1000 resultados para modelos de dia do controle
Um dos principais problemas de saúde diagnosticados na área da estratégia de saúde da família Jardim Europa foi na hipercolesterolemia em pacientes com hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Observou-se a dificuldade no controle do colesterol em níveis considerados adequados em uma grande quantidade de usuários devido ao uso incorreto dos medicamentos e uma alimentação inadequada. Foi importante avaliar e elaborar um plano de intervenção com o objetivo de controlar a hipercolesterolemia em pacientes com hipertensão arterial sistêmica, o qual visa contribuir para melhora da qualidade de saúde. O presente trabalho foi realizado através de três etapas: revisão de literatura diagnóstico situacional, e elaboração do plano de intervenção, seguindo o método do planejamento estratégico situacional. A revisão da literatura foi feita a partir de uma pesquisa online através do acesso ao centro de informação da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), da base de dados: Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCiELO). Dentro das principais propostas apresentadas foram aumentar o conhecimento acerca da hipercolesterolemia, adoção ao modo e estilos de vida saudáveis pelos pacientes em estudo, aumentar o atendimento dos pacientes com fatores de riscos e aumentar a realização de atividades de promoção e prevenção em saúde. Como resultado, este trabalho pretende ser uma ferramenta útil no auxilio da equipe de saúde, a instrumentalizando para lidar com os problemas do dia a dia da unidade como o empoderamento da população, através de ações de promoção e prevenção da saúde, e assim ter uma população mais consciente e informada, pretendendo diminuir o número de pessoas que fazem uso excessivo de gorduras e sal.
Meu TCC consta de temas extremamente presentes em nosso meio , diabetes , obesidade e parasitoses intestinais, este último abordado dentro do portfólio , a prevalência e relato de caso foram os modelos apresentados , de modo simples e claro , sobre um pouco da minha vivência dentro da USF de Vila Nova no município de Vigia - PA.
A obesidade deixou de ser apenas uma preocupação estética e passou a ser vista como um grave problema para a saúde. No diagnóstico situacional da área de abrangência da Estratégia Saúde da Família Formiguinha observou-se alta incidência de sobrepeso e obesidade em crianças e adolescentes. Sendo assim, este estudo teve como objetivo elaborar um projeto de intervenção para melhor controle dos índices antropométricos das crianças e adolescentes obesos ou com sobrepeso. A metodologia foi executada em três etapas: realização do diagnóstico situacional; revisão de literatura através das bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS e SCIELO (somente artigos publicados entre 2003 e 2013) e desenvolvimento de um plano de ação executado pelo método de planejamento estratégico situacional. Neste estudo foram selecionados os seguintes nós críticos: cultura alimentar inadequada; falta de acesso a alimentos saudáveis; baixo entendimento da comunidade sobre sobrepeso/obesidade; ausência de ambientes adequados para a prática de exercícios físicos e trabalho da equipe de saúde inadequado para enfrentar o problema. Baseado nesses nós críticos foram propostas as seguintes ações de enfrentamento: criação dos projetos "Alimentação saudável" para conscientizar a população sobre a necessidade de uma alimentação adequada; "Horta comunitária" para aumentar a oferta e o acesso a produtos saudáveis; "Mais informação" para conscientizar a população sobre sobrepeso e obesidade e formas de prevenção; "Movimente-se" para incentivar a inclusão de exercícios físicos no dia a dia das crianças e adolescentes e "Vamos equipe" para fortalecer as atividades de puericultura e acompanhamento nutricional.
