932 resultados para ophthalmic optics and devices


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In the past few years indications for the use of the air polishing technology have been expanded from supragingival use (airflow) to subgingival air polishing (perioflow) by the development of new low-abrasive glycine-based powders and devices with a subgingival nozzle. Several studies on the subgingival use of air polishing have been completed. On 7 June 2012, during the Europerio 7 Congress in Vienna, a consensus conference on mechanical biofilm management took place aiming to review the current evidence from the literature on the clinical relevance of the subgingival use of air polishing and to make practical recommendations for the clinician. Bernita Bush (Bern), Prof Johannes Einwag (Stuttgart), Prof Thomas Flemmig (Seattle), Carmen Lanoway (Munich), Prof Ursula Platzer (Hamburg), Prof Petra Schmage (Hamburg), Brigitte Schoeneich (Zurich), Prof Anton Sculean (Bern), Dr Clemens Walter (Basel), and Prof Jan Wennström (Gothenburg) discussed under the moderation of Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf and Christian Becker (both ADIC Association for Dental Infection Control) the available clinical studies to reach a consensus on available clinical evidence. This paper summarizes the main conclusions of the consensus conference and points to the clinical relevance of the findings for the dental practitioner.


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This paper investigates a novel method which allows clutter elimination in deep optoacoustic imaging. Clutter significantly limits imaging depth in clinical optoacoustic imaging, when irradiation optics and ultrasound detector are integrated in a handheld probe for flexible imaging of the human body. Strong optoacoustic transients generated at the irradiation site obscure weak signals from deep inside the tissue, either directly by propagating towards the probe, or via acoustic scattering. In this study we demonstrate that signals of interest can be distinguished from clutter by tagging them at the place of origin with localised tissue vibration induced by the acoustic radiation force in a focused ultrasonic beam. We show phantom results where this technique allowed almost full clutter elimination and thus strongly improved contrast for deep imaging. Localised vibration tagging by means of acoustic radiation force is especially promising for integration into ultrasound systems that already have implemented radiation force elastography.


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PURPOSE To assess the usefulness of cone beam CT (CBCT) for dacryocystography (DCG) using either direct syringing or passive application of contrast medium. METHODS Ten consecutive patients with epiphora who had CBCT-DCG in a sitting position were retrospectively analyzed. CBCT-DCGs were performed using 2 techniques: direct syringing with contrast medium or using the passive technique, where patients received 3 drops of contrast medium into the conjunctival sac before CBCT-DCG. Clinical and radiologic diagnoses were compared for both groups. RESULTS The 10 patients (men = 3) had a mean age of 63.2 years. Both techniques proved to be simple procedures with good delineation of the bone, soft tissue, and the contrast medium in the lacrimal system. No side effects were noted. CONCLUSIONS CBCT-DCG is a useful alternative to determine the localization of stenosis in patients with chronic epiphora.


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In this paper, we report on an optical tolerance analysis of the submillimeter atmospheric multi-beam limb sounder, STEAMR. Physical optics and ray-tracing methods were used to quantify and separate errors in beam pointing and distortion due to reflector misalignment and primary reflector surface deformations. Simulations were performed concurrently with the manufacturing of a multi-beam demonstrator of the relay optical system which shapes and images the beams to their corresponding receiver feed horns. Results from Monte Carlo simulations show that the inserts used for reflector mounting should be positioned with an overall accuracy better than 100 μm (~ 1/10 wavelength). Analyses of primary reflector surface deformations show that a deviation of magnitude 100 μm can be tolerable before deployment, whereas the corresponding variations should be less than 30 μm during operation. The most sensitive optical elements in terms of misalignments are found near the focal plane. This localized sensitivity is attributed to the off-axis nature of the beams at this location. Post-assembly mechanical measurements of the reflectors in the demonstrator show that alignment better than 50 μm could be obtained.


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In 2014 the by far largest German lake has been newly surveyed. The transnational project is funded by the European Union and delivers a detailed 3D-model of the lake- floor. The German project name is »Tiefenschärfe – Hochauflösende Vermessung Bo- densee«, which in English roughly means: high-resolution survey of Lake Constance. The German term »Tiefenschärfe« (in optics and photography: depth of field) plays with the meanings of »Tiefe« (depth) and »Schärfe« (sharpness). The result of the sur- vey shall be a clear and sharp image of the deep and shallow lake- floor. At present the LiDAR and multibeam data are still processed, but first results are presented in this article.


