926 resultados para resonator-coupling elements


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This thesis is divided in to 9 chapters and deals with the modification of TiO2 for various applications include photocatalysis, thermal reaction, photovoltaics and non-linear optics. Chapter 1 involves a brief introduction of the topic of study. An introduction to the applications of modified titania systems in various fields are discussed concisely. Scope and objectives of the present work are also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 2 explains the strategy adopted for the synthesis of metal, nonmetal co-doped TiO2 systems. Hydrothermal technique was employed for the preparation of the co-doped TiO2 system, where Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4, urea and metal nitrates were used as the sources for TiO2, N and metals respectively. In all the co-doped systems, urea to Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 was taken in a 1:1 molar ratio and varied the concentration of metals. Five different co-doped catalytic systems and for each catalysts, three versions were prepared by varying the concentration of metals. A brief explanation of physico-chemical techniques used for the characterization of the material was also presented in this chapter. This includes X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Raman Spectroscopy, FTIR analysis, Thermo Gravimetric Analysis, Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX), Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM), UV-Visible Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (UV-Vis DRS), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), BET Surface Area Measurements and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Chapter 3 contains the results and discussion of characterization techniques used for analyzing the prepared systems. Characterization is an inevitable part of materials research. Determination of physico-chemical properties of the prepared materials using suitable characterization techniques is very crucial to find its exact field of application. It is clear from the XRD pattern that photocatalytically active anatase phase dominates in the calcined samples with peaks at 2θ values around 25.4°, 38°, 48.1°, 55.2° and 62.7° corresponding to (101), (004), (200), (211) and (204) crystal planes (JCPDS 21-1272) respectively. But in the case of Pr-N-Ti sample, a new peak was observed at 2θ = 30.8° corresponding to the (121) plane of the polymorph brookite. There are no visible peaks corresponding to dopants, which may be due to their low concentration or it is an indication of the better dispersion of impurities in the TiO2. Crystallite size of the sample was calculated from Scherrer equation byusing full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the (101) peak of the anatase phase. Crystallite size of all the co-doped TiO2 was found to be lower than that of bare TiO2 which indicates that the doping of metal ions having higher ionic radius into the lattice of TiO2 causes some lattice distortion which suppress the growth of TiO2 nanoparticles. The structural identity of the prepared system obtained from XRD pattern is further confirmed by Raman spectra measurements. Anatase has six Raman active modes. Band gap of the co-doped system was calculated using Kubelka-Munk equation and that was found to be lower than pure TiO2. Stability of the prepared systems was understood from thermo gravimetric analysis. FT-IR was performed to understand the functional groups as well as to study the surface changes occurred during modification. EDX was used to determine the impurities present in the system. The EDX spectra of all the co-doped samples show signals directly related to the dopants. Spectra of all the co-doped systems contain O and Ti as the main components with low concentrations of doped elements. Morphologies of the prepared systems were obtained from SEM and TEM analysis. Average particle size of the systems was drawn from histogram data. Electronic structures of the samples were identified perfectly from XPS measurements. Chapter 4 describes the photocatalytic degradation of herbicides Atrazine and Metolachlor using metal, non-metal co-doped titania systems. The percentage of degradation was analyzed by HPLC technique. Parameters such as effect of different catalysts, effect of time, effect of catalysts amount and reusability studies were discussed. Chapter 5 deals with the photo-oxidation of some anthracene derivatives by co-doped catalytic systems. These anthracene derivatives come underthe category of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Due to the presence of stable benzene rings, most of the PAH show strong inhibition towards biological degradation and the common methods employed for their removal. According to environmental protection agency, most of the PAH are highly toxic in nature. TiO2 photochemistry has been extensively investigated as a method for the catalytic conversion of such organic compounds, highlighting the potential of thereof in the green chemistry. There are actually two methods for the removal of pollutants from the ecosystem. Complete mineralization is the one way to remove pollutants. Conversion of toxic compounds to another compound having toxicity less than the initial starting compound is the second way. Here in this chapter, we are concentrating on the second aspect. The catalysts used were Gd(1wt%)-N-Ti, Pd(1wt%)-N-Ti and Ag(1wt%)-N-Ti. Here we were very successfully converted all the PAH to anthraquinone, a compound having diverse applications in industrial as well as medical fields. Substitution of 10th position of desired PAH by phenyl ring reduces the feasibility of photo reaction and produced 9-hydroxy 9-phenyl anthrone (9H9PA) as an intermediate species. The products were separated and purified by column chromatography using 70:30 hexane/DCM mixtures as the mobile phase and the resultant products were characterized thoroughly by 1H NMR, IR spectroscopy and GCMS analysis. Chapter 6 elucidates the heterogeneous Suzuki coupling reaction by Cu/Pd bimetallic supported on TiO2. Sol-Gel followed by impregnation method was adopted for the synthesis of Cu/Pd-TiO2. The prepared system was characterized by XRD, TG-DTG, SEM, EDX, BET Surface area and XPS. The product was separated and purified by column chromatography using hexane as the mobile phase. Maximum isolated yield of biphenyl of around72% was obtained in DMF using Cu(2wt%)-Pd(4wt%)-Ti as the catalyst. In this reaction, effective solvent, base and catalyst were found to be DMF, K2CO3 and Cu(2wt%)-Pd(4wt%)-Ti respectively. Chapter 7 gives an idea about the photovoltaic (PV) applications of TiO2 based thin films. Due to energy crisis, the whole world is looking for a new sustainable energy source. Harnessing solar energy is one of the most promising ways to tackle this issue. The present dominant photovoltaic (PV) technologies are based on inorganic materials. But the high material, low power conversion efficiency and manufacturing cost limits its popularization. A lot of research has been conducted towards the development of low-cost PV technologies, of which organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices are one of the promising. Here two TiO2 thin films having different thickness were prepared by spin coating technique. The prepared films were characterized by XRD, AFM and conductivity measurements. The thickness of the films was measured by Stylus Profiler. This chapter mainly concentrated on the fabrication of an inverted hetero junction solar cell using conducting polymer MEH-PPV as photo active layer. Here TiO2 was used as the electron transport layer. Thin films of MEH-PPV were also prepared using spin coating technique. Two fullerene derivatives such as PCBM and ICBA were introduced into the device in order to improve the power conversion efficiency. Effective charge transfer between the conducting polymer and ICBA were understood from fluorescence quenching studies. The fabricated Inverted hetero junction exhibited maximum power conversion efficiency of 0.22% with ICBA as the acceptor molecule. Chapter 8 narrates the third order order nonlinear optical properties of bare and noble metal modified TiO2 thin films. Thin films were fabricatedby spray pyrolysis technique. Sol-Gel derived Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 in CH3CH2OH/CH3COOH was used as the precursor for TiO2. The precursors used for Au, Ag and Pd were the aqueous solutions of HAuCl4, AgNO3 and Pd(NO3)2 respectively. The prepared films were characterized by XRD, SEM and EDX. The nonlinear optical properties of the prepared materials were investigated by Z-Scan technique comprising of Nd-YAG laser (532 nm,7 ns and10 Hz). The non-linear coefficients were obtained by fitting the experimental Z-Scan plot with the theoretical plots. Nonlinear absorption is a phenomenon defined as a nonlinear change (increase or decrease) in absorption with increasing of intensity. This can be mainly divided into two types: saturable absorption (SA) and reverse saturable absorption (RSA). Depending on the pump intensity and on the absorption cross- section at the excitation wavelength, most molecules show non- linear absorption. With increasing intensity, if the excited states show saturation owing to their long lifetimes, the transmission will show SA characteristics. Here absorption decreases with increase of intensity. If, however, the excited state has strong absorption compared with that of the ground state, the transmission will show RSA characteristics. Here in our work most of the materials show SA behavior and some materials exhibited RSA behavior. Both these properties purely depend on the nature of the materials and alignment of energy states within them. Both these SA and RSA have got immense applications in electronic devices. The important results obtained from various studies are presented in chapter 9.


