915 resultados para mesh: Cybernetics
The production of high-quality seedlings is a critical factor for successful implementation of a determined crop in the field. In order to evaluate the production of coffee seedlings, experiments were conducted with different substrates and in different protected environments. Treatments consisted of evaluation of the following substrates: 50% cattle manure + 50% commercial substrate, 50% cattle manure + 50% vermiculite, 50% commercial substrate + 50% vermiculite, 1/3 cattle manure + 1/3 commercial substrate + 1/3 vermiculite, 50% cattle manure + 50% sand, 1/3 sand + 1/3 cattle manure + 1/3 commercial substrate and 50% commercial substrate + 50% sand. These substrates were tested in different protected environments: agricultural greenhouse, mesh screen with 50% shading, aluminized screen with 50% shading, black screen with 30% shading, black screen with 70% shading, nursery with a buriti straw roof and full sunlight. In each environment, the experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design with five replicates of four plants each followed by joint analysis. The substrates containing 50% cattle manure associated with vermiculite or the commercial substrate may be indicated for production of coffee seedlings. Screened environments with 30, 50 and 70% shading resulted in the highest quality seedlings.
Areas under vinasse application have been associated to favorable physical conditions for root development, aeration, infiltration and water movement in soil profile. This study aimed to evaluate changes on physical attributes of soil under sugarcane straw after vinasse application in two sugarcane growing areas (Area 1 and Area 2) under mechanized management in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. In each area, the samples were collected in the 0-0.20, 0.20-0.40 and 0.40-0.60m layers of the soil, in 36 points, distributed in a 10×10m mesh, one day before and 40 days after vinasse application. The data were submitted to multivariate analysis with repeated measures and geostatistics. The vinasse application decreased soil density and increased total porosity in both Areas and increased organic matter in Area 2. In Area 1 occurred pure nugget effect for the fractions of sand, silt and clay, independent of soil layer. In Area 2, this effect was verified mostly at superficial layers, except for the fraction of clay that presented a moderate degree of spatial dependence.
The use of treated sewage effluent (TSE) combined with the subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) method in agriculture can decrease the costs of agricultural production, in attempts to fertigate crops more efficiently. In this study it was compared the dimensions of the wet bulb formed by the application of TSE and municipal water supply (MWS) in an Oxisoil. We have evaluated the effect of water quality and discharge between drippers used in sugarcane crop. Three trenches were opened and 21 three-rod TDR probes were setup in a mesh and a dripper was buried at 0.30 m, for each constant discharge of 1.0 L h-1and 1.6 L h-1. Comparing results from different wetted soil profiles it was observed that the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the wet bulb are similar for both MWS and TSE, being peculiars according to the discharges used and volume applied. Regardless the water quality, an increase of 60% in discharge decreased the deepest infiltration.
Traunatic perineal hernia remains a rare clinical entity despite an overall increase in blunt trauma. Because of the incidence of other associated injuries, the mortality is high. Most of the perineal defects are repaired during the orthopaedics surgery to reconstitute the pelvis and few patients develop a true perineal hernia without pelvic instability. A 80-year-old woman was involved in a running over accident with disjunction of pubic symphysis, dislocation of sacrum-iliac junction and fracture of pubis and ischium. The patient was submitted to an orthopaedic surgery and latter development an perineal hernia through the genitalia. The diagnosis could be established with physical examination alone. Conventional radiology, computadorized tomography, and ultrasound should also be done to progran the surgery. The repair approach was performed using a marlex mesh, fixed in the pelvic bones, Cooper ligament, and the abdominal wall. The mesh was stood in a retro- peritoneal position, rebuilding the pelvic floor without reconstruction the pelvic bones. We conclude that this is an efficient approach to repair of traumatic postoperative perineal hernia, mainly in patients with high operative risk, when the osseous repair is not necessary.
A rare case of blunt traumatic abdominal hernia is presented in which jejunal loops herniated through the abdominal wall. The patient had a serious motor vehicle accident seven years ago, while wearing the seat belt. He developed a traumatic hernia in the anterior lateral abdominal wall, which was operated, and relapsed after some months. The patient was reoperated and we observed the unattachment of the anterior lateral abdominal musculature from the ilium crest. After the hernial sac treatment, the defect was solved with the use of a polypropylene mesh. The postoperative evolution was good and four months later there were no signs of recurrence. Traumatic abdominal hernia remains a rare clinical entity, despite the increase in blunt abdominal trauma. Traumatic abdominal wall hernia falls into two general categories: small lower quadrant abdominal defects, typically the result of blunt trauma with bicycle handlebars, and larger abdominal wall defects related to motor vehicle accidents. The diagnosis may be often established by the physical examination alone. Conventional radiology and computerized tomography usefulness have been proved. In the vast majority of cases, early repair is recommended. The appropriate treatment is the reduction of the herniated bowel into the abdomen, the debridment of nonviable tissues, and a primary tension free closure of the detect.
