940 resultados para practice-led research, poetry, autobiography, performance, authenticity


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Steph Hutchison's solo WORK is fuelled by an interest in pushing the body to its physical limit. A hybrid performance, interweaving dance, circus arts, improvisation, sports and theatre, WORK is inspired by the physical journey of Julie Moss. In 1982, Julie Moss competed in her first Ironman without ever completing the total distance before. What began as a lark became a struggle for survival and a test of human will. Each time she felt like quitting, she thought it was her 'ego trying to self-sabotage,' but her real self was 'that voice that said; "just keep moving forward. There is no limit." Hutchison explores the notion of dance as extreme sport and emphatically engages her body in rigorous physical practices. Her attention is to muscularity and the performance of effort, work and labour, to the point of physical exhaustion. Using circus apparatus such as tissu, rope and acrobatic mats, Steph pushes to and beyond the limits of her physical ability during the performance. In preparation for the show, she puts herself through intense bootcamp style training, classical and contemporary dance training and teaches herself new acrobatic tricks. Her aim is to push herself past exhaustion to another level.


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The artworks in this exhibition form part of my practice-led PhD research. As a daily task while travelling, packing a bag becomes a complex process, as we juggle the many movements in acquiring, discarding and arranging objects.

These artworks aim to highlight the many material interactions we have during the packing process, emphasising the ways in which we arrange materials and consider spatial constraints. For instance, how much we can “fit” in a bag, or, how we use the space of the room we are within, as well as the many movements our bodies undertake with the materials.

Exhibited works:
"Packing Diagrams", laminated digital prints
"Tracking the packing process", interactive installation
"Packing (exploring)", interactive installation, mixed media
"Packing (puzzle)", interactive installation
"bodies + bags" (excerpt), digital video loop


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The beginning of nursing research is attributed to Florence Nightingale whose research during the Crimean War in the 1850s ultimately shaped health care, including nursing practice. Modern research, like clinical care, is influenced by technological, societal, organisational and environmental changes. However, ‘nursing research’ is a simple term that may not encompass complex inter-related concepts and practices and various research methods: quantitative, qualitative, implementation science, evaluation and audit. All research methods follow a similar basic ‘research process,’ but the way the process is applied and rigor is demonstrated differs among the methods. All nurses must engage in research on some level, given they practice in a climate of evidence-based care and are expected to adhere to evidence-based protocols and guidelines. In addition, they need to be able to implement evidence-based best practice and use clinical judgement to treat each person as an individual.


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Urban planning has the potential to draw on allied and remote disciplines to improve community consultation processes for strategic planning projects. Urban design and landscape architecture have quantitative and qualitative methods which can be utilised to visualise different options of urban intensification which may fit within communities’ expectations of change. Furthermore political science has long used scientifically established psychometric techniques to collect data from broad sections of the population, analysing demographic profiles of communities and understanding their perceptions and attitudes. By appropriating quantitative and qualitative methods from other disciplines, urban planning policies can be developed which may reflect communities’ aspirations of amenity and neighbourhood character. The aim of this paper is to assist local government urban planners with their community engagement practice in order to form policies which are acceptable to the affected communities. The paper draws on Victoria as a case study of community engagement practice, examines research methods from allied and remote disciplines and proposes a community engagement framework which introduces rigour within the community engagement process.


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Subcontracting is a common aspect of procurement strategy in construction. The practice of subcontract nomination has produced many problems to the construction industry in the UAE. Examining the nature of associated challenges and investigating new approaches to improve the nomination practice become more critical and demanding. An initial research on the relevant literature was conducted to establish a better understanding of the problems and possible solutions. Then, a series of semi structured interviews were carried out with senior construction professionals in the UAE to examine how the findings of the initial research apply and relate to the UAE construction industry. The analysis and findings of the interviews formed the basis of a closed questions questionnaire. The respondents of the questionnaire were mainly asked to rate the nomination challenges and the approaches to improve the nomination practice. The research concluded that despite the significant reasons and benefits of nomination, the associated risks and challenges don’t encourage adopting it. The full involvement of the MC in the nomination process from the outset and the better detailed provisions of the contract nomination clauses were found the best possible approaches to improve the practice of subcontract nomination in the UAE.


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A review of a cutting-edge collection of scholarly articles engaging with contemporary theories of creativity and a gamut of valid and often exhilarating research methods in contemporary creative writing practice.


