632 resultados para phasic contractions
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the treatment of acute renal colic. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of selective COX-2 inhibitors and the non-selective COX inhibitor diclofenac on contractility of human and porcine ureters in vitro and in vivo, respectively. COX-1 and COX-2 receptors were identified in human ureter and kidney. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Human ureter samples were used alongside an in vivo pig model with or without partial ureteral obstruction. COX-1 and COX-2 receptors were located in human ureters by immunohistochemistry. KEY RESULTS: Diclofenac and valdecoxib significantly decreased the amplitude of electrically-stimulated contractions in human ureters in vitro, the maximal effect (Vmax) being 120 and 14%, respectively. Valdecoxib was more potent in proximal specimens of human ureter (EC50=7.3 x 10(-11) M) than in distal specimens (EC50=7.4 x 10(-10) M), and the Vmax was more marked in distal specimens (22.5%) than in proximal specimens (8.0%) in vitro. In the in vivo pig model, parecoxib, when compared to the effect of its solvent, significantly decreased the maximal amplitude of contractions (Amax) in non-obstructed ureters but not in obstructed ureters. Diclofenac had no effect on spontaneous contractions of porcine ureter in vivo. COX-1 and COX-2 receptors were found to be expressed in proximal and distal human ureter and in tubulus epithelia of the kidney. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Selective COX-2 inhibitors decrease the contractility of non-obstructed, but not obstructed, ureters of the pig in vivo, but have a minimal effect on electrically-induced contractions of human ureters in vitro.
OBJECTIVE: Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) after transcranial magnetic brain stimulation (TMS) are smaller than CMAPs after peripheral nerve stimulation, because desynchronization of the TMS-induced motor neurone discharges occurs (i.e. MEP desynchronization). This desynchronization effect can be eliminated by use of the triple stimulation technique (TST; Brain 121 (1998) 437). The objective of this paper is to study the effect of discharge desynchronization on MEPs by comparing the size of MEP and TST responses. METHODS: MEP and TST responses were obtained in 10 healthy subjects during isometric contractions of the abductor digiti minimi, during voluntary background contractions between 0% and 20% of maximal force, and using 3 different stimulus intensities. Additional data from other normals and from multiple sclerosis (MS) patients were obtained from previous studies. RESULTS: MEPs were smaller than TST responses in all subjects and under all stimulating conditions, confirming the marked influence of desynchronization on MEPs. There was a linear relation between the amplitudes of MEPs vs. TST responses, independent of the degree of voluntary contraction and stimulus intensity. The slope of the regression equation was 0.66 on average, indicating that desynchronization reduced the MEP amplitude on average by one third, with marked inter-individual variations. A similar average proportion was found in MS patients. CONCLUSIONS: The MEP size reduction induced by desynchronization is not influenced by the intensity of TMS and by the level of facilitatory voluntary background contractions. It is similar in healthy subjects and in MS patients, in whom increased desynchronization of central conduction was previously suggested to occur. Thus, the MEP size reduction observed may not parallel the actual amount of desynchronization.
AIMS: Data on moderately cold water immersion and occurrence of arrhythmias in chronic heart failure (CHF) patients are scarce. METHODS AND RESULTS: We examined 22 male patients, 12 with CHF [mean age 59 years, ejection fraction (EF) 32%, NYHA class II] and 10 patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) without CHF (mean age 65 years, EF 52%). Haemodynamic effects of water immersion and swimming in warm (32 degrees C) and moderately cold (22 degrees C) water were measured using an inert gas rebreathing method. The occurrence of arrhythmias during water activities was compared with those measured during a 24 h ECG recording. Rate pressure product during water immersion up to the chest was significantly higher in moderately cold (P = 0.043 in CHF, P = 0.028 in CAD patients) compared with warm water, but not during swimming. Rate pressure product reached 14200 in CAD and 12 400 in CHF patients during swimming. Changes in cardiac index (increase by 5-15%) and oxygen consumption (increase up to 20%) were of similar magnitude in moderately cold and warm water. Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) increased significantly in moderately cold water from 15 +/- 41 to 76 +/- 163 beats per 30 min in CHF (P = 0.013) but not in CAD patients (20 +/- 33 vs. 42 +/- 125 beats per 30 min, P = 0.480). No ventricular tachycardia was noted. CONCLUSION: Patients with compensated CHF tolerate water immersion and swimming in moderately cold water well. However, the increase in PVCs raises concerns about the potential danger of high-grade ventricular arrhythmias.
