832 resultados para operation system security mechanism
In this paper we present a novel mechanism for the protection of dynamic itineraries for mobile agent applications. Itineraries that are decided as the agent goes are essential in complex applications based on mobile agents, but no approach has been presented until now to protect them. We have conceived a cryptographic scheme for shielding dynamic itineraries from tampering, impersonation and disclosure. By using trust strategically, our scheme provides a balanced trade-off between flexibility and security. Our protection scheme has been thought always bearing in mind a feasible implementation, and thus facilitates the development of applications that make use of it. An example application based on a real healthcare scenario is also presented to show its operation.
En l'actualitat, la maduresa del camp de la investigació P2P empès a través de nous problemes, relacionats amb la seguretat. Per aquesta raó, la seguretat comença a convertir-se en una de les qüestions clau en l'avaluació d'un sistema P2P, i és important proporcionar mecanismes de seguretat per a sistemes P2P. El projecte JXTAOverlay fa un esforç per utilitzar la tecnologia JXTA per proporcionar un conjunt genèric de funcions que poden ser utilitzades pels desenvolupadors per desplegar aplicacions P2P. No obstant això, encara que el seu disseny es va centrar en qüestions com ara l'escalabilitat o el rendiment general, no va tenir en compte la seguretat. Aquest treball proposa un marc de seguretat, adaptat específicament a la idiosincràsia del JXTAOverlay.
Financial information is extremely sensitive. Hence, electronic banking must provide a robust system to authenticate its customers and let them access their data remotely. On the other hand, such system must be usable, affordable, and portable.We propose a challengeresponse based one-time password (OTP) scheme that uses symmetriccryptography in combination with a hardware security module. The proposed protocol safeguards passwords from keyloggers and phishing attacks.Besides, this solution provides convenient mobility for users who want to bank online anytime and anywhere, not just from their owntrusted computers.
The goal of this work is to design and implement authentication and authorization section to PeerHood system. PeerHood system is developedin Lappeenranta University of Technology. It provides functions of discovering devices compatible with PeerHood and listing services offered by those devices; based on wireless technologies: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPRS. The thesis describes implementation of the security approach intomobile Ad-Hoc environment and includes both authentication and authorization processes.
The Thesis gives a decision support framework that has significant impact on the economic performance and viability of a hydropower company. The studyaddresses the short-term hydropower planning problem in the Nordic deregulated electricity market. The basics of the Nordic electricity market, trading mechanisms, hydropower system characteristics and production planning are presented in the Thesis. The related modelling theory and optimization methods are covered aswell. The Thesis provides a mixed integer linear programming model applied in asuccessive linearization method for optimal bidding and scheduling decisions inthe hydropower system operation within short-term horizon. A scenario based deterministic approach is exploited for modelling uncertainty in market price and inflow. The Thesis proposes a calibration framework to examine the physical accuracy and economic optimality of the decisions suggested by the model. A calibration example is provided with data from a real hydropower system using a commercial modelling application with the mixed integer linear programming solver CPLEX.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia liiketoiminnallisessaympäristössä olevia Web-palvelu -teknologialla toteutettujen integraatioprojektien tietoturvaa. Web-palvelut ovat SOAP-muotoisia HTTP-protokollalla välitettäviä viestejä, joilla voidaan välittää tietoa tietojärjestelmästä toiseen tai suorittaa liiketoiminnan tapahtumia. Työssä käsiteltiin erilaisia tietoturvallisuuteen vaikuttavia osa-alueita ja niiden sopivuutta Web-palveluihin. Tietoturvaa on käsitelty enimmäkseen liiketoiminnallisesta näkökulmasta. Työssä havaittiin tietoturvan koostuvan monesta osa-alueesta. Osa-alueista muodostuutietoturvallinen kokonaisuus, jossa on mukana valitut teknologiat, haluttu tietoturvallisuuden taso, integroitavat tietojärjestelmät sekä näiden yhteenliittäminen ja prosessit. Jokaisen integraatioprojektin ollessa oma kokonaisuutensa, on yleispätevän tietoturvan rakentaminen vaikeaa. Tämän seurauksena tietoturvaa tulee käsitellä jatkuvasti integraatioprojektin eri vaiheissa tietoturvan vaatimusten mukaan.