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The rapid growth of the optical communication branches and the enormous demand for more bandwidth require novel networks such as dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM). These networks enable higher bitrate transmission using the existing optical fibers. Micromechanically tunable optical microcavity devices like VCSELs, Fabry-Pérot filters and photodetectors are core components of these novel DWDM systems. Several air-gap based tunable devices were successfully implemented in the last years. Even though these concepts are very promising, two main disadvantages are still remaining. On the one hand, the high fabrication and integration cost and on the other hand the undesired adverse buckling of the suspended membranes. This thesis addresses these two problems and consists of two main parts: • PECVD dielectric material investigation and stress control resulting in membranes shape engineering. • Implementation and characterization of novel tunable optical devices with tailored shapes of the suspended membranes. For this purposes, low-cost PECVD technology is investigated and developed in detail. The macro- and microstress of silicon nitride and silicon dioxide are controlled over a wide range. Furthermore, the effect of stress on the optical and mechanical properties of the suspended membranes and on the microcavities is evaluated. Various membrane shapes (concave, convex and planar) with several radii of curvature are fabricated. Using this resonator shape engineering, microcavity devices such as non tunable and tunable Fabry-Pérot filters, VCSELs and PIN photodetectors are succesfully implemented. The fabricated Fabry-Pérot filters cover a spectral range of over 200nm and show resonance linewidths down to 1.5nm. By varying the stress distribution across the vertical direction within a DBR, the shape and the radius of curvature of the top membrane are explicitely tailored. By adjusting the incoming light beam waist to the curvature, the fundamental resonant mode is supported and the higher order ones are suppressed. For instance, a tunable VCSEL with 26 nm tuning range, 400µW maximal output power, 47nm free spectral range and over 57dB side mode suppresion ratio (SMSR) is demonstrated. Other technologies, such as introducing light emitting organic materials in microcavities are also investigated.