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Telemedicine is the use of telecommunications to support health care services and it incorporates a wide range of technology and devices. This systematic review seeks to determine which types of telemedicine technologies have been the most effective at improving the major health factors of subjects with type 2 diabetes. The major health factors identified were blood glucose, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, weight, BMI, triglyceride levels, and waist circumference. A literature search was performed using peer reviewed, scholarly articles focused on the health outcomes of type 2 diabetes patients served by various telemedicine interventions. A total of 15 articles met the search criteria and were then analyzed to determine the significant health outcomes of each telemedicine interventions for type 2 diabetes patients. Results showed that telemedicine interventions using videoconferencing technology resulted in significant improvements in five health factor outcomes (total body weight, BMI, blood glucose, LDL cholesterol, and blood pressure), while telemedicine interventions using web applications and health monitors/modems only produced significant improvements in blood glucose. Future research should focus on examining the costs and benefits of videoconferencing and other telemedicine technologies for type 2 diabetes patients.^


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Multi-center clinical trials are very common in the development of new drugs and devices. One concern in such trials, is the effect of individual investigational sites enrolling small numbers of patients on the overall result. Can the presence of small centers cause an ineffective treatment to appear effective when treatment-by-center interaction is not statistically significant?^ In this research, simulations are used to study the effect that centers enrolling few patients may have on the analysis of clinical trial data. A multi-center clinical trial with 20 sites is simulated to investigate the effect of a new treatment in comparison to a placebo treatment. Twelve of these 20 investigational sites are considered small, each enrolling less than four patients per treatment group. Three clinical trials are simulated with sample sizes of 100, 170 and 300. The simulated data is generated with various characteristics, one in which treatment should be considered effective and another where treatment is not effective. Qualitative interactions are also produced within the small sites to further investigate the effect of small centers under various conditions.^ Standard analysis of variance methods and the "sometimes-pool" testing procedure are applied to the simulated data. One model investigates treatment and center effect and treatment-by-center interaction. Another model investigates treatment effect alone. These analyses are used to determine the power to detect treatment-by-center interactions, and the probability of type I error.^ We find it is difficult to detect treatment-by-center interactions when only a few investigational sites enrolling a limited number of patients participate in the interaction. However, we find no increased risk of type I error in these situations. In a pooled analysis, when the treatment is not effective, the probability of finding a significant treatment effect in the absence of significant treatment-by-center interaction is well within standard limits of type I error. ^


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo aportar reflexiones a los cambios y mutaciones producidos por las nuevas Tecnologías de la Comunicación y el Conocimiento (TIC), en los productos paradigmáticos de la “comunicación intencional", desde una mirada que abarca las transformaciones de los relatos y las competencias de un nuevo modelo de destinatario. Antes de la aparición de las tecnologías de reproducción y comunicación pública, (anteriormente llamada “comunicación de masas"), existieron dispositivos, fuera del circuito de la cultura escrita, que apelaban a emisores y destinatarios con competencias que excedían la interpretación del escrito.


