965 resultados para internal transcribed spacer (ITS)


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The aim of this PhD thesis was to study at a microscopic level different liquid crystal (LC) systems, in order to determine their physical properties, resorting to two distinct methodologies, one involving computer simulations, and the other spectroscopic techniques, in particular electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. By means of the computer simulation approach we tried to demonstrate this tool effectiveness for calculating anisotropic static properties of a LC material, as well as for predicting its behaviour and features. This required the development and adoption of suitable molecular models based on a convenient intermolecular potentials reflecting the essential molecular features of the investigated system. In particular, concerning the simulation approach, we have set up models for discotic liquid crystal dimers and we have studied, by means of Monte Carlo simulations, their phase behaviour and self­-assembling properties, with respect to the simple monomer case. Each discotic dimer is described by two oblate Gay­Berne ellipsoids connected by a flexible spacer, modelled by a harmonic "spring" of three different lengths. In particular we investigated the effects of dimerization on the transition temperatures, as well as on the characteristics of molecular aggregation displayed and the relative orientational order. Moving to the experimental results, among the many experimental techniques that are typically employed to evaluate LC system distinctive features, ESR has proved to be a powerful tool in microscopic scale investigation of the properties, structure, order and dynamics of these materials. We have taken advantage of the high sensitivity of the ESR spin probe technique to investigate increasingly complex LC systems ranging from devices constituted by a polymer matrix in which LC molecules are confined in shape of nano- droplets, as well as biaxial liquid crystalline elastomers, and dimers whose monomeric units or lateral groups are constituted by rod-like mesogens (11BCB). Reflection-mode holographic-polymer dispersed liquid crystals (H-PDLCs) are devices in which LCs are confined into nanosized (50­-300 nm) droplets, arranged in layers which alternate with polymer layers, forming a diffraction grating. We have determined the configuration of the LC local director and we have derived a model of the nanodroplet organization inside the layers. Resorting also to additional information on the nanodroplet size and shape distribution provided by SEM images of the H-PDLC cross-section, the observed director configuration has been modeled as a bidimensional distribution of elongated nanodroplets whose long axis is, on the average, parallel to the layers and whose internal director configuration is a uniaxial quasi- monodomain aligned along the nanodroplet long axis. The results suggest that the molecular organization is dictated mainly by the confinement, explaining, at least in part, the need for switching voltages significantly higher and the observed faster turn-off times in H-PDLCs compared to standard PDLC devices. Liquid crystal elastomers consist in cross-linked polymers, in which mesogens represent the monomers constituting the main chain or the laterally attached side groups. They bring together three important aspects: orientational order in amorphous soft materials, responsive molecular shape and quenched topological constraints. In biaxial nematic liquid crystalline elastomers (BLCEs), two orthogonal directions, rather than the one of normal uniaxial nematic, can be controlled, greatly enhancing their potential value for applications as novel actuators. Two versions of a side-chain BLCEs were characterized: side­-on and end­-on. Many tests have been carried out on both types of LCE, the main features detected being the lack of a significant dynamical behaviour, together with a strong permanent alignment along the principal director, and the confirmation of the transition temperatures already determined by DSC measurements. The end­-on sample demonstrates a less hindered rotation of the side group mesogenic units and a greater freedom of alignment to the magnetic field, as already shown by previous NMR studies. Biaxial nematic ESR static spectra were also obtained on the basis of Molecular Dynamics generated biaxial configurations, to be compared to the experimentally determined ones, as a mean to establish a possible relation between biaxiality and the spectral features. This provides a concrete example of the advantages of combining the computer simulation and spectroscopic approaches. Finally, the dimer α,ω-bis(4'-cyanobiphenyl-4-yl)undecane (11BCB), synthesized in the "quest" for the biaxial nematic phase has been analysed. Its importance lies in the dimer significance as building blocks in the development of new materials to be employed in innovative technological applications, such as faster switching displays, resorting to the easier aligning ability of the secondary director in biaxial phases. A preliminary series of tests were performed revealing the population of mesogenic molecules as divided into two groups: one of elongated straightened conformers sharing a common director, and one of bent molecules, which display no order, being equally distributed in the three dimensions. Employing this model, the calculated values show a consistent trend, confirming at the same time the transition temperatures indicated by the DSC measurements, together with rotational diffusion tensor values that follow closely those of the constituting monomer 5CB.


