867 resultados para induction and professional development
Hagfish, often referred to as "slime eels", are familiar to most fishermen as pests that frequently devour fish caught by trap, hook, and gillnet. In the Republic of Korea (ROK or South Korea), however, hagfish are sought after as valuable fish not only for their edible flesh, but also for their skin, which is processed into leather used to make expensive purses, shoes, and other articles. In fact, because of a shortage of hagfish in the waters near the ROK, the leather industry there has started to import hagfish, first from Japan in the mid 1980's, then from the United States starting in 1988. This report describes the nascent fishery for Eptatretus stouti (Pacific hagfish) in California, and includes aspects of its life history. The hagfish industry in the ROK is also briefly described.
Spawning behavior and external features of the larval development were studied in the chitons Mopalia muscosa and M. lignosa during the months of April-June, 1974, at Pacific Grove, California. ... The sequence of events in the development of the two species in the same, though some differences in timing exist.
Heteropneustes fossilis was induced bred for the first time in the agro-climatic conditions of Maharashtra, India. The embryonic development was completed within 16-18h after fertilisation. Head and tail ends were distinguishable after 3h and 11-12 somites were visible after 6-7h. The eggs started hatching after 14h of incubation. Average hatching time was 16-18h at 26 degrees C. In first day old pro-larva, notochord was deflected upwards, eyes were darkly pigmented and alimentary canal appeared. In fourth day old post-larva intestinal coiling could be seen and yolk was absorbed. Aerial respiration started by 8th day. The 10 day old post-larva was free swimming and fed voraciously attaining a length of 20 mm in 30 days.
There are good possibilities for expanding the consumer sector in both the traditional and nontraditional marine products. Frozen shrimp continues to be the item of highest demand in foreign markets. Individual quick frozen (IQF) prawns which are indeed value added products and have already penetrated international markets elicit export incentive from development agencies like the Marine Products Export Development Authority. With the projected potential of 1.8 lakh tonnes of cephalopods against the current yield of 13,000 tonnes, there are good prospects of increasing exports of frozen squid and cuttlefish. The technology of packing fish in retortable pouches as an alternative to canning has now been perfected. Salted fish mince has good market potential in India and abroad.
Reproduction of Hydatina physis was studied in a population from Karachi, Pakistan, including mating and egg laying behavior, spawn characteristics and development.Individuals first appear in the field in October and remain until March. The spawning occurs from mid-November till mid-February with a peak in December. During this period the individuals were also observed pairing. In captivity, mating lasts for 30 minutes, second mating occurs two days later. Oviposition occurs in a very interesting and unusual manner. The mother turns "up-side-down" with its food fully expanded and the shell completely hidden underneath, the expanded foot serves as protective cover to the eggs. Eggs are deposited in a complexly folded mass with a short stem and an adhesive disc. Capsules, arranged in a single layer, contain 4-6 eggs each of wich is 70 um in diameter. Development is planktotrophic and veligers hatch after 14 days at a temperature of 26-28 degrees Celsius.
The magnitude and disposition of the inland prawn fisheries resources of the country have been described. The lack of adequate knowledge of the capture fisheries resources has been pointed out and the necessity for an organised survey of the resources and research to formulate measures for their proper management emphasised. The existing methods of prawn farming in the country have been described and the need for research for maximising yields from culture fisheries of prawn has been highlighted. Measures for immediate development of prawn fisheries of the country have also been discussed.
Pedro Bank is about 1,300 square miles in extent and lies at the mouth of the Palk Strait close to the mainland, enabling smaller boats to exploit it. Trawl surveys indicated the presence of substantial demersal varieties on the Pedro Bank, but the results of the early commercial operations indicate that a 135-foot trawler may not be operated continuously on the bank without diminishing returns. Subsequent to the commercial operations extensive surveys with smaller boats and various types of gear were carried out. Of the various types of gear tried out, results from bottom long lining and hand lining operations were promising. Trials were carried out to compare these two types of gear. Though not extensive, these trials indicated that at the initial stages of exploitation of the Bank, hand lining, which is extensively practiced in Ceylon, may be better but as exploitation progresses; with more experience, it should be possible to overcome some of the present disadvantages of bottom long lining and eventually bottom long lining should produce better results. The recently introduced mechanised craft are exploiting only the fringe of the bank and it should be possible to exploit its stocks fully with slightly bigger boats with a 35-40 mile range.
Following details of the marine fishery resources of Sri Lanka, prospects for fishery development with respect to the 200-mile Economic Zone are examined, outlining also the 5-year fisheries development plan (1979-83).
This study compared success of in-vitro maturation of rhesus monkey oocytes in protein-free versus serum-containing culture systems, assessed by embryo development subsequent to IVF. Four media were tested: (i) modified Connaught Medical Research Laborato
The Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment (IDBE) Masters program offers practicing professionals a structured process of interdisciplinary education and professional development. The course aims to equip all its students with the skills needed to meet these challenges. Most of those taking the course have demonstrated their abilities in their core disciplines and are moving to strategic and leadership roles for which they may well be under-prepared. The objectives of the course include giving students a strategic overview of the construction industry and of the production and management of built environment, as well as a critical perspective on the everyday knowledge and assumptions made in practice. The course also raises awareness of current research in the sector and its potential and limitations, and provides an introduction to professional ethics and the responsibilities owed by engineers and their colleagues to society as a whole.