570 resultados para labdane dimers


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A technique is described for the simultaneous and controlled random mutation of all three heavy or light chain complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) in a single-chain Fv specific for the O polysaccharide of Salmonella serogroup B. Sense oligonucleotides were synthesized such that the central bases encoding a CDR were randomized by equimolar spiking with A, G, C, and T at a level of 10% while the antisense strands contained inosine in the spiked regions. Phage display of libraries assembled from the spiked oligonucleotides by a synthetic ligase chain reaction demonstrated a bias for selection of mutants that formed dimers and higher oligomers. Kinetic analyses showed that oligomerization increased association rates in addition to slowing dissociation rates. In combination with some contribution from reduced steric clashes with residues in heavy-chain CDR2, oligomerization resulted in functional affinities that were much higher than that of the monomeric form of the wild-type single-chain Fv.


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Gold(I) salts and selenite, which have diverse therapeutic and biological effects, are noted for their reactivity with thiols. Since the binding of Jun-Jun and Jun-Fos dimers to the AP-1 DNA binding site is regulated in vitro by a redox process involving conserved cysteine residues, we hypothesized that some of the biological actions of gold and selenium are mediated via these residues. In electrophoretic mobility-shift analyses, AP-1 DNA binding was inhibited by gold(I) thiolates and selenite, with 50% inhibition occurring at approximately 5 microM and 1 microM, respectively. Thiomalic acid had no effect in the absence of gold(I), and other metal ions inhibited at higher concentrations, in a rank order correlating with their thiol binding affinities. Cysteine-to-serine mutants demonstrated that these effects of gold(I) and selenite require Cys272 and Cys154 in the DNA-binding domains of Jun and Fos, respectively. Gold(I) thiolates and selenite did not inhibit nonspecific protein binding to the AP-1 site and were at least an order of magnitude less potent as inhibitors of sequence-specific binding to the AP-2, TFIID, or NF1 sites compared with the AP-1 site. In addition, 10 microM gold(I) or 10 microM selenite inhibited expression of an AP-1-dependent reporter gene, but not an AP-2-dependent reporter gene. These data suggest a mechanism regulating transcription factor activity by inorganic ions which may contribute to the known antiarthritic action of gold and cancer chemoprevention by selenium.


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Bovine seminal ribonuclease (BS-RNase) is a homodimeric enzyme strictly homologous to the pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A). Native BS-RNase is an equilibrium mixture of two distinct dimers differing in the interchange of the N-terminal segments and in their biological properties. The loop 16-22 plays a fundamental role on the relative stability of the two isomers. Both the primary and tertiary structures of the RNase A differ substantially from those of the seminal ribonuclease in the loop region 16-22. To analyze the possible stable conformations of this loop in both enzymes, structure predictions have been attempted, according to a procedure described by Palmer and Scheraga [Palmer, K. A. & Scheraga, H. A. (1992) J. Comput. Chem. 13, 329-350]. Results compare well with experimental x-ray structures and clarify the structural determinants that are responsible for the swapping of the N-terminal domains and for the peculiar properties of BS-RNase. Minimal modifications of RNase A sequence needed to form a stable swapped dimer are also predicted.


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In the facultative anaerobe Escherichia coli, the transcription factor FNR (fumarate nitrate reduction) regulates gene expression in response to oxygen deprivation. To investigate how the activity of FNR is regulated by oxygen availability, two mutant proteins, DA154 and LH28-DA154, which have enhanced in vivo activity in the presence of oxygen, were purified and compared. Unlike other previously examined FNR preparations, the absorption spectrum of LH28-DA154 had two maxima at 324 nm and 419 nm, typical of iron-sulfur (Fe-S)-containing proteins. Consistent with these data, metal analysis showed that only the LH28-DA154 protein contained a significant amount of iron and acid-labile sulfide, and, by low temperature EPR spectroscopy, a signal typical of a [3Fe-4S]+ cluster was detected. The LH28-DA154 protein that contained the Fe-S cluster also contained a higher proportion of dimers and had a 3- to 4-fold higher apparent affinity for the target DNA than the DA154 protein. In agreement with this, we found that when the LH28-DA154 protein was treated with an iron chelator (alpha,alpha'-dipyridyl), it lost its characteristic absorption and the apparent affinity for DNA was reduced 6-fold. However, increased DNA binding and the characteristic absorption spectrum could be restored by in vitro reconstitution of the Fe-S center. DNA binding of the LH28-DA154 protein was also affected by the redox state of the Fe-S center, since protein exposed to oxygen bound 1/10th as much DNA as the protein reduced anaerobically with dithionite. The observation that DNA binding is enhanced when the Fe-S center is reduced indicates that the redox state of the Fe-S center affects the DNA-binding activity of this protein and suggests a possible mechanism for regulation of the wild-type protein.