Nykyaikaisen teollisuusympäristön toiminta nojaa pitkälti tietotekniikkaan,erityisesti tietoliikenneverkolla on merkittävä rooli. Jos verkkokatkon vuoksi informaatio ei kulje tehtaan eri yksiköiden välillä, saattaa koko tehdas pysähtyä. Tästä puolestaan voi seurata merkittäviä tuotannollisia menetyksiä. Tietoliikenneverkon häiriöttömän toiminnan varmistamisessa valvonta onkeskeisessä asemassa. Valvontatyökaluilla nähdään muun muassa verkon eri osa-alueiden kuormitus ja saadaan hälytys, jos jokin raja-arvo ylitetään tai jokin komponentti lakkaa toimimasta. Toinen tärkeä seikka on tietoliikenneverkon dokumentaatio, josta nähdään verkon rakenne, komponenttien fyysinen sijainti ja miten neon kytketty toisiinsa. Yhdistämällä valvonnan, dokumentaation ja osaavan henkilökunnan, päästään proaktiiviiseen verkonvalvontaan, jossa vikoja voidaan välttääja ehkäistä ennakkoon tehdyillä toimenpiteillä. Tärkeydestään huolimatta tietoliikenneverkon dokumentaatio on usein jätetty kokonaan tekemättä tai ainakaan se ei ole ajan tasalla. Tähän on monia syitä, joista eräs on kunnollisen dokumentaatio-ohjelmiston puuttuminen. Siksi tässä työssä kehitetään reaaliaikainen dokumentaatiojärjestelmä, jonka avulla tietoliikenneverkon dokumentointi voidaan tehdä, ja jonka ansiosta se myös pysyy ajan tasalla tietojen automaattisen päivityksen ansiosta.
Langattomien tiedonsiirtotekniikoiden kehittyessä mielenkiinto niiden soveltamiseen teollisuudessa on kasvanut. Langattoman tiedonsiirron avulla voidaan korvata perinteiset kaapeliratkaisut ja samalla mahdollistaa uusia, lisäarvoa toiminnalle tuovia sovelluksia. Tavoitteena on kustannussäästöjen lisäksi tuotannon tehostaminen paremman tiedonkeruun ja joustavamman käyttöympäristön avulla. Kaukolämpöjärjestelmän osien väliset etäisyydet ovat useimmiten niin pitkiä, ettei lyhyen kantaman langattomia tekniikoita voida hyödyntää. Tämän työn perusteella realistisina vaihtoehtoina ovat toistaiseksi yleisten matkapuhelinverkkojen hyödyntäminen sekä radiolinkit, mutta tulevaisuudessa uudet langattomat verkkotekniikat voivat mahdollistaa ulkopuolisista operaattoreista riippumattoman mobiilin tiedonsiirtojärjestelmän toteuttamisen koko kaukolämpöjärjestelmän alueelle. Työn aikana havaittiin myös, että uusien sovellusalueiden kanssa on vielä entistäkin tärkeämpää kiinnittää huomiota huolelliseen suunnitteluun, kustannuslaskelmiin sekä tietoturvaan, jotta voidaan toteuttaa luotettava, edullinen ja toimivalangaton tiedonsiirtojärjestelmä.
Työssä kehitettin läpinäkyvä Internet Small Computer Systems Interface-verkkolevyä (iSCSI) käyttävä varmistusjärjestelmä. Verkkolevyn sisältö suojattiin asiakaspään salauskerroksella (dm-crypt). Järjestely mahdollisti sen, että verkkolevylle tallennetut varmuuskopiot pysyivät luottamuksellisina, vaikka levypalvelinta tarjoava taho oli joko epäluotettava tai suorastaan vihamielinen. Järjestelmän hyötykäyttöä varten kehitettiin helppokäyttöinen prototyyppisovellus. Järjestelmän riskit ja haavoittuvuudet käytiin läpi ja analysoitiin. Järjestelmälle tehtiin myös karkea kryptoanalyysi sen teknistenominaisuuksien pohjalta. Suorituskykymittaukset tehtiin sekä salatulle että salaamattomalle iSCSI-liikenteelle. Näistä todettiin, että salauksen vaikutus suorituskykyyn oli häviävän pieni jopa 100 megabittiä sekunnissa siirtävillä verkkonopeuksilla. Lisäksi pohdittiin teknologian muita sovelluskohteita ja tulevia tutkimusalueita.