A síndrome diarreica aguda é uma das doenças mais observadas no dia a dia em consultas na atenção básica. Além disso, é a principal causa de morte por conta das suas complicações (a exemplo, a desidratação), pois se não tratada de forma oportuna, com rapidez e eficácia poderá levar a óbito. No trabalho desenvolvido pela equipe de saúde da família numa área rural onde existe um alto índice de analfabetismo, más condições higiênicas e sanitárias, sem acesso a água e alimentação de qualidade a estratégia de informação, educação e comunicação tem sido um instrumento largamente utilizado para aproximação e adesão dos usuários à promoção da saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar um plano de ação para melhorar a assistência e controle das diarreias na área de abrangência da equipe de saúde da família III, no município de Jacaré dos Homens. A elaboração do plano baseou-se no método do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional em saúde. Para identificar os problemas realizou-se o diagnóstico situacional com o método da estimativa rápida sendo consultadas e coletadas informações das fontes de dados existentes na Unidade, entrevistas com informantes chaves e observação ativa da área. Identificou-se como problema prioritário para promoção da saúde, a alta incidência de diarreia por verminose em crianças menores de cinco anos. No percurso metodológico contou-se com o envolvimento de atores sociais da área de saúde e usuários. Utilizou-se metodologicamente de estratégias das Rodas de Conversas e identificação dos nós críticos que culminaram na elaboração de três projetos: Mais Saúde, Saber mais e Cuida Melhor para intervir sobre os nós críticos do problema priorizado: hábitos e estilo de vida inadequados, baixo nível de informação sobre a doença, estrutura dos serviços de saúde deficiente. Busca-se melhorar a qualidade de vida da população da área adscrita diminuindo a morbimortalidade por diarreia, minimizando o desconhecimento sobre a doença e suas complicações. São fundamentais para o êxito do presente plano a identificação dos recursos e a articulação política e para viabilizá-los. E assim, conseguir espaços nas escolas e meios de divulgação, alinhamento com Secretarias de Saúde e Educação, aquisição de recursos para estruturação do serviço e organização de cronograma de atividades visando o êxito das atividades planejadas
The individual affective-cognitive evaluations are important factors that control the way he feels the disease impact in his life. Then, the perception of seizure control is a more important factor to evaluate Quality of Life (QoL) than the illness characteristics, such as the severity, type, sickening period and seizure frequency. This study searched for the relationship among the subjective variables (perception of seizure control) and the illness characteristics to evaluate QoL. The sample consisted of 60 individuals with chronic epilepsy, aging 18 to 70 (M=37.05; SD=11.25), chosen at randon from the ambulatory of epilepsy - HC/UNICAMP, by the Questionnaire 65. The illness characteristics were not significant, except the seizures frequency, when associated to the impairment in QoL among controlled seizures and seizures with frequency higher than 10 per month (p=0.021). The perception of control was significantly associated to QoL (p=0.005).
This work outlines the historic development of the concept and main theories of energy transfer, as well as the principal experiments carried out to confirm or refute the proposed theories. Energy transfer in coordination compounds is also discussed with a focus on rare earth systems.
In Brazil the adoption of several models of cattle confinement leads to special conditions for management methods in dairy production, which can be improved by the use of technology that assures better herd management. Indexes relating environmental variables to production are applied for the prediction of milk production. The values of temperature and relative humidity, rain index, solar radiation and pasture soil temperature are generally considered potential stress agents for cows. The objective of this research was to develop an index for predicting milk production for high productivity Jersey milking cows lodged in semi confinement in tropical conditions. The experiment considered two treatments: A - the cows waited for 30 minutes prior to milking in a room with a shower associated to a fan; B - the cows did not have access to this room (control). Other than the waiting period, the cows had access to pasture. Differences in the effect of average production were not statistically significant. The analysis for studying the effect of the variables and designing the model led to a statistical model relating the variables milk production and rain index, as well as the maximum soil temperature of pasture, and milk production.
The research approaches recycling of urban waste compost (UWC) as an alternative fertilizer for sugarcane crop and as a social and environmental solution to the solids residuals growth in urban centers. A mathematical model was used in order to know the metal dynamics as decision support tool, aiming to establish of criteria and procedures for UWC's safe use, limited by the amount of heavy metal. A compartmental model was developed from experimental data in controlled conditions and partially checked with field data. This model described the heavy metal transference in the system soil-root-aerial portion of sugarcane plants and concluded that nickel was metal to be concern, since it takes approximately three years to be attenuated in the soil, reaching the aerial portions of the plant at high concentrations. Regarding factors such as clay content, oxide level and soil pH, it was observed that for soil with higher buffering capacity, the transfer of the majority of the metals was slower. This model may become an important tool for the attainment of laws regarding the UWC use, aiming to reduce environment contamination the waste accumulation and production costs.
Air quality in animal production environment has been refereed as an interesting point for studies in environmental control systems with the focus both to the animal health which live in total confinement, as to the workers. The objective of this research was to determine the variation on the aerial environmental quality in two types of broiler housing: conventional (Gc) and tunnel type (Gt). The total dust values in both houses offered adequate rearing conditions to the birds; however, regarding the inhale dust in the air was above the limits recommended for humans. Carbon monoxide concentration in the heating phase during the evaluated period was above the 10 ppm maximum recommended, and it was higher during the cold season in Gt house (30 ppm) when compared to the Gc house (18 ppm). Ammonia concentration peaks in the air were above the 20 ppm recommended from the 20th day of production in both houses and in daily average, for a period higher in Gt (4h30) when compared to Gt (2h45). Only traces of nitrate oxide and methane were found while carbonic dioxide gas concentration evaluated during daytime met the limits allowed for both birds and labor.