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The research has included the efforts in designing, assembling and structurally and functionally characterizing supramolecular biofunctional architectures for optical biosensing applications. In the first part of the study, a class of interfaces based on the biotin-NeutrAvidin binding matrix for the quantitative control of enzyme surface coverage and activity was developed. Genetically modified ß-lactamase was chosen as a model enzyme and attached to five different types of NeutrAvidin-functionalized chip surfaces through a biotinylated spacer. All matrices are suitable for achieving a controlled enzyme surface density. Data obtained by SPR are in excellent agreement with those derived from optical waveguide measurements. Among the various protein-binding strategies investigated in this study, it was found that stiffness and order between alkanethiol-based SAMs and PEGylated surfaces are very important. Matrix D based on a Nb2O5 coating showed a satisfactory regeneration possibility. The surface-immobilized enzymes were found to be stable and sufficiently active enough for a catalytic activity assay. Many factors, such as the steric crowding effect of surface-attached enzymes, the electrostatic interaction between the negatively charged substrate (Nitrocefin) and the polycationic PLL-g-PEG/PEG-Biotin polymer, mass transport effect, and enzyme orientation, are shown to influence the kinetic parameters of catalytic analysis. Furthermore, a home-built Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectrometer of SPR and a commercial miniature Fiber Optic Absorbance Spectrometer (FOAS), served as a combination set-up for affinity and catalytic biosensor, respectively. The parallel measurements offer the opportunity of on-line activity detection of surface attached enzymes. The immobilized enzyme does not have to be in contact with the catalytic biosensor. The SPR chip can easily be cleaned and used for recycling. Additionally, with regard to the application of FOAS, the integrated SPR technique allows for the quantitative control of the surface density of the enzyme, which is highly relevant for the enzymatic activity. Finally, the miniaturized portable FOAS devices can easily be combined as an add-on device with many other in situ interfacial detection techniques, such as optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS), the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) measurements, or impedance spectroscopy (IS). Surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) allows for an absolute determination of intrinsic rate constants describing the true parameters that control interfacial hybridization. Thus it also allows for a study of the difference of the surface coupling influences between OMCVD gold particles and planar metal films presented in the second part. The multilayer growth process was found to proceed similarly to the way it occurs on planar metal substrates. In contrast to planar bulk metal surfaces, metal colloids exhibit a narrow UV-vis absorption band. This absorption band is observed if the incident photon frequency is resonant with the collective oscillation of the conduction electrons and is known as the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). LSPR excitation results in extremely large molar extinction coefficients, which are due to a combination of both absorption and scattering. When considering metal-enhanced fluorescence we expect the absorption to cause quenching and the scattering to cause enhancement. Our further study will focus on the developing of a detection platform with larger gold particles, which will display a dominant scattering component and enhance the fluorescence signal. Furthermore, the results of sequence-specific detection of DNA hybridization based on OMCVD gold particles provide an excellent application potential for this kind of cheap, simple, and mild preparation protocol applied in this gold fabrication method. In the final chapter, SPFS was used for the in-depth characterizations of the conformational changes of commercial carboxymethyl dextran (CMD) substrate induced by pH and ionic strength variations were studied using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. The pH response of CMD is due to the changes in the electrostatics of the system between its protonated and deprotonated forms, while the ionic strength response is attributed from the charge screening effect of the cations that shield the charge of the carboxyl groups and prevent an efficient electrostatic repulsion. Additional studies were performed using SPFS with the aim of fluorophore labeling the carboxymethyl groups. CMD matrices showed typical pH and ionic strength responses, such as high pH and low ionic strength swelling. Furthermore, the effects of the surface charge and the crosslink density of the CMD matrix on the extent of stimuli responses were investigated. The swelling/collapse ratio decreased with decreasing surface concentration of the carboxyl groups and increasing crosslink density. The study of the CMD responses to external and internal variables will provide valuable background information for practical applications.


