890 resultados para leader peptidases
Trypanosomatidae is a family of early branching eukaryotes harbouring a distinctive repertoire of gene expression strategies. Functional mature messenger RNA is generated via the trans-splicing and polyadenylation processing of constitutively transcribed polycistronic units. Recently, trans-splicing of pre-small subunit ribosomal RNA in the 5' external transcribed spacer region and of precursor tRNAsec have been described. Here, we used a previously validated semi-nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction strategy to investigate internal transcribed spacer (ITS) I acceptor sites in total RNA from Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. Two distinct spliced leader-containing RNAs were detected indicating that trans-splicing reactions occur at two AG acceptor sites mapped in this ITS region. These data provide further evidence of the wide spectrum of RNA molecules that act as trans-splicing acceptors in trypanosomatids.
SUMMARY Both proteasomes and additional proteases play an essential role in the generation of most antigenic peptides presented by MHC class I molecules. Therefore, it is of major importance to characterize the mechanisms leading to the production of correct antigenic peptides to improve the design of vaccines. As a model determinant we used the melanoma-associated protein Melan-A, which contains the immunodominant CTL-epitope Melan-A26/27-35/HLA-A*0201 and against which a high frequency of T lymphocytes has been detected in many melanoma patients. In a first part, we have studied the effects of antigen processing on the induction of a specific T cell response in vivo. Our results have shown that the immunoproteasome, expressed in most cells after exposure to Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and constitutively in some specialized cells such as dendritic cells, does not efficiently process the HLA¬A2-restricted peptide Melan-A26-35. We have produced recombinant lentiviral vectors (rec. 1v) and vaccinia virus (rec. vv) encoding either preprocessed Melan-A26-35(A27L) peptide or full-length Melan-A(A27L). The immunization of HLA-A2/Kb mice with thoses viruses indicates that immunoproteasomes negatively affect the induction of anti-Melan-A T cell responses in animals immunized with vectors coding for the full- length protein. This negative effect was abrogated in HLA-A2/Kb LMP2-/- mice, lacking the immunoproteasomes. Therefore, we can conclude that the expression of immunoproteasomes limits the induction of the anti-Melan-A T cell response. In a second part, we show that the in vitro degradation of a Melan-A26/27-35 precursor by the proteasomes produces both the final antigenic peptide and N-terminally extended intermediates. When human melanoma cells expressing the corresponding fragments were exposed to specific CTL, those expressing the minimal antigenic sequence were recognized more efficiently than those expressing the N-terminally extended intermediates. We demonstrated that the N-terminally extended intermediates were inefficiently trimmed by cytosolic proteases. These results imply that both proteasomes and post-proteasomal peptidases influence the availability of antigenic peptides and that the efficiency of presentation may be affected by conditions that alter the ratio between fully and partially processed proteasomal products. RESUME Le protéasome ainsi que d'autres protéases jouent un rôle essentiel dans l'apprêtement de la plupart des peptides antigéniques présentés par les molécules de MHC classe I. Il est donc particulièrement important de connaître les mécanismes menant à la production du peptide antigénique correct afin de pouvoir mieux définir de futurs vaccins. Nous avons utilisé la protéine associée au mélanome, Melan-A, contenant un épitope immunodominant Melan-A26/27-35/HLA-A*0201 contre lequel une fréquence élevée de lymphocytes T a été detectée dans plusieurs patients atteints de mélanome. Dans une première partie, nous avons étudié les effets de l'apprêtement du peptide antigéniques Melan-A26-35 sur l'induction de cellules T spécifiques dans la souris. Nos résultats ont démontré que l'immunoprotéasome, exprimé dans la plupart des cellules après exposition à de l'IFN-γ et exprimé constitutivement dans certaines cellules spécialisées, telles les cellules dendritiques, n'apprête pas efficacement le peptide antigénique Melan-A26-35 restreint par HLA-A2 in vitro. Nous avons produit des vecteurs lentiviraux recombinants ainsi que des virus vaccinia codant pour le peptide antigénique Melan-A26-35(A27L) et pour la protéine entière Melan-A(A27L). L'immunisation de souris HLA-A2/Kb avec ces virus démontre que l'immunoprotéasome affecte négativement l'induction d'une réponse T contre Melan¬-A dans les souris immunisées avec des virus contenant la séquence de la protéine entière. Cet effet négatif est complètement aboli dans les souris HLA-A2/Kb LMP2-/- qui n'expriment pas l'immunoprotéasome. Deuxièmement, nous avons demontré que la dégradation d'un peptide précurseur contenant Melan-A26/27-35 par le protéasome produit à la fois le peptide antigénique ainsi que des peptides rallongés à leurs extrémités N-terminales. Lorsque ces fragments sont exprimés dans des cellules humaines et exposés à des cellules T cytotoxiques (CTL), celles qui expriment le peptide antigénique final sont reconnus plus efficacement que celles exprimant les peptides rallongés en N-terminus. Nous avons démontré que les peptides rallongés en N-terminus ne sont pas apprêtés efficacement par les peptidases du cytosol. L'inefficacité de l'apprêtement des peptides rallongés dans le cytosol offre un certain avantage pour les peptides directement produits par le protéasome. Ces résultats impliquent donc que le protéasome ainsi que les peptidases post-proteasomales influencent l'accessibilité des peptides antigéniques.
