857 resultados para sampling of literature papers


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(Spatial-temporal variation in coiled and straight morphotypes of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Wolsz) Seenayya et Subba Raju (Cyanobacteria)). This study reports the spatial and temporal behavior of straight and coiled morphotypes of C. raciborskii in a reservoir in Brazil`s semiarid region as well as the main factors responsible for the variability. Two set of samples were collected from the subsurface and bottom in the central region of a reservoir in two seasonal periods (dry January 2005; rainy June 2005) over 20-hour sampling periods during daylight (8 am, 12 pm and 4 pm) and dark (8 pm, 12 am and 4 am) hours. Measurements of abiotic parameters were determined concurrently to the sampling of biotic variables. Two C. raciborskii morphotypes were found in the reservoir: straight and coiled. There was no difference in density of the straight and coiled C. raciborskii morphotypes between the different sampling times for either season. Vertical differences were found in the distribution of both morphotypes in both seasons, with greater densities recorded at the subsurface. Densities of the two C. raciborskii morphotypes were greater in the dry season, with the density of the coiled morphotype at the surface two-fold greater than that of the straight morphotype and that found in the rainy season. The ecological success of the coiled morphotype was due to thermal stratification, whereas a mixed condition was determinant in the success of the straight morphotype.


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The present study describes the volatile composition of aerial parts (leaves and stems), flowers and fruits from Bidens gardneri and Bidens sulphurea. The first species is widely distributed in Pantanal (Brazil) and is a traditional medicinal plant, while the second species is widely distributed throughout Brazil. In all analyses, observed were constituents like bicycloelemene, alpha-copaene, beta-caryophyllene, germacrene D, bicyclogermacrene and others. However, some compounds were identified only in one part of the plants analyzed. These results indicated sonic differences in the composition of the plants studied and they were in agreement with data of literature.


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The generalized Gibbs sampler (GGS) is a recently developed Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique that enables Gibbs-like sampling of state spaces that lack a convenient representation in terms of a fixed coordinate system. This paper describes a new sampler, called the tree sampler, which uses the GGS to sample from a state space consisting of phylogenetic trees. The tree sampler is useful for a wide range of phylogenetic applications, including Bayesian, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony methods. A fast new algorithm to search for a maximum parsimony phylogeny is presented, using the tree sampler in the context of simulated annealing. The mathematics underlying the algorithm is explained and its time complexity is analyzed. The method is tested on two large data sets consisting of 123 sequences and 500 sequences, respectively. The new algorithm is shown to compare very favorably in terms of speed and accuracy to the program DNAPARS from the PHYLIP package.


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Strategies for sampling sediment bacteria were examined in intensive shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius), ponds in tropical Australia. Stratified sampling of bacteria at the end of the production season showed that the pond centre, containing flocculated sludge, had significantly higher bacterial counts (15.5 X 10(9) g(-1) dw) than the pond periphery (8.1 X 10(9) g(-1) dw), where the action of aerators had swept the pond floor. The variation in bacterial counts between these two zones within a pond was higher than that between sites within each zone or between ponds. Therefore, sampling effort should be focused within these zones: for example, sampling two ponds at six locations within each of the two zones resulted in a coefficient of variation of approximate to 5%. Bacterial numbers in the sediment were highly correlated with sediment grain size, probably because eroded soil particles and organic waste both accumulated in the centre of the pond. Despite high inputs of organic matter added to the ponds, principally as pelleted feeds, the mean bacterial numbers and nutrient concentrations (i.e. organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus) in the sediment were similar to those found in mangrove sediments. This suggests that bacteria are rapidly remineralizing particulates into soluble compounds. Bacterial numbers were highly correlated with organic carbon and total kjeldahl nitrogen in the sediment, suggesting that these were limiting factors to bacterial growth.


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While multimedia data, image data in particular, is an integral part of most websites and web documents, our quest for information so far is still restricted to text based search. To explore the World Wide Web more effectively, especially its rich repository of truly multimedia information, we are facing a number of challenging problems. Firstly, we face the ambiguous and highly subjective nature of defining image semantics and similarity. Secondly, multimedia data could come from highly diversified sources, as a result of automatic image capturing and generation processes. Finally, multimedia information exists in decentralised sources over the Web, making it difficult to use conventional content-based image retrieval (CBIR) techniques for effective and efficient search. In this special issue, we present a collection of five papers on visual and multimedia information management and retrieval topics, addressing some aspects of these challenges. These papers have been selected from the conference proceedings (Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 1-4020- 7060-8) of the Sixth IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Visual Database Systems (VDB6), held in Brisbane, Australia, on 29–31 May 2002.