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Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war die Untersuchung der Liefergebiete und Ablagerungsräume sedimentärer Gesteine aus ausgewählten Gebieten der inneren Helleniden Griechenlands. Die untersuchten Sedimente Nordgriechenlands gehören zu den Pirgadikia und Vertiskos Einheiten des Serbo-Makedonische Massifs, zu den Examili, Melissochori und Prinochori Formationen der östlichen Vardar Zone und zur Makri Einheit und Melia Formation des östlichen Zirkum-Rhodope-Gürtels in Thrakien. In der östlichen Ägäis lag der Schwerpunkt bei den Sedimenten der Insel Chios. Der Metamorphosegrad der untersuchten Gesteine variiert von der untersten Grünschieferfazies bis hin zur Amphibolitfazies. Das stratigraphische Alter reicht vom Ordovizium bis zur Kreide. Zur Charakterisierung der Gesteine und ihrer Liefgebiete wurden Haupt- und Spurenelementgehalte der Gesamtgesteine bestimmt, mineralchemische Analysen durchgeführt und detritische Zirkone mit U–Pb datiert. An ausgewählten Proben wurden außerdem biostratigraphische Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung des Sedimentationsalters durchgeführt. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse dieser Arbeit sind von großer Bedeutung für paläogeographische Rekonstruktionen der Tethys. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: Die ältesten Sedimente Nordgriechenlands gehören zur Pirgadikia Einheit des Serbo-Makedonischen Massifs. Es sind sehr reife, quarzreiche, siliziklastische Metasedimente, die auf Grund ihrer Maturität und ihrer detritischen Zirkone mit ordovizischen overlap-Sequenzen vom Nordrand Gondwanas korreliert werden können. Die Metasedimente der Vertiskos Einheit besitzen ein ähnliches stratigraphisches Alter, haben aber einen anderen Ablagerungsraum. Das Altersspektrum detritischer Zirkone lässt auf ein Liefergebiet im Raum NW Afrikas (Hun Superterrane) schließen. Die Gesteinsassoziation der Vertiskos Einheit wird als Teil einer aktiven Kontinentalrandabfolge gesehen. Die ältesten biostratigraphisch datierten Sedimente Griechenlands sind silurische bis karbonische Olistolithe aus einer spätpaläozoischen Turbidit-Olistostrom Einheit auf der Insel Chios. Die Alter detritischer Zirkone und die Liefergebietsanalyse der fossilführenden Olistolithe lassen den Schluss zu, dass die klastischen Sedimente von Chios Material vom Sakarya Mikrokontinent in der West-Türkei und faziellen Äquivalenten zu paläozoischen Gesteinen der Istanbul Zone in der Nord-Türkei und der Balkan Region erhalten haben. Während der Permotrias wurde die Examili Formation der östlichen Vardar Zone in einem intrakontinentalen, sedimentären Becken, nahe der Vertiskos Einheit abgelagert. Untergeordnet wurde auch karbonisches Grundgebirgsmaterial eingetragen. Im frühen bis mittleren Jura wurde die Melissochori Formation der östlichen Vardar Zone am Abhang eines karbonatführenden Kontinentalrandes abgelagert. Der Großteil des detritischen Materials kam von permokarbonischem Grundgebirge vulkanischen Ursprungs, vermutlich von der Pelagonischen Zone und/oder der unteren tektonischen Einheit des Rhodope Massifs. Die Makri Einheit in Thrakien besitzt vermutlich ein ähnliches Alter wie die Melissochori Formation. Beide sedimentären Abfolgen ähneln sich sehr. Der Großteil des detritischen Materials für die Makri Einheit kam vom Grundgebirge der Pelagonischen Zone oder äquivalenten Gesteinen. Während der frühen Kreide wurde die Prinochori Formation der östlichen Vardar Zone im Vorfeld eines heterogenen Deckenstapels abgelagert, der ophiolitisches Material sowie Grundgebirge ähnlich zu dem der Vertiskos Einheit enthielt. Ebenfalls während der Kreidezeit wurde in Thrakien, vermutlich im Vorfeld eines metamorphen Deckenstapels mit Affinitäten zum Grundgebirge der Rhodopen die Melia Formation abgelagert. Zusammenfassend kann festgehalten werden, dass die Subduktion eines Teiles der Paläotethys und die anschließende Akkretion vom Nordrand Gondwanas stammender Mikrokontinente (Terranes) nahe dem südlichen aktiven Kontinentalrand Eurasiens den geodynamischen Rahmen für die Schüttung des detritischen Materials der Sedimente der inneren Helleniden im späten Paläozoikum bildeten. Die darauf folgenden frühmesozoischen Riftprozesse leiteten die Bildung von Ozeanbecken der Neotethys ein. Intraozeanische Subduktion und die Obduzierung von Ophioliten prägten die Zeit des Jura. Die spätjurassische und frühkretazische tektonische Phase wurde durch die Ablagerung von mittelkretazischen Kalksteinen besiegelt. Die endgültige Schließung von Ozeanbecken der Neotethys im Bereich der inneren Helleniden erfolgte schließlich in der späten Kreide und im Tertiär.