Behavioral adjustments may occur fast and with less cost than the physiological adaptations. Considering the social behavior is suggestive that the frequency and the intensity of aggressive interactions, the total social cohesion and the extent of vicious attitudes may be used to evaluate welfare. This research presents an analysis of the interactions between the experimental factors such as temperature, genetic and time of the day in the behavior of female broiler breeders under controlled environment in a climatic chamber in order to enhance the different reaction of the birds facing distinct environmental conditions. The results showed significant differences between the behaviors expressed by the studied genetics presenting the need of monitoring them in real-time in order to predict their welfare in commercial housing, due to the complexity of the environmental variables that interfere in the well being process. The research also concluded that the welfare evaluation of female broiler breeders needs to consider the time of the day during the observation of the behaviors.
The study of female broiler breeders is of great importance for the country as poultry production is one of the largest export items, and Brazil is the second largest broiler meat exporter. Animal behavior is known as a response to the effect of several interaction factors among them the environment. In this way the internal housing environment is an element that gives hints regarding to the bird s thermal comfort. Female broiler breeder behavior, expresses in form of specific pattern the bird s health and welfare. This research had the objective of applying predictive statistical models through the use of simulation, presenting animal comfort scenarios facing distinct environmental conditions. The research was developed with data collected in a controlled environment using Hybro - PG® breeding submitted to distinct levels of temperature, three distinct types of standard ration and age. Descriptive and exploratory analysis were proceeded, and afterwards the modeling process using the Generalized Estimation Equation (GEE). The research allowed the development of the thermal comfort indicators by statistical model equations of predicting female broiler breeder behavior under distinct studied scenarios.
The main objective of this work was to evaluate the linear regression between spectral response and soybean yield in regional scale. In this study were monitored 36 municipalities from the west region of the states of Parana using five images of Landsat 5/TM during 2004/05 season. The spectral response was converted in physical values, apparent and surface reflectances, by radiometric transformation and atmospheric corrections and both used to calculate NDVI and GVI vegetation indices. Those ones were compared by multiple and simple regression with government official yield values (IBGE). Diagnostic processing method to identify influents values or collinearity was applied to the data too. The results showed that the mean surface reflectance value from all images was more correlated with yield than individual dates. Further, the multiple regressions using all dates and both vegetation indices gave better results than simple regression.
A common breeding strategy is to carry out basic studies to investigate the hypothesis of a single gene controlling the trait (major gene) with or without polygenes of minor effect. In this study we used Bayesian inference to fit genetic additive-dominance models of inheritance to plant breeding experiments with multiple generations. Normal densities with different means, according to the major gene genotype, were considered in a linear model in which the design matrix of the genetic effects had unknown coefficients (which were estimated in individual basis). An actual data set from an inheritance study of partenocarpy in zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) was used for illustration. Model fitting included posterior probabilities for all individual genotypes. Analysis agrees with results in the literature but this approach was far more efficient than previous alternatives assuming that design matrix was known for the generations. Partenocarpy in zucchini is controlled by a major gene with important additive effect and partial dominance.
This article has the aim to expand the perspective of research in the field of morality. We present a proposal of morality study of outlaw teenagers according to Thinking Organizer Models Theory. Through the idea of complexity we search to understand the cognitive process in the elaboration of moral reasoning inside situations of conflict. With this perspective, we developed a research that aimed to identify which organizer models were applied by 20 outlaw male teenagers who abide by social punishment to solve the hypothetical moral conflicts. Through interviews we told them a situation of moral conflict that involved friendship relation, physical aggression and steal. We could identified several models which were joined in three categories. Such models reflected the diversity and regularity that are present inside the elaborated reasoning to solve the conflicts shown by us. We conclude that the diversity of organizer models identified shows the importance of the contents in the construction of moral reasoning.
The aim of this study was to test fear, anxiety and control related to dental treatment. The subjects were 364 children with ages between 7 and 13 years. Three questionnaires with multiple choice questions were applied in groups of 10 children. The first instrument was the 15-item dental subscale from the Childrens Fear Survey Schedule9. The subjects rated their level of fear on a 5-point scale. The second survey instrument was the 20-item subscale from the State Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children16. This measure was used to capture how anxious the child was, in general. The third instrument was the Child Dental Control Assessment19. It contained 20 items to assess perceived control and 20 items to assess desired control. The results of the survey indicated that dental fear and anxiety were slightly higher for females when compared with male subjects (P < 0.05). Older children (11 to 13 years old) obtained higher fear scores than younger ones (7 to 9 years old). Concerning perceived control, the results indicate that younger children perceive more control than older ones. For desired control, the results indicate that younger children reported higher percentages than older ones. In this study, patients who had undergone anesthesia during treatment revealed higher fear scores when compared with those who had not. Dental fear etiology seems to be related to a procedure that may involve pain or lack of control.