944 resultados para mixed verification methods


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Pollution by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) is widespread due to unsuitable disposal of industrial waste. They are mostly defined as priority pollutants by environmental protection authorities worldwide. Phenanthrene, a typical PAH, was selected as the target in this paper. The PAH-degrading mixed culture, named ZM, was collected from a petroleum contaminated river bed. This culture was injected into phenanthrene solutions at different concentrations to quantify the biodegradation process. Results show near-complete removal of phenanthrene in three days of biodegradation if the initial phenanthrene concentration is low. When the initial concentration is high, the removal rate is increased but 20%-40% of the phenanthrene remains at the end of the experiment. The biomass shows a peak on the third day due to the combined effects of microbial growth and decay. Another peak is evident for cases with a high initial concentration, possibly due to production of an intermediate metabolite. The pH generally decreased during biodegradation because of the production of organic acid. Two phenomenological models were designed to simulate the phenanthrene biodegradation and biomass growth. A relatively simple model that does not consider the intermediate metabolite and its inhibition of phenanthrene biodegradation cannot fit the observed data. A modified Monod model that considered an intermediate metabolite (organic acid) and its inhibiting reversal effect reasonably depicts the experimental results.


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Anemia screening before blood donation requires an accurate, quick, practical, and easy method with minimal discomfort for the donors. The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of two quantitative methods of anemia screening: the HemoCue 201(+) (Aktiebolaget Leo Diagnostics) hemoglobin (Hb) and microhematocrit (micro-Hct) tests. Two blood samples of a single fingerstick were obtained from 969 unselected potential female donors to determine the Hb by HemoCue 201(+) and micro-Hct using HemataSTAT II (Separation Technology, Inc.), in alternating order. From each participant, a venous blood sample was drawn and run in an automatic hematology analyzer (ABX Pentra 60, ABX Diagnostics). Considering results of ABX Pentra 60 as true values, the sensitivity and specificity of HemoCue 201(+) and micro-Hct as screening methods were compared, using a venous Hb level of 12.0 g per dL as cutoff for anemia. The sensitivities of the HemoCue 201(+) and HemataSTAT II in detecting anemia were 56 percent (95% confidence interval [CI], 46.1%-65.5%) and 39.5 percent (95% CI, 30.2%-49.3%), respectively (p < 0.001). Analyzing only candidates with a venous Hb level lower than 11.0 g per dL, the deferral rate was 100 percent by HemoCue 201(+) and 77 percent by HemataSTAT II. The specificities of the methods were 93.5 and 93.2 percent, respectively. The HemoCue 201(+) showed greater discriminating power for detecting anemia in prospective blood donors than the micro-Hct method. Both presented equivalent deferral error rates of nonanemic potential donors. Compared to the micro-Hct, HemoCue 201(+) reduces the risk of anemic female donors giving blood, specially for those with lower Hb levels, without increasing the deferral of nonanemic potential donors.


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This special issue represents a further exploration of some issues raised at a symposium entitled “Functional magnetic resonance imaging: From methods to madness” presented during the 15th annual Theoretical and Experimental Neuropsychology (TENNET XV) meeting in Montreal, Canada in June, 2004. The special issue’s theme is methods and learning in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and it comprises 6 articles (3 reviews and 3 empirical studies). The first (Amaro and Barker) provides a beginners guide to fMRI and the BOLD effect (perhaps an alternative title might have been “fMRI for dummies”). While fMRI is now commonplace, there are still researchers who have yet to employ it as an experimental method and need some basic questions answered before they venture into new territory. This article should serve them well. A key issue of interest at the symposium was how fMRI could be used to elucidate cerebral mechanisms responsible for new learning. The next 4 articles address this directly, with the first (Little and Thulborn) an overview of data from fMRI studies of category-learning, and the second from the same laboratory (Little, Shin, Siscol, and Thulborn) an empirical investigation of changes in brain activity occurring across different stages of learning. While a role for medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures in episodic memory encoding has been acknowledged for some time, the different experimental tasks and stimuli employed across neuroimaging studies have not surprisingly produced conflicting data in terms of the precise subregion(s) involved. The next paper (Parsons, Haut, Lemieux, Moran, and Leach) addresses this by examining effects of stimulus modality during verbal memory encoding. Typically, BOLD fMRI studies of learning are conducted over short time scales, however, the fourth paper in this series (Olson, Rao, Moore, Wang, Detre, and Aguirre) describes an empirical investigation of learning occurring over a longer than usual period, achieving this by employing a relatively novel technique called perfusion fMRI. This technique shows considerable promise for future studies. The final article in this special issue (de Zubicaray) represents a departure from the more familiar cognitive neuroscience applications of fMRI, instead describing how neuroimaging studies might be conducted to both inform and constrain information processing models of cognition.