The objective of this study was to analyze central motor output changes in relation to contraction force during motor fatigue. The triple stimulation technique (TST, Magistris et al. in Brain 121(Pt 3):437-450, 1998) was used to quantify a central conduction index (CCI = amplitude ratio of central conduction response and peripheral nerve response, obtained simultaneously by the TST). The CCI removes effects of peripheral fatigue from the quantification. It allows a quantification of the percentage of the entire target muscle motor unit pool driven to discharge by a transcranial magnetic stimulus. Subjects (n = 23) performed repetitive maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) of abductor digiti minimi (duration 1 s, frequency 0.5 Hz) during 2 min. TST recordings were obtained every 15 s, using stimulation intensities sufficient to stimulate all cortical motor neurons (MNs) leading to the target muscle, and during voluntary contractions of 20% of the MVC to facilitate the responses. TST was also repetitively recorded during recovery. This basic exercise protocol was modified in a number of experiments to further characterize influences on CCI of motor fatigue (4 min exercise at 50% MVC; delayed fatigue recovery during local hemostasis, "stimulated exercise" by 20 Hz trains of 1 s duration at 0.5 Hz during 2 min). In addition, the cortical silent period was measured during the basic exercise protocol. Force fatigued to approximately 40% of MVC in all experiments and in all subjects. In all subjects, CCI decreased during exercise, but this decrease varied markedly between subjects. On average, CCI reductions preceded force reductions during exercise, and CCI recovery preceded force recovery. Exercising at 50% for 4 min reduced muscle force more markedly than CCI. Hemostasis induced by a cuff delayed muscle force recovery, but not CCI recovery. Stimulated exercise reduced force markedly, but CCI decreased only marginally. Summarized, force reduction and reduction of the CCI related poorly quantitatively and in time, and voluntary drive was particularly critical to reduce the CCI. The fatigue induced reduction of CCI may result from a central inhibitory phenomenon. Voluntary muscle activation is critical for the CCI reduction, suggesting a primarily supraspinal mechanism.
In horses, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders occur frequently and cause a considerable demand for efficient medication. 5-Hydroxytryptamine receptors (5-HT) have been reported to be involved in GI tract motility and thus, are potential targets for treating functional bowel disorders. Our studies extend current knowledge on the 5-HT(7) receptor in equine duodenum, ileum and pelvic flexure by studying its expression throughout the intestine and its role in modulating contractility in vitro by immunofluorescence and organ bath experiments, respectively. 5-HT(7) immunoreactivity was demonstrated in both smooth muscle layers, particularly in the circular one, and within the myenteric plexus. Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), identified by c-Kit labeling, show a staining pattern similar to that of 5-HT(7) immunoreactivity. The selective 5-HT(7) receptor antagonist SB-269970 increased the amplitude of contractions in spontaneous contracting specimens of the ileum and in electrical field-stimulated specimens of the pelvic flexure concentration-dependently. Our in vitro experiments suggest an involvement of the 5-HT(7) receptor subtype in contractility of equine intestine. While the 5-HT(7) receptor has been established to be constitutively active and inhibits smooth muscle contractility, our experiments demonstrate an increase in contractility by the 5-HT(7) receptor ligand SB-269970, suggesting it exerting inverse agonist properties.
With lengthening (eccentric) muscle contractions, the magnitude of locomotor-muscle mass and strength increase has been demonstrated to be greater compared with shortening (concentric) muscle contractions. In healthy subjects, energy demand and heart rate responses with eccentric exercise are small relative to the amount of muscle force produced. Thus, eccentric exercise may be an attractive alternative to resistance exercise for patients with limited cardiovascular exercise tolerance.
