524 resultados para implements


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Visual inputs to artificial and biological visual systems are often quantized: cameras accumulate photons from the visual world, and the brain receives action potentials from visual sensory neurons. Collecting more information quanta leads to a longer acquisition time and better performance. In many visual tasks, collecting a small number of quanta is sufficient to solve the task well. The ability to determine the right number of quanta is pivotal in situations where visual information is costly to obtain, such as photon-starved or time-critical environments. In these situations, conventional vision systems that always collect a fixed and large amount of information are infeasible. I develop a framework that judiciously determines the number of information quanta to observe based on the cost of observation and the requirement for accuracy. The framework implements the optimal speed versus accuracy tradeoff when two assumptions are met, namely that the task is fully specified probabilistically and constant over time. I also extend the framework to address scenarios that violate the assumptions. I deploy the framework to three recognition tasks: visual search (where both assumptions are satisfied), scotopic visual recognition (where the model is not specified), and visual discrimination with unknown stimulus onset (where the model is dynamic over time). Scotopic classification experiments suggest that the framework leads to dramatic improvement in photon-efficiency compared to conventional computer vision algorithms. Human psychophysics experiments confirmed that the framework provides a parsimonious and versatile explanation for human behavior under time pressure in both static and dynamic environments.


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Les métaheuristiques sont très utilisées dans le domaine de l'optimisation discrète. Elles permettent d’obtenir une solution de bonne qualité en un temps raisonnable, pour des problèmes qui sont de grande taille, complexes, et difficiles à résoudre. Souvent, les métaheuristiques ont beaucoup de paramètres que l’utilisateur doit ajuster manuellement pour un problème donné. L'objectif d'une métaheuristique adaptative est de permettre l'ajustement automatique de certains paramètres par la méthode, en se basant sur l’instance à résoudre. La métaheuristique adaptative, en utilisant les connaissances préalables dans la compréhension du problème, des notions de l'apprentissage machine et des domaines associés, crée une méthode plus générale et automatique pour résoudre des problèmes. L’optimisation globale des complexes miniers vise à établir les mouvements des matériaux dans les mines et les flux de traitement afin de maximiser la valeur économique du système. Souvent, en raison du grand nombre de variables entières dans le modèle, de la présence de contraintes complexes et de contraintes non-linéaires, il devient prohibitif de résoudre ces modèles en utilisant les optimiseurs disponibles dans l’industrie. Par conséquent, les métaheuristiques sont souvent utilisées pour l’optimisation de complexes miniers. Ce mémoire améliore un procédé de recuit simulé développé par Goodfellow & Dimitrakopoulos (2016) pour l’optimisation stochastique des complexes miniers stochastiques. La méthode développée par les auteurs nécessite beaucoup de paramètres pour fonctionner. Un de ceux-ci est de savoir comment la méthode de recuit simulé cherche dans le voisinage local de solutions. Ce mémoire implémente une méthode adaptative de recherche dans le voisinage pour améliorer la qualité d'une solution. Les résultats numériques montrent une augmentation jusqu'à 10% de la valeur de la fonction économique.


