1000 resultados para hurricane wind


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Social acceptance for wind turbines is variable, providing a challenge to the implementation of this energy source. Psychological research could contribute to the science of climate change. Here we focus on the emotional responses to the visual impact of wind turbines on the landscape, a factor which dominates attitudes towards this technology. Participants in the laboratory viewed images of turbines and other constructions (churches, pylons and power-plants) against rural scenes, and provided psychophysiological and self-report measures of their emotional reactions. We hypothesised that the emotional response to wind turbines would be more negative and intense than to control objects, and that this difference would be accentuated for turbine opponents. As predicted, the psychophysiological response to turbines was stronger than the response to churches, but did not differ from that of other industrial constructions. In contrast with predictions, turbines were rated as less aversive and more calming compared with other industrial constructions, and equivalent to churches. Supporters and non-supporters did not differ significantly from each other. We discuss how a methodology using photo manipulations and emotional self-assessments can help estimate the emotional reaction to the visual impact on the landscape at the planning stage for new wind turbine applications.


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Using the contingent valuation method, this study investigates the preferences of local people for a wind farm that is planned in the Province of Rome. We estimate the reductions in their bimonthly electrical bills over a period of time that respondents are willing to accept as compensation for the installation of the wind farm. Our results suggest that respondents who perceive that the wind farm generates substantial negative impacts on landscape beauty ask higher reductions than others, while respondents who believe that the wind farm produces economic benefits for local communities ask lower reductions than others. Finally, we find that the demand for compensative measures is influenced particularly by socio-economic factors such as age and education.


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In the reinsurance market, the risks natural catastrophes pose to portfolios of properties must be quantified, so that they can be priced, and insurance offered. The analysis of such risks at a portfolio level requires a simulation of up to 800 000 trials with an average of 1000 catastrophic events per trial. This is sufficient to capture risk for a global multi-peril reinsurance portfolio covering a range of perils including earthquake, hurricane, tornado, hail, severe thunderstorm, wind storm, storm surge and riverine flooding, and wildfire. Such simulations are both computation and data intensive, making the application of high-performance computing techniques desirable.

In this paper, we explore the design and implementation of portfolio risk analysis on both multi-core and many-core computing platforms. Given a portfolio of property catastrophe insurance treaties, key risk measures, such as probable maximum loss, are computed by taking both primary and secondary uncertainties into account. Primary uncertainty is associated with whether or not an event occurs in a simulated year, while secondary uncertainty captures the uncertainty in the level of loss due to the use of simplified physical models and limitations in the available data. A combination of fast lookup structures, multi-threading and careful hand tuning of numerical operations is required to achieve good performance. Experimental results are reported for multi-core processors and systems using NVIDIA graphics processing unit and Intel Phi many-core accelerators.


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Transonic tests in linear cascade wind tunnels can suffer
from significant test section boundary interference effects in pitch. A slotted tailboard has been designed and optimised with an in-house Euler numerical method to reduce such ef- fects. Wind tunnel measurements on an overspeed Mach 1.27 discharge from a Rolls-Royce T2 cascade, featuring strong end-wall shock-induced interference, showed a 77% reduction in the flow pitchwise periodicity error with the optimised tail- board, with respect to the baseline open-jet cascade flow. Two-dimensional Euler predictions were also cross-validated against a three-dimensional Reynolds averaged computation, to explore the three-dimensionality of the discharge


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Wind energy projects face increasing opposition from host communities throughout the western world. Governments have responded in a range of ways, including enhanced local control over consenting (England), reform of planning regulations (Australia) or community ownership (Denmark). However, there is no effective mechanism for monitoring levels of social acceptance and thus, no means of evaluating the effectiveness of these approaches. There have been attempts to understand how social framing of wind energy in the media (e.g. Van de Velde et al 2010, Barry and Ellis, 2008, Hindmarsh 2014), highlighting how this changes over time. However, no research has focussed on Ireland and critically, none have examined whether this can help monitor overall levels of social acceptance. In order to explore this, this paper will present a media analysis of wind energy in the Republic of Ireland, which witnessed a rapid increase in wind energy capacity and has the highest energy penetration of wind in the world (19%). However, this has been accompanied by increasing public opposition and (assumed) declining levels of social acceptance.