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Our research asked the following main questions: how the characteristics of professionals service firms allow them to successfully innovate in exploiting through exploring by combining internal and external factors of innovation and how these ambidextrous organisations perceive these factors; and how do successful innovators in professional service firms use corporate entrepreneurship models in their new service development processes? With a goal to shed light on innovation in professional knowledge intensive business service firms’ (PKIBS), we concluded a qualitative analysis of ten globally acting law firms, providing business legal services. We analyse the internal and factors of innovation that are critical for PKIBS’ innovation. We suggest how these firms become ambidextrous in changing environment. Our findings show that this kind of firms has particular type of ambidexterity due to their specific characteristics. As PKIBS are very dependant on its human capital, governance structure, and the high expectations of their clients, their ambidexterity is structural, but also contextual at the same time. In addition, we suggest 3 types of corporate entrepreneurship models that international PKIBS use to enhance innovation in turbulent environments. We looked at how law firms going through turbulent environments were using corporate entrepreneurship activities as a part of their strategies to be more innovative. Using visual mapping methodology, we developed three types of innovation patterns in the law firms. We suggest that corporate entrepreneurship models depend on successful application of mainly three elements: who participates in corporate entrepreneurship initiatives; what are the formal processes that enhances these initiatives; and what are the policies applied to this type of behaviour.


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Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), a viral infection of the central nervous system, is endemic in many Eurasian countries. In Switzerland, TBE risk areas have been characterized by geographic mapping of clinical cases. Since mass vaccination should significantly decrease the number of TBE cases, alternative methods for exposure risk assessment are required. We established a new PCR-based test for the detection of TBE virus (TBEV) in ticks. The protocol involves an automated, high-throughput nucleic acid extraction method (QIAsymphony SP system) and a one-step duplex real-time reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) assay for the detection of European subtype TBEV, including an internal process control. High usability, reproducibility, and equivalent performance for virus concentrations down to 5 x 10(3) viral genome equivalents/microl favor the automated protocol compared to the modified guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction procedure. The real-time RT-PCR allows fast, sensitive (limit of detection, 10 RNA copies/microl), and specific (no false-positive test results for other TBEV subtypes, other flaviviruses, or other tick-transmitted pathogens) detection of European subtype TBEV. The new detection method was applied in a national surveillance study, in which 62,343 Ixodes ricinus ticks were screened for the presence of TBE virus. A total of 38 foci of endemicity could be identified, with a mean virus prevalence of 0.46%. The foci do not fully agree with those defined by disease mapping. Therefore, the proposed molecular test procedure constitutes a prerequisite for an appropriate TBE surveillance. Our data are a unique complement of human TBE disease case mapping in Switzerland.


