806 resultados para perceptions about research, research capacity, framework construction, mixed-method design


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Different molecular-genetic methods were used to identify a cohort of Leishmania strains from natural foci of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis located in Central Asia, on the former USSR territory. The results obtained using isoenzymes, PCR, restriction fragment length polymorphisms of kDNA and molecular hybridization techniques are discussed in terms of their applicability, discrimination power and feasibility for answering questions related to molecular epidemiological research and for detecting mixed Leishmania infections


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This project is a study of the men's movement in Switzerland, especially regarding organizations seeking to redefine male identity. So far, this topic has been understudied, in Switzerland. The few studies available on the subject mostly adopt a (pro)feminist perspective. Their main purpose is to criticize men's movement participants. What is more, scarce researches on this problem mostly conducted by members of the Swiss men's movement themselves are mainly descriptive and methodologically problematic. In this context, I initiated the first national and sociological study of the men's movement in Switzerland. My main goals are: firstly, to propose a typology of organizations forming the men's movement in Switzerland. Secondly, I develop a sociological analysis of this phenomenon, taking into account in this process especially the characteristics of the Swiss context. Consequently, I adopted a mixed method approach, which included two main research steps: Firstly, I defined a representative sample of men's movement organizations in Switzerland. Based on a content analysis of men's organizations' websites, I was able to distinguish three ideal-types: Radical Criticism of Masculinity, Criticism of Hegemonic Masculinity, Defense of Men and Traditional Masculinity. Based on these three concepts, I subsequently analyzed the discourse on masculinity amongst men's movement organizations. Secondly, I conducted a survey of men's movement participants. This survey was based on the results of the content analysis. In this particular stage, I mainly used factor analysis. My results show that it would be all too simplistic to characterize the men's movement, in Switzerland, as a criticism of women's emancipation. On the contrary, my analysis reveals a more complex picture: The two main factors, which influence the men's movement, in Switzerland, are the contemporary sociological context and the Swiss society's particular features. I find that male roles, on the one hand, depend very much on today's cultural shift from materialistic to self-expression values. On the other hand, male role models reflect a social adaptation process. Moreover, as a reaction to deep changes in contemporary family structures, I observe an individualization process, characterized by separation between parental and conjugal functions that greatly shapes male role models. - Cette thèse analyse le phénomène des hommes en mouvement, dans le contexte de la Suisse. Cet ensemble est formé d'organisations regroupant des hommes impliqués consciemment dans un processus d'actions et de réflexions sur l'identité masculine. La revue de la littérature révèle qu'en Suisse, le sujet des hommes en mouvement est très peu étudié. Jusqu'ici, les rares recherches s'y intéressant adoptent généralement une approche (pro)féministe, dont l'objectif est de dénoncer ce phénomène. En outre, de rares recherches, issues des acteurs mêmes de ce mouvement, proposent une vue descriptive de l'ensemble, mais souffrant de faiblesses méthodologiques. Par notre recherche, nous souhaitons contribuer à l'étude de ce sujet, en initiant la première étude d'envergure nationale portant sur les hommes en mouvement. L'objectif final est de déboucher sur une typologie des organisations réunissant les hommes en mouvement, puis sur une analyse de la spécificité de cet ensemble, dans le contexte suisse. Pour remplir ces objectifs, nous avons mis en place un dispositif de méthodes mixtes, en deux phases. Lors d'une première étape, nous avons sélectionné un échantillon représentatif de la diversité des organisations masculines. Par une analyse de contenu effectuée sur la documentation récoltée sur les sites Internet de ces dernières, nous avons pu, en utilisant une démarche inductive et qualitative, faire émerger trois idéaux-types : Critique radicale de la masculinité, Critique de la masculinité hégémonique, Défense des hommes et de la masculinité traditionnelle. Ces concepts permettent de rendre compte, de manière schématique, des trois types de discours contemporains sur l'identité masculine diffusés par les hommes en mouvement. Lors d'une seconde étape, nous avons réalisé une enquête auprès des membres des organisations masculines. Pour y parvenir, nous avons créé un questionnaire incluant des propositions élaborées à partir des résultats de l'étape précédente. Lors de cette phase, nous avons réalisé une analyse factorielle. Les résultats montrent que le phénomène du mouvement des hommes ne saurait se réduire, en Suisse, à un mouvement de ressac visant à attaquer les droits des femmes. Au contraire, il s'agit d'un phénomène complexe, fortement dépendant du contexte sociologique contemporain et des caractéristiques de la société helvétique. Nous affirmons, entre autres, que les modèles masculins observables dans cet ensemble sont façonnés, d'une part, par une transition culturelle, caractérisée par le passage des valeurs matérialistes aux valeurs d'expression de soi. D'autre part, les modèles masculins prônés par les hommes en mouvement reflètent un processus d'adaptation sociale. En effet, en réaction au contexte de reconfiguration des formes familiales, on assiste à une individualisation des rapports de filiation et au détachement de la fonction parentale et conjugale, qui imprègnent fortement les modèles masculins défendus par ces hommes.