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Las prácticas en laboratorios forman una parte muy importante de la formación en todos los programas docentes. A pesar de esta importancia, la creación de un laboratorio no es una tarea fácil, ya que el hecho de equipar un laboratorio puede suponer un gran gasto económico, tanto inicial como posterior. Como solución, surge la educación a distancia, y en concreto los laboratorios virtuales, es decir, simulaciones de un laboratorio real utilizando modelos matemáticos. Por sus características y flexibilidad se han ido desarrollando laboratorios virtuales en el ámbito docente, pero no todas las áreas cuentan con tantas posibilidades o facilidades como en la electrónica. La mayoría de los laboratorios accesibles desde Internet que hay en la actualidad dentro de la enseñanza a distancia o formación online, son virtuales. El laboratorio que se ha desarrollado tiene como principal ventaja la realización de prácticas controlando instrumentos y circuitos reales de forma remota. El proyecto consiste en realizar un sistema software para implementar un laboratorio remoto en el área de la electrónica analógica, que pueda ser utilizado como complemento a las actividades formativas que se realizan en los laboratorios de los centros de enseñanza. El sistema completo también consta de un hardware controlado mediante buses de comunicación estándar, que permite la implementación de distintos circuitos analógicos, de tal forma que se pueda realizar prácticas sobre circuitos físicos reales. Para desarrollar un laboratorio lo más real posible, la aplicación que maneja el estudiante es un visor 3D. Con la utilización de un visor 3D lo que se pretende es tener un aumento de la realidad a la hora de realizar las prácticas de laboratorio remotamente. El sistema desarrollado cuenta con un sistema de comunicación basado en un modelo cliente-servidor: • Servidor: se encarga de procesar las acciones que realiza el cliente y controla y monitoriza los instrumentos y dispositivos del sistema hardware. • Cliente: sería el usuario final, que mediante un visor 3D comunica las acciones a realizar al servidor para que éste las procese. Practices in laboratories are a very important part of training in all educational programs. Despite this importance, the establishment of a laboratory is not an easy task, since the fact of equipping a laboratory can be a great economic budget, both initial and subsequent spending. As a solution, appears the education at distance (online), and in particular the virtual labs, namely simulations of a real laboratory by using mathematical models. Virtual laboratories in the field of teaching have been developed for its features and flexibility, but not all areas have so many possibilities or facilities as in electronics. The most accessible laboratories from the Internet that are currently accessible within the distance or e-learning (on-line) are virtual. The laboratory which has been developed has as a main advantage to make practices or exercises in the fact of controlling instruments and real circuits remotely. The project consists of making a software system in order to implement a remote laboratory in the area of analog electronics that can be used as a complement to the others training activities to be carried out. The complete system also consists of a controlled hardware by standard communication buses that allow the implementation of several analog circuits, in such a way that practices can control real physical circuits. To develop a laboratory as more realistic as possible, the application that manages the student is a 3D viewer. With the use of a 3D viewer, is intended to have an increase in reality when any student wants to access to laboratory practices remotely. The developed system has a communication system based on a model Client/Server: • Server: The system that handles actions provided by the client and controls and monitors the instruments and devices in the hardware system. • Client: The end user, which using a 3D viewer, communicates the actions to be performed at the server so that it will process them.