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In 2010, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) released a safety analysis software system known as SafetyAnalyst. SafetyAnalyst implements the empirical Bayes (EB) method, which requires the use of Safety Performance Functions (SPFs). The system is equipped with a set of national default SPFs, and the software calibrates the default SPFs to represent the agency’s safety performance. However, it is recommended that agencies generate agency-specific SPFs whenever possible. Many investigators support the view that the agency-specific SPFs represent the agency data better than the national default SPFs calibrated to agency data. Furthermore, it is believed that the crash trends in Florida are different from the states whose data were used to develop the national default SPFs. In this dissertation, Florida-specific SPFs were developed using the 2008 Roadway Characteristics Inventory (RCI) data and crash and traffic data from 2007-2010 for both total and fatal and injury (FI) crashes. The data were randomly divided into two sets, one for calibration (70% of the data) and another for validation (30% of the data). The negative binomial (NB) model was used to develop the Florida-specific SPFs for each of the subtypes of roadway segments, intersections and ramps, using the calibration data. Statistical goodness-of-fit tests were performed on the calibrated models, which were then validated using the validation data set. The results were compared in order to assess the transferability of the Florida-specific SPF models. The default SafetyAnalyst SPFs were calibrated to Florida data by adjusting the national default SPFs with local calibration factors. The performance of the Florida-specific SPFs and SafetyAnalyst default SPFs calibrated to Florida data were then compared using a number of methods, including visual plots and statistical goodness-of-fit tests. The plots of SPFs against the observed crash data were used to compare the prediction performance of the two models. Three goodness-of-fit tests, represented by the mean absolute deviance (MAD), the mean square prediction error (MSPE), and Freeman-Tukey R2 (R2FT), were also used for comparison in order to identify the better-fitting model. The results showed that Florida-specific SPFs yielded better prediction performance than the national default SPFs calibrated to Florida data. The performance of Florida-specific SPFs was further compared with that of the full SPFs, which include both traffic and geometric variables, in two major applications of SPFs, i.e., crash prediction and identification of high crash locations. The results showed that both SPF models yielded very similar performance in both applications. These empirical results support the use of the flow-only SPF models adopted in SafetyAnalyst, which require much less effort to develop compared to full SPFs.


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Decades of costly failures in translating drug candidates from preclinical disease models to human therapeutic use warrant reconsideration of the priority placed on animal models in biomedical research. Following an international workshop attended by experts from academia, government institutions, research funding bodies, and the corporate and nongovernmental organisation (NGO) sectors, in this consensus report, we analyse, as case studies, five disease areas with major unmet needs for new treatments. In view of the scientifically driven transition towards a human pathway-based paradigm in toxicology, a similar paradigm shift appears to be justified in biomedical research. There is a pressing need for an approach that strategically implements advanced, human biology-based models and tools to understand disease pathways at multiple biological scales. We present recommendations to help achieve this.


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The Dirichlet process mixture model (DPMM) is a ubiquitous, flexible Bayesian nonparametric statistical model. However, full probabilistic inference in this model is analytically intractable, so that computationally intensive techniques such as Gibbs sampling are required. As a result, DPMM-based methods, which have considerable potential, are restricted to applications in which computational resources and time for inference is plentiful. For example, they would not be practical for digital signal processing on embedded hardware, where computational resources are at a serious premium. Here, we develop a simplified yet statistically rigorous approximate maximum a-posteriori (MAP) inference algorithm for DPMMs. This algorithm is as simple as DP-means clustering, solves the MAP problem as well as Gibbs sampling, while requiring only a fraction of the computational effort. (For freely available code that implements the MAP-DP algorithm for Gaussian mixtures see http://www.maxlittle.net/.) Unlike related small variance asymptotics (SVA), our method is non-degenerate and so inherits the “rich get richer” property of the Dirichlet process. It also retains a non-degenerate closed-form likelihood which enables out-of-sample calculations and the use of standard tools such as cross-validation. We illustrate the benefits of our algorithm on a range of examples and contrast it to variational, SVA and sampling approaches from both a computational complexity perspective as well as in terms of clustering performance. We demonstrate the wide applicabiity of our approach by presenting an approximate MAP inference method for the infinite hidden Markov model whose performance contrasts favorably with a recently proposed hybrid SVA approach. Similarly, we show how our algorithm can applied to a semiparametric mixed-effects regression model where the random effects distribution is modelled using an infinite mixture model, as used in longitudinal progression modelling in population health science. Finally, we propose directions for future research on approximate MAP inference in Bayesian nonparametrics.