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The Programme for Government 2007-2012 states that '[a]ppropriate fiscal instruments, including a carbon levy, will be phased in on a revenue-neutral basis over the lifetime of this Government.' The terms of reference of the Commission on Taxation repeats the commitment to introduce measures to further lower carbon emissions and to phase in on a revenue neutral basis appropriate fiscal measures including a carbon levy over the lifetime of the Government and invites the Commission to [i]nvestigate fiscal measures to protect and enhance the environment including the introduction of a carbon tax. This paper presents thoughts and considerations about such a carbon tax. It discusses selected design issues, and presents a preliminary impact assessment for what the authors think is a reasonable design. More specifically, It addresses ten questions: 1. Why impose a carbon tax? 2. What level should the tax be? 3. Who should be taxed? 4. What is the expected revenue? 5. What to do with the revenue? 6. What are the macro-economic implications? 7. What are the effects on emissions? 8. What are the effects on income distribution? 9. How to tax internationally traded goods and services? 10. What about fuel tourism? On some of these questions, it presents arguments and evidence. Other questions call for further research. Aspects of some questions can only be answered by the Dail �ireann.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Much of the initial work on Open Educational Resources (OER) has inevitably concentrated on how to produce the resources themselves and to establish the idea in the community. It is now eight years since the term OER was first used and more than ten years since the concept of open content was described and a greater focus is now emerging on the way in which OER can influence policy and change the way in which educational systems help people learn. The Open University UK and Carnegie Mellon University are working in partnership on the OLnet (Open Learning Network), funded by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation with the aims to search out the evidence for use and reuse of OER and to establish a network for information sharing about research in the field. This means both gathering evidence and developing approaches for how to research and understand ways to learn in a more open world, particularly linked to OER, but also looking at other influences.


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Aquest treball de fi de carrera ha tingut com a objectius l'estudi dels diferents elements que existeixen a l'hora de construir la part visual d'aplicacions Web desenvolupades sobre la plataforma de construcció de J2EE, els patrons de Disseny de la capa de presentació i allò que es denominen Frameworks de presentació. I d'altra banda a partir de l'esmentat estudi es a realitzat la creació d'un Framework propi que permeti la creació d'interfícies per a pàgines Web creades per a la gestió de maneig d'aplicacions empresarials d'una forma òptima, estàndard i simplificada.


