988 resultados para hematite ore


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O mercado de minério de ferro tem passado por um período de stress nos últimos meses. O arrefecimento dos investimentos chineses em infraestrutura resultou em perspectivas negativas para a demanda dessa commodity. Paralelamente, a entrada em operação de novos projetos com volume de produção relevante aumentou a oferta desse produto no mercado. Essa conjuntura de fatores resultou na queda do preço do minério de ferro no mercado mundial e em um cenário de retornos reduzidos para as mineradoras. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar a flexibilidade gerencial, disponível aos administradores de mineradoras operacionais, de suspender ou fechar o empreendimento dependendo do preço do minério de ferro. Essas decisões serão estudadas através da Teoria das Opções Reais, onde a opção de conversão será aplicada na situação de suspensão e reabertura da mina e a opção de abandono será aplicada na situação do seu fechamento. O processo estocástico a ser seguido pelo preço do minério de ferro será o Movimento Geométrico Browniano, implementado através de um Modelo Binomial conforme proposto por Cox, Ross e Rubinstein (1979). O resultado do trabalho comprova o valor das opções reais estudadas e indica que essas opções reais têm maior valor em cenários de stress, quando o preço do minério de ferro está desvalorizado.


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The mining industry is responsible for the generation of waste from their natural process of extraction. The mining impacts in urban areas are of special importance due to the high urban occupation, which are exacerbated due to the proximity of the mined areas and populated areas. Some solutions to wastedisposal have the potential to significantly reduce the environmental risks and liabilities, but represent higher costs in the stages of deployment and operation. The addition of mining waste as raw material in the development of commercial products reduces the environmental impacts, transforming the waste into a positive element in the generation of employment and income. This thesis studies the incorporation of waste iron ore in two clays, one from the ceramic industry of the City of Natal and the other from the ceramic industry of the Seridó Region, both in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Percentages of iron ore waste of 5%, 10% , 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% were used in the tested ceramic matrix. The two clays and the iron ore waste used as part of this investigation were characterized by X-ray diffraction tests, X-ray fluorescence tests, differential thermal analysis, thermogravimetric analysis and dilatometric analysis. The samples were sintered under temperatures of 850 °C, 950 °C and 1050°C at a heating rate of 5 °C/min with isotherms of two hours. The following tests were performed with the samples: linear shrinkage, water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent density, mass loss in fire and bending resistance in order to obtain their physical and mechanical properties. An amount of 5% of waste iron ore in the matrix clay at a temperature of 850 0C resulted in na increase of about 65% in the tensile strength of the clay samples from the Natal ceramic industry. A linear shrinkage of only 0.12% was observed for the samples, which indicates that the physical properties of the final product were not influenced by the addition of the waste


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Extractivism mineral is considered an activity highly degrading, due to the large volume of material that he moves in the form of ore and residues. The vast majority of mining companies do not show any technology or economically viable application that will allow the recycling of mineral residue, these being launched in areas receiving located the "open skies" degrade the environment. In Rio Grande do Norte to the production of ceramic red restricts their activities to the production of products such as: solid bricks, ceramic blocks, tiles, among others. Seeking to unite experiences and technical information that favor sustainable development, with important benefits to the construction sector and civil society in general, the present work studies the incorporation of the residue of scheelite in ceramic matrix kaolinitic, coming from the municipality of Boa Saúde - RN, in percentage of 5 %, 10 %, 20 %, 30% 40% and 50 %, by evaluating its microstructure, physical properties and formulation. The raw materials were characterized through the trials of X ray fluorescence, Diffraction of X rays, Differential Thermal Analysis and Termogravimetric Analysis. The samples were formed and fired at temperatures of 850o, 900o, 1000o, 1050o, 1100o, 1150o and 1200 oC, with isotherm of 1 hour and heating rate of 10 oC/min. Assays were performed technological of loss to fire, Water Absorption, Apparent Porosity, Apparent Density, Mass Loss in Fire and Bending Resistance; in addition to the Scanning Electron Microscopy, analyzing their physical and mechanical properties. The use of residue of scheelite in ceramic mass kaolinitic provided a final product with technological properties that meet the technical standards for the production of bricks and roofing tiles, with the percentage of 20% of waste that showed the best results