Muscarinic receptors mediate acetylcholine-induced muscular contractions. In this study, mRNA levels of muscarinic receptor subtypes 2 and 3 (M(2) and M(3)) in the ileum, caecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon (PLAC) and external loop of the spiral colon (ELSC) were determined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction in seven cows with caecal dilatation-dislocation (CDD) and seven healthy control cows. Levels of M(2) were significantly lower in the caecum, PLAC and ELSC and levels of M(3) were significantly lower in the ileum, caecum, PLAC and ELSC of cows with CDD compared to healthy cows (P<0.05). Down-regulation of M(3) may play a role in the pathogenesis of CDD.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the modulation of the nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) and temporal summation (TS) by low-dose acepromazine (ACP) in conscious dogs. To assess the short- and long-term stability of the reflex thresholds. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled cross-over experimental study. ANIMALS: Eight adult male Beagles. METHODS: The NWR was elicited using single transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the ulnar nerve. Repeated stimuli (10 pulses, 5 Hz) were applied to evoke TS. The responses of the deltoideus muscle were recorded and quantified by surface electromyography and the behavioural reactions were scored. Each dog received 0.01 mg kg(-1) ACP or an equal volume saline intravenously (IV) at 1 week intervals. Measurements were performed before (baseline) and 20, 60 and 100 minutes after drug administration. Sedation was scored before drug administration and then at 10 minutes intervals. Data were analyzed with Friedman repeated measures analysis of variance on ranks and Wilcoxon signed rank tests. RESULTS: Acepromazine resulted in a mild tranquilization becoming obvious at 20 minutes and peaking 30 minutes after injection. Single (I(t)) and repeated stimuli (TS(t)) threshold intensities, NWR and TS characteristics and behavioural responses were not affected by the ACP at any time point. Both I(t) and TS(t) were stable over time. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In dogs, 0.01 mg kg(-1) ACP IV had no modulatory action on the NWR evoked by single or repeated stimuli, suggesting no antinociceptive activity on phasic nociceptive stimuli. The evidence of the stability of the NWR thresholds supports the use of the model as an objective tool to investigate nociception in conscious dogs. A low dose of ACP administered as the sole drug, can be used to facilitate the recordings in anxious subjects without altering the validity of this model.
BACKGROUND Idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (VT) often originates from the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT), but foci deep to the endocardium, in the epicardium, or in the left ventricle are not uncommon. Although these extra-RVOT foci can be targeted with ablation, risks involved are higher and success rates lower. Simple electrocardiographic (ECG) criteria allowing (1) discrimination of RVOT foci from extra-RVOT foci and (2) assessment of the chance of success of a right heart ablation procedure are desirable. METHODS Twenty-five consecutive patients referred for radiofrequency (RF) ablation of idiopathic VT or severely symptomatic idiopathic ventricular premature contractions were included. Localization of VT origin and success rates of VT ablation in the RVOT were analyzed according to the ECG pattern. RESULTS The analysis of the R wave in V2 was the strongest single predictor of whether the VT had an RVOT or an extra-RVOT origin. An R wave amplitude < or =30% of the QRS amplitude designated the VT focus in the RVOT with positive and negative predictive values of 95 and 100%, respectively. Analysis of R wave duration in V2 had similar predictive values, whereas the R/S transition zone in precordial leads had slightly lower predictive values. Seventeen of 20 arrhythmias (85%) with an R wave amplitude < or =30% of the QRS amplitude in V2 could be successfully abolished by an exclusively right heart procedure. CONCLUSIONS The analysis of ECG pattern makes it possible to guide the management of patients with idiopathic VT in predicting the arrhythmias that can be safely targeted with RF ablation from the RVOT with high success rates.
INTRODUCTION Catheter ablation for idiopathic ventricular arrhythmia is well established but epicardial origin, proximity to coronary arteries, and limited accessibility may complicate ablation from the venous system in particular from the great cardiac vein (GCV). METHODS Between April 2009 and October 2010 14 patients (56 ± 15 years; 9 male) out of a total group of 117 patients with idiopathic outflow tract tachycardias were included undergoing ablation for idiopathic VT or premature ventricular contractions (PVC) originating from GCV. All patients in whom the PVC arose from the GCV were subject to the study. In these patients angiography of the left coronary system was performed with the ablation catheter at the site of earliest activation. RESULTS Successful ablation was performed in 6/14 (43%) and long-term success was achieved in 5/14 (36%) patients. In 4/14 patients (28.6%) ablation was not performed. In another 4 patients (26.7%), ablation did not abolish the PVC/VT. In the majority, the anatomical proximity to the left coronary system prohibited effective RF application. In 3 patients RF application resulted in a coronary spasm with complete regression as revealed in repeat coronary angiography. CONCLUSION A relevant proportion idiopathic VT/PVC can safely be ablated from the GCV without significant permanent coronary artery stenosis after RF application. Our data furthermore demonstrate that damage to the coronary artery system is likely to be transient.
