818 resultados para motivações
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Child facial cues evoke attention, parental care behaviors and modulate for infant- caretaker interactions. Lorenz described the baby schema ( Kindchenschema ) as a set of infantile physical features such as the large head, round face, high and protruding forehead, big eyes, chubby cheeks, small nose and mouth. Previous work on this fundamental concept was restricted to positive perception to infant face, and did not show consistent results about the development individuals perceptions, regarding the physical attributes that worked as markers of cuteness. Here, we experimentally tested the effects of baby schema on the perception of cuteness of infant faces by children and adults. We used 60 none graphically manipulated photos of different stimulus children faces from 4 to 9 years old. In the first task for the adults experimental subjects, ten stimulus photos were shown, whereas for children experimental subjects, four stimulus photos were shown at a time, with a total of six rounds. The second task involved only adults, who indicated the motivation of affective behaviors and care directed to children through a Likert scale. Our results suggest that both participants judged similarly the cuteness of children's faces, and the physical features markers of this perception were observed only for younger stimulus children. Adults have attributed more motivations of positive behaviors to cuter stimulus children. The recognition of the baby schema by individuals of different ages and genders confers the universality and power of children's physical attributes. From the evolutionary perspective the responsiveness to baby schema is significant to ensure aloparental and parental investment, and the consequent children survival
It is undeniable that all the extraordinary technological advances in contemporary society have increased the severe patients expectation and quality of life, especially cancer patients. On the other hand, it is easily verifiable by many researches that it was not possible to advance in the same proportion in caring for the human experience of death. Much is said about the anguish of a man facing death, of cancer patients in terminal stage, about their families, and very little about the feelings, anxieties and ways of coping with the medical professional who deals with this situation, specifically the clinical oncologist. Little is known about the experience of the doctor who has learned to take death as an enemy to be defeated, and increasingly is compelled to live at length with his advertisement. However, we started to watch in recent years a growing interest of researchers in this issue. This study seeks to add to this interest in order to understand the experience of clinical oncologists that accompany dying patients, the meanings they attach to death, ways of coping and the implications for providing care. This is a qualitative study in which was used as a tool for data collection an in-depth interview with the projective using script and scenes. Gadameriana Hermeneutics was used for analysis and interpretation of narratives. The subjects were 10 clinical oncologists who work at two institutions from cancer treatments in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, chosen from a variation in the time working in the specialty (minimum of one year, even old ones). However, you can bring some initial results for the dialogue. It was found that the death is still a topic that causes many difficulties in the daily lives of these professionals, the choice for oncology involves dealing with death without preparation in medical education; being close to the patient in the final moment, supporting the family, coping with own pain of loss and the inability to heal. These are central elements of the narratives. We also have investment in medical training and continuing education in setting up a demand that permeates the discourse of participants. Being able to listen to the subjective world of clinical oncologists will support the work not only for them as other professionals who deal with patients with advanced cancer, providing evidence to understand to what extent the meanings attributed to its know-how before patients on the verge of death interfere with the production of care and allow identify coping strategies in everyday life of these professionals that hinder or facilitate coping with death, promote or preclude the care with others and with themselves. It is hoped that research can contribute to the field of knowledge about the know-how in clinical oncology and their terminal-care-death oncologist-patient relationships, bringing runways capable of promoting a better quality of care in the production of all involved in this process: professionals, patients and families
A partir dos diagnósticos das vulnerabilidades da condição juvenil contemporânea, as Políticas Públicas de Juventude tem ganhado maior força e um lugar mais definido nas pautas das demandas e conquistas sociais. Faz-se necessário, então, direcionar atenção para estas Políticas Públicas, a fim de promover uma reflexão sobre como ocorre a execução destas junto ao seu público alvo. Esta dissertação centraliza sua análise no Projovem Adolescente (PJA), uma das modalidades Programa Nacional de Inclusão de Jovens PROJOVEM que se destina ao atendimento de jovens com específica faixa etária entre 15 a 17 anos, com caráter assistencial e socioeducativo. Desta forma, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi discutir as ações do Projovem Adolescente no que diz respeito ao processo socioeducativo, a partir da perspectiva dos adolescentes participantes da cidade de Natal/RN. E, especificamente, objetivou-se: investigar de que maneira os adolescentes avaliam as atividades das quais participam, considerando se suas expectativas coincidem com as propostas do serviço; averiguar a participação dos adolescentes na elaboração, execução e avaliação das ações socioeducativas do serviço; bem como compreender as motivações que contribuem para a inserção e permanência ou evasão dos adolescentes no PJA. Para tanto foram realizados três grupos focais com adolescentes participantes do Projovem Adolescente, em diferentes núcleos do serviço, no município de Natal/RN. Cada grupo focal contou com dois encontros, em que primeiramente foram debatidos aspectos da participação nas ações socioeducativas e, num segundo encontro foram realizadas oficinas de produção de fanzines. A análise qualitativa dos dados foi realizada a partir da perspectiva teórica do materialismo histórico-dialético, utilizando-se como método de análise o Método Comparativo Constante, baseado na Teoria Fundamentada, que