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The ONATRACOM was established by the law number 08/2007 of 03/02/2007 determining the responsibilities, organization and functioning of Rwanda Public Transport Authority with function of promoting public transportation between Rwanda and other countries; participating in the implementation of the public transportation policy of Ministry in charge of transportation; perform any other activity that is directly or indirectly related to its objectives; and establish relations and collaborate with other regional and international agencies with similar attributions. In the recent days many public institutions have been listed by general auditor for being mismanaged and are on the course of deficit. This study aimed at examining internal audit growth of public institutions, case study of ONATRACOM – Rwanda. This research was conducted as a case study using ONATRACOM in NYARUGENGE District. The study was built at four specific objectives which are to determine if internal audit lead to the business growth of ONATRACOM, to find out if achieving internal audit increases the net profit and sales of ONATRACOM, to explore if there is internal sources of funds for pursuing growth opportunities in ONATRACOM, to assess whether ONATRACOM is able to obtain external sources of funds for pursuing growth opportunities as a result of internal audit impact or not. The findings were got from 27 respondents as the sample from the total target population of 96. Questionnaire was used as the technique to obtain primary data, while secondary data were obtained through examining the existing literature about the study. Chapter four presents the finding in form of descriptive statistical tables starting with the profile of the respondent and findings in line with the research objectives, It was found out that ONATRACOM was failure in its services because it was not achieve its targeted objectives and in this company, the internal audit was not effective in order to make performance of that company.


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Background and Purpose—To compare potential risk factors, clinical symptoms, diagnostic delay, and 3-month outcome between spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection (sICAD) and spontaneous vertebral artery dissection (sVAD). Methods—We compared patients with sICAD (n=668) and sVAD (n=302) treated in 3 university hospitals. Results—Patients with sICAD were older (46.3±9.6 versus 42.0±10.2 years; P<0.001), more often men (62.7% versus 53.0%; P=0.004), and presented more frequently with tinnitus (10.9% versus 3.4%; P<0.001) and more severe ischemic strokes (median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, 10±7.1 versus 5±5.9; P<0.001). Patients with sVAD had more often bilateral dissections (15.2% versus 7.6%; P<0.001) and were more often smokers (36.0% versus 28.7%; P=0.007). Thunderclap headache (9.2% versus 3.6%; P=0.001) and neck pain were more common (65.8% versus 33.5%; P<0.001) in sVAD. Subarachnoid hemorrhage (6.0% versus 0.6%; P<0.001) and ischemic stroke (69.5% versus 52.2%; P<0.001) were more frequent in sVAD. After multivariate analysis, sex difference lost its significance (P=0.21), and all other variables remained significant. Time to diagnosis was similar in sICAD and sVAD and improved between 2001 and 2012 compared with the previous 10-year period (8.0±10.5 days versus 10.7±13.2 days; P=0.004). In sVAD, favorable outcome 3 months after ischemic stroke (modified Rankin Scale, 0–2: 88.8% versus 58.4%; P<0.001), recurrent transient ischemic attack (4.8% versus 1.1%; P=0.001), and recurrent ischemic stroke (2.8% versus 0.7%; P=0.02) within 3 months were more frequent. Conclusions—sICAD and sVAD patients differ in many aspects. Future studies should perform separate analyses of these 2 entities.