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Whichever way you look at it, online crowdfunding is ramifying. From its foundations supporting creative industry initiatives, crowdfunding has branched into almost every aspect of public and private enterprise. Niche crowdfunding platforms and models are burgeoning across the globe faster than you can trill “kerching”. Early adopters have been quick to discover that in addition to money, they also get free market information and an opportunity to develop a relationship with their market base. Despite these evident benefits, universities have been cautious entrants in the crowdfunding space and more generally in the emerging ‘collaborative economy’ (Owyang, 2013). There are many cultural and institutional legacies that might explain this reluctance. For example, to date universities have achieved social (and economic) distinction through refining a set of exclusionary practices including, but not limited to, versions of gatekeeping, ranking and credentialing. These practices are reproduced in the expected behaviors of individual academics who garner social currency and status as experts, legislators and interpreters (Osborne, 20014: 435). Digitalization and the emergent knowledge and collaboration economies, have the potential to disrupt the academy’s traditional appeals to distinction and to re-engage universities and academics with their public stakeholders. This chapter will examine some of the challenges and benefits arising from public micro-funding of university-based research initiatives during a period of industrial transition in the university sector.Broadly then this chapter asks; what does scholarship mean in a digital ecosystem where sociality (rather than traditional systems for assessing academic merit) affords research opportunity and success? How might university research be rethought in a networked world where personal and professional identities are blurred? What happens when scholars adopt the same pathways as non-scholars for knowledge discovery, development and dissemination through use of emerging practices such as crowdfunding. These issues will be discussed through detailed exploration of a successful pilot project to crowdfund university research; Research My World. This project, a collaboration between Deakin University and the crowdfunding platform pozible.com, set out to secure new sources of funding for the ‘long-tail’ of academic research. More generally, it aimed to improve the digital capacity of the participating researchers and create new opportunities for public engagement for the researchers themselves as well as the university. We will examine how crowdfunding and social media platforms alter academic effort (the dis-intermediation or re-intermediation of research funding, reduction of the compliance burden, opportunities for market validation and so on), as well as the particular workflows of scholarly researchers themselves (improvements in “digital presence-building”, provision of cheap alternative funding, opportunities to crowdsource non-academic knowledge). In addressing these questions, this chapter will explore the influence that crowdfunding campaigns have for transforming contemporary academic practices across a range of disciplinary instances, providing the basis for a new form of engagement-led research. To support our analysis we will provide an overview of the initiative through quantitative analysis of a dataset generated by the first iteration of Research My World projects.


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Woven was a visual exploration of 'Bloodlines' in the Australian landscape aligned with practice-led methodology exploring an intersection of landscape/archaeology and immersive performance.


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Performance is a crucial attribute for most software, making performance analysis an important software engineering task. The difficulty is that modern applications are challenging to analyse for performance. Many profiling techniques used in real-world software development struggle to provide useful results when applied to large-scale object-oriented applications. There is a substantial body of research into software performance generally but currently there exists no survey of this research that would help identify approaches useful for object-oriented software. To provide such a review we performed a systematic mapping study of empirical performance analysis approaches that are applicable to object-oriented software. Using keyword searches against leading software engineering research databases and manual searches of relevant venues we identified over 5,000 related articles published since January 2000. From these we systematically selected 253 applicable articles and categorised them according to ten facets that capture the intent, implementation and evaluation of the approaches. Our mapping study results allow us to highlight the main contributions of the existing literature and identify areas where there are interesting opportunities. We also find that, despite the research including approaches specifically aimed at object-oriented software, there are significant challenges in providing actionable feedback on the performance of large-scale object-oriented applications.


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Objective: To evaluate an intervention to improve implementation of guidelines for the prevention of chronic vascular disease. Setting: 32 urban general practices in 4 Australian states. Randomisation: Stratified randomisation of practices. Participants: 122 general practitioners (GPS) and practice nurses (PNs) were recruited at baseline and 97 continued to 12 months. 21 848 patient records were audited for those aged 40-69 years who attended the practice in the previous 12 months without heart disease, stroke, diabetes, chronic renal disease, cognitive impairment or severe mental illness. Intervention: The practice level intervention over 6 months included small group training of practice staff, feedback on audited performance, practice facilitation visits and provision of patient education and referral information. Outcome measures: Primary: 1. Change in proportion of patients aged 40-69 years with smoking status, alcohol intake, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), blood pressure (BP) recorded and for those aged 45-69 years with lipids, fasting blood glucose and cardiovascular risk in the medical record. 2. Change in the level of risk for each factor. Secondary: change in self-reported frequency and confidence of GPS and PNs in assessment. Results: Risk recording improved in the intervention but not the control group for WC (OR 2.52 (95% CI 1.30 to 4.91)), alcohol consumption (OR 2.19 (CI 1.04 to 4.64)), smoking status (OR 2.24 (1.17 to 4.29)) and cardiovascular risk (OR 1.50 (1.04 to 2.18)). There was no change in recording of BP, lipids, glucose or BMI and no significant change in the level of risk factors based on audit data. The confidence but not reported practices of GPS and PNs in the intervention group improved in the assessment of some risk factors. Conclusions: This intervention was associated with improved recording of some risk factors but no change in the level of risk at the follow-up audit. Trial registration number: Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Register (ANZCTR): ACTRN12612000578808, results.