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A distribuição dos minerais da fração argila depende de condições pedoambientais específicas. O estudo das relações entre atributos desses minerais e locais específicos de sua ocorrência na paisagem torna-se importante para o entendimento das relações entre a mineralogia e os demais atributos do solo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os atributos cristalográficos, as razões Gt/(Gt+Hm) e Ct/(Ct+Gb) dos minerais da fração argila (hematita, goethita, caulinita e gibbsita) e o padrão de distribuição espacial destes em um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar há mais de 30 anos, com colheita no sistema cana crua. As amostras de solo foram coletadas nos pontos de cruzamento de uma malha, georreferenciados, com intervalos regulares de 10 m, e dimensão de 100 x 100 m, na profundidade de 0,2-0,4 m, totalizando 119 pontos, em uma área de 1 ha. As amostras de solos foram analisadas quimicamente. Posteriormente, a fração argila foi submetida à difração de raios X. Foram feitas as análises estatísticas e geoestatísticas dos atributos cristalográficos dos minerais analisados. Mapas de krigagem foram realizados para a visualização da variabilidade espacial dos atributos. Todos os atributos estudados apresentaram dependência espacial, e os atributos mineralógicos apresentaram-se relacionados com variações das formas do relevo. A gibbsita apresentou o maior diâmetro médio do cristal (DMC) entre os minerais da fração argila estudados, e a goethita foi o mineral que apresentou a maior variação do DMC e da largura à meia altura. Os maiores valores do DMC da goethita, hematita e gibbsita foram encontrados no compartimento II, caracterizado por uma área côncavo-convexa.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Different surface land form expressed by the relief can cause variations in soil properties in different magnitudes, depending mainly on a specific location in the landscape. Therefore, the objective of this study was to make the mineralogical characterization of Oxisols in different relief forms in the region of Jaboticabal, SP. Three trenches were opened in the convex, linear and concave landforms, done morphological description of the soil horizons and collected soil samples for physical, chemical and mineralogical characterization. It was found that the oxidic mineralogy is dependent on the type of landform, with the dominance of goethite on the concave landform and hematite on the linear landform. The desferrific clay minerals exhibited dominance of gibbsite in the concave, compared to convex and linear landforms that were dominated by the kaolinitic mineralogy.


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In this study we used the plasma as a source of energy in the process of carbothermic reduction of rutile ore (TiO2). The rutile and graphite powders were milled for 15 h and placed in a hollow cathode discharge produced by in order to obtain titanium carbonitride directly from the reaction, was verified the influence of processing parameters of plasma temperature and time in the synthesis of TiCN. The reaction was carried out at 600, 700 and 800˚C for 3 to 4 hours in an atmosphere of nitrogen and argon. During all reactions was monitored by plasma technique of optical emission spectroscopy (EEO) to check the active species present in the process of carbothermal reduction of TiO2. The powder obtained after the reactions were characterized by the techniques of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The technique of EEO were detected in all reactions the spectra CO and NO, and these gas-phase resulting from the reduction of TiO2. The results of X-ray diffraction confirmed the reduction, where for all conditions studied there was evidence of early reduction of TiO2 through the emergence of intermediate oxides. In the samples reduced at 600 and 700˚C, there was only the phase Ti6O11, those reduced to 800˚C appeared Ti5O9 phases, and Ti6O11 Ti7O13, confirming that the carbothermal reduction in plasma, a reduction of the ore rutile (TiO2) in a series of intermediate titanium oxide (TinO2n-1) where n varies between 5 and 10


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All around the world, naturally occurring hydrocarbon deposits, consisting of oil and gas contained within rocks called reservoir rocks , generally sandstone or carbonate exists. These deposits are in varying conditions of pressure and depth from a few hundred to several thousand meters. In general, shallow reservoirs have greater tendency to fracture, since they have low fracture gradient, ie fractures are formed even with relatively low hydrostatic columns of fluid. These low fracture gradient areas are particularly common in onshore areas, like the Rio Grande do Norte basin. During a well drilling, one of the most favorable phases for the occurrence of fractures is during cementing, since the cement slurry used can have greater densities than the maximum allowed by the rock structure. Furthermore, in areas which are already naturally fractured, the use of regular cement slurries causes fluid loss into the formation, which may give rise to failures cementations and formation damages. Commercially, there are alternatives to the development of lightweight cement slurries, but these fail either because of their enormous cost, or because the cement properties were not good enough for most general applications, being restricted to each transaction for which the cement paste was made, or both reasons. In this work a statistical design was made to determine the influence of three variables, defined as the calcium chloride concentration, vermiculite concentration and nanosilica concentration in the various properties of the cement. The use of vermiculite, a low density ore present in large amounts in northeastern Brazil, as extensor for cementing slurries, enabled the production of stable cements, with high water/cement ratio, excellent rheological properties and low densities, which were set at 12.5 lb / gal, despite the fact that lower densities could be achieved. It is also seen that the calcium chloride is very useful as gelling and thickening agent, and their use in combination with nanosilica has a great effect on gel strength of the cement. Hydrothermal Stability studies showed that the pastes were stable in these conditions, and mechanical resistance tests showed values of the order of up to 10 MPa