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A biomassa lignicelulósica tem sua estrutura composta por celulose, hemicelulose e lignina. Dentre essas, a lignina tem se mostrado interessante por ser uma fonte precursora sustentável de fragmentos aromáticos antes obtidos apenas de combustíveis fósseis. Sua estrutura é composta por resíduos de fenilpropanóides p-hidroxibenzeno (H), guaiacil (G) e siringil (S) unidas por ligações C–C e C–O–C em que a ligação β–O–4 é a predominante (mais de 50%). Devido à sua complexidade estrutural e conformacional, a clivagem de suas ligações é pouco seletiva e a caracterização dos fragmentos resultantes é complexa. Uma estratégia comumente empregada para evitar esses desafios é o uso de modelos mais simples. Entretanto, poucas metodologias são reportadas na literatura para a sua síntese e a maioria delas envolve o emprego de halocetonas. O presente trabalho desenvolveu duas novas metodologias promissoras para síntese desses oligômeros, contendo ligação β–O–4 por meio da química de diazo: (a) reação de inserção O–H entre fenol e α–aril diazocetonas, e (b) compostos α–diazo β-cetoéster. Ademais, a utilização de monômeros contendo a função fenol e diazocetona no mesmo anel permitiria a síntese de cadeias de diversos tamanhos em uma única etapa. Como ponto de partida para o estudo, limitou-se à síntese de dímeros, visando entender a reação de inserção O–H. Os produtos desejados foram obtidos em rendimentos de 27–51% após catálise com Cu(hfac)2. Por fim, os modelos de lignina propriamente ditos foram sintetizados após simples adição aldólica e redução em rendimentos globais de 51–78%. Os estudos envolvendo a inserção de fenol em α–diazo β-cetoéster mostraram resultados promissores, corroborando para uma nova estratégia sintética para a obtenção de modelos de lignina. Novos estudos em nosso laboratório estão sendo desenvolvidos para se obter resultados mais conclusivos.


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Carbon nanotubes exhibit the structure and chemical properties that make them apt substrates for many adsorption applications. Of particular interest are carbon nanotube bundles, whose unique geometry is conducive to the formation of pseudo-one-dimensional phases of matter, and graphite, whose simple planar structure allows ordered phases to form in the absence of surface effects. Although both of these structures have been the focus of many research studies, knowledge gaps still remain. Much of the work with carbon nanotubes has used simple adsorbates1-43, and there is little kinetic data available. On the other hand, there are many studies of complex molecules adsorbing on graphite; however, there is almost no kinetic data reported for this substrate. We seek to close these knowledge gaps by performing a kinetic study of linear molecules of increasing length adsorbing on carbon nanotube bundles and on graphite. We elucidated the process of adsorption of complex admolecules on carbon nanotube bundles, while at the same time producing some of the first equilibrium results of the films formed by large adsorbates on these structures. We also extended the current knowledge of adsorption on graphite to include the kinetics of adsorption. The kinetic data that we have produced enables a more complete understanding of the process of adsorption of large admolecules on carbon nanotube bundles and graphite. We studied the adsorption of particles on carbon nanotube bundles and graphite using analytical and computational techniques. By employing these methods separately but in parallel, we were able to constantly compare and verify our results. We calculated and simulated the behavior of a given system throughout its evolution and then analyzed our results to determine which system parameters have the greatest effect on the kinetics of adsorption. Our analytical and computational results show good agreement with each other and with the experimental isotherm data provided by our collaborators. As a result of this project, we have gained a better understanding of the kinetics of adsorption. We have learned about the equilibration process of dimers on carbon nanotube bundles, identifying the “filling effect”, which increases the rate of total uptake, and explaining the cause of the transient “overshoot” in the coverage of the surface. We also measured the kinetic effect of particle-particle interactions between neighboring adsorbates on the lattice. For our simulations of monomers adsorbing on graphite, we succeeded in developing an analytical equation to predict the characteristic time as a function of chemical potential and of the adsorption and interaction energies of the system. We were able to further explore the processes of adsorption of dimers and trimers on graphite (again observing the filling effect and the overshoot). Finally, we were able to show that the kinetic behaviors of monomers, dimers, and trimers that have been reported in experimental results also arise organically from our model and simulations.


