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The Portneuf-Mauricie Domain (PMD), located in the south-central part of the Grenville Province, comprises several mafic and ultramafic intrusions hosting Ni-Cu ± platinum-group element (PGE) prospects and a former small mining operation (Lac Édouard mine). These meter- to kilometer-scale, sulfide-bearing intrusions display diverse forms, such as layered and tabular bodies with no particular internal structure, and zoned plutons. They were injected ~ 1.40 Ga into a mature oceanic arc, before and during accretion of the arc to the Laurentian margin. The pressure-temperature conditions of the magmas at the beginning of their emplacement were 3 kbar and 1319-1200 °C (according to the petrologic modeling results from this study). The PMD mineralized intrusions are interpreted to represent former magma chambers or magma conduits in the roots of the oceanic arc. The parent magmas of the mineralized intrusions resulted mainly from the partial melting of a mantle source composed of spinel-bearing lherzolite. Petrologic modeling and the occurrence of primary amphibole in the plutonic rocks indicate that these parent melts were basaltic and hydrous. In addition, fractional crystallization modeling and Mg/Fe ratios suggest that most of the intrusions may have formed from evolved magmas, with Mg# = 60, resulting from the fractionation of more primitive magmas (primary magmas, with Mg# = 68). Petrologic modeling demonstrates that 30% fractional crystallization resulted in the primitive to evolved characteristics of the studied intrusive rocks (as indicated by the crystallization sequences and mineral chemistry). Exceptions are the Réservoir Blanc, Boivin, and Rochette West parent magmas, which may have undergone more extensive fractional crystallization, since these intrusions contain pyroxenes that are more iron rich and have lower Mg numbers than pyroxenes in the other PMD intrusions. The PMD mafic and ultramafic intrusions were intruded into an island arc located offshore from the Laurentian continent. Thus, their presence confirms the existence of a well-developed magmatic network (responsible of the fractionation processes) beneath the Proterozoic arc, which resulted in the wide range of compositions observed in the various plutons.
The sedimentary architecture of polar gravel-beach ridges is presented and it is shown that ridge internal geometries reflect past wave-climate conditions. Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data obtained along the coasts of Potter Peninsula (King George Island) show that beach ridges unconformably overlie the prograding strand plain. Development of individual ridges is seen to result from multiple storms in periods of increased storm-wave impact on the coast. Strand-plain progradation, by contrast, is the result of swash sedimentation at the beach-face under persistent calm conditions. The sedimentary architecture of beach ridges in sheltered parts of the coast is characterized by seaward-dipping prograding beds, being the result of swash deposition under stormy conditions, or aggrading beds formed by wave overtopping. By contrast, ridges exposed to high-energy waves are composed of seaward- as well as landward-dipping strata, bundled by numerous erosional unconformities. These erosional unconformities are the result of sediment starvation or partial reworking of ridge material during exceptional strong storms. The number of individual ridges which are preserved from a given time interval varies along the coast depending on the morphodynamic setting: sheltered coasts are characterized by numerous small ridges, whereas fewer but larger ridges develop on exposed beaches. The frequency of ridge building ranges from decades in the low-energy settings up to 1600 years under high-energy conditions. Beach ridges in the study area cluster at 9.5, 7.5, 5.5, and below 3.5 m above the present-day storm beach. Based on radiocarbon data, this is interpreted to reflect distinct periods of increased storminess and/or shortened annual sea-ice coverage in the area of the South Shetland Islands for the times around 4.3, c. 3.1, 1.9 ka cal BP, and after 0.65 ka cal BP. Ages further indicate that even ridges at higher elevations can be subject to later reactivation and reworking. A careful investigation of the stratigraphic architecture is therefore essential prior to sampling for dating purposes.