OBJETIVO: realizar uma revisão narrativa sobre revisão sistemática. FONTE DOS DADOS: foi realizada busca no Cochrane Methodology Register, na Medline, na LILACS, no Google Scholar e na Cochrane Library, no período de 2000 a janeiro de 2007. Foram utilizados a busca manual das listas de referências e os contatos pessoais. SELEÇÃO DOS ESTUDOS: a estratégia de busca empregou, na Medline, as seguintes combinações dos termos MeSH: "Meta-Analysis" [Publication Type] AND "Evidence-Based Medicine"[MeSH] Limits: Publication Date from 2000 to 2007, Humans, Systematic Reviews. Na LILACS: (metanalise) or "metanalise" [Descritor de assunto] and [ medicina baseada em evidências] or "medicina baseada em evidências" [Descritor de assunto]. No Cochrane Methodology Register e no Google Scholar: "revisão sistemática e metanálise" e "medicina baseada em evidências". Após uma revisão independente por dois revisores, dez artigos que se referiam ao objetivo proposto foram selecionados. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: os temas mencionados nos estudos foram agrupados em duas categorias: aqueles que se reportavam à história da revisão sistemática e aqueles que definiam Medicina Baseada em Evidência, revisão sistemática e metanálise. CONCLUSÃO: os autores concluem com a necessidade de mais discussões sobre revisão sistemática entre os cirurgiões.
The authors report a case of a parastomal hernia that incarcerated a wandering spleen. We present a very rare case of an 85-year-old woman with a giant parastomal hernia. Computed tomography revealed a parastomal hernia with a wandering spleen inside. We introduce a different and simple alternative approach, with the smallest inconvenience as possible to solve the trouble. We carried out the treatment with a prosthetic repair closing the defect with ePTFE mesh, performed through a laparoscopic approach, intraperitoneal, like a tie and move the spleen back to its anatomical place. The result was excellent.
The objective is to alert the surgeon about the indiscriminate use of synthetic prosthesis in the correction of inguinal and incisional hernias. The authors provide a brief history of surgery on hernias and a review of the literature, showing the importance of classifying inguinal hernias to fit the type of surgical correction with the defect found, abstaining from treating all hernias, with the same type of surgical procedure. In our opinion, small indirect inguinal hernias (type 1 and 2 of Gilbert) and hernias in women must not, in general, be treated with prostheses. The synthetic material should be reserved for direct and large indirect hernias. Even so, this attitude, besides determining a higher cost for the procedure, can lead to important complications such as infection, rejection, fistula formation, chronic pain, alterations in spermatogenesis and the possibility of carcinogenesis, according to more recent reports. The physiology and anatomy of the abdominal wall should be considered when dealing with incisional hernia corrections, where the surgeon can choose among many techniques to correct those defects, and in selected cases, utilize synthetic material. We conclude that although the use of biomaterials has constituted a great advance in surgery for abdominal wall hernia corrections because they decrease recurrences, and permit treatment of large abdominal hernias, the indiscriminate prosthesis usage is an abuse, and it can determine many serious complications, certainly avoidable with a well indicated non mesh technique .
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a incorporação de telas de poliéster revestido em uma de suas faces por colágeno (Parietex, Covidien) e polipropileno recoberto por ácido poliglicólico (Optilene Mesh Elastic e Safil, BBD Aesculap) no reparo de defeitos da parede ventral de coelhos avaliando a cicatrização no aspecto macroscópico, o depósito de colágeno e a imunomarcação tecidual pelos anticorpos MMP-1, MMP-8 e MMP-13. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se 16 coelhos, divididos em dois grupos de oito animais, avaliados após eutanásia após 30 e 60 dias de pós-operatório. Os animais foram submetidos à realização de dois defeitos simétricos na parede ventral do abdome, à direita e esquerda da linha alba, que compreendendo todos os folhetos musculares e o peritônio. O reparo dos defeitos foi realizado mediante implante intraperitoneal de dois modelos diferentes de telas. Utilizou-se a tela de poliéster revestido com camada protetora de colágeno (grupo controle) e a tela de polipropilene revestido com malha de ácido poliglicólico (manufaturacao própria, grupo de experimentacao). A avaliacao constou de aspectos clínicos, achados macroscópicos, análise dos colágenos tipos I/III e avaliação imunoistoquímica de metaloproteinases. RESULTADOS: Os resultados da avaliacao clínica e os parâmetros macroscópicos foram semelhantes entre os grupos. 50% dos animais do grupo Parietex tiveram ausência de aderencias intraperitoneais a no 30° dia de pós-operatrório. Em ambos os grupos observou-se reducao das aderências entre o 30° e o 60° dias de pós-operatório, contudo sem diferenca estatística. As aderências observadas foram classificadas principalmente de frouxas. Nao se observou a ocorrencia de complicacoes envolvendo vísceras intraabdominais. No Grupo Parietex houve a ocorrência de formacao de ulceracao da pele que recobria a tela em quatro animais, em comparacao com um no grupo de experimentacao. No Grupo Parietex foi observada uma insuficiencia de reparo após 60 dias. Quanto ao depósito do colágeno tipos I e III, nao houve diferenca significativa entre os grupos. Os resultados da imunoistoquímica referentes aos anticorpos MMP-1 e MMP-8 também não demonstraram diferença significativa entre as telas. CONCLUSÃO: As duas telas pesquisadas obtiveram resultados semelhantes tanto nos aspectos macro como nos microscópicos, podendo ser consideradas semelhantes quanto ao reparo de defeitos cirúrgicos da parede ventral do abdome em coelhos.