This paper will describe the results of analysing over 8000 articles on wind energy that have appeared in three Irish newspapers. These are assessed through historical-diachronic (over time) and comparative –synchronic (differences between newspapers) analyses (Carvalho 2007) to highlight changing trends in framing wind energy and changing concerns over wind energy in Ireland. The paper will consider whether such media analysis could form a tool for monitoring the trends in social acceptance of wind energy.


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(abreviated) We aim to study the inner-wind structure (R<250 Rstar) of the well-known red supergiant VY CMa. We analyse high spatial resolution (~0".24x0".13) ALMA Science Verification (SV) data in band 7 in which four thermal emission lines of gaseous sodium chloride (NaCl) are present at high signal-to-noise ratio. For the first time, the NaCl emission in the inner wind region of VY CMa is spatially resolved. The ALMA observations reveal the contribution of up to four different spatial regions. The NaCl emission pattern is different compared to the dust continuum and TiO2 emission already analysed from the ALMA SV data. The emission can be reconciled with an axisymmetric geometry, where the lower density polar/rotation axis has a position angle of ~50 degrees measured from north to east. However, this picture can not capture the full morphological diversity, and discrete mass ejection events need to be invoked to explain localized higher-density regions. The velocity traced by the gaseous NaCl line profiles is significantly lower than the average wind terminal velocity, and much slower than some of the fastest mass ejections, signalling a wide range of characteristic speeds for the mass loss. Gaseous NaCl is detected far beyond the main dust condensation region. Realising the refractory nature of this metal halide, this hints at a chemical process preventing all NaCl from condensing onto dust grains. We show that in the case of the ratio of the surface binding temperature to the grain temperature being ~50, only some 10% of NaCl remains in gaseous form, while for lower values of this ratio thermal desorption efficiently evaporates NaCl. Photodesorption by stellar photons seems not to be a viable explanation for the detection of gaseous NaCl at 220 Rstar from the central star, and instead, we propose shock-induced sputtering driven by localized mass ejection events as alternative.


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Esta tese apresenta um estudo sobre otimização económica de parques eólicos, com o objetivo de obter um algoritmo para otimização económica de parques eólicos através do custo da energia produzida. No estudo utilizou-se uma abordagem multidisciplinar. Inicialmente, apresentam-se as principais tecnologias e diferentes arquiteturas utilizadas nos parques eólicos. Bem como esquemas de funcionamento e gestão dos parques. São identificadas variáveis necessárias e apresenta-se um modelo dimensionamento para cálculo dos custos da energia produzida, tendo-se dado ênfase às instalações onshore e ligados a rede elétrica de distribuição. É feita uma análise rigorosa das características das topologias dos aerogeradores disponíveis no mercado, e simula-se o funcionamento de um parque eólico para testar a validade dos modelos desenvolvidos. Também é implementado um algoritmo para a obtenção de uma resposta otimizada para o ciclo de vida económico do parque eólico em estudo. A abordagem proposta envolve algoritmos para otimização do custo de produção com multiplas funções objetivas com base na descrição matemática da produção de eletricidade. Foram desenvolvidos modelos de otimização linear, que estabelece a ligação entre o custo económico e a produção de eletricidade, tendo em conta ainda as emissões de CO2 em instrumentos de política energética para energia eólica. São propostas expressões para o cálculo do custo de energia com variáveis não convencionais, nomeadamente, para a produção variável do parque eólico, fator de funcionamento e coeficiente de eficiência geral do sistema. Para as duas últimas, também é analisado o impacto da distribuição do vento predominante no sistema de conversão de energia eólica. Verifica-se que os resultados obtidos pelos algoritmos propostos são similares às obtidas por demais métodos numéricos já publicados na comunidade científica, e que o algoritmo de otimização económica sofre influência significativa dos valores obtidos dos coeficientes em questão. Finalmente, é demonstrado que o algoritmo proposto (LCOEwso) é útil para o dimensionamento e cálculo dos custos de capital e O&M dos parques eólicos com informação incompleta ou em fase de projeto. Nesse sentido, o contributo desta tese vem ser desenvolver uma ferramenta de apoio à tomada de decisão de um gestor, investidor ou ainda agente público em fomentar a implantação de um parque eólico.