After decades of management reforms in the public sector, questions on the impact of leader-ship behavior in public organizations have been attracting increasing attention. This paper investigates the relationship between transformational leadership behavior and organizational citizenship behavior as one major extra-role outcome of transformational leadership. Refer-ring to a growing body of research that shows the importance of public service values and employee identification in public administration research, we include public service motiva-tion and organizational goal clarification as mediating variables in our analysis. Structural equation modeling is applied as the method of analysis for a sample of 569 public managers at the local level of Switzerland. The findings of our study support the assumed indirect relation-ship between leadership and employee behavior and emphasize the relevance of public ser-vice values when analyzing leadership behavior in public sector organizations.
We have studied the kinetics of RNA synthesis from the vaccinia virus 7,500-molecular-weight gene (7.5K gene) which is regulated by early and late promoters arranged in tandem. Unexpectedly, after a first burst of RNA synthesis early in infection, transcription was reactivated late in infection. Reactivation was not dependent on the location of the promoter in the genome or on the presence of the upstream late regulatory sequences. The mRNA synthesized from the reactivated promoter in the late phase had the same 5' and 3' ends as the molecules transcribed in the early phase. Interestingly, these molecules were efficiently translated despite the absence of the poly(A) leader characteristic of late mRNAs. Reactivation appears to be dependent on virus assembly since it is prevented by rifampin, a specific inhibitor of morphogenesis. Finally, analysis of various other early genes showed that reactivation is not unique to the 7.5K early promoter.
The human protozoan parasite Leishmania major has been shown to exhibit several morphological and biochemical features characteristic of a cell death program when differentiating into infectious stages and under a variety of stress conditions. Although some caspase-like peptidase activity has been reported in dying parasites, no caspase gene is present in the genome. However, a single metacaspase gene is present in L. major whose encoded protein harbors the predicted secondary structure and the catalytic dyad histidine/cysteine described for caspases and other metacaspases identified in plants and yeast. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae metacaspase YCA1 has been implicated in the death of aging cells, cells defective in some biological functions, and cells exposed to different environmental stresses. In this study, we describe the functional heterologous complementation of a S. cerevisiae yca1 null mutant with the L. major metacaspase (LmjMCA) in cell death induced by oxidative stress. We show that LmjMCA is involved in yeast cell death, similar to YCA1, and that this function depends on its catalytic activity. LmjMCA was found to be auto-processed as occurs for caspases, however LmjMCA did not exhibit any activity with caspase substrates. In contrast and similarly to Arabidopsis thaliana metacaspases, LmjMCA was active towards substrates with arginine in the P1 position, with the activity being abolished following H147A and C202A catalytic site mutations. These results suggest that metacaspases are members of a family of peptidases with a role in cell death conserved in evolution notwithstanding possible differences in their catalytic activity.