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Les métaheuristiques sont très utilisées dans le domaine de l'optimisation discrète. Elles permettent d’obtenir une solution de bonne qualité en un temps raisonnable, pour des problèmes qui sont de grande taille, complexes, et difficiles à résoudre. Souvent, les métaheuristiques ont beaucoup de paramètres que l’utilisateur doit ajuster manuellement pour un problème donné. L'objectif d'une métaheuristique adaptative est de permettre l'ajustement automatique de certains paramètres par la méthode, en se basant sur l’instance à résoudre. La métaheuristique adaptative, en utilisant les connaissances préalables dans la compréhension du problème, des notions de l'apprentissage machine et des domaines associés, crée une méthode plus générale et automatique pour résoudre des problèmes. L’optimisation globale des complexes miniers vise à établir les mouvements des matériaux dans les mines et les flux de traitement afin de maximiser la valeur économique du système. Souvent, en raison du grand nombre de variables entières dans le modèle, de la présence de contraintes complexes et de contraintes non-linéaires, il devient prohibitif de résoudre ces modèles en utilisant les optimiseurs disponibles dans l’industrie. Par conséquent, les métaheuristiques sont souvent utilisées pour l’optimisation de complexes miniers. Ce mémoire améliore un procédé de recuit simulé développé par Goodfellow & Dimitrakopoulos (2016) pour l’optimisation stochastique des complexes miniers stochastiques. La méthode développée par les auteurs nécessite beaucoup de paramètres pour fonctionner. Un de ceux-ci est de savoir comment la méthode de recuit simulé cherche dans le voisinage local de solutions. Ce mémoire implémente une méthode adaptative de recherche dans le voisinage pour améliorer la qualité d'une solution. Les résultats numériques montrent une augmentation jusqu'à 10% de la valeur de la fonction économique.


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La década de los años 90 fue un periodo de grandes transformaciones a nivel económico, social y político en Colombia. Una de las transformaciones más significativas en el ámbito educativo tuvo que ver con la introducción en la escuela de una serie de prácticas destinadas a garantizar la formación democrática de los ciudadanos; todo esto con el propósito de consolidar en la sociedad una serie de hábitos, valores y prácticas acordes con el nuevo orden social instaurado y amparado por la Constitución Política de 1991. Pese a los esfuerzos legislativos y estatales por promover la democracia en el entorno escolar, las prácticas adelantadas en las instituciones educativas no han logrado responder efectivamente al objetivo de consolidar un ambiente democrático en la escuela y en la sociedad en general, razón por la cual, en este trabajo se realiza un análisis de la manera como una institución educativa en particular, asume y pone en marcha las propuestas democráticas formuladas legalmente, las tensiones suscitadas por la introducción de la propuesta democrática en la escuela, además de las conceptualizaciones sobre la democracia que dichas prácticas contribuyen a configurar y las cuales dan forma a los imaginarios, acciones y discursos cotidianos de estudiantes y docentes específicamente.


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In this paper it is proposed to obtain enhanced and more efficient parameters model from generalized five parameters (single diode) model of PV cells. The paper also introduces, describes and implements a seven parameter model for photovoltaic cell (PV cell) which includes two internal parameters and five external parameters. To obtain the model the mathematical equations and an equivalent circuit consisting of a photo generated current source, a series resistor, a shunt resistor and a diode is used. The fundamental equation of PV cell is used to analyse and best fit the observation data. Especially bisection iteration method is used to obtain the expected result and to understand the deviation of changes in different parameters situation at various conditions respectively. The produced model can be used of measuring and understanding the actions of photovoltaic cells for certain changes and parameters extraction. The effect is also studied with I-V and P-V characteristics of PV cells though it is a challenge to optimize the output with real time simulation. The working procedure is also discussed and an experiment presented to get the closure and insight about the produced model and to decide upon the model validity. At the end, we observed that the result of the simulation is very close to the produced model.