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Physikalische Grundlagenforschung und anwendungsorientierte physikalische Forschung auf den Gebieten nanoskaliger kristalliner und amorpher fester Körper haben in vielfacher Weise eine große Bedeutung. Neben dem Verständnis für die Struktur der Materie und die Wechselwirkung von Objekten von der Größe einiger Atome ist die Erkenntnis über die physikalischen Eigenschaften nanostrukturierter Systeme von hohem Interesse. Diese Forschung eröffnet die Möglichkeit, die mit der Mikroelektronik begonnene Miniaturisierung fortzusetzen und wird darüber hinaus neue Anwendungsfelder eröffnen. Das Erarbeiten der physikalischen Grundlagen der Methoden zur Herstellung und Strukturierung ist dabei zwingend notwendig, da hier Wirkungsprinzipien dominieren, die erst bei Strukturgrößen im Nanometerbereich auftreten oder hinreichend stark ausgeprägt sind. Insbesondere Halbleitermaterialien sind hier von großem Interesse. Die in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Resonatorstrukturen, die auf dem kristallinen Verbindungshalbleitermaterial GaInAsP/InP basieren, erschließen wichtige Anwendungsfelder im Bereich der optischen Datenübertragung sowie der optischen Sensorik. Hergestellt wird das Halbleitermaterial mit der Metallorganischen Gasphasenepitaxie. Die experimentell besimmten Kenngrößen lassen Rückschlüsse auf die Güte der Materialien, die quantenmechanischen Wirkungsprinzipien und die Bauelementcharakteristik zu und führen zu optimal angepassten Kristallstrukturen. Auf Basis dieser optimierten Materialien wurde ein durchstimmbarer Fabry-Perot-Filter hergestellt, der aus einer Kombination aus InP-Membranen und Luftspalten besteht und elektromechanisch aktuiert werden kann. Das GaInAsP dient hierbei als wenige hundert nm dicke Opferschicht, die ätztechnisch hochselektiv beseitigt wird. Die Qualität der Grenzflächen zum InP ist entscheidend für die Qualität der freigeätzten Kavitäten und damit für die mechanische Gesamtstabilität der Struktur. Der in dieser Arbeit beschriebene Filter hat eine Zentralwellenlänge im Bereich von 1550 nm und weist einen Durchstimmbereich von 221 nm auf. Erzielt wurde dieser Wert durch ein konsistentes Modell der wirkenden Verspannungskomponenten und einer optimierten epitaktischen Kontrolle der Verspannungsparameter. Das realisierte Filterbauelement ist vielversprechend für den Einsatz in der optischen Kommunikation im Bereich von WDM (wavelength division multiplexing) Anwendungen. Als weitere Resonatorstrukur wurde ein Asymmetrisch gekoppelter Quantenfilm als optisch aktives Medium, bestehend aus GaInAsP mit variierender Materialkomposition und Verspannung, untersucht, um sein Potential für eine breitbandige Emission zu untersuchen und mit bekannten Modellen zu vergleichen. Als Bauelementdesign wurde eine kantenemittierende Superlumineszenzleuchtdiode gewählt. Das Ergebnis ist eine Emissionskurve von 100 nm, die eine höhere Unabhängigkeit vom Injektionsstrom aufweist als andere bekannte Konzepte. Die quantenmechanischen Wirkungsprinzipien - im wesentlichen die Kopplung der beiden asymmetrischen Potentialtöpfe und die damit verbundene Kopplung der Wellenfunktionen - werden qualitativ diskutiert. Insgesamt bestätigt sich die Eignung des Materials GaInAsP auch für neuartige, qualitativ höchst anspruchsvolle Resonatorstrukturen und die Bedeutung der vorgestellten und untersuchten Resonatorkonzepte. Die vorgestellten Methoden, Materialien und Bauelemente liefern aufgrund ihrer Konzeption und der eingehenden experimentellen Untersuchungen einen Beitrag sowohl zu den zugrunde liegenden mechanischen, optoelektronischen und quantenmechanischen Wirkungsprinzipien der Strukturen, als auch zur Realisierung neuer optoelektronischer Bauelemente.