busca compreender o significado do fenômeno sob a perspectiva dos participantes. Os resultados foram apresentados divididos em eixos de análise os quais versaram sobre: as concepções dos jovens sobre adolescência e juventude; e a participação nas ações socioeducativas do PJA, destacando-se as características positivas e negativas apontadas pelos participantes, a relação dos jovens com o trabalho e as possibilidades e contribuições do PJA em seus contextos de vida. Em vista da análise empreendida, é possível constatar que a concepção dos participantes sobre a própria vivência da adolescência e juventude se encontra marcada pela absorção de determinadas imagens socialmente atribuídas aos jovens, como a que considera a juventude enquanto etapa de preparação para o mundo adulto. A participação nas ações socioeducativas, por sua vez, foi, de uma maneira geral, avaliada positivamente pelos participantes, não obstante esta avaliação, os jovens apresentaram uma visão muito crítica sobre a execução do serviço no município de Natal, relatando conhecer bem as dificuldades de ordem da gestão, bem como as contradições e limitações nas ações do serviço. Compreende-se a perspectiva da inclusão social no contexto neoliberal em que são implementadas as políticas sociais, contudo acredita-se que dar voz aos jovens participantes contribuiu para proporcionar uma reflexão sobre o modo como as políticas sociais, através do Projovem Adolescente tem atingido seu público, considerando as questões e perspectivas apresentadas pelos jovens como ferramentas a serviço das juventudes na construção de políticas democráticas e efetivas
The general purpose of the study was the analysis of residents' participation in the program of door-by-door collection of recyclable residuals in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Even though the conception of such program by municipal managers was basically aimed at providing job opportunities and income for the collectors, the main objective of the investigation was to verify whether residents' participation could be attributed to their environmental commitment. Data collection involved three municipal districts and was performed in three stages, with complementary methodological strategies (observation, questionnaire, and interview), and characterized by selfevaluation, by residents, and hetero-evaluation, by collectors. Social, demographic, situational/contextual, and dispositional data were identified to help in the analysis of residents' adherence to the program. Separating and delivering recyclable residuals was the most frequent type of residents' participation, which demonstrates their low level of appropriation of decisions related to the program, taking part on it as passive agents. Two forms of motivation towards participating in the program were found: environmental and social. Despite the first being more frequent, it was associated to lack of environmental awareness related to the process, which may very well imply a mere reproduction of pro-environmental discourse. Motivation towards social issues was strongly connected to philanthropic forms of help. Knowledge was revealed as na important predictor for participation, as well as social networks, formed by neighbors, relatives and friends. Despite the social emphasis in the design of the program, it is possible to conclude that some residents also perceive its environmental benefits, possibly as consequence of a knowledge originated outside the program. Initiatives of environmental education should be promoted in order to minimize the allegation of lack of knowledge as justification for non-participation. Similarly, actions to put together municipal management and population would be welcome, to promote joint decisions towards sustainable styles of life
This paper concerns a study on the University Extension, by reference to the research extension activities under the theme human rights and justice, developed in the period 2008 to 2010 in UFRN. To do so, it tried to learn the concepts of extension in Brazil from the 1970s until the 2000s in contemporary times. This study considered the neoliberal social context of the University, dominated by educational policies focusing on the hegemony of liberal ideas about society, reflecting the great advances of capital on the organization of workers in the last decades and intensified in the 1990s. This research was guided by two great motivations: the opportunity to apprehend a way to enforce the commitment of public institutions of higher education to the disadvantaged sections of society and what role the university extension space plays as a socially committed public university. The general aim of this study is to identify inside the university extension education what does it mean for practitioners and extension activities and what results it produces to society and to the academic training of future professional citizens in the current neoliberal context. The research has been developed from an analytical and critical approach based on quantitative and qualitative data, using observation techniques and semi-structured interviews. We sought to investigate and understand the social reality, the main object of this work, with an interest in identifying the need for a new teaching/learning process and for a new university practice, in order to effectively improve an advanced academic formation. For this, some interviews have been conducted with teachers, students and the external community involved in extension actions in the period defined by the work, i.e., from 2008 to 2010. In this stage, it was observed that the academic work of university extension is essential to civic education. It was recognized too as a privileged space where university fulfills its social commitment towards society, as long as it joins scientific and popular knowledge having in view a new science and a new social order
L'objectif de cet article est de montrer l'existence de traces historiques permettant de lier les concepts de libre-échange et protectionnisme, tous les deux employés dans la politique de commerce extérieur des Etats-Unis. Parallèlement, on cherche à souligner l'importance de la législation et des principes formulés dans ce pays et leur rôle explicatif concernant les motivations de la structure du commerce international après 1945. Ce rôle a en effet contribué à qu'on puisse mieux comprendre les tournées de négociations du GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) jusqu'à la création de l'OMC (Organisation Mondiale du Commerce), en 1995. on traite également des raisons pour lesquelles le commerce international aux Etats-Unis est non seulement une question d'Etat mais encore une question de la société.
