568 resultados para riparian


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Highways can be effective barriers to animal migration. Where highways cross over streams, a passageway, typically a culvert, not designed for fish access can cut off an organism from miles of habitat. Traditional methods of culvert design, to convey floodwaters, reduced access to aquatic and riparian range. The Colorado Department of Transportation likely has numerous culverts that restrict aquatic passage. This paper provides guidance to CDOT for assessment of stream geomorphic conditions affecting culvert performance for fish passage, understanding aquatic organism habitat requirements, and incorporating ecological parameters into culvert designs that benefit fish and other organisms. A case study illustrates culvert problems in a difficult geomorphic setting including a fish passage assessment to evaluate stream stability for long-term culvert reliability.


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Three sustainable projects were studied under a sustainable park model for humid climates to determine where their costs lie in terms of installation, maintenance or both. These projects included the use of solar lighting to replace every configuration of conventional lighting, inclusion of a water garden/bog filter and Riparian Buffer System for the purposes of filtering sediments and nutrients out of runoff to prevent contaminated runoff from reaching the river that was adjacent to the park model location and construction of a LEED-inspired building to serve as the concession stand/restrooms building. The aggregate cost savings of instituting all three projects over ten years was $74,120 and the entire project paid itself off in approximately four years.


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Se ha localizado en la Rambla de la Gavarnera en Ibi, Alicante una pequeña población de Ulmus laevis Pall., que no había sido citado expresamente en localidades valencianas, ni en las floras locales, regionales, ni nacionales, en unos casos por no haberse localizado, en otros por considerar a este árbol alóctono en España. Desde hace una década un equipo de la ETSIA de Montes de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, viene realizando diversos proyectos y tesis doctorales que han dado como resultado la puesta en valor de esta especie, a través de su localización a nivel nacional, estudio ecológico, fisiológico y genético, que arrojan numerosas pruebas a favor de la autoctonía de esta especie en España. Según los autores de este dilatado proyecto, U. laevis habría tenido en España uno de su principales refugios cuaternarios, aunque en la actualidad se encuentre fragmentado en poblaciones dispersas, con pocos individuos y problemas para su conservación y supervivencia. No obstante esta especie ha demostrado mayores tasas de supervivencia a la enfermedad de los olmos, que otros de sus congéneres como Ulmus minor y U. glabra. En cuanto a su presencia en Alicante, son precisamente estos autores los que localizan un primer ejemplar en Ibi, al que ahora añadimos dos ejemplares más repartidos en tres puntos muy próximos y situados a lo largo de la Rambla de la Gavarnera. Este es un cauce irregular pero con nivel freático permanente, como lo atestiguan la existencia de pozos, azudes, albercas que abastecieron a los pequeños regadíos de la zona, muchos de ellos abandonados en la actualidad. Dada la rareza de esta especie a nivel nacional y la excepcionalidad de su presencia en Ibi, consideramos que el ejemplar de mayor porte merece la consideración de árbol singular para la Comunidad Valenciana y por otra parte, los otros ejemplares merecen su protección y multiplicación, para incrementar la población existente. Es necesario desarrollar un mayor esfuerzo de localización en este paraje y zonas próximas de la Comarca, para conocer su potencial distribución en la provincia y determinar un estatus de protección adecuado.


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This data set describes the distribution of a total of 90 plant species growing on field margins of an agricultural landscape in the Haean-myun catchment in South Korea. We conducted our survey between July and August 2011 in 100 sampling plots, covering the whole catchment. In each plot we measured three environmental variables: slope, width of the field margin, and management type (i.e. "managed" for field margins that had signs of management activities from the ongoing season such as cutting or spraying herbicides and "unmanaged" for field margins that had been left untouched in the season). For the botanical survey each plot was sampled using three subplots of one square meter per subplot; subplots were 4 m apart from each other. In each subplot, we estimated three different vegetation characteristics: vegetation cover (i.e. the percentage of ground covered by vegetation), species richness (i.e. the number of observed species) and species abundance (i.e. the number of observed individuals / species). We calculated the percentage of the non-farmed habitats by creating buffer zones of 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 m radii around each plot using data provided by (Seo et al. 2014). Non-farmed habitats included field margins, fallows, forest, riparian areas, pasture and grassland.