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El peso específico de las Comunicaciones Ópticas dentro del ámbito de la Ingeniería de Telecomunicación no cesa de crecer. Sus aplicaciones, inicialmente dedicadas a las grandes líneas que enlazan las centrales de conmutación, alcanzan en la actualidad, como se ha mencionado, hasta los mismos hogares. Los progresos en este campo, con una sucesión sin tregua, no sólo se destinan a incrementar la capacidad de transmisión de los sistemas, sino a ampliar la diversidad de los procesos que sobre las señales se efectúan en el dominio óptico. Este dinamismo demanda a los profesionales del sector una revisión y actualización de sus conocimientos que les permitan resolver con soltura las cuestiones de su actividad de ingeniería. Por otra parte, durante los últimos años la importancia de las Comunicaciones Ópticas también se ha reflejado en las diferentes titulaciones de Ingenierías de Telecomunicación, cuyos planes de estudio contemplan esta materia tanto en asignaturas troncales como optativas. A menudo, las fuentes de información disponibles abordan esta disciplina con una orientación principalmente teórica. Profesionales y estudiantes de Ingeniería, pues, frente a esta materia se encuentran unos temas que tratan fenómenos físicos complejos, abundantes en conceptos abstractos y con un florido aparato matemático, pero muchas veces carentes de una visión práctica, importantísima en ingeniería, y que es, en definitiva, lo que se exige a alumnos e ingenieros: saber resolver problemas y cuestiones relacionados con las Comunicaciones Ópticas. Los sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas, y en especial aquellos que utilizan la fibra óptica como medio para la transmisión de información, como se ha dicho, están alcanzando un desarrollo importante en el campo de las telecomunicaciones. Las bondades que ofrece la fibra, de sobra conocidos y mencionados en el apartado que antecede (gran ancho de banda, inmunidad total a las perturbaciones de origen electromagnético, así como la no producción de interferencias, baja atenuación, etc.), han hecho que, hoy en día, sea uno de los campos de las llamadas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación que presente mayor interés por parte de científicos, ingenieros, operadores de telecomunicaciones y, por supuesto, usuarios. Ante esta realidad, el objetivo y justificación de la realización de este proyecto, por tanto, no es otro que el de acercar esta tecnología al futuro ingeniero de telecomunicaciones, y/o a cualquier persona con un mínimo de interés en este tema, y mostrarle de una forma práctica y visual los diferentes fenómenos que tienen lugar en la transmisión de información por medio de fibra óptica, así como los diferentes bloques y dispositivos en que se divide dicha comunicación. Para conseguir tal objetivo, el proyecto fin de carrera aquí presentado tiene como misión el desarrollo de una interfaz gráfica de usuario (GUI, del inglés Graphic User Interface) que permita a aquel que la utilice configurar de manera sencilla cada uno de los bloques en que se compone un enlace punto a punto de fibra óptica. Cada bloque en que se divide este enlace estará compuesto por varias opciones, que al elegir y configurar como se quiera, hará variar el comportamiento del sistema y presentará al usuario los diferentes fenómenos presentes en un sistema de comunicaciones ópticas, como son el ruido, la dispersión, la atenuación, etc., para una mejor comprensión e interiorización de la teoría estudiada. Por tanto, la aplicación, implementada en MATLAB, fruto de la realización de este PFC pretende servir de complemento práctico para las asignaturas dedicadas al estudio de las comunicaciones ópticas a estudiantes en un entorno amigable e intuitivo. Optical Communications in the field of Telecommunications Engineering continues to grow. Its applications, initially dedicated to large central lines that link the switching currently achieved, as mentioned, to the same household nowadays. Progress in this field, with a relentless succession, not only destined to increase the transmission capacity of the systems, but to broaden the diversity of the processes that are performed on the signals in the optical domain. This demands to professionals reviewing and updating their skills to enable them resolve issues easily. Moreover, in recent years the importance of optical communications is also reflected in the different degrees of Telecommunications Engineering, whose curriculum contemplates this area. Often, the information sources available to tackle this discipline mainly theoretical orientation. Engineering professionals and students are faced this matter are few topics discussing complex physical phenomena, and abstract concepts abundant with a flowery mathematical apparatus, but often wotput a practical, important in engineering, and that is what is required of students and engineers: knowing how to solve problems and issues related to optical communications. Optical communications systems, particularly those using optical fiber as a medium for transmission of information, as stated, are reaching a significant development in the field of telecommunications. The advantages offered by the fiber, well known and referred to in the preceding paragraph (high bandwidth, immunity to electromagnetic disturbances of origin and production of non interference, low attenuation, etc..), have made today, is one of the fields of information and communication technology that this increased interest by scientists, engineers, telecommunications operators and, of course, users. Given this reality, the purpose and justification of this project is not other than to bring this technology to the future telecommunications engineer, and / or anyone with a passing interest in this subject, and showing of a practical and various visual phenomena occurring in the transmission of information by optical fiber, as well as different blocks and devices in which said communication is divided. To achieve that objective, the final project presented here has as its mission the development of a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows the user to configure each of the blocks in which divided a point-to-point optical fiber. Each block into which this link will consist of several options to choose and configure it as you like, this will change the behavior of the system and will present to the user with the different phenomena occurring in an optical communication system, such as noise, dispersion, attenuation, etc., for better understanding and internalization of the theory studied. Therefore, the application, implemented in MATLAB, the result of the completion of the thesis is intended to complement practical subjects for the study of optical communications students in a friendly and intuitive environment.


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Just as business incubator programs are designed to support the development of fledgling companies, OSA?s new incubator meeting series is structured to encourage the growth of exciting new areas within optics. The first one was devoted to the topic of freeform optics-a field that is actively evolving due to recent technological advances.


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Manufacturing tolerances, along with a high concentration ratio, are key issues in order to obtain cheap CPV systems for mass production. Consequently, this manuscript presents a novel tolerant and cost effective concentrator optic: the domed-shaped Fresnel-Köhler, presenting a curved Fresnel lens as Primary Optical Element (POE). This concentrator is based on two previous successful CPV designs: the FK concentrator, based on a flat Fresnel lens, and the dome-shaped Fresnel lens system developed by Daido Steel, resulting on a superior concentrator. The manuscript shows outstanding simulation results for geometrical concentration factor of Cg? = ?1,230x: high tolerance and high optical efficiency, achieving acceptance angles of 1.18° (dealing to a CAP?=0.72) and efficiencies over 85% (without any anti-reflective coating). Moreover, Köhler integration provides good irradiance uniformity on the cell surface without increasing system complexity by means of any extra element. Daido Steel advanced technique for demolding injected plastic pieces will allow for easy manufacture of the dome-shaped POE of DFK concentrator.