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El projecte que sol•licitem és el resultat natural d’una recerca iniciada l’any 2008 pel grup de recerca MIRAS (Mediació i Interpretació: Recerca en l’Àmbit Social) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. La recerca del grup MIRAS ha tingut com a objectiu general, durant els darrers dos anys, la definició del perfil professional del traductor/intèrpret als serveis públics. Aquesta figura emergent i encara poc reconeguda al nostre país va començar a sorgir a partir del boom migratori de les darreres dècades a Catalunya com a resposta als problemes de comunicació freqüents entre la població nouvinguda i els serveis públics locals. Per a assolir l’objectiu esmentat, la primera fase de la recerca del grup MIRAS s’ha centrat en el disseny, distribució, buidatge, anàlisi i creuament de dades de 250 qüestionaris semioberts dirigits als tres principals agents implicats en la interacció comunicativa que estudiem: els traductors/intèrprets, els usuaris i els proveïdors dels serveis. Els resultats d’aquest estudi han demostrat, entre d’altres qüestions rellevants, la manca d’una formació específica per als traductors/intèrprets als serveis públics, així com una absència de regulació de la professió que aquests exerceixen. Un cop realitzat aquest primer estudi pilot, i en vista dels resultats obtinguts, ens sembla doncs evident que el següent pas de la nostra recerca ha d’anar orientat cap a la formació i regulació professional dels traductors/intèrprets als serveis públics. En concret, en el projecte que sol•licitem ens proposem dissenyar una formació especialitzada per a traductors/intèrprets als serveis públics que compleixi amb els següents tres prerequisits: a) estar oberta a tot tipus de persones, independentment del seu nivell d’estudis; b) oferir un ampli ventall de llengües, principalment les llengües de la immigració a Catalunya (per a una primera selecció d’aquestes llengües, vegeu informe demogràfic de la SIM de l’1 de gener de 2010 i resultats de l’estudi pilot de MIRAS), i c) conduir a una acreditació nacional que reguli l’exercici de la professió de traductor/intèrpret als serveis públics de Catalunya. La implementació d’un sistema d’acreditació, segon objectiu del projecte que presentem, és essencial ja que no només permetrà la regulació d’una professió fins avui poc o mal definida, sinó que també garantirà la qualitat dels serveis oferts per aquests professionals en el futur.


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With the release of the new Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG), pavement design has taken a “quantum” leap forward. The current 1993 design guide is solidly based on the empirical interpretation of the results of the 1960 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Road Test. This report seeks to outline the technical aspects of the new MEPDG. Full detail is essentially impossible and impractical, since the release of the MEPDG was accompanied by eighteen volumes of technical justification and background. Consequently, this report seeks only to provide a potential user with a practical understanding of the workings of the new guide, with only sufficient technical depth to aid in understanding.


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Objective: To understand school bullying from the perspective of teachers and reflect about the possible actions of the health area when coping with it. The guidelines of the School Health Program of the Ministries of Health and Education were used to reach that purpose. Method: A qualitative study carried out with teachers of a public school in Minas Gerais. Focus groups were used to collect data and the empirical material was decoded from thematic analysis of content, resulting in an analytical category: conceptions and experiences of teachers on bullying. Results: Specific perceptions about the phenomenon and the use of ineffective intervention resources were identified. In the interpretive plan were problematized the health and nursing contributions with resizing the interventions and the continuing training process of teachers. Conclusion: The results point to the construction of intersectoral practices for coping with bullying.


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A tendência, hoje em dia, é para a captação directa das poupanças aos investidores. Esta captação faz-se através da emissão de produtos financeiros. Dada a incerteza e diversidade de produtos financeiros, o investidor terá de analisar cuidadosamente as múltiplas alternativas existentes e tomar a decisão de investir de acordo com a rendibilidade que pretende obter e o nível de risco que está disposto a correr. O trabalho ora apresentado espelha uma análise dos Riscos/Rendibilidade associados aos Investimentos Financeiros tais como Depósitos a Prazos, Obrigações, Acções e Bilhetes de Tesouro, com foco nos dois primeiros. O desenvolvimento da temática foi orientado numa primeira etapa para através da pesquisa necessária a construção do referencial teórico centrado por um lado, nos conceitos associados a mercados financeiros bem como os riscos associados as transacções desses produtos financeiros nesse mercado. Mencionamos diferentes tipos de produtos financeiros transaccionados neste mercado, bem como a importância da cotação destes produtos na Bolsa de Valores. A sustentabilidade deste rico referencial teórico ficou evidenciada através de um estudo de caso de uma empresa que dedica ao comércio - geral de Materiais de Construção, partindo de uma análise gráfica comparada que irá demonstrar qual o risco e a rendibilidade que há em canalizar parte do valor aplicado no depósito a prazo para investir em obrigações do BCA emitidas em Dezembro de 2010. Nowadays the tendency is for the reception all-nighter of the savings to the investors. This reception is made through the emission of financial products. Owing to the uncertainty and diversity of financial products, the investor has to analyze carefully the multiple existent alternatives and then decide to invest according to the profitability he intends to obtain and the risk level he is willing to run. The work for now presented mirrors an analysis of the risks / profitability associated to the Financial Investments as Deposits to periods, Obligations, Shares, Tickets of Treasury, with focus in the first two. The development of the theme was guided in a first stage for through the necessary research for the construction of the theoretical referential system centered on one side, in the concepts associated to financial markets as well as the risks associated to the transactions of those financial products in that market. We referred to different types of financial products transacted in this market, as well as the importance of the quotation of these products in the stock exchange. The sustainability of this rich theoretical referential system was evidenced through a study of case of a company that dedicates to the trade of construction materials, leaving from a compared analysis that will demonstrate Which the risk and the profitability that there is in channeling part of the applied value in the deposit to period to invest in obligations of „BCA‟ emitted in December of 2010.


