947 resultados para mono-sized granules
Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo
Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo
306 p.
The main objective of this paper is to identify some of the key issues encountered by tsunami-affected small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the process of rehabilitation and re-establishment in Sri Lanka. The second objective is to assess how far these affected industries have received various benefits and supports from bodies such as government agencies, private sector firms, donors and NGOs to help them get back into business. The final objective is to recommend policies and strategies to develop the tsunami-affected SMEs in a self-sustaining manner and within a certain time period. The main database of firms for this research has been obtained from the Industrial Development Board, which conducted a survey covering 4,389 tsunami-affected micro- and SMEs. In addition to this, information from various state organizations and NGOs-based sources has been used. This paper identifies the main issues related to tsunami-affected SMEs ranging from basic infrastructure provision up to finance, marketing, machinery, technology, training, product identification and development and so forth. In fact, it is shown that there are no significant differences between issues faced by SMEs in general and tsunami-affected SMEs, apart of course from the effects of a sudden disaster (the tidal wave). Consequently, these issues can be generalized as issues relevant to SMEs in Sri Lanka as a whole. However, under the flood and rain of local and foreign assistance, there have been more pledges and promises than actual deliveries and, so, tsunami-affected SMEs have received comparatively little support and assistance in recovering and no records can be found as to where the colossal amount of foreign assistance received has actually gone. Finally, this paper recommends various types of business incubator centres and entrepreneurial enhancing skill programmes for the revamping of tsunami-affected SMEs in addition to the normal disaster risk management plan.
An anastomosis is a surgical procedure that consists of the re-connection of two parts of an organ and is commonly required in cases of colorectal cancer. Approximately 80% of the patients diagnosed with this problem require surgery. The malignant tissue located on the gastrointestinal track must be resected and the most common procedure adopted is the anastomosis. Studies made with 2,980 patients that had this procedure, show that the leakage through the anastomosis was 5.1%. This paper discusses the dynamic behavior of N2O gas through different sized leakages as detected by an Infra-Red gas sensor and how the sensors response time changes depending on the leakage size. Different sized holes were made in the rigid tube to simulate an anastomostic leakage. N2O gas was injected into the tube through a pipe and the leakage rate measured by the infra-red gas sensor. Tests were also made experimentally also using a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) package called FloWorks. The results will be compared and discussed in this paper.
Atualmente na produção de peças poliméricas com geometrias complexas e ocas é utilizada a tecnologia de injeção assistida por água, gás e com ou sem projétil. O processo consiste na injeção de água a pressões elevadas, isto ocorre após o fecho do molde e injeção de polímero até ao preenchimento total da zona moldante. A injeção de água a pressões elevadas vai forçar o polímero, do núcleo da peça, a ser expulso para um reservatório. Esta expulsão de material é possível não só graças às elevadas pressões da água, mas também por causa do polímero ainda se encontrar em estado viscoso, facilitando o seu escoamento. A tecnologia de injeção assistida por fluido pode ser implementada por, injeção direta de água, gás ou com auxilio de um projétil. Dentro destas vertentes existe uma limitação em comum, a impossibilidade de produzir peças vazadas com canais bifurcados. No entanto existe a possibilidade de criar estas ramificações, mas com o entrave de não poderem ser geometricamente complexas e/ou serem extensas. Nestes casos as ramificações são criadas com postiços dentro do molde, significando que estará sempre limitado pelo postiço moldante e não controlado pelo jato de água. Para os casos onde é desejado a adição de ramificações complexas e/ou extensas têm de ser submetido a etapas subsequentes de preparação e montagem, influenciando o tempo global da produção. Com o projeto Multi-Path.H2O pretende-se criar um novo processo de produção para peças vazadas, mas com canais ramificados de geometrias complexas e extensas, num só ciclo de injeção e assim eliminando os processos subsequentes que atualmente são necessários. A abordagem primordial consiste na aplicação de vários injetores para jato de água, canalisados para as respetivas ramificações por vazar. Esta inovação terá impacto na produção em série de peças complexas de tipologia tubular, reduzindo o tempo de produção com a eliminação dos processos subsequentes; também a poupança de matéria-prima pela desnecessidade de criar moldes adicionais. Nesta dissertação foi elaborado um detalhado estudo experimental do processo de injeção assistida por água, para servir de base de conhecimento ao conceito do novo processo, Multi-Path.H2O. De referir que em Portugal o projeto e fabrico de moldes com a implementação do sistema injeção por água, está resumido a um número limitado de empresas.