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A Araucaria angustifolia é uma conífera endêmica das regiões sul e sudeste do Brasil sendo considerada uma espécie em extinção devido ao extenso extrativismo madeireiro. Atualmente, existem inúmeros projetos visando o reflorestamento e o uso sustentável deste pinheiro. Em vista destes pontos, o estudo das propriedades dos componentes das folhas com o intuito da utilização destes com fins comerciais tornou-se de extrema importância. As suas folhas foram submetidas à extração com solventes e foram identificados seis biflavonóides majoritários, dentre estes a amentoflavona e a ginkgetina, que são apontados como agentes contra inflamações e artrites. A fração rica de biflavonóides (BFF) extraída da araucaria foi testada frente a sua atividade em proteger contra danos em biomoléculas provocadas por espécies reativas de oxigênio, capacidade em quelar metais e proteção contra raios UV. A capacidade do BFF em proteger contra danos provocados por espécies reativas de oxigênio foi comparado com compostos conhecidamente antioxidantes, como o α-tocoferol, Trolox®, quercetina, rutina e com padrões de biflavonóides, a amentoflavona e ginkgetina. O BFF demonstrou que possui uma constante de supressão do 1O2 (50 x 106 M-1s-1), superior ao da quercetina (9 x 106 M-1s-1) e foi o mais eficiente na proteção contra quebras de simples fita em DNA plasmidial, provocado por esta espécie reativa. Ainda em relação à proteção de DNA plasmidial o BFF foi capaz de proteger também contra estes danos provocados através da reação de Fenton, apesar de não demonstrar a mesma eficiência da quercetina que mostrou ser um potente protetor destes danos. O BFF protegeu contra lipoperoxidação em lipossomos de fosfatidilcolina induzida por raios UV e reação de Fenton. Em análises realizadas com espectrometria de massas foi observada a formação de complexos destes biflavonóides com íons metálicos como ferro, cobre e alumínio que possuem um papel importante na formação de radicais livres. Em relação à capacidade fotoprotetora do BFF, este inibiu a formação de dímeros de pirimidina que são apontados como causadores de câncer de pele induzidos, principalmente por radiação UV-B. Esta ação protetora foi superior àquela conferida ao p-metoxicinamato de octila, um conhecido fotoprotetor. Com o intuito de permitir a solubilização do BFF em soluções aquosas e assim, avaliar a ação do BFF em células, incorporou-se o BFF em ciclodextrina. Essa inclusão favoreceu a incorporação de BFF em células CV1-P na concentração aproximada de 0,4 µg/ml após 24 horas de incubação. Essa concentração incorporada não demonstrou ser tóxica para as células no teste com MTT. Assim, o BFF tem despertado grande interesse em relação ao seu potencial na utilização nas mais variadas áreas como cosmética, alimentos e fitoterápicos.