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Aunque ni la Directiva 85/374/CEE relativa a la aproximación de las disposiciones legales, reglamentarias y administrativas de los Estados Miembros en materia de responsabilidad por los daños causados por productos defectuosos, ni el Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2007, de 16 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios y otras leyes complementarias, que recoge dicha directiva en la actualidad en el sistema español, ni el d.p.r. 24 maggio 1988, nº 224, posteriormente introducido en el d. lgs 6 settembre 2005, nº 206, que hace lo mismo en el sistema italiano, establecen diferencias entre los distintos tipos de defectos que convierten a un producto en «defectuoso», la doctrina ha seguido diferenciando entre defectos de fabricación, defectos de información y defectos de diseño. La presente tesis intenta comprobar si tal clasificación es meramente académica, o si por el contrario, el que el defecto sea de un tipo o sea de otro implicará alguna especialidad en su tratamiento jurídico, y ello lo hace centrándose en los defectos de diseño, que han dado lugar a unos importantes desarrollos en la jurisprudencia norteamericana, y que. parecen estar asociados a los llamados «riesgos de desarrollo». Para ello se analiza la más reciente jurisprudencia norteamericana, italiana y española.


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Law students internationally suffer from a high level of psychological distress compared with the general and student populations, and anecdotal evidence suggests that students developing skills without adequate support experience significant stress and anxiety. This article considers an initiative at one Australian law school to develop a degree-wide structured online skills development programme as a means to both improve student skills acquisition and reduce student stress. The project implements, through the use of learning technology, the principles proposed by McKinney for making small changes to law school teaching, informed by self-efficacy theory, which can have powerful results.


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The coastal ocean is a complex environment with extremely dynamic processes that require a high-resolution and cross-scale modeling approach in which all hydrodynamic fields and scales are considered integral parts of the overall system. In the last decade, unstructured-grid models have been used to advance in seamless modeling between scales. On the other hand, the data assimilation methodologies to improve the unstructured-grid models in the coastal seas have been developed only recently and need significant advancements. Here, we link the unstructured-grid ocean modeling to the variational data assimilation methods. In particular, we show results from the modeling system SANIFS based on SHYFEM fully-baroclinic unstructured-grid model interfaced with OceanVar, a state-of-art variational data assimilation scheme adopted for several systems based on a structured grid. OceanVar implements a 3DVar DA scheme. The combination of three linear operators models the background error covariance matrix. The vertical part is represented using multivariate EOFs for temperature, salinity, and sea level anomaly. The horizontal part is assumed to be Gaussian isotropic and is modeled using a first-order recursive filter algorithm designed for structured and regular grids. Here we introduced a novel recursive filter algorithm for unstructured grids. A local hydrostatic adjustment scheme models the rapidly evolving part of the background error covariance. We designed two data assimilation experiments using SANIFS implementation interfaced with OceanVar over the period 2017-2018, one with only temperature and salinity assimilation by Argo profiles and the second also including sea level anomaly. The results showed a successful implementation of the approach and the added value of the assimilation for the active tracer fields. While looking at the broad basin, no significant improvements are highlighted for the sea level, requiring future investigations. Furthermore, a Machine Learning methodology based on an LSTM network has been used to predict the model SST increments.


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The weight-transfer effect, consisting of the change in dynamic load distribution between the front and the rear tractor axles, is one of the most impairing phenomena for the performance, comfort, and safety of agricultural operations. Excessive weight transfer from the front to the rear tractor axle can occur during operation or maneuvering of implements connected to the tractor through the three-point hitch (TPH). In this respect, an optimal design of the TPH can ensure better dynamic load distribution and ultimately improve operational performance, comfort, and safety. In this study, a computational design tool (The Optimizer) for the determination of a TPH geometry that minimizes the weight-transfer effect is developed. The Optimizer is based on a constrained minimization algorithm. The objective function to be minimized is related to the tractor front-to-rear axle load transfer during a simulated reference maneuver performed with a reference implement on a reference soil. Simulations are based on a 3-degrees-of-freedom (DOF) dynamic model of the tractor-TPH-implement aggregate. The inertial, elastic, and viscous parameters of the dynamic model were successfully determined through a parameter identification algorithm. The geometry determined by the Optimizer complies with the ISO-730 Standard functional requirements and other design requirements. The interaction between the soil and the implement during the simulated reference maneuver was successfully validated against experimental data. Simulation results show that the adopted reference maneuver is effective in triggering the weight-transfer effect, with the front axle load exhibiting a peak-to-peak value of 27.1 kN during the maneuver. A benchmark test was conducted starting from four geometries of a commercially available TPH. As result, all the configurations were optimized by above 10%. The Optimizer, after 36 iterations, was able to find an optimized TPH geometry which allows to reduce the weight-transfer effect by 14.9%.