This paper presents a monitoring system devoted to small sized photovoltaic (PV) power plants. The system is characterized by: a high level of integration; a low cost, when compared to the cost of the PV system to be monitored; and an easy installation in the majority of the PV plants with installed power of some kW. The system is able to collect, store, process and display electrical and meteorological parameters that are crucial when monitoring PV facilities. The identification of failures in the PV system and the elaboration of performance analysis of such facilities are other important characteristics of the developed system. The access to the information about the monitored facilities is achieved by using a web application, which was developed with a focus on the mobile devices. In addition, there is the possibility of an integration between the developed monitoring system and the central supervision system of Martifer Solar (a company focused on the development, operation and maintenance of PV systems).
La présente étude avait pour objectif de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension de la granulation des bois feuillus par l’évaluation de la possibilité technique de transformer des bois feuillus de faible vigueur (l’érable à sucre et le bouleau jaune) en granules conventionnels et granules de haute qualité, un type prometteur de transport énergétique. Trois études individuelles ont été réalisées et présentées dans cette thèse. La première étude visait à déterminer s’il y a des changements de teneur en extractibles, cendres, et lignine du bois entre les classes de vigueur des arbres. Les teneurs plus élevées en extractibles et en lignine dans les arbres peu vigoureux ont suggéré que ces derniers sont plus appropriés par rapport aux arbres vigoureux pour la conversion en biocombustibles solides. La deuxième étude visait à optimiser des procédés de granulation des bois feuillus. L’étude a porté sur l’influence des paramètres du procédé (la température et la force de compression) et des caractéristiques de la matière première (la taille des particules et la teneur en humidité) sur les propriétés physiques et mécaniques des granules de bois. Le procédé de granulation doit être effectué à une température d’environ 100 °C pour minimiser la force de friction dans le granulateur et à une teneur en humidité d’environ 11,2% pour maximiser la masse volumique et la résistance mécanique des granules produites. Cette étude a également confirmé que les arbres de faible qualité sont plus appropriés pour la fabrication de granules de bois que les arbres vigoureux. La troisième étude visait l’élaboration de granules de haute qualité. L’eau chaude à température élevée a été utilisée pour modifier les propriétés de la matière première avant granulation. Les caractéristiques de granulation du matériau traité ont été significativement améliorées. Les granules produites ont montré des propriétés améliorées incluant une plus faible teneur en cendres, une plus haute densité énergétique, une meilleure résistance à l’eau, et une meilleure résistance mécanique. Les résultats obtenus de toutes ces études ont démontré la nécessité de bien connaître les fondements de la granulation des bois feuillus et les solutions pratiques pour l’utilisation d’arbres feuillus de faible qualité, le premier peut être applicable pour le développement de procédés de granulation et le dernier peut contribuer à long terme à la restauration des forêts feuillues dégradées en termes de santé des forêts et de leur valeur.
Avec la disponibilité de capteurs fiables de teneur en eau exploitant la spectroscopie proche infrarouge (NIR pour near-infrared) et les outils chimiométriques, il est maintenant possible d’appliquer des stratégies de commande en ligne sur plusieurs procédés de séchage dans l’industrie pharmaceutique. Dans cet ouvrage, le séchage de granules pharmaceutiques avec un séchoir à lit fluidisé discontinu (FBD pour fluidized bed dryer) de taille pilote est étudié à l’aide d’un capteur d’humidité spectroscopique. Des modifications électriques sont d’abord effectuées sur le séchoir instrumenté afin d’acheminer les signaux mesurés et manipulés à un périphérique d’acquisition. La conception d’une interface homme-machine permet ensuite de contrôler directement le séchoir à l’aide d’un ordinateur portable. Par la suite, un algorithme de commande prédictive (NMPC pour nonlinear model predictive control), basée sur un modèle phénoménologique consolidé du FBD, est exécuté en boucle sur ce même ordinateur. L’objectif est d’atteindre une consigne précise de teneur en eau en fin de séchage tout en contraignant la température des particules ainsi qu’en diminuant le temps de lot. De plus, la consommation énergétique du FBD est explicitement incluse dans la fonction objectif du NMPC. En comparant à une technique d’opération typique en industrie (principalement en boucle ouverte), il est démontré que le temps de séchage et la consommation énergétique peuvent être efficacement gérés sur le procédé pilote tout en limitant plusieurs problèmes d’opération comme le sous-séchage, le surséchage ou le surchauffage des granules.
