947 resultados para organic chemistry overview
1.T. Materie und Energie.--2.T. Chemisches Gleichgewicht und Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit. 1. Hälfte. Homogene Systeme.
An abridgement of articles previously published in various scientific journals.
Each volume has also special t.-p.
"A publication of the Chemical Abstracts Service."
bd. 1. Anorganische chemie 5. mitbesonderer berucksichtigung der neuren theorien bearbeitete, verbeserte auflage.--bd. 2. Organische chemie, 4 ... auflage.--bd. 3. Physiologische chemie, 3 ... auflage.
Unter theilweiser Zugrundelegung von Thomson's Organic chemistry ...
Mode of access: Internet.
Followed by: Literatur-Register der organischen Chemie, geordnet nach M. M. Richter's Formelsystem. Hrsg. von der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, redigiert von Robert Stelzner. 1. Bd., 1913.
"A publication of the Chemical Abstracts Service."
"References" at end of each chapter.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
The 2,3,4-tri-toluenesulfonate ester derivatives of the methyl pyranosides of L-arabinose, D-ribose, D-lyxose, and D-xylose have been prepared, and their substitution reactions with various nucleophiles have been examined. For arabinose, xylose, and ribose, highly regioselective monosubstitutions were observed with benzoate, nitrite, and azide anions. These reactions have led to short and simple routes from D-xylose to L-arabinose derivatives, from L-arabinose to D-xylose derivatives, and from D-ribose to L-lyxose derivatives. The tritosylate derived from methyl alpha-D-lyxopyranoside was unreactive toward nucleophilic substitution reactions, giving instead a dihydropyran product arising from an initial E2 elimination reaction of the 2-tosylate.
Traditional vaccines consisting of whole attenuated micro-organisms. or microbial components administered with adjuvant, have been demonstrated as one of the most cost-effective and successful public health interventions. Their use in large scale immunisation programs has lead to the eradication of smallpox, reduced morbidity and mortality from many once common diseases, and reduced strain on health services. However, problems associated with these vaccines including risk of infection. adverse effects, and the requirement for refrigerated transport and storage have led to the investigation of alternative vaccine technologies. Peptide vaccines, consisting of either whole proteins or individual peptide epitopes, have attracted much interest, as they may be synthesised to high purity and induce highly specific immune responses. However, problems including difficulties stimulating long lasting immunity. and population MHC diversity necessitating multiepitopic vaccines and/or HLA tissue typing of patients complicate their development. Furthermore, toxic adjuvants are necessary to render them immunogenic. and as such non-toxic human-compatible adjuvants need to be developed. Lipidation has been demonstrated as a human compatible adjuvant for peptide vaccines. The lipid-core-peptide (LCP) system. incorporating lipid adjuvant, carrier, and peptide epitopes, exhibits promise as a lipid-based peptide vaccine adjuvant. The studies reviewed herein investigate the use of the LCP system for developing vaccines to protect against group A streptococcal (GAS) infection. The studies demonstrate that LCP-based GAS vaccines are capable of inducing high-titres of antigen specific IgG antibodies. Furthermore. mice immunised with an LCP-based GAS vaccine were protected against challenge with 8830 strain GAS.