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This coupled model combines two state-of-the-art numerical models, NEMO for the oceanic component and WRF for the atmospheric component and implements them at an appropriate resolution. The oceanic model has been implemented starting from the Mediterranean Forecasting System with a resolution of 1/24° and the domain was extended to exactly match the grid of a newly implemented atmospheric model for the same area. The uncoupled ocean model has been validated against SST observed data, both in the simulation of an extreme event and in the short-term forecast of two seasonal periods. A new setup of the model was successfully tested in which the downward radiative fluxes were prescribed from atmospheric forecasts. Various physical schemes, domain, boundary, and initial conditions were tested with the atmospheric model to obtain the best representation of medicane Ianos. The heat fluxes calculated by the uncoupled models were compared to determine which setup gave the best energy balance between the components of the coupled model. The coupling strategy used is the traditional one, where the ocean is driven by the surface stress, heat fluxes, and radiative fluxes computed in the atmospheric component, which in turn receives the SST and surface currents. As expected, the overall skills of the coupled model are slightly degraded compared to the uncoupled models, even though the positioning and timing of the cyclone at the time of the landfall is enhanced. The mean heat fluxes do not change compared to the uncoupled model, whereas the pattern of the shortwave radiation and latent heat is changed. Moreover, the two energy fluxes are larger in absolute values than those calculated with the MFS formulas. The fact that they have opposite signs give raise to a compensation error that limits the overall degradation of the coupled simulation.


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Nel quadro di alcuni filoni di ricerca inerenti alla promozione delle strategie cognitive, metacognitive e motivazionali degli studenti per una migliore efficacia del loro apprendimento (anche a livello universitario), il contributo presenta l’impianto e gli esiti di una ricerca empirica volta a indagare le percezioni degli studenti internazionali cinesi sulla loro esperienza universitaria in Italia, con un focus sulle eventuali difficoltà nell’adozione di un approccio autonomo e strategico all’apprendimento, e a sperimentare un intervento formativo messo a punto per sostenerli nel miglioramento del loro approccio all’apprendimento attraverso l’uso di procedure sistematiche di autoriflessione, self-recording e autovalutazione supportate dalla ricercatrice. Il disegno della ricerca è un quasi-esperimento a due gruppi con pre-test e post-test. Il campione è costituito da 60 studenti di diversi Dipartimenti dell’Università di Bologna che hanno partecipato volontariamente alla ricerca, di cui 30 hanno preso parte all’intervento. Gli strumenti utilizzati per la misurazione in ingresso e in uscita sono il Questionario sui Processi di Apprendimento e alcune scale del Questionario sulle Strategie di Apprendimento. Agli studenti del gruppo sperimentale è stato somministrato anche un questionario finale di valutazione del percorso formativo. Sono state inoltre effettuate alcune interviste a distanza di tempo come fase di follow up. Gli studenti in entrambi i gruppi affrontano sfide relative all’ambientamento nel contesto universitario italiano, con particolare riferimento a difficoltà linguistiche e di integrazione sociale. I principali fattori influenti sull’efficacia dello studio includono le barriere linguistiche, la gestione del tempo, la consapevolezza e l’uso delle strategie di studio. Nonostante emerga un miglioramento del gruppo sperimentale tra pre e post test, le differenze tra i due gruppi non sono risultate statisticamente significative. Tuttavia, i feedback forniti dagli studenti nel questionario di soddisfazione per il percorso formativo e nelle interviste post-intervento evidenziano percezioni positive sull’utilità del percorso, con benefici relativi al loro approccio allo studio.