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic, rheumatic disease characterized by widespread myofascial pain, of unknown aetiology, having a major impact on quality of life (QOL). Available pharmacotherapy for FM is marginally effective. FM is associated with co-morbidities of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). There is growing evidence that diets low in FODMAPs, “fermentable oligo-, di- or mono-saccharides and polyols” [Low FODMAP Diet (LFD)], are effective in treating IBS. The aim of this pilot study was to examine the effects of LFDs on symptoms of FM, especially with regard to pain, QOL and GI disorders. Methods A longitudinal study using LFD intervention was performed on 38, 51 ± 10 year-old, female patients diagnosed with FM for an average of 10 years, based on ACR (American College of Rheumatology) 2010 criteria. The study was conducted from January through May, 2015, using a four-week, repeated-assessment model, as follows: Moment 0 – introduction of the protocol to participants; Moment 1 – first assessment and delivery of individual LFD dietary plans; Moment 2 – second assessment and reintroduction of FODMAPs; Moment 3 – last assessment and final nutritional counselling. Assessment tools used were the following: RFIQ (Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire), FSQ (Fibromyalgia Survey Questionnaire), IBS-SSS (Severity Score System), EQ-5D (Euro-QOL quality of life instrument), and VAS (Visual Analogue Scale). Daily consumption of FODMAPs was quantified based on published food content analyses. Statistical analyses included ANOVA, non-parametric Friedman, t-student and Chi-square tests, using SPSS 22 software. Results The mean scores of the 38 participants at the beginning of the study were: FSQ (severity of FM, 0–31) – 22 ± 4.4; RFIQ (0–100) – 65 ± 17; IBS-SSS (0–500) – 275 ± 101; and EQ-5D (0–100) – 48 ± 19. Mean adherence to dietary regimens was 86%, confirmed by significant difference in FODMAP intakes (25 g/day vs. 2.5 g/day; p < 0.01). Comparisons between the three moments of assessment showed significant (p < 0.01) declines in scores in VAS, FSQ, and RFIQ scores, in all domains measured. An important improvement was observed with a reduction in the severity of GI symptoms, with 50% reduction in IBS scores to 138 ± 117, following LFD therapy. A significant correlation (r = 0.36; p < 0.05) was found between improvements in FM impact (declined scores) and gastrointestinal scores. There was also a significant correlation (r = 0.65; p < 0.01) between “satisfaction with improvement” after introduction of LFDs and “diet adherence”, with satisfaction of the diet achieving 77% among participants. A significant difference was observed between patients who improved as compared to those that did not improve (Chi-square χ2 = 6.16; p < .05), showing that the probability of improvement, depends on the severity of the RFIQ score. Conclusions Implementation of diet therapy involving FODMAP restrictions, in this cohort of FM patients, resulted in a significant reduction in GI disorders and FM symptoms, including pain scores. These results need to be extended in future larger studies on dietary therapy for treatment of FM. Implications According to current scientific knowledge, these are the first relevant results found in an intervention with LFD therapy in FM and must be reproduced looking for a future dietetic approach in FM.
Starches are applied in several fields of industry. Amylose and amylopectin (natural polymers) constitute the starch in vegetable cells. In some processes native starches cannot support high stress conditions (high temperatures/acidity). Then, modification methods are developed aiming the improving of starch technological utilization. Oxidative modification with H2O2 has been the subject of many researches. UV rays as well microwave irradiation can be used. The aim was to confirm possible thermogravimetric alterations in native cassava starch (A) granules due to a double starch modification: 1st step) H2O2 standard solutions 0.1 mol L-1 (B), 0.2 mol L-1 (C) and 0.3 mol L-1 (D) and UV rays exposure for 1h; 2nd step) microwave irradiation for 5 min. The results of thermogravimetric curves (TG-DTA) show that the behaviors of the starch proprieties were modified. Highlighting, the modified samples C and D showed a decrease on the thermal stability step. This alteration turned them suitable to many field of industry like the paper one.