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The rapid development of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) led to the introduction and establishment in postmortem investigations. The objectives of this preliminary study were to describe the imaging appearances of the early postmortem changes of blood after cessation of the circulation, such as sedimentation, postmortem clotting, and internal livores, and to give a few first suggestions on how to differentiate them from other forensic findings. In the Virtopsy project, 95 human corpses underwent postmortem imaging by CT and MRI prior to traditional autopsy and therefore 44 cases have been investigated in this study. Postmortem alterations as well as the forensic relevant findings of the blood, such as internal or subcutaneous bleedings, are presented on the basis of their imaging appearances in multislice CT and MRI.


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PRINCIPLES: Coeliac disease (gluten sensitive enteropathy) is a genetically determined disorder with an incidence in the general population that is comparable to type 2 diabetes mellitus. Awareness of this fact and of the often atypical and oligosymptomatic manifestations is only now gaining ground in the medical profession. A high index of suspicion is important in order to minimise diagnostic and therapeutic delay. METHODS: Testing patterns and follow-up for coeliac disease in our institution have been analysed retrospectively for the past five years. The current literature was reviewed with respect to recommendations for clinical practice. RESULTS: A total of 271 patients were tested for coeliac disease over a period of five years. Only in 24 patients were positive results found; after further work-up, the final number of cases with certain or presumed coeliac disease was four. Followup was often difficult, many patients being lost after a single visit. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the number of tests ordered in our institution, more often for abdominal than atypical symptoms, has started to increase in the past two years. It also showed that screening tests have found their place in general clinical practice, while the final choice of tests needs to be determined in accordance with available guidelines and local resources. Upper endoscopy with small bowel biopsy remains the gold standard for diagnosis, but its place in follow-up is less certain. Coeliac disease is a disorder for which there is a definite treatment (gluten free diet); if it is left untreated diminished quality of life and potentially serious complications may ensue. Further education of the medical profession regarding coeliac disease, its incidence, presentation and treatment, is clearly indicated..


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate relapse and its causes in bilateral sagittal split setback osteotomy with rigid internal fixation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Literature research was done in databases such as PubMed, Ovid, the Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar Beta. From the original 488 articles identified, 14 articles were finally included. Only 5 studies were prospective and 9 retrospective. The range of postoperative study records was from 6 weeks to 12.7 years. RESULTS: The horizontal short-term relapse was between 9.9% and 62.1% at point B and between 15.7% and 91.3% at pogonion. Long-term relapse was between 14.9% and 28.0% at point B and between 11.5% and 25.4% at pogonion. CONCLUSIONS: Neither large increase nor decrease of relapse was seen when short-term values were compared with long-term. Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy for mandibular setback in combination with orthodontics is an effective treatment of skeletal Class III and a stable procedure in the short- and long-term. The etiology of relapse is multifactorial: the proper seating of the condyles, the amount of setback, the soft tissue and muscles, remaining growth and remodeling, and gender were identified. Age did not show any correlations. To obtain reliable scientific evidence, further short- and long-term research of bilateral sagittal split osteotomy setback with rigid internal fixation should exclude additional surgery, ie, genioplasty or maxillary surgery, and include correlation statistics.