One case of transdiafragmatic intercostal hernia after intense coughing fit followed by rib fractures in patient with history of pneumonia is presented. He had a severe coughing fit, developed a right toracoabdominal hematoma and then a tumor that was gradually enlarging. Image exams confirmed the diagnosis. Treatment consisted of surgical repair with the use of a polypropylene prosthetic mesh. It is a rare type of hernia. Only four cases were found in literature. The sooner the disease is diagnosed and treated the better the prognoses will be since it will prevent hernia from strangulation and incarceration.
Este artigo tem o objetivo de realizar uma revisão narrativa sobre revisão sistemática da acurácia dos testes diagnósticos. Foi realizada busca na Cochrane Methodology Reviews (Cochrane Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy), Medline e LILACS, bem como busca manual das listas de referências dos artigos incluídos na revisão. As estratégias de busca empregadas foram as seguintes, empregando-se títulos de assuntos e termos livres: 1. na Cochrane Methodology Reviews: accuracy study "Methodology" 2. Na Pubmed "Meta-Analysis "[Publication Type] AND "Evidence-Based Medicine"[Mesh]) AND "Sensitivity and Specificity"[Mesh]; 3. Na LILACS: (revisao sistematica) or "literatura de REVISAO como assunto" [Descritor de assunto] and (sistematica) or "SISTEMATICA" [Descritor de assunto] and (acuracia) or "SENSIBILIDADE e especificidade" [Descritor de assunto]. Em suma, a preparação e o planejamento metodológicos das revisões sistemáticas de testes diagnósticos é ulterior àqueles empregados nas revisões sistemáticas das intervenções terapêuticas. Há muitas fontes de heterogeneidade nos desenhos dos estudos de teste diagnóstico, o que dificulta muito a síntese - metanálise - dos seus resultados. Para contornar esse problema, existem atualmente normas, exigidas pelas principais revistas biomédicas, para a submissão de um manuscrito sobre testes diagnósticos.
OBJECTIVE: to evaluate a one year experience with inguinal hernia repair, in patients of > 50years, with respect to the type of inguinal hernia, type of surgery, postoperative complications and recurrence. METHODS: a prospective descriptive study of patients (n=57) > 50 years operated for inguinal hernia during a one year period. Tension-free meshplasty and herniorrhaphy, using 3"x6" polypropylene mesh and 2-0 polypropylene suture, were performed in elective and emergency surgery respectively. Follow-up visits were scheduled at six weeks, three and six months postoperatively. RESULTS: the most representative age group was 61-70 years, and all patients were male. 52 (91.22%) patients had unilateral inguinal hernias, while five (8.77%) had bilateral hernias. In 50 (87.71%) patients, the hernia was uncomplicated, while seven (12.28%) patients presented with some complication such as obstruction or strangulation. Elective surgery was performed in 50 (87.71%) patients while seven (12.28%) patients were operated in emergency. Postoperatively, 50 (87.7%) patients had uneventful recovery, while seven (12.28%) patients developed some complications which were treated conservatively. Mean hospital stay was six days. One recurrence was observed and there was no peri/postoperative death. CONCLUSION: tension-free meshplasty and herniorrhaphy are safe, simple and applicable even in elderly patients after adequate pre-operative assessment and optimization. Although associated with longer hospital stay, the mortality rate is nil and complication as well as recurrence rate is low. Hence, timely repair is necessary in elderly patients even in those with comorbid conditions.