The aim of the present work is to gain new insights into the formation mechanism of CdTe magic-sized clusters (MSCs) at low temperatures, as well as on their evolution towards 1D and 2D nanostructures and assemblies thereof, under mild reaction conditions. The reaction system included toluene as solvent, octylamine as primary alkylamine, trioctylphosphine-Te as chalcogenide precursor and Cd(oleate)2 as metal precursor. UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to analyze samples containing concentrations of octylamine of 0.2, 0.8 and 2 M: well-defined, sharp absorption peaks were observed, with peaks maxima at 449, 417 and 373 nm respectively, and 1D structures with a string-like appearance were displayed in the TEM images. Investigating peaks growth, step-wise peaks shift to lower energies and reverse, step-wise peak shift to higher energies allowed to propose a model to describe the system, based on interconnected [CdTe]x cluster units originating an amine-capped, 1-dimensional, polymer-like structure, in which different degrees of electronic coupling between the clusters are held responsible for the different absorption transitions. The many parameters involved in the synthesis procedure were then investigated, starting from the Cd:Te ratio, the role of the amine, the use of different phosphine-Te and Cd precursors. The results allowed to gain important information of the reaction mechanism, as well as on the different behavior of the species featuring the sharp absorption peaks in each case. Using Cd(acetate)2 as metal precursor, 2D structures were found to evolve from the MSCs solutions over time, and their tendency to self-assemble was then analyzed employing two amines of different alkyl chain length, octylamine (C-8) and oleylamine (C-18). Their co-presence led to the formation of free-floating triangular nanosheets, which tend to readily aggregate if only octylamine is present in solution.
Viscosupplements, used for treating joint and cartilage diseases, restore the rheological properties of synovial fluid, regulate joint homeostasis and act as scaffolds for cell growth and tissue regeneration. Most viscosupplements are hydrogels composed of hyaluronic acid (HA) microparticles suspended in fluid HA. These microparticles are crosslinked with chemicals to assure their stability against enzyme degradation and to prolong the action of the viscosupplement. However, the crosslinking also modifies the mechanical, swelling and rheological properties of the HA microparticle hydrogels, with consequences on the effectiveness of the application. The aim of this study is to correlate the crosslinking degree (CD) with these properties to achieve modulation of HA/DVS microparticles through CD control. Because divinyl sulfone (DVS) is the usual crosslinker of HA in viscosupplements, we examined the effects of CD by preparing HA microparticles at 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, and 5:1 HA/DVS mass ratios. The CD was calculated from inductively coupled plasma spectrometry data. HA microparticles were previously sized to a mean diameter of 87.5 µm. Higher CD increased the viscoelasticity and the extrusion force and reduced the swelling of the HA microparticle hydrogels, which also showed Newtonian pseudoplastic behavior and were classified as covalent weak. The hydrogels were not cytotoxic to fibroblasts according to an MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A, 2014.
A miniaturised gas analyser is described and evaluated based on the use of a substrate-integrated hollow waveguide (iHWG) coupled to a microsized near-infrared spectrophotometer comprising a linear variable filter and an array of InGaAs detectors. This gas sensing system was applied to analyse surrogate samples of natural fuel gas containing methane, ethane, propane and butane, quantified by using multivariate regression models based on partial least square (PLS) algorithms and Savitzky-Golay 1(st) derivative data preprocessing. The external validation of the obtained models reveals root mean square errors of prediction of 0.37, 0.36, 0.67 and 0.37% (v/v), for methane, ethane, propane and butane, respectively. The developed sensing system provides particularly rapid response times upon composition changes of the gaseous sample (approximately 2 s) due the minute volume of the iHWG-based measurement cell. The sensing system developed in this study is fully portable with a hand-held sized analyser footprint, and thus ideally suited for field analysis. Last but not least, the obtained results corroborate the potential of NIR-iHWG analysers for monitoring the quality of natural gas and petrochemical gaseous products.