This research presents a reflection on the dropout rates in higher education courses available through distance education in a context marked by deep changes in various spheres of society and by the uncontrolled growth of this educational method. For this, the object of analysis is related to the reality of students of Technology in Environmental Management offered by the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia, Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil, through the distance education in presence support poles located in Mossoró (RN) and Martins (RN). In this field research development several strategies of data collection are used, such as participant observation of reality; analysis of documents related to distance education and to the classes in Technology in Environmental Management; questionnaires answered by students who dropped the course. The results of such research enable us to say that the dropout rates in distance higher education is mainly referred to the consequences of a combination of aspects involved in the course development, personal difficulties faced by students during the period they attend the lessons and elements inherent in the context in which the course and students are inserted. Nevertheless there are specific situations in which the student may drop the program due to the influence of a single aspect, whether it is inherent in the development of the course, a personal situation, or even a factor determined by the context in which the course or the student belongs to
This work discusses the application of techniques of ensembles in multimodal recognition systems development in revocable biometrics. Biometric systems are the future identification techniques and user access control and a proof of this is the constant increases of such systems in current society. However, there is still much advancement to be developed, mainly with regard to the accuracy, security and processing time of such systems. In the search for developing more efficient techniques, the multimodal systems and the use of revocable biometrics are promising, and can model many of the problems involved in traditional biometric recognition. A multimodal system is characterized by combining different techniques of biometric security and overcome many limitations, how: failures in the extraction or processing the dataset. Among the various possibilities to develop a multimodal system, the use of ensembles is a subject quite promising, motivated by performance and flexibility that they are demonstrating over the years, in its many applications. Givin emphasis in relation to safety, one of the biggest problems found is that the biometrics is permanently related with the user and the fact of cannot be changed if compromised. However, this problem has been solved by techniques known as revocable biometrics, which consists of applying a transformation on the biometric data in order to protect the unique characteristics, making its cancellation and replacement. In order to contribute to this important subject, this work compares the performance of individual classifiers methods, as well as the set of classifiers, in the context of the original data and the biometric space transformed by different functions. Another factor to be highlighted is the use of Genetic Algorithms (GA) in different parts of the systems, seeking to further maximize their eficiency. One of the motivations of this development is to evaluate the gain that maximized ensembles systems by different GA can bring to the data in the transformed space. Another relevant factor is to generate revocable systems even more eficient by combining two or more functions of transformations, demonstrating that is possible to extract information of a similar standard through applying different transformation functions. With all this, it is clear the importance of revocable biometrics, ensembles and GA in the development of more eficient biometric systems, something that is increasingly important in the present day
The objective of this research is to know the conscience, the sensibility and the interperformance's vision man-environment of some residents from Areado's slum, theirs attitudes and motivations to link individual and collectively with their environment seeking ransom the diferences and compare them in relacion of an scientific look. The study to the valorization of experience from individual or from the group consisted of humanist approach of Geography having the phenomenology as underlying philosophy. The theorical formulations manifested from ideas whole, detaching the effort to discipline the use at least these concepts: landscape, space, place and environment. Opposite the importance of knowing the interelation manenvironment, we insert more two concepts: topofilia (felling joins people to the place where they lives) and topophobia, because our preoccupations in the ambit of evironmental question, immediate to the human beings. The research had been developed from interview and percepition workshop, when the interviewed people answered about they understand what are environiment and Areado's environment. The gotten results allow a reflection about the evironmental thought thinking found there, constituting in subsidy to programs of evironmental education that be worried about local problems