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Significant controversies surround the optimal treatment of primary hyperhidrosis of the hands, axillae, feet, and face. The world`s literature on hyperhidrosis from 1991 to 2009 was obtained through PubMed. There were 1,097 published articles, of which 102 were clinical trials. Twelve were randomized clinical trials and 90 were nonrandomized comparative studies. After review and discussion by task force members of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons` General Thoracic Workforce, expert consensus was reached from which specific treatment strategies are suggested. These studies suggest that primary hyperhidrosis of the extremities, axillae or face is best treated by endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS). Interruption of the sympathetic chain can be achieved either by electrocautery or clipping. An international nomenclature should be adopted that refers to the rib levels (R) instead of the vertebral level at which the nerve is interrupted, and how the chain is interrupted, along with systematic pre and postoperative assessments of sweating pattern, intensity and quality-of-life. The recent body of literature suggests that the highest success rates occur when interruption is performed at the top of R3 or the top of R4 for palmar-only hyperhidrosis. R4 may offer a lower incidence of compensatory hyperhidrosis but moister hands. For palmar and axillary, palmar, axillary and pedal and for axillary-only hyperhidrosis interruptions at R4 and R5 are recommended. The top of R3 is best for craniofacial hyperhidrosis. (Ann Thorac Surg 2011;91:1642-8) (C) 2011 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons


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The role of physiological understanding in improving the efficiency of breeding programs is examined largely from the perspective of conventional breeding programs. Impact of physiological research to date on breeding programs, and the nature of that research, was assessed from (i) responses to a questionnaire distributed to plant breeders and physiologists, and (ii) a survey of literature abstracts. Ways to better utilise physiological understanding for improving breeding programs are suggested, together with possible constraints to delivering beneficial outcomes. Responses from the questionnaire indicated a general view that the contribution by crop physiology to date has been modest. However, most of those surveyed expected the contribution to be larger in the next 20 years. Some constraints to progress perceived by breeders and physiologists were highlighted. The survey of literature abstracts indicated that from a plant breeding perspective, much physiological research is not progressing further than making suggestions about possible approaches to selection. There was limited evidence in the literature of objective comparison of such suggestions with existing methodology, or of development and application of these within active breeding programs. It is argued in this paper that the development of outputs from physiological research for breeding requires a good understanding of the breeding program(s) being serviced and factors affecting its performance. Simple quantitative genetic models, or at least the ideas they represent, should be considered in conducting physiological research and in envisaging and evaluating outputs. The key steps of a generalised breeding program are outlined, and the potential pathways for physiological understanding to impact on these steps are discussed. Impact on breeding programs may arise through (i) better choice of environments in which to conduct selection trials, (ii) identification of selection criteria and traits for focused introgression programs, and (iii) identifying traits for indirect selection criteria as an adjunct to criteria already used. While many breeders and physiologists apparently recognise that physiological understanding may have a major role in the first area, there appears to be relatively Little research activity targeting this issue, and a corresponding bias, arguably unjustified, toward examining traits for indirect selection. Furthermore, research on traits aimed at crop improvement is often deficient because key genetic parameters, such as genetic variation in relevant breeding populations and genetic (as opposed to phenotypic) correlations with yield or other characters of economic importance, are not properly considered in the research. Some areas requiring special attention for successfully interfacing physiology research with breeding are discussed. These include (i) the need to work with relevant genetic populations, (ii) close integration of the physiological research with an active breeding program, and (iii) the dangers of a pre-defined or narrow focus in the physiological research.


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This review describes the current multidisciplinary management of gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), which is the most common sarcoma of the gastrointestinal tract. Before 2001, surgery was the only effective therapy for GIST. The discovery of the central role of KIT proto-oncogene mutations in the pathogenesis of this tumor, and the development of specific inhibitors of KIT tyrosine kinase (TK) function, has changed the paradigm of treatment for GISTs. Imatinib and sunitinib are TK inhibitors with activity against GISTs. Their major established role in GIST is in the treatment of advanced disease. A growing body of literature and clinical experience support the potential perioperative use of these drugs. The adjuvant use of imatinib is based on retrospective series and limited prospective studies demonstrating that imatinib reduces the risk of recurrence. Ongoing studies are further defining the length of adjuvant therapy, as well as identifying the patients that could achieve the best results. Neoadjuvant treatment often decreases the tumor size, allowing a less morbid surgery, appears to be safe and beneficial for some patients, and therefore deserves further study.