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Purpose: Many methods exist in the literature for identifying PEEP to set in ARDS patients following a lung recruitment maneuver (RM). We compared ten published parameters for setting PEEP following a RM. Methods: Lung injury was induced by bilateral lung lavage in 14 female Dorset sheep, yielding a PaO(2) 100-150 mmHg at F(I)O(2) 1.0 and PEEP 5 cmH(2)O. A quasi-static P-V curve was then performed using the supersyringe method; PEEP was set to 20 cmH(2)O and a RM performed with pressure control ventilation (inspiratory pressure set to 40-50 cmH(2)O), until PaO(2) + PaCO(2) > 400 mmHg. Following the RM, a decremental PEEP trial was performed. The PEEP was decreased in 1 cmH(2)O steps every 5 min until 15 cmH(2)O was reached. Parameters measured during the decremental PEEP trial were compared with parameters obtained from the P-V curve. Results: For setting PEEP, maximum dynamic tidal respiratory compliance, maximum PaO(2), maximum PaO(2) + PaCO(2), and minimum shunt calculated during the decremental PEEP trial, and the lower Pflex and point of maximal compliance increase on the inflation limb of the P-V curve (Pmci,i) were statistically indistinguishable. The PEEP value obtained using the deflation upper Pflex and the point of maximal compliance decrease on the deflation limb were significantly higher, and the true inflection point on the inflation limb and minimum PaCO(2) were significantly lower than the other variables. Conclusion: In this animal model of ARDS, dynamic tidal respiratory compliance, maximum PaO(2), maximum PaO(2) + PaCO(2), minimum shunt, inflation lower Pflex and Pmci,i yield similar values for PEEP following a recruitment maneuver.


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Multislice computed tomography (MSCT) for the noninvasive detection of coronary artery stenoses is a promising candidate for widespread clinical application because of its non-invasive nature and high sensitivity and negative predictive value as found in several previous studies using 16 to 64 simultaneous detector rows. A multi-centre study of CT coronary angiography using 16 simultaneous detector rows has shown that 16-slice CT is limited by a high number of nondiagnostic cases and a high false-positive rate. A recent meta-analysis indicated a significant interaction between the size of the study sample and the diagnostic odds ratios suggestive of small study bias, highlighting the importance of evaluating MSCT using 64 simultaneous detector rows in a multi-centre approach with a larger sample size. In this manuscript we detail the objectives and methods of the prospective ""CORE-64"" trial (""Coronary Evaluation Using Multidetector Spiral Computed Tomography Angiography using 64 Detectors""). This multi-centre trial was unique in that it assessed the diagnostic performance of 64-slice CT coronary angiography in nine centres worldwide in comparison to conventional coronary angiography. In conclusion, the multi-centre, multi-institutional and multi-continental trial CORE-64 has great potential to ultimately assess the per-patient diagnostic performance of coronary CT angiography using 64 simultaneous detector rows.