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The high dependence of Portugal from foreign energy sources (mainly fossil fuels), together with the international commitments assumed by Portugal and the national strategy in terms of energy policy, as well as resources sustainability and climate change issues, inevitably force Portugal to invest in its energetic self-sufficiency. The 20/20/20 Strategy defined by the European Union defines that in 2020 60% of the total electricity consumption must come from renewable energy sources. Wind energy is currently a major source of electricity generation in Portugal, producing about 23% of the national total electricity consumption in 2013. The National Energy Strategy 2020 (ENE2020), which aims to ensure the national compliance of the European Strategy 20/20/20, states that about half of this 60% target will be provided by wind energy. This work aims to implement and optimise a numerical weather prediction model in the simulation and modelling of the wind energy resource in Portugal, both in offshore and onshore areas. The numerical model optimisation consisted in the determination of which initial and boundary conditions and planetary boundary layer physical parameterizations options provide wind power flux (or energy density), wind speed and direction simulations closest to in situ measured wind data. Specifically for offshore areas, it is also intended to evaluate if the numerical model, once optimised, is able to produce power flux, wind speed and direction simulations more consistent with in situ measured data than wind measurements collected by satellites. This work also aims to study and analyse possible impacts that anthropogenic climate changes may have on the future wind energetic resource in Europe. The results show that the ECMWF reanalysis ERA-Interim are those that, among all the forcing databases currently available to drive numerical weather prediction models, allow wind power flux, wind speed and direction simulations more consistent with in situ wind measurements. It was also found that the Pleim-Xiu and ACM2 planetary boundary layer parameterizations are the ones that showed the best performance in terms of wind power flux, wind speed and direction simulations. This model optimisation allowed a significant reduction of the wind power flux, wind speed and direction simulations errors and, specifically for offshore areas, wind power flux, wind speed and direction simulations more consistent with in situ wind measurements than data obtained from satellites, which is a very valuable and interesting achievement. This work also revealed that future anthropogenic climate changes can negatively impact future European wind energy resource, due to tendencies towards a reduction in future wind speeds especially by the end of the current century and under stronger radiative forcing conditions.


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Ecological studies that examine species-environment relationships are often limited to several meteorological parameters, i.e. mean air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, vapour pressure deficit and solar radiation. The impact of local wind, its speed and direction are less commonly investigated in aerobiological surveys mainly due to difficulties related to the employment of specific analytical tools and interpretation of their outputs. Identification of inoculum sources of economically important plant pathogens, as well as highly allergenic bioaerosols like Cladosporium species, has not been yet explored with remote sensing data and atmospheric models such as Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT). We, therefore, performed an analysis of 24 h intra-diurnal cycle of Cladosporium spp. spores from an urban site in connection with both the local wind direction and overall air mass direction computed by HYSPLIT. The observational method was a volumetric air sampler of the Hirst design with 1 h time resolution and corresponding optical detection of fungal spores with light microscopy. The atmospheric modelling was done using the on-line data set from GDAS with 1° resolution and circular statistical methods. Our results showed stronger, statistically significant correlation (p ≤ 0.05) between high Cladosporium spp. spore concentration and air mass direction compared to the local wind direction. This suggested that a large fraction of the investigated fungal spores had a regional origin and must be located more than a few kilometers away from the sampling point.


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Concert program for '24' Wind Ensemble, Campus Band, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, March 11, 2008


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Concert program for University Wind Sinfonietta, July 21, 1964


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Concert program for The University Wind Sinfonietta, February 18, 1966


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Concert program for The University Wind Sinfonietta, May 17, 1967