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An archeological artifact can be seen as a chronological element, which helps to determine the age of certain society and to understand the thinking, values and the way of life of this society. Thus, the classification of archeological artifacts is one of the approaches used to study the cultural system of antique societies trying to reconstruct their history. The "Centro de Museologia, Antropologia e Argueologia (CEMAARQ)" of the "Unesp Univ Estadual Paulista" in Presidente Prudente, São Paulo state, Brazil, develops projects within this context (identification and preservation). This is the case of the archeological site named "Lagoa São Paulo-02" discovered in 1993 at the margins of the Parana river in the region of Presidente Epitacio city, São Paulo state, Brazil. This site has ceramic fragments of different shapes and sizes that have a strong influence of traces of the Guarani culture, which is one of the Brazilian native populations. These samples were basically characterized via micro-Raman scattering and Fourier transform infrared absorption (FTIR) spectroscopies. The main objective was to identify the pigments used in the manufacture of the ceramic artifacts and to analyze the composition of the ceramic body to understand how the artifacts were made. Three pigments were found: red, black and white. For the red pigment were identified characteristic bands of hematite, an iron oxide found in the red rocks of the river banks that were eroded by water. The black pigment, probably, is due to the use of vegetal charcoal, which is found in nature as the product of burning organic material such as wood. For the white pigment, the FTIR spectra suggested the use of kaolin, either in the ceramic body or in the proper white pigment, due to the presence of the characteristic bands of the kaolinite. Complementary, the additives applied as anti-plastics were identified as charcoal and quartz, being the latter found in the rocks present in the archeological site. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It was synthesized different Ni1-xMgxFe2O4 (0,2 ≤ x ≤ 0,7) compositions by use of citrate precursor method. Initially, the precursory citrates of iron, nickel and magnesium were mixed and homogenized. The stoichiometric compositions were calcined from 350°C to 1200°C at ambient atmosphere or in argon atmosphere. The calcined powders were characterized by XRD, TGA/DTG, FTIR, magnetic measures and reflectivity using the wave guide method. I was observed pure magnetic phase formation between 350°C and 500°C, with formation of ferrite and hematite after 600°C at ambient atmosphere. The calcined powder at argon atmosphere formed pure ferromagnetic phase at 1100°C and 1200°C. The Rietveld analyses calculated the cations level occupation and the crystallite size. The analyses obtained nanometric crystals (11-66 nm), that at 900°C/3h presents micrometric sizes (0,45 - 0,70 Om). The better magnetization results were 54 Am2/Kg for x= 0,2 composition, calcined at 350°C/3h and 30 min, and 55,6 Am2/Kg for x= 0,2 1200°C, calcined in argon. The hysteresis shows characteristics of soft magnetic material. Two magnetization processes were considered, superparamagnetism at low temperature and the magnetic domains formation at high temperatures. The materials presented absorption less or equal the 50 % in ranges specific frequency. As for the 2,0 and 3,0 thickness (in 11,0 - 11,8 GHz), the reflectivity of the x= 0,3, 0,5 and 0,4 compositions, all calcined at 900°C/3h showed agreement with MS and O. Various factors contribute for the final radiation absortion effect, such as, the particle size, the magnetization and the polymer characteristics in the MARE composition. The samples that presented better magnetization does not obtaining high radiation absorption. It is not clear the interrelaction between the magnetization and the radiation absorption in the strip of frequencies studied (8,2 - 12,4 GHz)