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OBJECTIVE. Coronary MDCT angiography has been shown to be an accurate noninvasive tool for the diagnosis of obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD). Its sensitivity and negative predictive value for diagnosing percentage of stenosis are unsurpassed compared with those of other noninvasive testing methods. However, in its current form, it provides no information regarding the physiologic impact of CAD and is a poor predictor of myocardial ischemia. CORE320 is a multicenter multinational diagnostic study with the primary objective to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of 320-MDCT for detecting coronary artery luminal stenosis and corresponding myocardial perfusion deficits in patients with suspected CAD compared with the reference standard of conventional coronary angiography and SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging. CONCLUSION. We aim to describe the CT acquisition, reconstruction, and analysis methods of the CORE320 study.


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Minimal perfect hash functions are used for memory efficient storage and fast retrieval of items from static sets. We present an infinite family of efficient and practical algorithms for generating order preserving minimal perfect hash functions. We show that almost all members of the family construct space and time optimal order preserving minimal perfect hash functions, and we identify the one with minimum constants. Members of the family generate a hash function in two steps. First a special kind of function into an r-graph is computed probabilistically. Then this function is refined deterministically to a minimal perfect hash function. We give strong theoretical evidence that the first step uses linear random time. The second step runs in linear deterministic time. The family not only has theoretical importance, but also offers the fastest known method for generating perfect hash functions.


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Background: The potential involvement of SRY in abnormal gonadal development in 45,X/46,X,der(Y) patients was proposed following the identification of SRY mutations in a few patients with Turner syndrome (TS). However, its exact etiological role in gonadal dysgenesis in patients with Y chromosome mosaicisms has not yet been clarified. Aims: It was the aim of this study to screen for allelic variation in SRY in a large cohort of patients with disorders of sex development due to chromosomal abnormalities with 45, X/46, X, der(Y) karyotype. Patients: Twenty-seven patients, 14 with TS and 13 with mixed gonadal dysgenesis (MGD), harboring 45, X/46, X, der(Y) karyotypes were selected. Methods: Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes of all patients and from gonadal tissue in 4 cases. The SRY coding region was PCR amplified and sequenced. Results: We identified only 1 polymorphism (c.561C -> T) in a 45,X/46,XY MGD patient, which was detected in blood and in gonadal tissue. Conclusion: Our results indicate that mutations in SRY are rare findings in patients with Y chromosome mosaicisms. Therefore, a significant role of mutated SRY in the etiology of gonadal dysgenesis in patients harboring 45, X/46, XY karyotype and variants seems very unlikely. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) is a rare disease that includes clinical and laboratorial manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma and polymyositis that is associated with high titers of anti-U1RNP antibodies. In general, muscle involvement is subclinical, usually appearing as an increase in muscle enzyme levels that tends to be a characteristic of the initial phases of the disease. Severe clinical muscle weakness is not observed in this disease. The objective of this study is to report a rare case of a patient who presented a severe onset of myositis characterized by dysphagia, an increase in myopathy and a weakening of the cervical musculature. While there was no response to the administration of an initial dose of corticosteroids, improvement was observed after increasing the dose of corticosteroids, in addition to the initiation of pulse therapy with methylprednisolone accompanied by methotrexate treatment. The authors emphasize that there is only one previously reported case regarding a child with MCTD and severe clinical myopathy on electromyography and muscle biopsy, and they report in this article one adult female patient who presented severe myositis and was refractive to corticotherapy. Lupus (2010) 19, 1659-1661.


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Little consensus exists in the literature regarding methods for determination of the onset of electromyographic (EMG) activity. The aim of this study was to compare the relative accuracy of a range of computer-based techniques with respect to EMG onset determined visually by an experienced examiner. Twenty-seven methods were compared which varied in terms of EMG processing (low pass filtering at 10, 50 and 500 Hz), threshold value (1, 2 and 3 SD beyond mean of baseline activity) and the number of samples for which the mean must exceed the defined threshold (20, 50 and 100 ms). Three hundred randomly selected trials of a postural task were evaluated using each technique. The visual determination of EMG onset was found to be highly repeatable between days. Linear regression equations were calculated for the values selected by each computer method which indicated that the onset values selected by the majority of the parameter combinations deviated significantly from the visually derived onset values. Several methods accurately selected the time of onset of EMG activity and are recommended for future use. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.