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Bei Dämmen auf wenig tragfähigem Untergrund ist es zwischenzeitlich Stand der Technik, an der Dammbasis eine Bewehrung aus hochzugfesten Geokunststoffen (Gewebe oder Geogitter) einzulegen. Dabei können die Bewehrungslagen direkt auf den weichen Boden oder über Pfahlelementen angeordnet werden, die die Dammlasten in tiefere, tragfähigere Schichten abtragen. Die horizontale Bewehrung an der Dammbasis hat die Aufgabe, die vertikalen Dammlasten und die nach außen wirkenden Spreizkräfte aufzunehmen. Dies ist besonders für bewehrte Tragschichten über Pfählen von großer Bedeutung, da sonst die Pfähle/Säulen eine Biegebeanspruchung erhalten, die sie aufgrund des geringen Durchmessers (oftmals unbewehrt) nicht aufnehmen können. Abgesicherte wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse über Größe und Verteilung der Spreizspannung in Höhe ober- und unterhalb der Bewehrungslagen liegen derzeit noch nicht vor, aus denen dann auch die Beanspruchung abzuleiten ist, die aus der Spreizwirkung bei der Geokunststoffbemessung zu berücksichtigen ist. Herr Dr.-Ing. Gourge Fahmi hat dafür zunächst den Kenntnisstand zur Spreizbeanspruchung ohne und mit Bewehrung sowie ohne und mit Pfahlelementen zusammengefasst. Ein wesentlicher Teil einer wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen stellt die Modellversuche in einem relativ großen Maßstab dar, die u. a. auch zur Validierung von numerischen Berechnungen zur Fragestellung vorgesehen waren. Dabei konnte nach gewissen Parameteranpassungen überwiegend eine gute Übereinstimmung zwischen Modellversuchen und FEM-Berechnungen erreicht werden. Lediglich bei den Dehnungen bzw. Zugkräften in den Geogittern über Pfahlelementen ergab die FEM bei dem verwendeten Programmsystem viel zu niedrige Werte. Es wurde dazu in der Arbeit anhand eigener Untersuchungen und Vergleichsergebnissen aus der Literatur eine Hypothese formuliert und zunächst die Berechnungsergebnisse mit einem Faktor angepasst. Mit den durchgeführten Verifikationen stand damit dann ein weitestgehend abgesichertes numerisches Berechnungsmodell zur Verfügung. Aufbauend auf diesen Vorarbeiten konnten Parameterstudien mit numerischen und analytischen Methoden zur Spreizproblematik durchgeführt werden. Dabei wurden die Randbedingungen und Parametervariationen sinnvoll und für die Fragestellung zutreffend gewählt. Die numerischen Verfahren ergaben vertiefte Erkenntnisse zur Mechanik und zum Verhalten der Konstruktion. Die analytischen Vergleichsberechnungen validierten primär die Güte dieser vereinfachten Ansätze für praktische Berechnungen. Zusammenfassend wurde festgestellt, dass erwartungsgemäß die Spreizkräfte im Geogitter nahezu linear mit der Dammhöhe anwachsen. Von besonderer Bedeutung für die Größe der Spreizkräfte ist die Steifigkeit der Weichschichten. Dieser Parameter wird bei den bisher bekannten analytischen Berechnungsverfahren nicht berücksichtigt. Je weicher der Untergrund, je größer wird das Verhältnis zwischen Spreiz- und Membranbeanspruchung. Eine steilere Dammböschung hat erwartungsgemäß ebenfalls eine höhere Spreizwirkung zur Folge. Des Weiteren ergeben sich bei mehrlagigen Geogittern die höheren Beanspruchungen in der unteren Lage aus dem Membraneffekt und in der oberen Lage aus dem Spreizeffekt. Zu diesen Erkenntnissen wurden in der Arbeit erste Vorschläge für die praktischen Bemessungen gemacht, die aber noch weiter zu optimieren sind. Schließlich erfolgt von Herrn Fahmi eine Betrachtung der Pfahlelementbeanspruchung aus Pfahlkopfverschiebung und Biegemomenten. Dabei wurde ersichtlich, dass die Pfahlelemente bei hohen Dämmen erhebliche Beanspruchungen erhalten können, wenn relativ weicher Untergrund vorhanden ist, und es zeigt die Notwendigkeit entsprechend abgesicherter Bemessungsverfahren auf.