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Were synthesized ferrites of NiZn on systems Ni0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4, the precursors citrate method. The decomposition of the precursors was studied by thermogravimetric analysis and spectroscopy in the infrared region, the temperature of 350°C/3h. The evolution of the phases formed after calcinations at 350ºC/3h, 600, 1000 and 1100ºC/2h was accompanied by X-ray diffraction using the Rietveld refinement method for better identification os structures formed. Was observed for samples calcined at different temperatures increased crystallinity with increasing calcination temperature, being observed for the samples calcined at 900 and 1100 º C/2h was the precipitation of a secondary phase, the phase hematite. The ferrocarbonila of industrial origin was analyzed by X-ray diffraction and Rietveld for the identification of its structure. The carbonyl iron was added NiZn ferrite calcined at 350ºC/3h, 600, 900, 1000 and 1100ºC/2h to the formation of hybrid mixtures. They were then analyzed by Xray diffraction and Rietveld. The NiZn ferrite and ferrocarbonila as well as the hybrid mixtures were subjected to analysis of scanning electron microscopy, magnetic measurements and reflectivity. The magnetic measurements indicated that the ferrite, the ferrocarbonila, as well as hybrid mixtures showed characteristics of soft magnetic material. The addition of ferrocarbonila in all compositions showed an increase in the results of magnetic measurements and reflectivity. Best result was observed in the increase of the magnetization for the hybrid mixture of Ferrocarbonila / ferrite of NiZn calcined at 600ºC/2h. The mixture Ferrocarbonila / ferrite calcined 1000°C/2h presented better absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave


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Were synthesized systems Ni0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4, i0,2Zn0,5Mn0,3Fe2O4, Mn0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4, Ni0,5Mg0,5Fe2O4, Ni0,2Cu0,3Zn0,5Fe2O4 and Ni0,2Cu0,3Zn0,5Mg0,08Fe2O4, the precursors citrate method. The decomposition of the precursors was studied by thermogravimetric analysis and spectroscopy in the infrared region, the temperature of 350°C/3h. The evolution of the phases formed after calcinations at 350, 500, 900 and 1100ºC/3h was accompanied by X-ray diffraction using the Rietveld refinement to better identify the structures formed. The materials were also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, magnetic measurements and analysis of the reflectivity of the material. The samples calcined at different temperatures showed an increase of crystallinity with increasing calcination temperature, verifying that for some compositions at temperatures above 500°C precipitates of second phase such as hematite and CuO. The compositions of manganese present in the structure diffusion processes slower due to the ionic radius of manganese is greater than for other ions substitutes, a fact that delays the stabilization of spinel structure and promotes the precipitation of second phase. The compositions presented with copper precipitation CuO phase at a temperature of 900 and 1100ºC/3h This occurs according to the literature because the concentration of copper in the structure is greater than 0.25 mol%. The magnetic measurements revealed features of a soft ferrimagnetic material, resulting in better magnetic properties for the NiZn ferrite and NiCuZnMg at high temperatures. The reflectivity measurements showed greater absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave band for the samples calcined at 1100ºC/3h, which has higher crystallite size and consequently the formation of multi-domain, increasing the magnetization of the material. The results of absorption agreed with the magnetic measurements, indicating among the ferrites studied, those of NiZn and NiCuZnMg as better absorbing the incident radiation.


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It was synthesized MnZn ferrite with general formulae Mn1-xZnxFe2O4 (mol%), 0,3 ≤ x ≤ 0,7 by using the citrate precursor method. The precursors decomposition was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermogravimetric analysis (DTG), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) of powder calcined at 350ºC/3,5h. X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD) of samples was done from 350 to 1200ºC/2h using various atmospheres. The power calcined at 350ºC/3,5h formed spinel phase. It is necessary atmosphere control to avoid secondary phase such as hematite. From 900 to 1200ºC was obtained 90,66 and 100% of MnZn spinel ferrite phase, respectively. Analysis by dispersive energy scanning (EDS) at 350ºC shows high Mn and Zn dispersion, indicating that the diffusion process was homogeneous. Semi-quantitative analysis by EDS verified that despite the atmosphere control during calcinations at high temperatures (< 800ºC) occurred ZnO evaporation causing stoichiometric deviation. Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) measures show soft ferrite material characteristics with Hc from 6,5 x 10-3 to 11,1 x 10-2 T. Saturation magnetization (Ms) and initial permeability (µi) of MnZn spinel phase obtained, respectively, from 14,3 to 83,8 Am2/kg and 14,1 to 62,7 (Am2/kg)T