Trypanosoma cruziis the aetiological agent of Chagas disease, which affects approximately eight million people in the Americas. This parasite exhibits genetic variability, with at least six discrete typing units broadly distributed in the American continent. T. cruziI (TcI) shows remarkable genetic diversity; a genotype linked to human infections and a domestic cycle of transmission have recently been identified, hence, this strain was named TcIDom. The aim of this work was to describe the spatiotemporal distribution of TcI subpopulations across humans, insect vectors and mammalian reservoirs in Colombia by means of molecular typing targeting the spliced leader intergenic region of mini-exon gene. We analysed 101 TcI isolates and observed a distribution of sylvatic TcI in 70% and TcIDom in 30%. In humans, the ratio was sylvatic TcI in 60% and TcIDom in 40%. In mammal reservoirs, the distribution corresponded to sylvatic TcI in 96% and TcIDom in 4%. Among insect vectors, sylvatic TcI was observed in 48% and TcIDom in 52%. In conclusion, the circulation of TcIDom is emerging in Colombia and this genotype is still adapting to the domestic cycle of transmission. The epidemiological and clinical implications of these findings are discussed herein.
Fungalysins are secreted fungal peptidases with the ability to degrade the extracellular matrix proteins elastin and collagen and are thought to act as virulence factors in diseases caused by fungi. Fungalysins constitute a unique family among zinc-dependent peptidases that bears low sequence similarity to known bacterial peptidases of the thermolysin family. The crystal structure of the archetype of the fungalysin family, Aspergillus fumigatus metalloprotease (AfuMep), has been obtained for the first time. The 1.8 Å resolution structure of AfuMep corresponds to that of an autoproteolyzed proenzyme with separate polypeptide chains corresponding to the N-terminal prodomain in a binary complex with the C-terminal zinc-bound catalytic domain. The prodomain consists of a tandem of cystatin-like folds whose C-terminal end is buried into the active-site cleft of the catalytic domain. The catalytic domain harbouring the key catalytic zinc ion and its ligands, two histidines and one glutamic acid, undergoes a conspicuous rearrangement of its N-terminal end during maturation. One key positively charged amino-acid residue and the C-terminal disulfide bridge appear to contribute to its structural-functional properties. Thus, structural, biophysical and biochemical analysis were combined to provide a deeper comprehension of the underlying properties of A. fumigatus fungalysin, serving as a framework for the as yet poorly known metallopeptidases from pathogenic fungi.
In many gamma-proteobacteria, the conserved GacS/GacA (BarA/UvrY) two-component system positively controls the expression of one to five genes specifying small RNAs (sRNAs) that are characterized by repeated unpaired GGA motifs but otherwise appear to belong to several independent families. The GGA motifs are essential for binding small, dimeric RNA-binding proteins of a single conserved family designated RsmA (CsrA). These proteins, which also occur in bacterial species outside the gamma-proteobacteria, act as translational repressors of certain mRNAs when these contain an RsmA/CsrA binding site at or near the Shine-Dalgarno sequence plus additional binding sites located in the 5' untranslated leader mRNA. Recent structural data have established that the RsmA-like protein RsmE of Pseudomonas fluorescens makes specific contacts with an RNA consensus sequence 5'-(A)/(U)CANGGANG(U)/(A)-3' (where N is any nucleotide). Interaction with an RsmA/CsrA protein promotes the formation of a short stem supporting an ANGGAN loop. This conformation hinders access of 30S ribosomal subunits and hence translation initiation. The output of the Gac/Rsm cascade varies widely in different bacterial species and typically involves management of carbon storage and expression of virulence or biocontrol factors. Unidentified signal molecules co-ordinate the activity of the Gac/Rsm cascade in a cell population density-dependent manner.
The purpose of the “Then and Now” program is to engage these people more actively in the annual meetings and provide a forum for them to engage with those who are following in their footsteps. This purpose allows the missions of the Community of Academy Senior Scholars (CASS) and the Management History (MH) Division to intersect. CASS has as one of its goals to keep these pioneers of management history engaged in their profession and their professional organization (AOM). MH has as one of its goals to accurately record the intellectual contributions of the pioneers of the management field.
Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungus belonging to a basal lineage of the Ascomycotina, the Taphrinomycotina subphylum. It is a parasite specific to humans that dwells primarily in the lung and can cause severe pneumonia in individuals with debilitated immune system. Despite its clinical importance, many aspects of its biology remain poorly understood, at least in part because of the lack of a continuous in vitro cultivation system. The present thesis consists in the genome reconstruction and comparative genomics of P. jirovecii. It is made of three parts: (i) the de novo sequencing of P. jirovecii genome starting from a single broncho- alveolar lavage fluid of a single patient (ii) the de novo sequencing of the genome of the plant pathogen Taphrina deformans, a fungus closely related to P. jirovecii, and (iii) the genome scale comparison of P. jirovecii to other Taphrinomycotina members. Enrichment in P. jirovecii cells by immuno-precipitation, whole DNA random amplification, two complementary high throughput DNA sequencing methods, and in silico sorting and assembly of sequences were used for the de novo reconstruction of P. jirovecii genome from the microbiota of a single clinical specimen. An iterative ad hoc pipeline as well as numerical simulations was used to recover P. jirovecii sequences while purging out contaminants and assembly or amplification chimeras. This strategy produced a 8.1 Mb assembly, which encodes 3,898 genes. Homology searches, mapping on biochemical pathways atlases, and manual validations revealed that this genome lacks (i) most of the enzymes dedicated to the amino acids biosyntheses, and (ii) most virulence factors observed in other fungi, e.g. the glyoxylate shunt pathway and specific peptidases involved in the degradation of the host cell membrane. The same analyses applied to the available genomic sequences from Pneumocystis carinii the species infecting rats and Pneumocystis murina the species infecting mice revealed the same deficiencies. The genome sequencing of T. deformans yielded a 13 Mb assembly, which encodes 5,735 genes. T. deformans possesses enzymes involved plant cell wall degradation, secondary metabolism, the glyoxylate cycle, detoxification, sterol biosynthesis, as well as the biosyntheses of plant hormones such as abscisic acid or indole-3-acetic acid. T. deformans also harbors gene subsets that have counterparts in plant saprophytes or pathogens, which is consistent with its alternate saprophytic and pathogenic lifestyles. Mating genes were also identified. The homothallism of this fungus suggests a mating-type switching mechanism. Comparative analyses indicated that 81% of P. jirovecii genes are shared with eight other Taphrinomycotina members, including T. deformans, P. carinii and P. murina. These genes are mostly involved in housekeeping activities. The genes specific to the Pneumocystis genus represent 8%, and are involved in RNA metabolism and signaling. The signaling is known to be crucial for interaction of Pneumocystis spp with their environment. Eleven percent are unique to P. jirovecii and encode mostly proteins of unknown function. These genes in conjunction with other ones (e.g. the major surface glycoproteins) might govern the interaction of P. jirovecii with its human host cells, and potentially be responsible of the host specificity. P. jirovecii exhibits a reduced genome in size with a low GC content, and most probably scavenges vital compounds such as amino acids and cholesterol from human lungs. Consistently, its genome encodes a large set of transporters (ca. 22% of its genes), which may play a pivotal role in the acquisition of these compounds. All these features are generally observed in obligate parasite of various kingdoms (bacteria, protozoa, fungi). Moreover, epidemiological studies failed to evidence a free-living form of the fungus and Pneumocystis spp were shown to co-evolved with their hosts. Given also the lack of virulence factors, our observations strongly suggest that P. jirovecii is an obligate parasite specialized in the colonization of human lungs, and which causes disease only in individuals with compromised immune system. The same conclusion is most likely true for all other Pneumocystis spp in their respective mammalian host. - Pneumocystis jirovecii est un champignon appartenant à ine branche basale des Ascomycotina, le sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. C'est un parasite spécifique aux humains qui réside principalement dans les poumons, et qui peut causer des pneumonies sévères chez des individus ayant un système immunitaire déficient. En dépit de son importance clinique, de nombreux aspects de sa biologie demeurent,largement méconnus, au moins en partie à cause de l'absence d'un système de culture in vitro continu. Cette thèse traite de la reconstruction du génome et de la génomique comparative de P. jirovecii. Elle comporte trois parties: (i) le séquençage de novo du génome de P. jirovecii à partir d'un lavage broncho-alvéolaire provenant d'un seul patient, (ii) le séquençage de novo du génome d'un champignon pathogène de plante Taphrina