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The Kr 4s-electron photoionization cross section as a function of the exciting-photon energy in the range between 30 eV and 90 eV was calculated using the configuration interaction (CI) technique in intermediate coupling. In the calculations the 4p spin-orbital interaction and corrections due to higher orders of perturbation theory (the so-called Coulomb interaction correlational decrease) were considered. Energies of Kr II states were calculated and agree with spectroscopic data within less than 10 meV. For some of the Kr II states new assignments were suggested on the basis of the largest component among the calculated CI wavefunctions.


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We discuss the possibility of identifying superheavy elements from the observation of their M-shell x-ray spectra, which might occur during the collision of a superheavy element with a heavy target. The same question is discussed for the possible observation of the x-rays from the quasimolecule (quasi-superheavy element) which is formed during such a heavy-ion collision. It is shown that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to determine any information about the interesting quantum electrodynamical effects from the M-shell x-ray spectra of these quasimolecules.


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With a relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater calculation we determined the most stable configurations of the elements of the possibly quasistable island around Z = 164. It is found that the expected noble gas at Z = 168 should not occur, but instead the element Z = 164 should have the properties of a noble gas.


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Absolute cross sections for the transitions of the Kr atom into the 4s^1 and 4p^4nl states of the Kr^+ ion were measured in the 4s-electron threshold region by photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (PIFS). The cross sections for the transitions of the Kr atom into the 4s^1 and 4p^4nl states were also calculated, as well as the 4p^4nln'l' doubly excited states, in the frame of LS-coupling many-body technique. The cross sections of the doubly-excited atomic states were used to illustrate the pronounced contributions of the latter to the photoionization process, evident from the measurements. The comparison of theory and experiment led to conclusions about the origin of the main features observed in the experiment.


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A knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of superheavy elements is expected to be of great value for the detection of these elements, owing to the need for chemical separation in their isolation and identification. The methods for predicting their electronic structures, expected trends in their chemical and physical properties and the results of such predictions for the individual superheavy elements are reviewed. The periodic table is extended up to element 172.


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Listed here for the elements Z = 100, fermium, to Z = 173 are energy eigenvalues and total energies found from relativistic Dirac-Fock-Slater calculations. The effect of high ionization on the energy eigenvalues is presented for two exarnples. The use of these tables in connection with the energy levels of superheavy elements and molecular orbital (MO) x-ray transitions in superheavy quasiatoms, is discussed. In addition, abrief comparison between the results of the Dirac-Fock-Slater and Dirac-Fock calculations is given.


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