz) desynchronization (ERD)/synchronization (ERS) and motor-related amplitude asymmetries (MRAA) were analyzed during the S1-S2 interval. Reaction times (RTs) to S2 were slower in EP than YP, and in None than in the other 2 tasks. There was an Age x Task interaction due to increased RTs in Free compared to Full in EP only. Central bilateral and midline activation (alpha ERD) was smaller in EP than YP in None. In Full just before S2, readiness to move was reflected by posterior midline inhibition (alpha ERS) in both groups. In Free, such inhibition was present only in YP. Moreover, MRAA showed motor activity lateralization in both groups in Full, but only in YP in Free. The results indicate reduced recruitment of motor regions for motor alertness in the elderly. They further show less efficient cerebral processes subtending free selection of movement in elders, suggesting reduced capacity for internally-driven action with age.


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Recent studies at high field (7Tesla) have reported small metabolite changes, in particular lactate and glutamate (below 0.3μmol/g) during visual stimulation. These studies have been limited to the visual cortex because of its high energy metabolism and good magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) sensitivity using surface coil. The aim of this study was to extend functional MRS (fMRS) to investigate for the first time the metabolite changes during motor activation at 7T. Small but sustained increases in lactate (0.17μmol/g±0.05μmol/g, p<0.001) and glutamate (0.17μmol/g±0.09μmol/g, p<0.005) were detected during motor activation followed by a return to the baseline after the end of activation. The present study demonstrates that increases in lactate and glutamate during motor stimulation are small, but similar to those observed during visual stimulation. From the observed glutamate and lactate increase, we inferred that these metabolite changes may be a general manifestation of the increased neuronal activity. In addition, we propose that the measured metabolite concentration increases imply an increase in ΔCMRO2 that is transiently below that of ΔCMRGlc during the first 1 to 2min of the stimulation.


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This guide introduces Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), a performance measurement technique, in such a way as to be appropriate to decision makers with little or no background in economics and operational research. The use of mathematics is kept to a minimum. This guide therefore adopts a strong practical approach in order to allow decision makers to conduct their own efficiency analysis and to easily interpret results. DEA helps decision makers for the following reasons: - By calculating an efficiency score, it indicates if a firm is efficient or has capacity for improvement. - By setting target values for input and output, it calculates how much input must be decreased or output increased in order to become efficient. - By identifying the nature of returns to scale, it indicates if a firm has to decrease or increase its scale (or size) in order to minimize the average cost. - By identifying a set of benchmarks, it specifies which other firms' processes need to be analysed in order to improve its own practices.