This study investigated vascular reactivity in response to acetylcholine, in the presence of acute inhibition of nitric oxide synthase, in the carotid artery and aorta of obese C57Bl6/J mice fed on a high-fat diet for 30 weeks, and of control mice. A subgroup of obese animals was also treated with the ET(A) receptor antagonist darusentan (50 mg x kg(-1) x day(-1)). In vascular rings from control animals, acetylcholine caused endothelium-dependent contractions in the carotid artery, but not in the aorta. In vascular rings from obese mice, contractility to acetylcholine was also evident in the aorta, and that in the carotid artery was increased compared with control mice. ET(A) receptor blockade by darusentan treatment of the obese mice prevented enhanced vasoconstriction to acetylcholine, resulting in mild vasodilatation. Thus obesity increases endothelium-dependent vasoconstriction in the absence of endothelial nitric oxide. This effect can be completely prevented by chronic ET(A) receptor blockade, suggesting that endothelin modulates increased endothelium-dependent vasoconstriction in obesity.
Chronic lung diseases and acute lung injuries are two distinctive pulmonary disorders that result in significant morbidity and mortality. Adenosine is a signaling nucleoside generated in response to injury and can serve both protective and destructive functions in tissues and cells through interaction with four G-protein coupled adenosine receptors: A1R, A2AR, A2BR, and A3R. However, the relationship between these factors is poorly understood. Recent findings suggest the A2BR has been implicated in the regulation of both chronic lung disease and acute lung injury. The work presented in this dissertation utilized the adenosine deaminase-deficient mouse model and the bleomycin-induced pulmonary injury model to determine the distinctive roles of the A2BR at different stages of the disease. Results demonstrate that the A2BR plays a protective role in attenuating vascular leakage in acute lung injuries and a detrimental role at chronic stages of the disease. In addition, tissues from patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis were utilized to examine adenosine metabolism and signaling in chronic lung diseases. Results demonstrate that components of adenosine metabolism and signaling are altered in a manner that promotes adenosine production and signaling in the lungs of these patients. Furthermore, this study provides the first evidence that A2BR signaling can promote the production of inflammatory and fibrotic mediators in patients with these disorders. Taken together, these findings suggest that the A2BR may have a bi-phasic effect at different stages of lung disease. It is protective in acute injury, whereas pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic at the chronic stage. Patients with acute lung injury or chronic lung disease may both benefit from adenosine and A2BR-based therapeutics.
Paleoecology can provide valuable insights into the ecology of species that complement observation and experiment-based assessments of climate impact dynamics. New paleoecological records (e.g., pollen, macrofossils) from the Italian Peninsula suggest a much wider climatic niche of the important European tree species Abies alba (silver fir) than observed in its present spatial range. To explore this discrepancy between current and past distribution of the species, we analyzed climatic data (temperature, precipitation, frost, humidity, sunshine) and vegetation-independent paleoclimatic reconstructions (e.g., lake levels, chironomids) and use global coupled carbon-cycle climate (NCAR CSM1.4) and dynamic vegetation (LandClim) modeling. The combined evidence suggests that during the mid-Holocene (6000 years ago), prior to humanization of vegetation, A. alba formed forests under conditions that exceeded the modern (1961-1990) upper temperature limit of the species by 5-7°C (July means). Annual precipitation during this natural period was comparable to today (>700-800 mm), with drier summers and wetter winters. In the meso-Mediterranean to sub-Mediterranean forests A. alba co-occurred with thermophilous taxa such as Quercus ilex, Q. pubescens, Olea europaea, Phillyrea, Arbutus, Cistus, Tilia, Ulmus, Acer, Hedera helix, Ilex aquifolium, Taxus, and Vitis. Results from the last interglacial (ca. 130 000-115 000 BP), when human impact was negligible, corroborate the Holocene evidence. Thermophilous Mediterranean A. alba stands became extinct during the last 5000 years when land-use pressure and specifically excessive anthropogenic fire and browsing disturbance increased. Our results imply that the ecology of this key European tree species is not yet well understood. On the basis of the reconstructed realized climatic niche of the species, we anticipate that the future geographic range of A. alba may not contract regardless of migration success, even if climate should become significantly warmer than today with summer temperatures increasing by up to 5-7°C, as long as precipitation does not fall below 700-800 mm/yr, and anthropogenic disturbance (e.g., fire, browsing) does not become excessive. Our finding contradicts recent studies that projected range contractions under global-warming scenarios, but did not factor how millennia of human impacts reduced the realized climatic niche of A. alba.
