939 resultados para mercato elettrico trading CEE Polonia


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The ‘16+1’ formula of cooperation between the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and China was launched in 2012. One of its priorities involved increasing the inflow of China’s foreign direct investments (FDI) to the region. China has been interested in carrying out investments which are likely to help Chinese companies gain competitive advantage in areas such as advanced technologies, recognizable brands and distribution channels. The following sectors were identified as areas of priority importance in CEE: construction and modernisation of transport infrastructure, including motorways; development of the network of railways, airports and sea ports; energy, in particular renewable sources of energy and nuclear energy; companies trading in commodities; the food production sector. China’s strategy mainly involves purchasing existing companies, preceded by cherry picking the most favourable candidates for investment, rather than making large greenfield investments.


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This thesis attempts to understand who fought for influence within the European Union’s policy area of the Emissions Trading System (ETS). The ETS is a key aspect of the European Union’s (EU) climate change policy and is particularly important in light of the conclusions at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris. It was first established in 2003 with Directive 2003/87/EC and completed its first major revision in 2008 with Directive 2009/29/EC. Between these two key Directives, the interplay between industrial and environmental incentives means that the ETS has created a dynamic venue for divergent interest groups. So as to identify the relevant actors, this paper applies the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) of Sabatier. Using position papers, semi-structured interviews, and unpublished documents from the EU institutions, this paper answers it primary research question in its identification of an economy-first and an environment-first lobbying coalition. These coalitions have expanded over time with the environment-first coalition incorporating Greenpeace and the economy-first coalition expanding even further in both scope and speed. However, the economy-first coalition has been susceptible to industry-specific interests. In its application of the ACF, the research shows that a hypothesised effect between the ACF’s external events and these lobbying coalitions is inconclusive. Other hypotheses stemming from the ACF relating to electricity prices and the 2004 enlargement seem to be of significance for the relative composition of the lobbying coalitions. This paper finds that there are certain limitations within the ACF. The findings of this thesis provide a unique insight into how lobbying coalitions within a key EU policy area can form and develop.


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Viviamo in un epoca di cambiamenti. Continuamente, giorno dopo giorno, il vecchio scompare per fare spazio al nuovo. La tecnologia permea sempre più in ogni aspetto della vita, conquistando le nostre abitudini, cambiando il nostro modo di vedere il mondo, e, in maniera inevitabile, il nostro modo di agire. L’essere umano ha da sempre cercato di concepire cose che ancora non ci sono, per cambiare la realtà e modellarla a suo piacimento. Si parte, quindi, da qualcosa che fin dalla nascita è dentro ognuno di noi, un desiderio che arde nell'animo umano, che si alimenta grazie al soffio dell’immaginazione e che non c’è modo di spegnere. L’innovazione porta novità. Resistere al cambiamento non è sempre facile, e se si cerca di ostacolarlo esso ti travolgerà. “Affrontare il cambiamento è come scalare una colata di fango giù per una collina” - esordisce in “The Innovator Dilemma”, Clayton M. Christensen - “Bisogna affrontare qualsiasi cosa per rimanere su di essa, e non appena ci si ferma per prendere fiato si viene seppelliti”. Si intuisce come il cambiamento tecnologico non solo sia di fondamentale evidenza nella vita di ognuno, ma come esso abbia cambiato e stia cambiando il modo di fare business. In questo umile lavoro si è voluto analizzare come certi tipi di innovazione abbiano il potere di cambiare tutto un sistema di riferimento sul quale prima l’impresa faceva affidamento. Sono le Disruptive Innovation – le innovazioni dirompenti – quelle innovazioni che ribaltano un modello di business, il modo di vedere un prodotto, la logica dietro a certe operations aziendali, che seppur sembrassero solide, si sgretolano scontrandosi con innovazioni così forti. Vi è poi una domanda critica a cui si è cercato di rispondere. Si può fare Disruptive Marketing? Alcuni esempi virtuosi ci mostrano come si possa attuare una strategia di questo genere, e come si possa “comprendere, creare, comunicare e distribuire valore” in modo innovativo.


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Based on existing research in the interface of emissions trading schemes (ETSs) and WTO law, the paper looks more closely at the design elements of an ETS that are most vulnerable to a WTO challenge, including border adjustment on importation and exportation, recycling of revenues and cross-border linking. The analysis of WTO consistency of various ETS regulatory components reveals significant legal uncertainty. One explanation is that an ETS is not yet fully established as a regulatory tool. It does not have a fixed design and its design elements vary significantly with a scheme. Moreover, ETS-related issues have never been raised in WTO disputes. This makes it hard to predict with confidence the outcome of scrutiny of an ETS by a WTO adjudicative body. In this respect, the availability of environmental and/or health exceptions for justification of ETS-related measures is of great importance.


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Pierre Sauvé addressed the issue of the WTO’s institutional crisis at a workshop on "The Future of the WTO and the International Trading System" organized by the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee in Brussels on May 8th, 2012.