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The objective of the current study was to characterize the internal nasal dimensions of children with repaired cleft lip and palate and transverse maxillary deficiency, using acoustic rhinometry and analyze the changes caused by rapid maxillary expansion (RME). A convenience sampling of 19 cleft lip and palate individuals, aged 14 to 18 years, of both sexes, previously submitted to primary surgeries and referred for RME were analyzed prospectively at the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of Sao Paulo, Bauru, Sao Paulo, Brazil. All patients underwent acoustic rhinometry before installation of the expansor and at 30 and 180 days after the active expansion phase. Nasal cross-sectional areas and volumes corresponding to the nasal valve (CSA(1) and V(1)) and the turbinates (CSA(2), CSA(3), and V(2)) regions were determined before and after nasal decongestion. Rapid maxillary expansion led to a statistically significant increase (P < 0.05) in mean CSA(1), CSA(2), V(1), and V(2) (without nasal decongestion) and in CSA(1) and V(1) (with decongestion) in the group as a whole. Individual data analysis showed that 58% of the patients responded positively to RME, with an average increase in CSA(1) of 26% (with decongestion), whereas 37% of the patients had no significant change. Only 1 patient (5%) showed a decrease. The findings contribute toward the characterization of nasal deformities determined by the cleft and demonstrate the positive effect RME had on nasal morphophysiology in a significant number of the patients who underwent this procedure.


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This paper examines a range of theoretical issues and the empirical evidence relating to clinical supervision in four mental health professions, namely clinical psychology, occupational therapy, social work, and speech pathology. Despite the widespread acceptance of the value of supervision among practitioners and the large quantity of literature on the topic, there is very little empirical evidence in this area. It is not clear whether supervision actually produces a change in clinician behaviour, nor whether it produces benefits in terms of client outcomes. To date, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate which styles of supervision are most beneficial for particular types of staff, in terms of their level of experience or learning style. The data suggest that directive forms of supervision, rather than unstructured approaches, are preferred by relatively inexperienced practitioners, and that experienced clinicians also value direct supervision methods when learning new skills or dealing with complex or crisis situations. The available evidence suggests that supervisors typically receive little training in supervision methods. However, to date, we have little information to guide us as to the most effective ways of training supervisors. While acknowledging the urgent need for research, the paper concludes that supervision is likely to form a valuable component of professional development for mental health professionals.


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Objective: To describe new measures of risk from case-control and cohort studies, which are simple to understand and relate to numbers of the population at risk. Design: Theoretical development of new measures of risk. Setting: Review of literature and previously described measures. Main results: The new measures are: (1) the population impact number (PIN), the number of those in the whole population among whom one case is attributable to the exposure or risk factor (this is equivalent to the reciprocal of the population attributable risk),- (2) the case impact number (CIN) the number of people with the disease or outcome for whom one case will be attributable to the exposure or risk factor (this is equivalent to the reciprocal of the population attributable fraction); (3) the exposure impact number (EIN) the number of people with the exposure among whom one excess case is attributable to the exposure (this is equivalent to the reciprocal of the attributable risk); (4) the exposed cases impact number (ECIN) the number of exposed cases among whom one case is attributable to the exposure (this is equivalent to the reciprocal of the aetiological fraction). The impact number reflects the number of people in each population (the whole population, the cases, all those exposed, and the exposed cases) among whom one case is attributable to the particular risk factor. Conclusions: These new measures should help communicate the impact on a population, of estimates of risk derived from cohort or case-control studies.


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Thermogravimetric analysis has been widely applied in kinetic studies of carbon gasification, with the associated temporal weight change profiles being used to extract kinetic information and to validate gasification models. However the weight change profiles are not always governed by the intrinsic gasification activity because of the effect of chemisorption and its dynamics. In the present work we theoretically determine the criteria under which weight change profiles can be used to determine intrinsic kinetics for CO2 and O2 gasification by examining the region in which the chemisorption dynamics can be assumed pseudo-steady. It is found that the validity of the pseudo-steady assumption depends on the experimental conditions as well as on the initial surface area of carbon. Based on known mechanisms and rate constants an active surface area region is identified within which the steady state assumption is valid and the effect of chemisorption dynamics is negligible. The size of the permissible region is sensitive to the reaction temperature and gas pressure. The results indicate that in some cases the thermogravimetric data should be used with caution in kinetic studies. A large amount of literature on thermogravimetric analyzer determined char gasification kinetics is examined and the importance of chemisorption dynamics for the data assessed.