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The transition from tunneling to metallic contact between two surfaces does not always involve a jump, but can be smooth. We have observed that the configuration and material composition of the electrodes before contact largely determine the presence or absence of a jump. Moreover, when jumps are found preferential values of conductance have been identified. Through a combination of experiments, molecular dynamics, and first-principles transport calculations these conductance values are identified with atomic contacts of either monomers, dimers, or double-bond contacts.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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La réaction d’amination de liens C-H, impliquant la transformation directe d’un lien C-H en lien C-N constitue une approche synthétique d’avenir pour la préparation de composés azotés. L’application de cette stratégie de manière intramoléculaire apparaît comme une approche puissante pour la synthèse de composés hétérocycliques. En particulier, les oxazolidinones, carbamates cycliques à cinq chaînons, constituant une nouvelle classe d’antibiotiques très prometteuse, pourraient être synthétisées par cette méthode. Il y a moins d’une dizaine d’années, notre groupe de recherche a travaillé sur le développement de méthodologies utilisant des espèces nitrènes métalliques pour l’amination intra et intermoléculaire. Les N-tosyloxycarbamates, en présence d’une base et d’un catalyseur dimère de rhodium (II) tétracarboxylate sont les précurseurs de ces espèces nitrènes métalliques, capables de faire l’insertion de liens C(sp3)-H. Dans ces travaux de thèse, nous avons travaillé sur le développement d’une méthode plus « verte » d’amination intramoléculaire. Les N-mésyloxycarbamates, plus légers que leurs homologues N-tosyloxycarbamates, ont été identifiés comme d’excellents précurseurs de nitrènes. La méthodologie développée ne nécessite que 3 mol % de dimère de rhodium Rh2(tpa)4 et de 1,5 équivalents de solution aqueuse saturée de K2CO3, le tout dans l’acétate d’éthyle et donne de bons rendements de cyclisation. Une étude de l’étendue réactionnelle a été effectuée, montrant la tolérance et les limitations de notre système catalytique : les hétéroatomes ne posent pas de problèmes hormis l’atome d’azote, qui doit être protégé afin de garantir la transformation. En outre, nous avons constaté que les liens C-H aliphatiques secondaires sont moins réactifs que les liens tertiaires. Après avoir tenté de développer des conditions réactionnelles spécifiques aux liens C-H non activés, nous avons montré la possibilité d’aminer des liens C-H propargyliques de manière chimiosélective ; la triple liaison C-C peut ensuite être dérivatisée efficacement, donnant accès à la formule saturée correspondante ainsi qu’à d’autres motifs. Dans un désir de substituer les complexes de rhodium par d’autres complexes de métaux plus abondants et moins dispendieux, nous nous sommes tournés, dans un premier temps, vers les complexes de fer et par la suite, vers les pinceurs de nickel. Les phtalocyanines de fer ont été identifiées comme étant de bons catalyseurs de l’amination intramoléculaire de N-mésyloxycarbamates. Le chlorure de phtalocyanine de fer (III), en présence d’un sel de AgBF4 et de K2CO3, dans le 1,1,2,2-tétrachloroéthane anhydre, permet l’obtention de la 4-phenyloxazolidin-2-one avec 63% de rendement. En outre, il est possible d’atteindre un rendement de 49% à partir du même substrat N-mésyloxycarbamate, par catalyse avec un pinceur de nickel de type POCN, en présence d’un sel de mésylate. Des indices sur le mécanisme des ces deux transformations ont pu être recueillis lors de la courte étude de ces systèmes.


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La réaction d’amination de liens C-H, impliquant la transformation directe d’un lien C-H en lien C-N constitue une approche synthétique d’avenir pour la préparation de composés azotés. L’application de cette stratégie de manière intramoléculaire apparaît comme une approche puissante pour la synthèse de composés hétérocycliques. En particulier, les oxazolidinones, carbamates cycliques à cinq chaînons, constituant une nouvelle classe d’antibiotiques très prometteuse, pourraient être synthétisées par cette méthode. Il y a moins d’une dizaine d’années, notre groupe de recherche a travaillé sur le développement de méthodologies utilisant des espèces nitrènes métalliques pour l’amination intra et intermoléculaire. Les N-tosyloxycarbamates, en présence d’une base et d’un catalyseur dimère de rhodium (II) tétracarboxylate sont les précurseurs de ces espèces nitrènes métalliques, capables de faire l’insertion de liens C(sp3)-H. Dans ces travaux de thèse, nous avons travaillé sur le développement d’une méthode plus « verte » d’amination intramoléculaire. Les N-mésyloxycarbamates, plus légers que leurs homologues N-tosyloxycarbamates, ont été identifiés comme d’excellents précurseurs de nitrènes. La méthodologie développée ne nécessite que 3 mol % de dimère de rhodium Rh2(tpa)4 et de 1,5 équivalents de solution aqueuse saturée de K2CO3, le tout dans l’acétate d’éthyle et donne de bons rendements de cyclisation. Une étude de l’étendue réactionnelle a été effectuée, montrant la tolérance et les limitations de notre système catalytique : les hétéroatomes ne posent pas de problèmes hormis l’atome d’azote, qui doit être protégé afin de garantir la transformation. En outre, nous avons constaté que les liens C-H aliphatiques secondaires sont moins réactifs que les liens tertiaires. Après avoir tenté de développer des conditions réactionnelles spécifiques aux liens C-H non activés, nous avons montré la possibilité d’aminer des liens C-H propargyliques de manière chimiosélective ; la triple liaison C-C peut ensuite être dérivatisée efficacement, donnant accès à la formule saturée correspondante ainsi qu’à d’autres motifs. Dans un désir de substituer les complexes de rhodium par d’autres complexes de métaux plus abondants et moins dispendieux, nous nous sommes tournés, dans un premier temps, vers les complexes de fer et par la suite, vers les pinceurs de nickel. Les phtalocyanines de fer ont été identifiées comme étant de bons catalyseurs de l’amination intramoléculaire de N-mésyloxycarbamates. Le chlorure de phtalocyanine de fer (III), en présence d’un sel de AgBF4 et de K2CO3, dans le 1,1,2,2-tétrachloroéthane anhydre, permet l’obtention de la 4-phenyloxazolidin-2-one avec 63% de rendement. En outre, il est possible d’atteindre un rendement de 49% à partir du même substrat N-mésyloxycarbamate, par catalyse avec un pinceur de nickel de type POCN, en présence d’un sel de mésylate. Des indices sur le mécanisme des ces deux transformations ont pu être recueillis lors de la courte étude de ces systèmes.