Up to the end of the eighties the main source of deep water masses in the Ionian Basin was the southern Adriatic Sea. However, during the nineties a dramatic climatic change took place in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT). Since then, deep water has been formed by waters originating in the Aegean Sea. Expeditions carried out in this region in recent years indicate that the process of deep water formation might reverse again. To what extent this assumption applies and what characteristics the deep water in the Ionian Sea exhibit nowadays, should be determined on the cruise. The process of a re-reversal of abyssal water production in the Ionian Sea is a long-term process and must therfore be monitored for several years. Hence, this cruise is part of a series of cruises investigating this question (POS98, M71/3, MSM13/1-2, MSM15/4). The investigations were carried out by means of CTD/lADCP measurements.
One of the goals of EU BASIN is to understand variability in production across the Atlantic and the impact of this variability on higher trophic levels. One aspect of these investigations is to examine the biomes defined by Longhurst (2007). These biomes are largely based on productivity measured with remote sensing. During MSM 26, mesopelagic fish and size-spectrum data were collected to test the biome classifications of the north Atlantic. In most marine systems, the size-spectrum is a decay function with more, smaller organisms and fewer larger organisms. The intercept of the size-spectrum has been linked to overall productivity while the slope represents the "rate of decay" of this productivity (Zhou 2006, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbi119). A Laser In-Situ Scattering Transmissometer was used to collect size-spectrum data and net collections were made to capture mesopelagic fish. The relationship among the mesopelagic fish size and abundance distributions will be compared to the estimates of production from the size-spectrum data to evaluate the biomes of the stations occupied during MSM 26.
Work on M71-3 aimed to answer the question whether phosphate loss and incomplete utilisation of nitrate on the one hand, or dinitrogen fixation on the other hand are responsible for unusual nutrient ratios in the water column of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. We investigated the reason for unusually depleted 15N/14N ratios in dissolved nitrate, suspended matter and surface sediments of that oligotrohic ocean basin. During a total of 18 days of ship time on R/V METEOR, Leg 3 OF M71 performed water column and surface sediment work in the eastern Mediterranean Sea (Heraklion-Istanbul). Stations will be aligned on one E-W and two N-S transects and sampled all major basins and water masses. On stations, CTD casts were obtained and water samples for nutrient concentrations were taken. These samples and those of suspended matter and surface sediment will be analysed for the stable nitrogen isotope composition of dissolved nitrate, suspended matter, and surface sediments. In addition, phytoplankton samples were be taken and experiments were be carried out to determine N2 fixation rates, genetic expressions of nitrogen fixation, and the composition of microbial and algal assemblages. One mooring of sediment traps (Ierapetra Deep) was be deployed and will be recovered in September 2007 to monitor changes in particle flux and its isotope signature over a seasonal cycle.
The efficiency of the biological pump of carbon to the deep ocean depends largely on the biologically mediated export of carbon from the surface ocean and its remineralization with depth. Global satellite studies have primarily focused on chlorophyll concentration and net primary production (NPP) to understand the role of phytoplankton in these processes. Recent satellite retrievals of phytoplankton composition now allow for the size of phytoplankton cells to be considered. Here, we improve understanding of phytoplankton size structure impacts on particle export, remineralization and transfer. Particulate organic carbon (POC) flux observations from sediment traps and 234Th are compiled across the global ocean. Annual climatologies of NPP, percent microplankton, and POC flux at four time series locations and within biogeochemical provinces are constructed, and sinking velocities are calculated to align surface variables with POC flux at depth. Parameters that characterize POC flux vs. depth (export flux ratio, labile fraction, remineralization length scale) are then fit to the aligned dataset. Times of the year dominated by different size compositions are identified and fit separately in regions of the ocean where phytoplankton cell size showed enough dynamic range over the annual cycle. Considering all data together, our findings support the paradigm of high export flux but low transfer efficiency in more productive regions and vice versa for oligotrophic regions. However, when parsing by dominant size class, we find periods dominated by small cells to have both greater export flux and lower transfer efficiency than periods when large cells comprise a greater proportion of the phytoplankton community.