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Objective: To compare percentage body fat (%BF) for a given body mass index (BMI) among New Zealand European, Maori and Pacific Island children. To develop prediction equations based on bioimpedance measurements for the estimation of fat-free mass (FFM) appropriate to children in these three ethnic groups. Design: Cross-sectional study. Purposive sampling of schoolchildren aimed at recruiting three children of each sex and ethnicity for each year of age. Double cross-validation of FFM prediction equations developed by multiple regression. Setting: Local schools in Auckland. Subjects: Healthy European, Maori and Pacific Island children (n = 172, 83 M, 89 F, mean age 9.4 +/- 2.8(s. d.), range 5 - 14 y). Measurements: Height, weight, age, sex and ethnicity were recorded. FFM was derived from measurements of total body water by deuterium dilution and resistance and reactance were measured by bioimpedance analysis. Results: For fixed BMI, the Maori and Pacific Island girls averaged 3.7% lower % BF than European girls. For boys a similar relation was not found since BMI did not significantly influence % BF of European boys ( P = 0.18). Based on bioimpedance measurements a single prediction equation was developed for all children: FFM (kg) = 0.622 height (cm)(2)/ resistance +0.234 weight (kg)+1.166, R-2 = 0.96, s. e. e. = 2.44 kg. Ethnicity, age and sex were not significant predictors. Conclusions: A robust equation for estimation of FFM in New Zealand European, Maori and Pacific Island children in the 5 - 14 y age range that is more suitable than BMI for the determination of body fatness in field studies has been developed. Sponsorship: Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust, Auckland University of Technology Contestable Grants Fund and the Ministry of Health.


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Esse texto é um convite para discutir alguns atravessamentos colocados nas escolas a partir da implementação e implantação do Ensino Fundamental de Nove Anos, como política de governo reorganiza os espaçostempos da escola, impõe um currículo prescrito, uma avaliação por objetivos e coloca em discussão o que é ser criança e viver a infância na escola. Como objetivo principal, busca problematizar o processo de implementação e implantação do Ensino Fundamental de Nove Anos no município de Vitória-ES e suas implicações no entre-lugar da Educação Infantil e Ensino Fundamental. Para tanto foi necessário estar no cotidiano escolar, viver, sentir e conversar com os sujeitos praticantes: as criançasalunos; as professoras e as pedagogas. Nesse sentido, três movimentos foram realizados: o primeiro movimento consiste em um levantamento de dados documentais, pareceres, leis, diretrizes no âmbito nacional e municipal que determinaram a obrigatoriedade do Ensino Fundamental de Nove Anos; o segundo movimento consiste em trazer para análise alguns artigos publicados na Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação (ANPED) em quatro Grupos de Trabalho (GT) que abordam o tema “Ensino Fundamental de Nove Anos”, e também textos que circulam nas escolas e que foram organizados pelo Ministério da Educação e Cultura (MEC); o terceiro movimento consiste na pesquisa realizada em um Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil (CMEI) e em uma Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental (EMEF) no município de Vitória, no decorrer dos anos de 2011 e 2012, onde foi possível conversar com as criançasalunos de duas turmas do 1º ano, com as professoras e pedagogas. Utiliza como aporte teórico-metodológico as pesquisas nos/dos/com os cotidianos (CERTEAU 1994; ALVES 2001; FERRAÇO 2003) onde foi possível a apropriação de diferentes instrumentos de pesquisa, como: o diário de campo, recurso importante na intenção de capturar movimentos, falas e expressões; as conversas como tentativa de aproximação com os sujeitos para um fazer com e as oficinas de literatura como dispositivo de criação e produção de outros modos de pensar a criança e a infância. Na tentativa de discutir o lugar da criança no Ensino Fundamental de Nove Anos o conceito de devir-criança de Deleuze (1997) ajuda a pensar no movimento da criança como presença potente que produz outros modos de vida mais belos e intensos na escola e no currículo. O conceito de entre-lugar de Bhabha (2007) fortalece as discussões entre CMEI e EMEF como espaçostempos de negociações. As discussões de Kohan (2003) colocam em debate o lugar da infância que não indica um tempo cronológico, mas pensa em um encontro com a infância, com a experiência da infância. E Larrosa (2004) que com o conceito de experiência nos ajuda a pensar em um currículo-experiência, currículo esse que não está localizado no documento prescrito, nos espaçostempos da Educação Infantil ou do Ensino Fundamental, também não se localiza na criança, ou em uma dada infância, mas na composição com a escola, com as crianças, com as infâncias e isso só é possível no encontro com a criança que existe em nós.