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"U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior"--P. [1].


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Vol. 4, no. 1, includes "a supplement containing an abridgment of the laws of Maryland for the year 1809 (containing those general laws which are omitted in Maxcy's edition) and the acts of general interest passed in 1810, and the commencement of 1811"


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"January 1990."


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"9/96"--P. [2] of cover.


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The focus of this report is is the channel conditions at Vasa Creek, Bellevue, Washington, with regard to kokanee habitat and slope stability. This required a geomorphic and geologic assessment of the stream and riparian corridor along Vasa Creek. I focused my efforts in a 720m study-reach just south of I-90 in which City of Bellevue had no information. My assessment is divided into 3 categories: channel morphology, geology, and landslide hazards. I described the channel morphology by determining the gradient of the channel, longitudinal and cross-channel geometries, grain size distribution, embeddedness observations, type of channel reaches present, and the locations of significant in-channel woody-debris, landslides, scarps, landslide debris, and erosional features. This was done by conducting a longitudinal survey, 7 cross-channel surveys, pebble counts, and visual observations with the aid of a GPS device for mapping. I completed my geological assessment using both field observations and borehole data provided by GeoMapNW. Borehole data provided logs of the subsurface material at specific locations. In the field, I interpreted local geology using material in the channel as well as exposures in the adjacent slope. I completed the landslide hazard assessment using GIS methods supplemented by field observations. GIS methods included the use of aerial LiDAR to discern slope values and locations of features. Features of interest include the locations of scarps, landslides, landslide debris, and erosional features which were observed in the field. I classified 4 slope classes using ArcMap10 along with the locations of previously mapped landslides, scarps, and landslide debris. I describe the risk of slope failure according to the Washington Administration Code definition of critical areas (WAC 365-190-120 6a-i). My results are presented in the form of a map suite containing a channel morphology map, geology map, and landslide hazard map. The channel is a free-formed alluvial plane-bed reach with infrequent step-pools with riffles associated with landslide debris that chokes the channel. Overall I found that there is not the potential for kokanee habitat due flashy behavior (sudden high flow events), landslide inundation, and a lack of favorable conditions within the channel. The updated geologic map displays advance outwash deposits and alluvium present within the study-reach, as opposed to exposures of the Blakeley Formation along with other corrections from borehole data interpretations. The landslide hazard map shows that there are areas at high risk for slope failure along the channel that should be looked into further.


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In September 2013, the Colorado Front Range experienced a five-day storm that brought record-breaking precipitation to the region. As a consequence, many Front Range streams experienced flooding, leading to erosion, debris flows, bank failures and channel incision. I compare the effects that debris flows and flooding have on the channel bar frequency, frequency and location of wood accumulation, and on the shape and size of the channel along two flood impacted reaches located near Estes Park and Glen Haven, Colorado within Rocky Mountain National Park and Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest: Black Canyon Creek (BCC) and North Fork Big Thompson River (NFBT). The primary difference between the two study areas is that BCC was inundated by multiple debris flows, whereas NFBT only experienced flooding. Fieldwork consisted of recording location and size of large wood and channel bars and surveying reaches to produce cross-sections. Additional observations were made on bank failures in NFBT and the presence of boulders in channel bars in BCC to determine sediment source. The debris flow acted to scour and incise BCC causing long-term alteration. The post-flood channel cross-sectional area is as much as 7 to 23 times larger than the pre-flood channel, caused by the erosion of the channel bed to bedrock and the elimination of riparian vegetation. Large wood was forced out of the stream channel and deposited outside of the bankfull channel. Flooding in NFBT caused bank erosion and widening that contributed sediment to channel bars, but accomplished little stream-bed scour. As a result, there was relatively little damage to mid-channel and riparian vegetation, and most large wood remained within the wetted channel.