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In this paper, we investigate transmission of electromagnetic wave through aperiodic dielectric multilayers. A generic feature shown is that the mirror symmetry in the system can induce the resonant transmission, which originates from the positional correlations (for example, presence of dimers) in the system. Furthermore, the resonant transmission can be manipulated at a specific wavelength by tuning aperiodic structures with internal symmetry. The theoretical results are experimentally proved in the optical observation of aperiodic SiO2/TiO2 multilayers with internal symmetry. We expect that this feature may have potential applications in optoelectric devices such as the wavelength division multiplexing system.


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We have determined the crystal structure of the core (C) protein from the Kunjin subtype of West Nile virus (WNV), closely related to the NY99 strain of WNV, currently a major health threat in the U.S. WNV is a member of the Flaviviridae family of enveloped RNA viruses that contains many important human pathogens. The C protein is associated with the RNA genome and forms the internal core which is surrounded by the envelope in the virion. The C protein structure contains four a. helices and forms dimers that are organized into tetramers. The tetramers form extended filamentous ribbons resembling the stacked alpha helices seen in HEAT protein structures.


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Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS; EC catalyses the formation of 2-acetolactate and 2-aceto-2-hydroxybutyrate as the first step in the biosynthesis of the branched-chain amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine. The enzyme is inhibited by a wide range of substituted sulfonylureas and imidazolinones and many of these compounds are used as commercial herbicides. Here, the crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the catalytic subunit of Arabidopsis thaliana AHAS in complex with the sulfonylurea herbicide chlorimuron ethyl are reported. This is the first report of the structure of any plant protein in complex with a commercial herbicide. Crystals diffract to 3.0 Angstrom resolution, have unit-cell parameters a = b = 179.92, c = 185.82 Angstrom and belong to space group P6(4)22. Preliminary analysis indicates that there is one monomer in the asymmetric unit and that these are arranged as pairs of dimers in the crystal. The dimers form a very open hexagonal lattice, with a high solvent content of 81%.


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2-Quinolylcarbene 23 and 1-isoquinolylcarbene 33 are generated by flash vacuum thermolysis (FVT) of the corresponding triazolo[1,5-a]quinoline and triazolo[5,1-a]isoquinoline 19 and 29, as well as 2-(5-tetrazolyl)quinoline and 1-(5-tetrazolyl)isoquinoline 20 and 30, respectively. These carbenes rearrange to 1- and 2-naphthylnitrene 21 and 31, respectively, and the nitrenes are also generated by FVT of 1- and 2-naphthyl azides 18 and 28. The products of FVT of both the nitrene and carbene precursors are the 2- and 3-cyanoindenes 26 and 27 together with the nitrene dimers, viz. azonaphthalenes 25 and 35, and the H-abstraction products, aminonaphthalenes 24 and 34. All the azide, triazole, and tetrazole precursors yield 3-cyanoindene 26 as the principal ring contraction product under conditions of low FVT temperature (340-400 degreesC) and high pressure (1 Torr N-2 as carrier gas for the purpose of collisional deactivation). This ring contraction reaction is strongly subject to chemical activation, which caused extensive isomerization of 3-cyanoindene to 2-cyanoindene under conditions of low pressure (10(-3) Torr). 2-Cyanoindene is calculated to be ca. 1.7 kcal/mol below 3-cyanoindene in energy; accordingly, high-temperature FVT of these cyanoindenes always gives mixtures of the two compounds with the 2-cyano isomer dominating. Photolysis of trizolo[1,5-a]quinoline 19 and triazolo[5,1-a]isoquinoline 29 in Ar matrixes causes partial ring opening to the corresponding 2-diazomethylquinoline 19' and 1-diazomethylisoquinoline 29'. The photolysis of the former gives rise to a small amount of the cyclic ketenimine 22, the intermediate connecting 2-quinolylcarbene and 1-naphthylnitrene.