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules are of crucial importance for the immune system to recognize and defend the body against external attacks. Foreign antigens are presented by specialized cells, called antigen presenting cells, to T lymphocytes in the context of MHC molecules, thereby inducing T cell activation. In addition, MHC molecules are essential for Natural Killer (NK) cell biology, playing a role in NK cell education and activation. Recently, the NOD-like receptor (NLR) family member NLRC5 (NLR caspase recruitment domain containing protein 5) was found to act as transcriptional regulator of MHC class I, in particular in T and NK cells. Its role in MHC class I expression is however minor in dendritic cells (DCs). This raised the question of whether inflammatory conditions, which augment the levels of NLRC5 in DCs, could increase its contribution to MHC class I expression. Our work shows that MHC class I transcript and intracellular levels depend on NLRC5, while its role in MHC class I surface expression is instead negligible. We describe however a general salvage mechanism that enables cells with low intracellular MHC class I levels to nevertheless maintain relatively high MHC class I on the cell surface. In addition, we lack a thorough understanding of NLRC5 target gene specificity and mechanism of action. Our work delineates the unique consensus sequence in MHC class I promoters required for NLRC5 recruitment and pinpoints conserved features conferring its specificity. Furthermore, through genome-wide analyses, we confirm that NLRC5 regulates classical MHC class I genes and identify novel target genes all encoding non-classical MHC class I molecules exerting an array of functions in immunity and tolerance. We finally asked why a dedicated factor co-regulates MHC class I expression specifically in T and NK lymphocytes. We show that deregulated NLRC5 expression affects the education of NK cells and alters the crosstalk between T and NK cells, leading to NK cell-mediated killing of T lymphocytes. Altogether this thesis work brings insights into molecular and physiological aspects of NLRC5 function, which might help understand certain aspects of immune responses and disorders. -- Les molécules du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité (CMH) sont essentielles au système immunitaire pour l'initiation de la réponse immunitaire. En effet, l'activation des lymphocytes T nécessite la reconnaissance d'un antigène étranger présenté par les cellules présentatrices d'antigènes sur une molécule du CMH. Les molécules du CMH ont également un rôle fondamental pour la fonction des cellules Natural Killer (NK) puisqu'elles sont nécessaires à leur processus d'éducation et d'activation. Récemment, NLRC5 (NLR caspase recruitment domain containing protein 5), un membre de la famille des récepteurs de type NOD (NLRs), a été décrit comme un facteur de transactivation de l'expression des gènes du CMH de classe I. A l'état basai, cette fonction transcriptionnelle est essentielle dans les lymphocytes T et NK, alors que ce rôle reste mineur pour l'expression des molécules du CMH de classe I dans les cellules dendritiques (DCs). Dans des conditions inflammatoires, l'expression de NLRC5 augmente dans les DCs. Notre travail démontre que, dans ces conditions, les transcrits et les niveaux intracellulaires des molécules du CMH de classe I augmentent aussi d'une façon dépendante de NLRC5. A contrario, le rôle de NLRC5 sur les niveaux de molécules de surface reste minoritaire. Cette observation nous a conduits à l'identification d'un mécanisme général de compensation qui permet aux cellules de maintenir des niveaux relativement élevés de molécules de CMH de class I à leur surface malgré de faibles niveaux intracellulaires. De plus, il semblait nécessaire de s'orienter vers une approche plus globale afin de déterminer l'étendue de la fonction transcriptionnelle de NLRC5. Par une approche du génome entier, nous avons pu décrire une séquence consensus conservée présente dans les promoteurs des gènes du CMH de classe I, sur laquelle NLRC5 est spécifiquement recruté. Nous avons pu également identifier de nouveaux gènes cibles codant pour des molécules de CMH de classe I non classiques impliqués dans l'immunité et la tolérance. Finalement, nous nous sommes demandé quel est l'intérêt d'avoir un facteur transcriptionnel, en l'occurrence NLRC5, qui orchestre l'expression du CMH de classe I dans les lymphocytes T et NK. Nous montrons que la dérégulation de l'expression de NLRC5 affecte l'éducation des cellules NK et conduit à la mort cellulaire des lymphocytes T médiée par les cellules NK. Dans l'ensemble ce travail de thèse contribue à la caractérisation du rôle de NLRC5, tant au niveau moléculaire que physiologique, ce qui présente un intérêt dans le cadre de la compréhension de certains aspects physiopathologique de la réponse immunitaire.
This research report illustrates and examines new operation models for decreasing fixed costs and transforming them into variable costs in the field of paper industry. The report illustrates two cases - a new operation model for material logistics in maintenance and an examination of forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions. Conventional material logistics in maintenance operation is illustrated and some problems related to conventional operation are identified. A new operation model that solves some of these problems is presented including descriptions of procurement and service contracts and sources of added value. Forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions are examined by illustrating the responsibilities of a host company and a service provider both before and after outsourcing. The customer buys outsourcingservices in order to improve its investment productivity. The mechanism of how these services affect the customer company's investment productivity is illustrated.
The present study was done with two different servo-systems. In the first system, a servo-hydraulic system was identified and then controlled by a fuzzy gainscheduling controller. The second servo-system, an electro-magnetic linear motor in suppressing the mechanical vibration and position tracking of a reference model are studied by using a neural network and an adaptive backstepping controller respectively. Followings are some descriptions of research methods. Electro Hydraulic Servo Systems (EHSS) are commonly used in industry. These kinds of systems are nonlinearin nature and their dynamic equations have several unknown parameters.System identification is a prerequisite to analysis of a dynamic system. One of the most promising novel evolutionary algorithms is the Differential Evolution (DE) for solving global optimization problems. In the study, the DE algorithm is proposed for handling nonlinear constraint functionswith boundary limits of variables to find the best parameters of a servo-hydraulic system with flexible load. The DE guarantees fast speed convergence and accurate solutions regardless the initial conditions of parameters. The control of hydraulic servo-systems has been the focus ofintense research over the past decades. These kinds of systems are nonlinear in nature and generally difficult to control. Since changing system parameters using the same gains will cause overshoot or even loss of system stability. The highly non-linear behaviour of these devices makes them ideal subjects for applying different types of sophisticated controllers. The study is concerned with a second order model reference to positioning control of a flexible load servo-hydraulic system using fuzzy gainscheduling. In the present research, to compensate the lack of dampingin a hydraulic system, an acceleration feedback was used. To compare the results, a pcontroller with feed-forward acceleration and different gains in extension and retraction is used. The design procedure for the controller and experimental results are discussed. The results suggest that using the fuzzy gain-scheduling controller decrease the error of position reference tracking. The second part of research was done on a PermanentMagnet Linear Synchronous Motor (PMLSM). In this study, a recurrent neural network compensator for suppressing mechanical vibration in PMLSM with a flexible load is studied. The linear motor is controlled by a conventional PI velocity controller, and the vibration of the flexible mechanism is suppressed by using a hybrid recurrent neural network. The differential evolution strategy and Kalman filter method are used to avoid the local minimum problem, and estimate the states of system respectively. The proposed control method is firstly designed by using non-linear simulation model built in Matlab Simulink and then implemented in practical test rig. The proposed method works satisfactorily and suppresses the vibration successfully. In the last part of research, a nonlinear load control method is developed and implemented for a PMLSM with a flexible load. The purpose of the controller is to track a flexible load to the desired position reference as fast as possible and without awkward oscillation. The control method is based on an adaptive backstepping algorithm whose stability is ensured by the Lyapunov stability theorem. The states of the system needed in the controller are estimated by using the Kalman filter. The proposed controller is implemented and tested in a linear motor test drive and responses are presented.
Background: Optimization methods allow designing changes in a system so that specific goals are attained. These techniques are fundamental for metabolic engineering. However, they are not directly applicable for investigating the evolution of metabolic adaptation to environmental changes. Although biological systems have evolved by natural selection and result in well-adapted systems, we can hardly expect that actual metabolic processes are at the theoretical optimum that could result from an optimization analysis. More likely, natural systems are to be found in a feasible region compatible with global physiological requirements. Results: We first present a new method for globally optimizing nonlinear models of metabolic pathways that are based on the Generalized Mass Action (GMA) representation. The optimization task is posed as a nonconvex nonlinear programming (NLP) problem that is solved by an outer- approximation algorithm. This method relies on solving iteratively reduced NLP slave subproblems and mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) master problems that provide valid upper and lower bounds, respectively, on the global solution to the original NLP. The capabilities of this method are illustrated through its application to the anaerobic fermentation pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We next introduce a method to identify the feasibility parametric regions that allow a system to meet a set of physiological constraints that can be represented in mathematical terms through algebraic equations. This technique is based on applying the outer-approximation based algorithm iteratively over a reduced search space in order to identify regions that contain feasible solutions to the problem and discard others in which no feasible solution exists. As an example, we characterize the feasible enzyme activity changes that are compatible with an appropriate adaptive response of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to heat shock Conclusion: Our results show the utility of the suggested approach for investigating the evolution of adaptive responses to environmental changes. The proposed method can be used in other important applications such as the evaluation of parameter changes that are compatible with health and disease states.
In this work, a LIDAR-based 3D Dynamic Measurement System is presented and evaluated for the geometric characterization of tree crops. Using this measurement system, trees were scanned from two opposing sides to obtain two three-dimensional point clouds. After registration of the point clouds, a simple and easily obtainable parameter is the number of impacts received by the scanned vegetation. The work in this study is based on the hypothesis of the existence of a linear relationship between the number of impacts of the LIDAR sensor laser beam on the vegetation and the tree leaf area. Tests performed under laboratory conditions using an ornamental tree and, subsequently, in a pear tree orchard demonstrate the correct operation of the measurement system presented in this paper. The results from both the laboratory and field tests confirm the initial hypothesis and the 3D Dynamic Measurement System is validated in field operation. This opens the door to new lines of research centred on the geometric characterization of tree crops in the field of agriculture and, more specifically, in precision fruit growing.
Despite its small fraction of the total body weight (2%), the brain contributes for 20% and 25% respectively of the total oxygen and glucose consumption of the whole body. Indeed, glucose has been considered the energy substrate par excellence for the brain. However, evidence accumulated over the last half century revealed an important role for the monocarboxylate lactate in fulfilling the energy needs of neurons. This is particularly true during physiological neuronal activation and in pathological conditions. Lactate transport into and out of the cell is mediated by a family of proton-linked transporters called monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs). In the central nervous system, only three of them have been well characterized: MCT2 is the predominant neuronal isoform, while the other non¬neuronal cell types of the brain express the ubiquitous isoform MCT1. Quite recently, the MCT4 isoform has been described in astrocytes. Due to its high transport capacity compared to the other two isoforms, MCT4 is particularly adapted for glycolytic cells. Because of its recent discovery in the brain, nothing was known about its regulation in the central nervous system. Here we show that MCT4 is regulated by oxygen levels in primary cultures of astrocytes in a time- and concentration-dependent manner via the hypoxia inducible factor-la (HIF-la). Moreover, we showed that MCT4 expression is essential for astrocyte survival under low oxygen conditions. In parallel, we investigated the possible implication of the pyruvate kinase isoform Pkm2, a strong enhancer of glycolysis, in its regulation. Then we showed that MCT4 expression, as well as the expression of the other two MCT isoforms, is altered in a murine model of stroke. Surprisingly, neurons started to express MCT4, as well as MCT1, under such conditions. Altogether, these data suggest that MCT4, due to its high transport capacity for lactate, may be the isoform that enables cells to operate a major metabolic adaptation in response to pathological situations that alter metabolic homeostasis of the brain. -- Le cerveau représente 2% du poids corporel total, mais il contribue pour 20% de la consommation totale d'oxygène et 25% de celle de glucose au repos. Le glucose est considéré comme le substrat énergétique par excellence pour le cerveau. Néanmoins, depuis un demi- siècle maintenant, de plus en plus de travaux ont démontré que le lactate joue un rôle majeur dans le métabolisme cérébral et est capable du subvenir aux besoins énergétiques des neurones. Le lactate est tout particulièrement nécessaire pendant l'activation neuronale ainsi qu'en situation pathologique. Le transport du lactate à travers la barrière hématoencéphalique ainsi qu'à travers les membranes cellulaires est assuré par la famille des transporteurs aux monocarboxylates (MCTs). Dans le système nerveux central, uniquement trois d'entre eux ont été décrits: MCT2 est considéré comme le transporteur neuronal, alors que les autres types cellulaires qui constituent le cerveau expriment l'isoforme ubiquitaire MCT1. Récemment, l'isoforme MCT4 a été rapportée sur les astrocytes. Dû à sa grande capacité de transport pour le lactate, MCT4 est tout particulièrement adapté pour soutenir le métabolisme des cellules hautement glycolytiques, comme les astrocytes. En raison de sa toute récente découverte, les aspects comprenant sa régulation et son rôle dans le cerveau sont pour l'instant méconnus. Les résultats exposés dans ce travail démontrent dans un premier temps que l'expression de MCT4 est régulée par les niveaux d'oxygène dans les cultures d'astrocytes corticaux par le biais du facteur de transcription HIF-la. De plus, nous avons démontré que l'expression de MCT4 est essentielle à la survie des astrocytes quand le niveau d'oxygénation baisse. En parallèle, des résultats préliminaires suggèrent que l'isoforme 2 de la pyruvate kinase, un puissant régulateur de la glycolyse, pourrait jouer un rôle dans la régulation de MCT4. Dans la deuxième partie du travail nous avons démontré que l'expression de MCT4, ainsi que celle de MCT1 et MCT2, est altérée dans un modèle murin d'ischémie cérébrale. De façon surprenante, les neurones expriment MCT4 dans cette condition, alors que ce n'est pas le cas en condition physiologique. En tenant compte de ces résultats, nous suggérons que MCT4, dû à sa particulièrement grande capacité de transport pour le lactate, représente le MCT qui permet aux cellules du système nerveux central, notamment les astrocytes et les neurones, de s'adapter à de très fortes perturbations de l'homéostasie métabolique du cerveau qui surviennent en condition pathologique.