At convergent margins, fluids rise through the forearc in response to consolidation of the upper plate and dewatering of the subducting plate, and produce various cold-seep-related features on the seafloor (mud diapirs, mud mounds). At the Central American forearc, authigenic carbonates precipitated from rising fluids within such structures during active venting while typical mixed-mud sediments were ejected onto the surrounding seafloor where they became intercalated with normal pelagic background sediments, indicating that mud mounds evolved unsteadily through alternating active and inactive phases. Intercalated regional ash layers from Plinian eruptions at the Central American volcanic arc provide time marks that constrain the ages of mud ejection activity. U/Th dating of drill core samples of authigenic carbonate caps of mud mounds yields ages agreeing well with those constrained by ash layers and showing that carbonate caps grow inward rather than outward during active venting. Both dating approaches show that offshore Nicaragua and Costa Rica (1) active and inactive phases can occur simultaneously at neighboring mounds, (2) mounds along the forearc have individual histories of activity, but there are distinct time intervals when nearly all mounds have been active or inactive, (3) lifetimes of mounds reach several hundred thousand years, and (4) highly active periods last 10-50 k.y. with intervening periods of >10 k.y. of relative quiescence.
ZooScan with ZooProcess and Plankton Identifier (PkID) software is an integrated analysis system for acquisition and classification of digital zooplankton images from preserved zooplankton samples. Zooplankton samples are digitized by the ZooScan and processed by ZooProcess and PkID in order to detect, enumerate, measure and classify the digitized objects. Here we present a semi-automatic approach that entails automated classification of images followed by manual validation, which allows rapid and accurate classification of zooplankton and abiotic objects. We demonstrate this approach with a biweekly zooplankton time series from the Bay of Villefranche-sur-mer, France. The classification approach proposed here provides a practical compromise between a fully automatic method with varying degrees of bias and a manual but accurate classification of zooplankton. We also evaluate the appropriate number of images to include in digital learning sets and compare the accuracy of six classification algorithms. We evaluate the accuracy of the ZooScan for automated measurements of body size and present relationships between machine measures of size and C and N content of selected zooplankton taxa. We demonstrate that the ZooScan system can produce useful measures of zooplankton abundance, biomass and size spectra, for a variety of ecological studies.
The Yangtze River Basin downstream of China's Three Gorges Dam (TGD) (thereafter referred to as "downstream" basin) hosts the largest cluster of freshwater lakes in East Asia. These lakes are crucial water stocks to local biophysical environments and socioeconomic development. Existing studies document that individual lakes in this region have recently experienced dramatic changes under the context of enduring meteorological drought, continuous population growth, and extensive water regulation since TGD's initial impoundment (i.e., June, 2003). However, spatial and temporal patterns of lake dynamics across the complete downstream Yangtze basin remain poorly characterized. Using daily MODIS imagery and an advanced thematic mapping scheme, this study presents a comprehensive monitoring of area dynamics in the downstream lake system at a 10-day temporal resolution during 2000-2011. The studied lakes constitute ~76% (~11,400 km**2) of the total downstream lake area, including the entire +70 major lakes larger than 20 km**2. The results reveal a decadal net decline in lake inundation area across the downstream Yangtze Basin, with a cumulative decrease of 849 km**2 or 7.4% from 2000 to 2011. Despite an excessive precipitation anomaly in the year 2010, the decreasing trend was tested significant in all seasons. The most substantial decrease in the post-TGD period appears in fall (1.1%/yr), which intriguingly coincides with the TGD water storage season. Regional lake dynamics exhibit contrasting spatial patterns, manifested as evident decrease and increase of aggregated lake areas respectively within and beyond the Yangtze Plain. This contrast suggests a marked vulnerability of lakes in the Yangtze Plain, to not only local meteorological variability but also intensified human water regulations from both the upstream Yangtze main stem (e.g., the TGD) and tributaries (e.g., lakes/reservoirs beyond the Yangtze Plain). The produced lake mapping result and derived lake area dynamics across the downstream Yangtze Basin provides a crucial monitoring basis for continuous investigations of changing mechanisms in the Yangtze lake system.