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As decisões de preços de venda, é uma das funções com mais relevância no ambiente empresarial para os gerentes, devido o seu carácter estratégico para o sucesso das empresas. O processo de formação de preço (FP) é fundamental para as empresas, embora apresenta graus de dificuldade e de complexidade, por implicar diversos factores. A primeira etapa para a FP consiste na estimativa correcta de custos, para obtenção de preços ideais. Para além dos custos, outros factores internos e externos devem ser analisados para que as decisões possam ser tomadas de forma correcta e obter um preço competitivo. Portanto, os gerentes precisam de informações precisas para poderem tomar decisões com segurança, levando em consideração todos os aspectos relevantes para a FP. O presente trabalho tem como objectivo principal, conhecer uma politica adequada de FP, bem como, descobrir quais os factores mais relevantes considerados na formação desses preços nas empresas e ainda conhecer quais os métodos de FP utilizado pelas empresas de importação de S.Vicente para a FP. A metodologia, consistiu primeiramente numa pesquisa bibliográfica e exploratória. Para a recolha dos dados,foram aplicados questionários com perguntas fechadas múltipla escolha, aos gerentes e aos responsáveis pelos processos de EC e FP e para complementar, foi feita uma entrevista a um especialista da área. Para a análise dos dados, foram utilizadas técnicas qualitativas e quantitativas, feito através das respostas obtidas dos questionários. Os resultados obtidos da pesquisa, mostram que o método de formação de preços de venda adoptado pelas empresas de S.Vicente, é o método baseado no custo e no mercado (método misto), ou seja, o preço é definido com base nos seus custos, mas é ajustado tendo por base o preço da concorrência. The sale prices decisions; it is one of the functions with more relevance in the managerial atmosphere for the managers, due your strategic character for the success of the companies. The process of price formation (FP) it is fundamental for the companies,although it presents degrees of difficulty and of complexity, for implicating several factors. The first stage for FP consists in estimate correct costs, to obtaining ideal prices. Besides the costs, others internal and external factors should be analyzed so that decisions can be made in a correct form to obtain a competitive price. Therefore, the managers need necessary information to make safety decisions, taking in consideration all the important aspects of FP. The main objective of this present work, is to know the appropriate politics of FP, as well as, to discover which the most important factors considered in the formation of those prices to purchases and still to know which of the FP methods used by the import companies in São Vicente. The methodology consisted firstly in a bibliographical and exploratory research. To collect the data, were applied uestionnaires with closed questions, multiple choice to the managers and the responsible for the processes of ECP and EP and to complement, it was made an interview to a specialist. For the analysis of the data, qualitative techniques were used, done through to obtained answers of the questionnaires. The results of the research, show that the method of formation of sale prices adopted for São Vicente's companies, is the method based on the cost and in the market (mixed method), in other words, the price is defined with base in the costs, but it is adjusted tends for base of the competition.


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Granular shoulders are an important element of the transportation system and are constantly subjected to performance problems due to wind- and water-induced erosion, rutting, edge drop-off, and slope irregularities. Such problems can directly affect drivers’ safety and often require regular maintenance. The present research study was undertaken to investigate the factors contributing to these performance problems and to propose new ideas to design and maintain granular shoulders while keeping ownership costs low. This report includes observations made during a field reconnaissance study, findings from an effort to stabilize the granular and subgrade layer at six shoulder test sections, and the results of a laboratory box study where a shoulder section overlying a soft foundation layer was simulated. Based on the research described in this report, the following changes are proposed to the construction and maintenance methods for granular shoulders: • A minimum CBR value for the granular and subgrade layer should be selected to alleviate edge drop-off and rutting formation. • For those constructing new shoulder sections, the design charts provided in this report can be used as a rapid guide based on an allowable rut depth. The charts can also be used to predict the behavior of existing shoulders. • In the case of existing shoulder sections overlying soft foundations, the use of geogrid or fly ash stabilization proved to be an effective technique for mitigating shoulder rutting.