deformans qui est phylogénétiquement proche de P. jirovecii, et (iii) la comparaison du génome de P. jirovecii à celui d'autres membres du sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. Un enrichissement en cellules de P. jirovecii par immuno-précipitation, une amplification aléatoire des molécules d'ADN, deux méthodes complémentaires de séquençage à haut débit, un tri in silico et un assemblage des séquences ont été utilisés pour reconstruire de novo le génome de P. jirovecii à partir du microbiote d'un seul échantillon clinique. Un pipeline spécifique ainsi que des simulations numériques ont été utilisés pour récupérer les séquences de P. jirovecii tout en éliminant les séquences contaminants et les chimères d'amplification ou d'assemblage. Cette stratégie a produit un assemblage de 8.1 Mb, qui contient 3898 gènes. Les recherches d'homologies, de cartographie des voies métaboliques et des validations manuelles ont révélé que ce génome est dépourvu (i) de la plupart des enzymes dédiées à la biosynthèse des acides aminés, et (ii) de la plupart des facteurs de virulence observés chez d'autres champignons, par exemple, le cycle du glyoxylate ainsi que des peptidases spécifiques impliquées dans la dégradation de la membrane de la cellule hôte. Les analyses appliquées aux données génomiques disponibles de Pneumocystis carinii, l'espèce infectant les rats, et de Pneumocystis murina, l'espèce infectant les souris, ont révélé les mêmes déficiences. Le séquençage du génome de T. deformans a généré un assemblage de 13.3 Mb qui contient 5735 gènes. T. deformans possède les gènes codant pour les enzymes impliquées dans la dégradation des parois cellulaires des plantes, le métabolisme secondaire, le cycle du glyoxylate, la détoxification, la biosynthèse des stérols ainsi que la biosynthèse d'hormones de plantes telles que l'acide abscissique ou l'acide indole 3-acétique. T. deformans possède également des sous-ensembles de gènes présents exclusivement chez des saprophytes ou des pathogènes de plantes, ce qui est consistent avec son mode de vie alternatif saprophyte et pathogène. Des gènes impliqués dans la conjugaison ont été identifiés. L'homothallisme de ce champignon suggère mécanisme de permutation du type conjuguant. Les analyses comparatives ont démontré que 81% des gènes de P. jirovecii sont présent chez les autres membres du sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. Ces gènes sont essentiellement impliqués dans le métabolisme basai. Les gènes spécifiques au genre Pneumocystis représentent 8%, et sont impliqués dans le métabolisme de l'ARN et la signalisation. La signalisation est connue pour être cruciale pour l'interaction des espèces de Pneumocystis avec leur environnement. Les gènes propres à P. jirovecii représentent 11% et codent en majorité pour des protéines dont la fonction est inconnue. Ces gènes en conjonction avec d'autres (par exemple, les glycoprotéines de surface), pourraient être déterminants dans l'interaction de P. jirovecii avec les cellules de l'hôte humain, et être potentiellement responsable de la spécificité d'hôte. P. jirovecii possède un génome de taille réduite à faible pourcentage en GC et récupère très probablement des composés vitaux comme les acides aminés et le cholestérol à partir des poumons humains. De manière consistante, son génome code pour de nombreux transporteurs (22% de ses gènes), qui pourraient jouer un rôle essentiel dans l'acquisition de ces composés. Ces caractéristiques sont généralement observées chez les parasites obligatoires de plusieurs règnes (bactéries, protozoaires, champignons). De plus, les études épidémiologiques n'ont pas réussi à prouver l'existence d'ime forme vivant librement du champignon. Etant donné également l'absence de facteurs de virulence, nos observations suggèrent que P. jirovecii est un parasite obligatoire spécialisé dans la colonisation des poumons humains, ne causant une maladie que chez des individus ayant un système immunitaire compromis. La même conclusion est très probablement applicable à toutes les autres espèces de Pneumocystis dans leur hôte mammifère respectif.
This final thesis focused on experimental knowledge of working in the group. The topic was approached from the perspective of the theatre group director. The thesis itself contains two practical theatre group examples. One is a youngsters' theatre group called La Drama, directed by the author during 2004/2005. The other one is the author's own final artistic production, named Protasio - Kohtaamisia Afrikassa (Protasio - Meeting in Africa), which opened in January 2006. The group leader's role is presented as an important personal tool in theatre, and one that it is important to develop in a professional way. The director's role is to be the promoter of the process, the inspirer and a strong group leader. A person who is in this role will lead the group through the creative process using the community. The thesis identifies and advocates good practice, and ideas of how to create theatre with a group-based method. These analyses can offer useful ideas and knowledge to the beginner in the field of theatre direction.