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Transformers are very important elements of any power system. Unfortunately, they are subjected to through-faults and abnormal operating conditions which can affect not only the transformer itself but also other equipment connected to the transformer. Thus, it is essential to provide sufficient protection for transformers as well as the best possible selectivity and sensitivity of the protection. Nowadays microprocessor-based relays are widely used to protect power equipment. Current differential and voltage protection strategies are used in transformer protection applications and provide fast and sensitive multi-level protection and monitoring. The elements responsible for detecting turn-to-turn and turn-to-ground faults are the negative-sequence percentage differential element and restricted earth-fault (REF) element, respectively. During severe internal faults current transformers can saturate and slow down the speed of relay operation which affects the degree of equipment damage. The scope of this work is to develop a modeling methodology to perform simulations and laboratory tests for internal faults such as turn-to-turn and turn-to-ground for two step-down power transformers with capacity ratings of 11.2 MVA and 290 MVA. The simulated current waveforms are injected to a microprocessor relay to check its sensitivity for these internal faults. Saturation of current transformers is also studied in this work. All simulations are performed with the Alternative Transients Program (ATP) utilizing the internal fault model for three-phase two-winding transformers. The tested microprocessor relay is the SEL-487E current differential and voltage protection relay. The results showed that the ATP internal fault model can be used for testing microprocessor relays for any percentage of turns involved in an internal fault. An interesting observation from the experiments was that the SEL-487E relay is more sensitive to turn-to-turn faults than advertized for the transformers studied. The sensitivity of the restricted earth-fault element was confirmed. CT saturation cases showed that low accuracy CTs can be saturated with a high percentage of turn-to-turn faults, where the CT burden will affect the extent of saturation. Recommendations for future work include more accurate simulation of internal faults, transformer energization inrush, and other scenarios involving core saturation, using the newest version of the internal fault model. The SEL-487E relay or other microprocessor relays should again be tested for performance. Also, application of a grounding bank to the delta-connected side of a transformer will increase the zone of protection and relay performance can be tested for internal ground faults on both sides of a transformer.


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This doctoral thesis presents the computational work and synthesis with experiments for internal (tube and channel geometries) as well as external (flow of a pure vapor over a horizontal plate) condensing flows. The computational work obtains accurate numerical simulations of the full two dimensional governing equations for steady and unsteady condensing flows in gravity/0g environments. This doctoral work investigates flow features, flow regimes, attainability issues, stability issues, and responses to boundary fluctuations for condensing flows in different flow situations. This research finds new features of unsteady solutions of condensing flows; reveals interesting differences in gravity and shear driven situations; and discovers novel boundary condition sensitivities of shear driven internal condensing flows. Synthesis of computational and experimental results presented here for gravity driven in-tube flows lays framework for the future two-phase component analysis in any thermal system. It is shown for both gravity and shear driven internal condensing flows that steady governing equations have unique solutions for given inlet pressure, given inlet vapor mass flow rate, and fixed cooling method for condensing surface. But unsteady equations of shear driven internal condensing flows can yield different “quasi-steady” solutions based on different specifications of exit pressure (equivalently exit mass flow rate) concurrent to the inlet pressure specification. This thesis presents a novel categorization of internal condensing flows based on their sensitivity to concurrently applied boundary (inlet and exit) conditions. The computational investigations of an external shear driven flow of vapor condensing over a horizontal plate show limits of applicability of the analytical solution. Simulations for this external condensing flow discuss its stability issues and throw light on flow regime transitions because of ever-present bottom wall vibrations. It is identified that laminar to turbulent transition for these flows can get affected by ever present bottom wall vibrations. Detailed investigations of dynamic stability analysis of this shear driven external condensing flow result in the introduction of a new variable, which characterizes the ratio of strength of the underlying stabilizing attractor to that of destabilizing vibrations. Besides development of CFD tools and computational algorithms, direct application of research done for this thesis is in effective prediction and design of two-phase components in thermal systems used in different applications. Some of the important internal condensing flow results about sensitivities to boundary fluctuations are also expected to be applicable to flow boiling phenomenon. Novel flow sensitivities discovered through this research, if employed effectively after system level analysis, will result in the development of better control strategies in ground and space based two-phase thermal systems.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate horizontal relapse and its causes in bilateral sagittal split advancement osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal fixation of different types. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A search of the literature was performed in the databases PubMed, Ovid, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar Beta. From 488 articles identified, 24 articles were finally included. Six studies were prospective, and 18 were retrospective. The range of postoperative study records was 6 months to 12.7 years. RESULTS: The short-term relapse for bicortical screws was between 1.5% and 32.7%, for miniplates between 1.5% and 18.0%, and for bioresorbable bicortical screws between 10.4% and 17.4%, at point B. The long-term relapse for bicortical screws was between 2.0% and 50.3%, and for miniplates between 1.5% and 8.9%, at point B. CONCLUSIONS: BSSO for mandibular advancement is a good treatment option for skeletal Class II, but seems less stable than BSSO setback in the short and long terms. Bicortical screws of titanium, stainless steel, or bioresorbable material show little difference regarding skeletal stability compared with miniplates in the short term. A greater number of studies with larger skeletal long-term relapse rates were evident in patients treated with bicortical screws instead of miniplates. The etiology of relapse is multifactorial, involving the proper seating of the condyles, the amount of advancement, the soft tissue and muscles, the mandibular plane angle, the remaining growth and remodeling, the skill of the surgeon, and preoperative age. Patients with a low mandibular plane angle have increased vertical relapse, whereas patients with a high mandibular plane angle have more horizontal relapse. Advancements in the range of 6 to 7 mm or more predispose to horizontal relapse. To obtain reliable scientific evidence, further short-term and long-term research into BSSO advancement with rigid internal fixation should exclude additional surgery, ie, genioplasty or maxillary surgery, and include a prospective study or randomized clinical trial design with correlation statistics.