This work exposed desired to investigate the function of evolution of closed allotment, of market of the earth and of forms of extraction of the lace of earth, in the processes capitalist production of urban space in Nova Parnamirim, community of Parnamirim/RN. This tendentious urbanization were marked for an expressive increase of number of horizontal and vertical closed residences joint ownership concerning at social groups more privileged financial position. Go after, set off, a temporal investigation, based in the forms of appropriation of space in the middle intermediate by action of the several producers agent of capitalist capital. This way, make necessary understand the past of local structure earth, in order that to make possible analyze the beginning of the process. Not enough, appealed the publics institutions as immobile notary s office and secretary municipal for to collect the more important information, and in the field through of application of formulary together the population of ward, in order that of examine the motivation of residential establishment inside. Make this, confirmed that the actual spatial organization of ward of Nova Parnamirim started of two allotments: the Vale do Pitimbú Park and Eucaliptos Park, both divided in several little allotments. Before of begin the ward, allotments reproduced set off from that native has been consigned during the 80, 90 decade s and begin the actual century, resigning a complicated urban structure earth, dynamized by exploration of a promising residential area. Leashed of this, confirmed the installation of logic of segregation and auto-segregation conducted by an immobile market which exclude the poor class and absorb rich class, motivate by perspective of obtaining of urban lace of earth by immobile promoter. However, perceived that the growth this market was promoted by migration of groups of capital, interior of state and others regions of country. Not distant, horizontal and vertical closed residences represent production forms of a new form of residence, corresponding the pattern architectonic as socioeconomics, strengthened by ideal of security, quality of life, necessity of reclusion and of proximity of Natal. Is in the capital which this individual found possibilities of attend satisfactory minimum of yours necessity in relation a consumption of bens and specialized and specifics services. Before this qualitative perceive that the social and spacial differential of Nova Parnamirim was the responsible by soil and habitation valorization of ward, that reinforce the promotion of segregation and of auto-segregation, and consequently, of capitalist reproduction of urban space
Este estudo relata a percepção de cuidadores de idosos que atuam em três instituições de amparo ao idoso na cidade de Araçatuba, São Paulo. Foram abordadas questões em relação ao envelhecimento, motivações pessoais dos cuidadores em buscar trabalho com essa parcela da população, relacionamento com o idoso, dificuldades durante o trabalho e a satisfação encontrada junto ao idoso. Realizou-se entrevista com os cuidadores, e o material verbal coletado foi analisado utilizando a técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Pôde-se perceber, através dos relatos, o envolvimento emocional do cuidador com seu trabalho, a sobrecarga física e emocional à qual está exposto. Relatos a respeito do envelhecimento também puderam ser coletados, além de questões de ordem social, que motivaram o cuidador a buscar esse tipo de trabalho. Os diversos olhares do cuidador nos impulsionam na busca de estratégias de capacitação teórica e suporte psicológico a esse grupo, pensando no seu bem-estar e no bem-estar do idoso.
O objetivo desse artigo é problematizar a função social da escola na sociedade capitalista atual. Tendo historicamente a função da transmissão do conhecimento, a escola, nas últimas décadas, vem passando por sérias dificuldades em cumprir, ao menos em parte, essa função social. Estudantes e professores não se identificam mais nesse espaço institucional, uns porque não aprendem e outros porque não conseguem ensinar. O estranhamento dos agentes sociais em suas relações na escola faz com que sentidos e significados se percam no processo pedagógico. As motivações de ambos se distanciam na atividade, esvaziando as ações e o alcance dos objetivos que, a priori, deveriam ser comuns. O que está na base desse conflito? A escola teria esgotado sua função social, esvaindo-se como espaço de produção e socialização de conhecimentos? A contribuição do olhar sociológico nessa problemática deve se constituir como um desafio às Ciências Sociais, de modo geral, e ao ensino de Sociologia, de modo particular?
O objetivo deste trabalho é fornecer uma interpretação funcional para a ordem de constituintes da sentença do português falado no Brasil (PB). Segundo a metodologia aqui adotada, as generalizações de natureza sintática decorrem necessariamente de generalizações de natureza semântica e pragmática. Os dados constituem uma amostragem representativa de sentenças do português falado, extraída de inquéritos do Projeto NURC. Como enfoque funcional prevê a coexistência de diferentes padrões de ordenação de constituintes, usados em diferentes condições e para diferentes propósitos, postula-se que o PB dispõe de dois padrões igualmente relevantes: a ordem SVO e a ordem VSO, ambos pragmaticamente motivados. Argumenta-se ainda que tais motivações pragmáticas relaciona, diacronicamente, os padrões funcionais em uso a uma mudança em curso na classificação tipológica do PB de um tipo primitivo VSO para o tipo SVO atualmente predominante.
O trabalho estuda construções de orações hipotáticas temporais e construções de orações hipotáticas condicionais, com a finalidade de investigar o grau de gramaticalização que se verifica nesses dois tipos de enunciados. A hipótese é que quanto maior a integração da oração hipotática à nuclear, maior o grau de gramaticalização. Essa maior integração foi medida segundo três grupos de fatores, e os resultados mostraram que, em duas das variáveis avaliadas, as orações condicionais são as mais integradas a seu núcleo, mas, em outra ordem de avaliação, as orações temporais são as mais integradas. Dentro da base funcionalista em que o trabalho se move, esses resultados podem ser interpretados segundo o princípio da existência de competição de motivações no jogo da linguagem, entendendo-se que cada enunciado que se produz é o resultado do equilíbrio dessas pressões.