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In this work the concept of tracking integration in concentrating photovoltaics (CPV) is revisited and developed further. With respect to conventional CPV, tracking integration eliminates the clear separation between stationary units of optics and solar cells, and external solar trackers. This approach is capable of further increasing the concentration ratio and makes high concentrating photovoltaics (> 500x) available for single-axis tracker installations. The reduced external solar tracking effort enables possibly cheaper and more compact installations. Our proposed optical system uses two laterally moving plano-convex lenses to achieve high concentration over a wide angular range of ±24°. The lateral movement allows to combine both steering and concentration of the incident direct sun light. Given the specific symmetry conditions of the underlying optical design problem, rotational symmetric lenses are not ideal for this application. For this type of design problems, a new free-form optics design method presented in previous papers perfectly matches the symmetry. It is derived directly from Fermat's principle, leading to sets of functional differential equations allowing the successive calculation of the Taylor series coeficients of each implicit surface function up to very high orders. For optical systems designed for wide field of view and with clearly separated optical surfaces, this new analytic design method has potential application in both fields of nonimaging and imaging optics.


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La acústica arquitectónica es la rama de la acústica que se dedica al estudio y control del campo sonoro en espacios destinados a la música y la palabra. Esta ciencia tiene la finalidad de recrear las mejores condiciones de escucha en una sala. Las cualidades acústicas que debe tener un espacio varían en función de diversos factores, como el tipo de señal reproducida, la actividad que se va a desarrollar en la sala o incluso los gustos, preferencias y costumbres del público. El acondicionamiento acústico es el proceso destinado a imprimir ese carácter acústico a la sala por medio de materiales y sistemas con propiedades absorbentes y difusoras. El trabajo está dedicado íntegramente al estudio de sistemas absorbentes y difusores para el acondicionamiento acústico de salas y pretende ser una guía para el diseño creativo de este tipo de sistemas. El trabajo incluye una parte teórica, en la que se desarrollan los conceptos sobre acústica de salas, absorbentes y difusores; y otra práctica, que incluye el diseño de un sistema acústico mixto absorbente-difusor, las correspondientes medidas de absorción y difusión y las simulaciones. Para estas últimas se emplean tanto modelos teóricos como software de predicción del campo sonoro por elementos de contorno (BEM). ABSTRACT. Architectural acoustics is the branch of acoustics that studies the sound field and his control in spaces devoted to music and speech. This science is aimed at reproducing the best listening conditions in a room. The acoustic qualities a enclosure must have vary depending upon several factors, as type of reproduced signal, the kind of activity in the room or even the preferences and customs of audience. Acoustic conditioning is the process that seeks to impress that acoustic character to the room by means of materials and devices with absorbent and diffusion properties. The monograph is entirely aimed at studying absorbent and diffusing devices for acoustic room conditioning and tries to be a guide for creative design of this type of devices. This monograph contains part of theory, which develops the concepts about room acoustics, absorbers and diffusers; and an experimental part, which includes the design of an hybrid absorber-diffuser acoustic device, the corresponding measures of absorption and diffusion and the simulations. For the last are used theoretical models and boundary elements (BEM) software for sound field prediction.


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El presente proyecto trata de un análisis de las mediciones de la velocidad de detonación, obtenidas por diferentes métodos y dispositivos. Tiene como objetivo la inter-comparación de los resultados entre diferentes organismos para poder analizar las desviaciones e incertidumbres de las diferentes metodologías de medidas empleadas actualmente. Para ello, se realizaron medidas con dos tipos de explosivos por diferentes métodos y con dispositivos de medida distintos. A partir de esas mediciones y de las propiedades técnicas de los explosivos empleados, se determinó cuáles son los métodos más recomendables para utilizar en cada explosivo, y que dispositivos de medición de la velocidad de detonación más adecuado. ABSTRACT This project is an analysis of the velocity of detonation measurements, obtained by different kind of methods and devices. The aim of work is to compare the results between different laboratories and to be able to analyze the deviations and uncertainties the different measurement methodologies currently used. For that purpose, measurements were made with different explosives, and it was determined which methods and devices are the most suitable for each explosive. From these measurements and the technical features of each explosive used, we established what are the most suitable for each explosive use, and which is the most appropiate device to measure the detonation velocity.