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Intussusceptive angiogenesis is a novel mode of blood vessel formation and remodeling, which occurs by internal division of the preexisting capillary plexus without sprouting. In this study, the process is demonstrated in developing chicken eye vasculature and in the chorioallantoic membrane by methylmethacrylate (Mercox) casting, transmission electron microscopy, and in vivo observation. In a first step of intussusceptive angiogenesis, the capillary plexus expands by insertion of numerous transcapillary tissue pillars, ie, by intussusceptive microvascular growth. In a subsequent step, a vascular tree arises from the primitive capillary plexus as a result of intussusceptive pillar formation and pillar fusions, a process we termed "intussusceptive arborization." On the basis of the morphological observations, a 4-step model for intussusceptive arborization is proposed, as follows: phase I, numerous circular pillars are formed in rows, thus demarcating future vessels; phase II, formation of narrow tissue septa by pillar reshaping and pillar fusions; phase III, delineation, segregation, growth, and extraction of the new vascular entity by merging of septa; and phase IV, formation of new branching generations by successively repeating the process, complemented by growth and maturation of all components. In contrast to sprouting, intussusceptive angiogenesis does not require intense local endothelial cell proliferation; it is implemented primarily by rearrangement and attenuation of the endothelial cell plates. In summary, transcapillary pillar formation, ie, intussusception, is a central and probably widespread process, which plays a role not only in capillary network growth and expansion (intussusceptive microvascular growth), but also in vascular plexus remodeling and tree formation (intussusceptive arborization).


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This brief review focuses on health and biological function as cornerstones of fish welfare. From the function-based point of view, good welfare is reflected in the ability of the animal to cope with infectious and non-infectious stressors, thereby maintaining homeostasis and good health, whereas stressful husbandry conditions and protracted suffering will lead to the loss of the coping ability and, thus, to impaired health. In the first part of the review, the physiological processes through which stressful husbandry conditions modulate health of farmed fish are examined. If fish are subjected to unfavourable husbandry conditions, the resulting disruption of internal homeostasis necessitates energy-demanding physiological adjustments (allostasis/acclimation). The ensuing energy drain leads to trade-offs with other energy-demanding processes such as the functioning of the primary epithelial barriers (gut, skin, gills) and the immune system. Understanding of the relation between husbandry conditions, allostatic responses and fish health provides the basis for the second theme developed in this review, the potential use of biological function and health parameters as operational welfare indicators (OWIs). Advantages of function- and health-related parameters are that they are relatively straightforward to recognize and to measure and are routinely monitored in most aquaculture units, thereby providing feasible tools to assess fish welfare under practical farming conditions. As the efforts to improve fish welfare and environmental sustainability lead to increasingly diverse solutions, in particular integrated production, it is imperative that we have objective OWIs to compare with other production forms, such as high-density aquaculture. However, to receive the necessary acceptance for legislation, more robust scientific backing of the health- and function-related OWIs is urgently needed.