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Purpose: To test the hypothesis that ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are globally weaker than unruptured ones. Methods: Four ruptured and seven unruptured AAA specimens were harvested whole from fresh cadavers during autopsies performed over an 18-month period. Multiple regionally distributed longitudinally oriented rectangular strips were cut from each AAA specimen for a total of 77 specimen strips. Strips were subjected to uniaxial extension until failure. Sections from approximately the strongest and weakest specimen strips were studied histologically and histochemically. From the load-extension data, failure tension, failure stress and failure strain were calculated. Rupture site characteristics such as location, arc length of rupture and orientation of rupture were also documented. Results: The failure tension, a measure of the tissue mechanical caliber was remarkably similar between ruptured and unruptured AAA (group mean +/- standard deviation of within-subject means: 11.2 +/- 2.3 versus 11.6 +/- 3.6 N/cin; p=0.866 by mixed model ANOVA). In post-hoc analysis, there was little difference between the groups in other measures of tissue mechanical caliber as well such as failure stress (95 +/- 28 versus 98 +/- 23 N/cm(2); p=0.870), failure strain (0.39 +/- 0.09 versus 0.36 +/- 0.09; p=0.705), wall thickness (1.7 +/- 0.4 versus 1.5 +/- 0.4 mm; p=0.470), and % coverage of collagen within tissue cross section (49.6 +/- 12.9% versus 60.8 +/- 9.6%; p=0.133). In the four ruptured AAA, primary rupture sites were on the lateral quadrants (two on left; one on left-posterior; one on right). Remarkably, all rupture lines had a longitudinal orientation and ranged from 1 to 6 cm in length. Conclusion: The findings are not consistent with the hypothesis that ruptured aortic aneurysms are globally weaker than unruptured ones. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: This study was designed to evaluate serum potassium level variation in a porcine model of hemorrhagic shock ( HS). Methods: Eight pigs were studied in a controlled hemorrhage model of HS. Blood withdrawal began at a 50 mL/min to 70 mL/min rate, adjusted to reach a mean arterial pressure ( MAP) level of 60 mm Hg in 10 minutes. When MAP reached 60 mm Hg, the blood withdrawal rate was adjusted to maintain a MAP decrease rate of 10 mm Hg every 2 minutes to 4 minutes. Arterial and mixed venous blood samples were collected at MAP levels of 60 mm Hg, 50 mm Hg, 40 mm Hg, 30 mm Hg, 20 mm Hg, and 10 mm Hg and analyzed for oxygen saturation, PO(2), PCO(2), potassium, lactate, bicarbonate, hemoglobin, pH, and standard base excess. Results: Significant increase in serum potassium occurred early in all animals. The rate of rise in serum potassium and its levels accompanied the hemodynamic deterioration. Hyperkalemia ( K >5 mmol/L) incidence was 12.5% at 60 mm Hg and 50 mm Hg, 62.5% at 40 mm Hg, 87.5% at 30 mm Hg, and 100% at 20 mm Hg. Strong correlations were found between potassium levels and lactate ( R = 0.82), SvO(2) ( R = 0.87), Delta pH ( R = 0.83), and Delta PCO(2) ( R = 0.82). Conclusions: Serum potassium increase accompanies the onset of HS. The rise in serum potassium was directly related to the hemodynamic deterioration of HS and strongly correlated with markers of tissue hypoxia.


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This study investigated the effect of two anti-pronation taping techniques on vertical navicular height, an indicator of foot pronation, after its application and 20 min of exercise. The taping techniques were: the low dye (LD) and low dye with the addition of calcaneal slings and reverse sixes (LDCR). A repeated measures study was used. It found that LDCR was superior to LD and control immediately after application and exercise. LD was better than control immediately after application but not after exercise. These findings provide practical directions to clinicians regularly using anti-pronation taping techniques.