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Health promotion researchers must consider the ethics of their research, and are usually required to abide by a set of ethical requirements stipulated by governing bodies (such as the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council) and human research ethics committees (HRECs). These requirements address both deontological (rule-based) and consequence-based issues. However, at times there can be a disconnect between the requirements of deontological issues and the cultural sensitivity required when research is set in cultural contexts and settings etic to the HREC. This poses a challenge for health promotion researchers who must negotiate between meeting both the requirements of the HREC and the needs of the community with whom the research is being conducted. Drawing on two case studies, this paper discusses examples from cross-cultural health promotion research in Australian and international settings where disconnect arose and negotiation was required to appropriately meet the needs of all parties. The examples relate to issues of participant recruitment and informed consent, participants under the Australian legal age of consent, participant withdrawal when this seemingly occurs in an ad hoc rather than a formal manner and reciprocity. Although these approaches are context specific, they highlight issues for consideration to advance more culturally appropriate practice in research ethics and suggest ways a stronger anthropological lens can be applied to research ethics to overcome these challenges.


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Nesta dissertação realizou-se um experimento de Monte Carlo para re- velar algumas características das distribuições em amostras finitas dos estimadores Backfitting (B) e de Integração Marginal(MI) para uma regressão aditiva bivariada. Está-se particularmente interessado em fornecer alguma evidência de como os diferentes métodos de seleção da janela hn, tais co- mo os métodos plug-in, impactam as propriedades em pequenas amostras dos estimadores. Está-se interessado, também, em fornecer evidência do comportamento de diferentes estimadores de hn relativamente a seqüência ótima de hn que minimiza uma função perda escolhida. O impacto de ignorar a dependência entre os regressores na estimação da janela é tam- bém investigado. Esta é uma prática comum e deve ter impacto sobre o desempenho dos estimadores. Além disso, não há nenhuma rotina atual- mente disponível nos pacotes estatísticos/econométricos para a estimação de regressões aditivas via os métodos de Backfitting e Integração Marginal. É um dos objetivos a criação de rotinas em Gauss para a implementação prática destes estimadores. Por fim, diferentemente do que ocorre atual- mente, quando a utilização dos estimadores-B e MI é feita de maneira completamente ad-hoc, há o objetivo de fornecer a usuários informação que permita uma escolha mais objetiva de qual estimador usar quando se está trabalhando com uma amostra finita.


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Esta pesquisa avaliou o fenômeno assédio moral no Banco Credit S.A., considerando de que maneira esta prática se revela no ambiente de trabalho, seus efeitos físicos e psicológicos e, por fim, a repercussão psicossocial do assédio moral no ambiente organizacional dessa empresa; acrescentando que a nomenclatura dada a este Banco é fictícia, uma vez que não obtivemos autorização formal desta instituição apontada como objeto de estudo da pesquisa. As conclusões são baseadas numa pesquisa etnográfica qualitativa através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com relatos de 10 (dez) respondentes, empregados do Banco Credit S.A., acerca do fenômeno assédio moral. Como forma de validação dos dados captados foi aplicada uma pesquisa etnográfica virtual, de cunho quantitativo a 103 (cento e três) respondentes, todos empregados dessa instituição, através do survey. Por fim, foi realizada uma entrevista com o Presidente do BancáRio - Sindicato dos Bancários do Rio de Janeiro, ator social apto a descrever o fenômeno assédio moral no setor bancário holisticamente, ajuizando assim, as análises relativas ao perfil do Banco Credit S.A., sobretudo àquelas semelhantes ou divergentes do senso comum. Os tópicos da discussão estão circunscritos a partir dos anos 80-90 quando se dá a estabilização da economia brasileira, através da implantação do plano real, no governo FHC. Nesse contexto, o setor bancário passou por um processo de reestruturação produtiva, marcado pelas privatizações e a adoção de novas formas de gestão que resultaram em conflitos no ambiente de trabalho. Essas modificações levaram a uma ruptura nos processos das transaçoes bancárias, reconfigurando o setor, se estabelendo de forma cristalizada admitindo assim, o assédio moral como uma pratica corriqueira e institucionalizada. Esta pesquisa conclui que, diante deste cenário o assédio moral revelou-se um fenômeno corriqueiro que foi incorporado à cultura organizacional desta empresa como mecanismo de punição aos empregados que não atingem as metas estabelecidas. O clima organizacional do Banco Credit S.A. é tenso e propício as práticas de assédio moral; que esse fenômeno reduz a capacidade produtiva do empregado, induzindo ao aumento de custos com improdutividade e baixa eficiência para o próprio banco. O assédio moral, nas relações entre os empregados do banco Credit S.A. se revela mais comumente de forma vertical descendente, sua prática é fortemente percebida pelos empregados desta instituição.


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From a financial perspective, this dissertation analyzes the Brazilian mutual fund industry performance for an average retail client. The most representative funds for the local population, that are the fixed income open-end ones, will be selected and their performance will be measured aiming to answer if clients of this industry obtained a proper return over their investments in the period between August 2010 and August 2013. A proper return will be understood as the preservation of the purchasing power of the individual´s savings, what is achieved with a positive performance of a mutual fund after discounting taxes, administrative fees and inflation. After obtaining an answer for the previous question, this dissertation will explore a possible alternative solution: Tesouro Direto, that is an example of a financial approach that could foster the disintermediation between savings and investments through electronic channels. New electronic platforms, with a broader scope, could be utilized to increase the efficiency of funding productive investments through better remunerating Brazilian savings. Tesouro Direto may point towards a new paradigm.