The tonotopic organization of the mammalian cochlea is accompanied by structural gradients which include the somatic lengths of outer hair cells (OHCs). These receptors rest upon the vibrating portion of the basilar membrane and have been reported to exhibit motile responses following chemical and electrical stimulation. These movements were examined in detail in this dissertation. It was found that isolated OHCs cultured in vitro respond to chemical depolarization with slow tonic movements, and to electrical waveforms with bi-directional, frequency following movements extending from DC to at least 10 kHz.^ Slow contractions were also elicited following electrical stimulation, bath incubation in carbachol (a cholinergic agonist), and increases in extracellular K+ concentration as little as 50 mM.^ Isolated OHCs display anatomical features which are remarkable when contrasted with those prepared from intact receptor organs. A complex structure located between the cuticular plate and the nuclear membrane was consistently observed and was examined by serial cross-sections which revealed a network of non-membrane bound densities. This corresponded to a granular complex seen at the light microscope level. The complex was composed of dense regions of organelles, striated structures embedded within the core, and a circumferential network of microtubules residing in the peri-nuclear portion of the cell. In cells which had lost their nuclear attachment to the terminal synaptic body, the granular complex could be made to contract without effecting any change in cellular length, implying that the complex may be the driving force behind certain aspects of the motile response.^ Most cells displayed movements which revealed asymmetries analogous to those reported for OHC receptor potentials in vivo. The contraction phase (for longer cells) was shown to have a small time constant (approximately 400 microseconds) and saturated with limited displacements. The expansion phase had time constants as large as 1.3 milliseconds but yielded displacements as much as 60 percent larger than those seen for contractions.^ Additional waveform characteristics seen in the in vivo response could be emulated either by biasing the cell's resting length with either direct current, triggering contractions via large electrical displacements, or incubation with depolarizing compounds.^ Alternatively, short (20-30 um) cells revealed more linear response characteristics to the probe stimulus. Partial saturation was achieved and revealed a DC component which was opposite in polarity to that seen in longer cells. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^
Previous studies have shown that short-term sensitization of the Aplysia siphon-withdrawal reflex circuit results in multiple sites of change in synaptic efficacy. In this dissertation I have used a realistic modeling approach (using an integrate-and-fire scheme), in conjunction with electrophysiological experiments, to evaluate the contribution of each site of plasticity to the sensitized response.^ This dissertation contains a detailed description of methodology for the construction of the model circuit, consisting of the LFS motor neurons and ten interneurons known to convey excitatory input to them. The model replicates closely the natural motor neuron firing response to a brief tactile stimulus.^ The various circuit elements have different roles for producing circuit output. For example, the sensory connections onto the motor neuron are important for the production of the phasic response, while the polysynaptic interneuronal connections are important for producing the tonic response.^ The multiple sites of plasticity that produce changes in circuit output also have specialized roles. Presynaptic facilitation of the sensory neuron to LFS connection enhances only the phasic component of the motor neuron firing response. The sensory neuron to interneuron connections primarily enhance the tonic component of the motor neuron firing response. Also, the L29 posttetanic potentiation and the L30 presynaptic inhibition primarily enhance the tonic component of the motor neuron firing response. Finally, the information content at the various sites of plasticity can shift with changes in stimulus intensity. This suggests that while the sites of plasticity encoding memory are fixed, the information content at these sites can be dynamic, shifting in anatomical location with changes in the intensity of the test stimulus.^ These sites of plasticity also produce specific changes in the behavioral response. Sensory-LFS plasticity selectively increases the amplitude of the behavioral response, and has no effect on the duration of the behavioral response. Interneuronal plasticity (L29 and L30) affects both the amplitude and duration of the behavioral response. Other sensory plasticity also affect both the amplitude and duration of the behavioral response, presumably by increasing the recruitment of the interneurons, which provide all of the effect on duration of the behavioral response. ^