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We study how gender differences in performance under competition areaffected by the provision of information regarding rival s gender and/ordifferences in relative ability. In a laboratory experiment, we use two tasks thatdiffer regarding perceptions about which gender outperforms the other. Weobserve women s underperformance only under two conditions: 1) tasks areperceived as favoring men and 2) rivals gender is explicitly mentioned. Thisresult can be explained by stereotype-threat being reinforced when explicitlymentioning gender in tasks in which women already consider they are inferior.Omitting information about gender is a safe alternative to avoid women sunderperformance in competition.


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The purpose of this paper is to highlight scientific information resources that list journal and country rankings. These databases usually focus on the use of citation counts and number of publications to evaluate the interest, visibility and impact of research performance. The exposed resources are platforms that provide added value to authors improving their knowledge about research trends and also where to submit their papers.


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[eng] This article analyses articles and papers related to journalistic documentation that have been published in journals and in conference proceedings in Spain over the period 1997-2002. There is a listing of all articles as well as a summary of those that have followed scientific research processes. The results of the analysis of the articles' content are explored, according to different parameters: proportion of research, methods and research techniques articles studied, authorship, authors' place of work, type of publication and distribution by year. The article closes with some conclusions about research on journalistic documentation in the period studied.


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Partant de deux études de cas, le projet de Frente Ribeirinha à Porto (Portugal) et celui d'Euroméditerranée à Marseille, ce projet de thèse a pour objectif l'étude des modalités de valorisation du tissu bâti (patrimonialisation) par les acteurs institutionnels dans les projets de régénération urbaine. Suivant l'hypothèse de l'entrée dans un nouveau régime de patrimonialité, l'analyse doit expliciter les stratégies à l'oeuvre ainsi que la manière dont les autorités publiques influent sur les représentations de l'espace construit. Abordant la question des échelles d'intervention des projets de régénération urbaine à partir des deux études de cas, mais également de littératures sur des projets anglo-saxons, la thèse cherche à voir, au prisme de la construction patrimoniale, comment ces projets sont directement connectés à l'économie internationale et au phénomène de globalisation et s'ils prennent en compte l'échelle du quotidien et de la domesticité. Il s'agit de montrer les limites d'une valorisation du tissu bâti dans un objectif de retombées économiques (ville consommable) au détriment des valeurs d'usage et de signifiants du quotidien. D'où l'hypothèse de l'importance d'une prise en compte des représentations de valeurs aux différentes échelles (dimensions socio-culturelles du projet de régénération) pour un équilibre qualitatif dans la fabrication du territoire et des projets sur le long terme. La volonté est sensiblement la compréhension des nouvelles constructions patrimoniales ainsi que des pratiques de conception et de mise en oeuvre du projet urbain. - Based on two case studies, the Frente Ribeirinha project in Porto (Portugal) and Euroméditerranée in Marseille, this research project aims at studying the modes of enhancement of the built fabric by institutional actors in urban regeneration projects. Posing the idea of a new heritage regime, this analysis attempts to explain the different strategies at work and how public authorities influence the built space's representations. Looking at the different scales of intervention of regeneration projects in our two case studies, as well as Anglo-Saxon literature on projects, it seeks at seeing, through heritage processes, how these projects are directly connected to the international economy and the phenomenon of globalization. Also, it aims at investigating whether policies take into account the scale of everyday life and domesticity. It attempts to show the limit of a built fabric's valuation with economic benefits objectives (consumable city) rather than taking into account values and meanings of everyday life. Hence, the thesis suggests taking into account representations and values at different scales (socio-cultural dimensions of the regeneration project) for a qualitative balance in urban planning and urban projects' manufacturing. The aim is to broaden the understanding on heritage construction, on urban design practices and on implementation of urban projects.