This thesis presents an approach for formulating and validating a space averaged drag model for coarse mesh simulations of gas-solid flows in fluidized beds using the two-fluid model. Proper modeling for fluid dynamics is central in understanding any industrial multiphase flow. The gas-solid flows in fluidized beds are heterogeneous and usually simulated with the Eulerian description of phases. Such a description requires the usage of fine meshes and small time steps for the proper prediction of its hydrodynamics. Such constraint on the mesh and time step size results in a large number of control volumes and long computational times which are unaffordable for simulations of large scale fluidized beds. If proper closure models are not included, coarse mesh simulations for fluidized beds do not give reasonable results. The coarse mesh simulation fails to resolve the mesoscale structures and results in uniform solids concentration profiles. For a circulating fluidized bed riser, such predicted profiles result in a higher drag force between the gas and solid phase and also overestimated solids mass flux at the outlet. Thus, there is a need to formulate the closure correlations which can accurately predict the hydrodynamics using coarse meshes. This thesis uses the space averaging modeling approach in the formulation of closure models for coarse mesh simulations of the gas-solid flow in fluidized beds using Geldart group B particles. In the analysis of formulating the closure correlation for space averaged drag model, the main parameters for the modeling were found to be the averaging size, solid volume fraction, and distance from the wall. The closure model for the gas-solid drag force was formulated and validated for coarse mesh simulations of the riser, which showed the verification of this modeling approach. Coarse mesh simulations using the corrected drag model resulted in lowered values of solids mass flux. Such an approach is a promising tool in the formulation of appropriate closure models which can be used in coarse mesh simulations of large scale fluidized beds.
OBJETIVO: apresentar uma série de casos de dismenorreia membranosa. MÉTODOS: todas as pacientes foram selecionadas a partir da suspeição diagnóstica, após atendimento clínico em consultório privado por relato de dismenorreia dolorosa associada à eliminação espontânea de material elástico com formato semelhante a útero. Apenas fatos relevantes foram descritos do quadro álgico, história médica atual e pregressa e hábitos de vida. O material eliminado foi encaminhado para laboratório de patologia no qual ocorreu a análise macro e microscópica. Os casos em que não se pode provar a eliminação de material com característica membranácea não foram selecionados. Após a confirmação diagnóstica, realizou-se uma revisão da literatura até o ano de 2008 utilizando o método MeSH com o termo "membranous dysmenorrhea". RESULTADOS: três casos clínicos de dismenorreia foram transcritos. Todos os casos, além do quadro característico de dor e eliminação vaginal de material elástico, foram associados ao uso de métodos anticoncepcionais hormonais. CONCLUSÕES: embora haja apenas escassos relatos de caso de dismenorreia membranosa na literatura científica, sua etiologia deve ser suspeita em casos de dor associada a sangramento vaginal com eliminação de material elástico ou firme. O diagnóstico final é dependente do exame anatomopatológico que nunca deve ser dispensado. Observamos necessidade de mais discussões sobre esta patologia com o objetivo de manter o profissional atualizado para exercer diagnóstico e terapêutica adequados.
The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to widen and develop our theoretical frameworks for discussion and analyses of feedback practices in management accounting, particularly shedding light on its formal and informal aspects. The concept of feedback in management accounting has conventionally been analyzed within cybernetic control theory, in which feedback flows as a diagnostic or comparative loop between measurable outputs and pre-set goals (see e.g. Flamholtz et al. 1985; Flamholtz 1996, 1983), i.e. as a formal feedback loop. However, the everyday feedback practices in organizations are combinations of formal and informal elements. In addition to technique-driven feedback approaches (like budgets, measurement, and reward systems) we could also categorize social feedback practices that managers see relevant and effective in the pursuit of organizational control. While cybernetics or control theories successfully capture rational and measured aspects of organizational performance and offer a broad organizational context for the analysis, many individual and informal aspects remain vague and isolated. In order to discuss and make sense of the heterogeneous field of interpretations of formal and informal feedback, both in theory and practice, dichotomous approaches seem to be insufficient. Therefore, I suggest an analytical framework of formal and informal feedback with three dimensions (3D’s): source, time, and rule. Based on an abductive analysis of the theoretical and empirical findings from an interpretive case study around a business unit called Division Steelco, the 3Dframework and formal and informal feedback practices are further elaborated vis-á-vis the four thematic layers in the organizational control model by Flamholtz et al. (1985; Flamholtz 1996, 1983): core control system, organizational structure, organizational culture, and external environment. Various personal and cultural meanings given to the formal and informal feedback practices (“feedback as something”) create multidimensional interpretative contexts. Multidimensional frameworks aim to capture and better understand both the variety of interpretations and their implications to the functionality of feedback practices, important in interpretive research.