The present study aimed to describe and analyze the career of Edith Magalhães Fraenkel and her important legacy to Brazilian nursing. The methodology chosen was a documentary analysis of her areas of participation based on documents of the Historical Cultural Center of Iberian-American School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo (Universidade de São Paulo, USP) and in the Rectory of the same University. The following thematic topics were categorized: preparation for leadership, moving to São Paulo, creation of the School of Nursing of USP, event organization, and unique developments at the end of her career. We conclude that Mrs. Edith Fraenkel is the most important figure of Brazilian nursing, thanks to her immeasurable work as a leader of the profession, nationally and internationally.
O teor deste trabalho consiste na contribuição conceptual de construção em madeira, inerente á temática “Da Arquitectura e de Processos Construtivos Contemporânea em Estrutura de Madeira para Habitações – Da Possibilidade de Aplicação em País Lusófonas”, empregando um material sustentável e amigo do ambiente. Tal temática, suscitou a minha sensibilidade devido à necessidade de aproveitamento das potencialidades e recursos naturais e humanos nacionais, em benefício do bem-estar social, designadamente, na construção de habitações condignas para todos e a baixo custo. Procedeu-se ao estudo de processos construtivos praticas empregues num país “leader” da construção de madeira, o caso da Finlandia, e ensaiou-se a discussão da aplicação dessas práticas em Portugal para uma sua transposisão para Países lusófonos.
O objectivo do presente estudo é identificar, caracterizar e entender os factores que contribuem para a eficácia da gestão e liderança da mulher cabo-verdiana num cenário de chefia de topo, em espaços caracterizados pela predominância masculina, transformando-se assim num desafio constante para as mulheres a nível mundial e em particular, para as mulheres cabo-verdianas. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre liderança e sobre género, mais especificamente, sobre o papel da mulher no contexto do trabalho. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória, utilizando uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Neste sentido, foi analisado o processo da liderança feminina no contexto mundial e nacional, a evolução da sua participação nas chefias de topo, os factores que contribuem para o seu desempenho, e o que fazer para vencer os desafios e atingir a eficácia. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi a pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa, através de aplicação de um questionário a trinta gestores de primeira linha, com o objectivo de avaliar a forma como o líder se auto percepciona, bem assim como ele é percepcionado pelo seu superior hierárquico, pelos colegas e pelos subordinados directos. As conclusões do estudo apontam para a existência de divergências entre as percepções dos líderes e dos outros membros da organização em relação à liderança exercida. Por outro lado, a questão do género parece ter pouca influência na eficácia da liderança. The aim of this paper is to identify, characterize and understand the factors that contribute to effective management and leadership of the Cape Verdean women in male dominated areas characterized by a background of top management. This scenario is characterized by a high male predominance, which represents a constant challenge for women worldwide and in particular for the Cape Verdean women. A literature search on the topics of leadership and on gender, specifically on the role of women in the work context was carried out. It is an exploratory research, using a qualitative and quantitative approach. In this sense the process of women's leadership in global and national context, the evolution of their participation in top leadership, the factors that contribute to their performance as well as how to overcome challenges and achieve efficiency were considered. The research method used was a qualitative and quantitative research through application of a questionnaire to 30 first line managers, in order to assess how the leader perceives itself, as well as, how he is perceived by his superior, colleagues and direct reports. The conclusions indicate that there are important differences between the perception of the leaders and other members of the organization in relation to the leadership exercise. On the other hand, gender seems to have little influence on leadership effectiveness.
The gene encoding type I signal peptidase (Lmjsp) has been cloned from Leishmania major. Lmjsp encodes a protein of 180 amino residues with a predicted molecular mass of 20.5 kDa. Comparison of the protein sequence with those of known type I signal peptidases indicates homology in five conserved domains A-E which are known to be important, or essential, for catalytic activity. Southern blot hybridisation analysis indicates that there is a single copy of the Lmjsp gene. A recombinant SPase protein and a synthetic peptide of the L. major signal peptidase were used to examine the presence of specific antibodies in sera from either recovered or active individuals of both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. This evaluation demonstrated that sera from cutaneous and visceral forms of leishmaniasis are highly reactive to both the recombinant and synthetic signal peptidase antigens. Therefore, the Leishmania signal peptidase, albeit localised intracellularly, is a significant target of the Leishmania specific immune response and highlights its potential use for serodiagnosis of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis.