516 resultados para narration séquentielle


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Ce mémoire de recherche-création porte sur les fonctions extra-narratives telles que définies par Gérard Genette, soit les fonctions de régie, testimoniale, de communication et idéologique, dans le contexte d’un récit à narrateurs multiples. Deux approches ont été privilégiées ici : l’écriture d’un roman comportant plusieurs instances de narration, et l’analyse d’un roman offrant un type comparable de structure narrative, soit Trou de mémoire d’Hubert Aquin. Ainsi, la partie création comprend des extraits d’Horions, roman hybride combinant les formes romanesque, poétique et dramatique, et dont ne figurent dans ce mémoire que des extraits des passages romanesques. Une instance narrative d’abord anonyme, puis nommée à la toute fin, retrace son passé en prêtant une voix à des êtres qui l’habitent, notamment un homme violent et un fils aphasique. Ces personnages-narrateurs exercent, outre la fonction narrative, d’autres fonctions qui justifient en quelque sorte leur présence : l’un est témoin de l’intrigue qu’il rapporte, l’autre communique avec un narrataire intra-diégétique, un troisième rend compte des émotions du protagoniste… Quant à la partie réflexion, elle se fonde sur les notions de narrateur, de narrataire et de situation narrative, mais se concentre sur les fonctions extra-narratives exercées par les diverses instances prenant la parole au fil du récit. Ces notions permettent de rendre compte de la structure narrative d’ensemble du roman Trou de mémoire d’Hubert Aquin, lequel juxtapose plusieurs voix, soit celles de Pierre X. Magnant, Rachel Ruskin, Olympe Ghezzo-Quénum et Charles-Édouard Mullahy. Un bref retour sur l’écriture d’Horions et sur les enjeux du récit à plusieurs narrateurs se prévalant des diverses fonctions extra-narratives complète la démarche.


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Either with words or images, the expression of feelings results, in a work of art, in communication. If this was not the case, the work would not require a spectator or a reader. And if words suggest images from what its author refers to and a countless number of figurations may happen, the images from a film reveal what you can see. We are often left with "just" the space for those facts to shape up as possible meanings to which we react with emotion or with a particular intellectualization, finding exactly what we call readings or interpretations. Starting from a definition of literature that we see spilled in the work prospected from the polysystem theory by Itamar Even-Zohar from the Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics (University of Tel-Aviv), we consider the dynamic character of every cultural moment/object. This is how a literary reading, that is to apply some of the methodologies in the interpretation of a literary work, is allowed to extend to other cultural objects. This is what we are going to do with Lars von Trier's Breaking the Waves, a landmark in cinema for what the movement and manifest Dogma 95 represents, but that for a literature reader particularly focused on the narration of love in its different manifestations - in which sex and faith are included - a corpus is revealed, filled with interpretative possibilities and emotional reactions, important condiments particularly to the spectator and/or interested reader.


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ResumenEste artículo analiza la cambiante memoria histórica del levantamiento comunista ocurrido en El Salvador en 1932. Las diferencias que se observan al comparar recuentos contemporáneos de los eventos y fuentes periodísticas de diferentes épocas, muestran el carácter maleable de las narrativas construidas para describir y explicar el levantamiento. El artículo muestra la relación entre variaciones en las narrativas y cambios en la situación sociopolítica de El Salvador.AbstractThis article analyzes the ever-changing historic memory of the Communist uprising in El Salvador that took place in 1932. The dissimilarities observed when comparing the contemporary narration of events with the newspaper sources at different points in time, clearly evidence the malleable nature of the accounts created to describe and explain the revolt. This article highlights the existing connection between the variations in the narratives and the changes in the socio-political situation of El Salvador.


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The current research project focuses on the analysis of the critical issues of industrial heritage management in Italy and the preservation of organizational history within the reuse projects of former industrial sites. The organizational and managerial perspective is crucial on two levels. Firstly, it is important in the analysis of the original significance of the site, and in particular its organizational history, and its conservation within the new regeneration strategy. Secondly, it is crucial at the phase of management of reuse projects and its feasibility and sustainability analysis. Based on the analysis of the literature, a unique classification of the reuse strategies that can be implemented in order to regenerate former industrial sites has been formulated. The exploratory research thus adapts a multiple case study design. Eight Italian case studies have been chosen, one for each type of regeneration strategy. Each case study is explored as a stand-alone entity through the analysis of the local differences and idiosyncrasies of the specific context, the factors that stood behind the choice of the reuse strategy and the way the reuse project evolved through the years. Then, the current management of each reuse project is analysed. The narration and musealization of the organizational history is investigated through the spatial dimension, the level of content and the level of expression. Secondly, the case studies are compared through a cross-case analysis from three different perspectives: issues on the phase of preparation and implementation of the reuse projects, critical issues behind the current management of new projects and issues on the ways of preservation and narration of organizational history within the new project. The research shows that all regeneration strategies are affected by the conflict between preservation and change, by the issue of materiality and selectivity.


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This project discusses the relation between memory and graphic novels, mainly focusing on the ongoing narration of the Vietnam War. It adopts a diachronic and philological approach to reconstruct the history of the medium and its entanglement with war, be it as instrument of propaganda or as a memory project. It follows the development of the medium in Hearst and Pulitzer newspapers, analyzing how mass culture helped consolidating a persuasive ‘war mentality’. It reflects on the role that comics played in the creation of the myth of the ‘good war’. It also shows how the ‘god war’ pattern became increasingly contested during the Vietnam War, following the questioning of the traditional “American values” promoted by the counterculture of the time. Finally, it explores how the narration (and memory) of the Vietnam War has changed after September 11, 2001, and it describes the emergence of graphic narratives written by diasporic Vietnamese graphic artists.


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La Bukowina è una regione dell’impero asburgico ricordata come “eccezionale” per la compresenza e la tolleranza fra etnie, nonché per l’accoglienza unica della lingua tedesca. Questa narrazione proviene e dai nostalgici ricordi delle ultime generazioni di abitanti del luogo, che in seguito hanno vissuto la fine del “mondo di ieri”; e da un discorso propagandistico della Corona. La presente ricerca si propone di illustrare il paesaggio culturale della Bukowina nonché le reali modalità con cui la cultura dell’imperatore si insinuò nella regione. Nel decodificare il rapporto di superiorità con cui il tedesco si affacciava agli altri popoli – investigato con l’ausilio dei postcolonial studies –, il progetto propone come materia di studio un fenomeno letterario in voga a cavallo tra XIX e XX secolo, la “letteratura etnografica”, ispirato dall’affascinante molteplicità della Bukowina, nonché da una disciplina accademica che in quegli anni attirava molti studiosi e curiosi: l’etnografia. Questo tipo di letteratura si esprime attraverso diversi generi letterari, che spesso condividono il tratto della frammentarietà. Tra queste opere, la presente analisi si sofferma su tre esempi che mostrano un progressivo allontanamento dal metodo “scientifico” della disciplina etnografica, illustrando l’ampiezza dell’insieme “letteratura etnografica”: "Die Völkergruppen der Bukowina" (1884) di Ludwig Adolf Staufe Simiginowicz; "Aus Halb-Asien" (1876-1888) di Karl Emil Franzos; "Maghrebinische Geschichten" (1953), di Gregor von Rezzori.