982 resultados para fossil reefs
The morphology of the exine of Late Cretaceous and Tertiary specimens of Tricolpites reticulatus previously documented from Kerguelen, the Antarctic Peninsula, and the Otway Basin of southeastern Australia has been re-examined and compared with the three pollen types identified in the genus Gunnera. An Antarctic specimen of T reticulatus (Maastrichtian) has a uniform reticulum with elongated lumina, similar to that characterising pollen type 3a of Gunnera macrophylla (subgenus Pseudogunnera). Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Australian specimens of T reticulatus differ; specimens from McNamara resemble pollen of subgenera Pseudogunnera and Milligania of type 3a or type 3b, while specimens of T reticulatus from Princes show more rounded and equidimensional lumina and are therefore tentatively attributed to pollen type 2 found in subgenera Gunnera, Misandra and Panke. Kerguelen Island T reticulatus (Miocene) are distinct from Vega Island specimens: a closer resemblance of Kerguelen T reticulatus and pollen type 2 of extant Gunnera is hypothesised. A comparison between specimens of the North American Tricolpites reticulatus/microreticulatus and pollen of Gunnera is also made. The clear similarity of the North American specimens of Tricolpites microreticulatus and pollen of Gunnera in shape and in the exine surface features of pollen suggests that this taxon should not be separated from T reticulatus but should be treated as a synonym of this species. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coral reefs are the most diverse marine ecosystem and embrace possibly millions of plant, animal and protist species. Mutualistic symbioses are a fundamental feature of coral reefs that have been used to explain their structure, biodiversity and existence. Complex inter-relationships between hosts, habitats and symbionts belie closely coupled nutrient and community dynamics that create the circumstances for something from nothing (or the oasis in a nutrient desert). The flip side of these dynamics is a close dependency between species, which results in a series of non-linear relationships as conditions change. These responses are being highlighted as anthropogenic influences increase across the world's tropical and subtropical coastlines. Caribbean as well as Indo-Pacific coral populations are now in a serious decline in many parts of the world. This has resulted in a significant reorganization of how coral reef ecosystems function. Among the spectra of changes brought about by humans is rapid climate change. Mass coral bleaching - the loss of the dinoflagellate symbionts from reef-building corals - and mortality has affected the world's coral reefs with increasing frequency and intensity since the late 1970s. Mass bleaching events, which often cover thousands of square kilometres of coral reefs, are triggered by small increases (+1-3degreesC) in water temperature. These increases in sea temperature are often seen during warm phase weather conditions (e.g. ENSO) and are increasing in size and magnitude. The loss of living coral cover (e.g. 16% globally in 1998, an exceptionally warm year) is resulting in an as yet unspecified reduction in the abundance of a myriad of other species. Projections from general circulation models (GCM) used to project changes in global temperature indicate that conditions even under the mildest greenhouse gas emission scenarios may exceed the thermal tolerances of most reef-building coral communities. Research must now explore key issues such as the extent to which the thermal tolerances of corals and their symbionts are dynamic if bleaching and disease are linked; how the loss of high densities of reef-building coral will affect other dependent species; and, how the loss of coral populations will affect the millions of people globally who depend on coral reefs for their daily survival.
Pure limestones beneath the paleosols on San Salvador Island, Bahamas, contain strong positive magnetic susceptibility anomalies, although the iron content is generally very low. These magnetic phenomena differ from those associated with disconformities, which are marked by accumulation of paramagnetic airborne dust deposits with relatively high iron content. The strength and characters of the magnetic response in these subsurface zones correspond to the presence of magnetite, particularly small single-domain magnetite crystals of microbial origin. These crystals are not present elsewhere in the intergranular rock pores or microvugs. They are preferentially concentrated in capillary microborings, which developed concurrently with formation of calcite cements that have soil-related C and O isotope compositions. These magnetic zones occur several meters below the overlying soil horizons. Very thin and long linear microborings may be attributable to cyanobacterial microborers. The single-domain magnetites in these micrometer-size tunnels plugged by calcite appear to result from later occupation of these tiny holes by magnetotactic bacteria. Inorganic origin of the magnetite seems unlikely. Numerous traces that suggest subsurface microbial activity provide evidence that may be used to develop possible scenarios for subsequent biological studies of the precise bacteria involved.
Waves breaking on the seaward rim of a coral reef generate a flow of water from the exposed side of the reef to the sheltered side and/or to either channels through the reef-rim or lower sections of the latter. This wave-generated flow is driven by the water surface gradient resulting from the wave set-up created by the breaking waves. This paper reviews previous approaches to modelling wave-generated flows across coral reefs and discusses the influence of reef morphology and roughness upon these flows. Laboratory measurements upon a two-dimensional horizontal reef platform with a steep reef face provide the basis for extending a previous theoretical analysis for wave set-up on a reef in the absence of a flow [Gourlay, M.R., 1996b. Wave set-up on coral reefs. 2. Set-up on reefs with various profiles. Coastal Engineering 28, 1755] to include the interaction between a unidirectional flow and the wave set-up. The laboratory model results are then used to demonstrate that there are two basic reef-top flow regimes-reef-top control and reef-rim control. Using open channel flow theory, analytical relationships are derived for the reef-top current velocity in terms of the offreef wave conditions, the reef-top water depth and the physical characteristics of the reef-top topography. The wave set-up and wave-generated flow relationships are found to predict experimental values with reasonable accuracy in most cases. The analytical relationships are used to investigate wave-generated flows into a boat harbour channel on Heron Reef in the southern Great Barrier Reef. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The late Early to early Middle Eocene Okanagan Highlands fossil sites, spanning -1000 km north-south (northeastern Washington State, southern British Columbia) provide an opportunity to reconstruct biotic communities across a broad upland landscape during the warmest part of the Cenozoic. Plant taxa from these fossil sites are characteristic of the modern eastern North American deciduous forest zone, principally the mixed mesophytic forest, but also include extinct taxa, taxa known only from eastern Asian mesothermal forests, and a small number of taxa restricted to the present-day North American west coast coniferous biome. In this preliminary report, paleoclimates and forest types are reconstructed using collections from Republic in Washington State, USA., and Princeton, Quilchena, Falkland, McAbee, Hat Creek, Horsefly, and Driftwood Canyon in British Columbia, Canada. Both leaf margin analysis (LMA) and quantitative bioclimatic analysis of identified nearest living relatives of megaflora indicated upper microthermal to lower mesothermal moist environments (MAT -10-15 degrees C, CMMT > 0 degrees C, MAP > 100 cm/year). Some taxa common to most sites suggest cool conditions (e.g., Abies, other Pinaceae; Alnus, other Betulaceae). However, all floras contain a substantive broadleaf deciduous element (e.g., Fagaceae, Juglandaceae) and conifers (e.g., Metasequoia) with the bioclimatic analysis yielding slightly higher MAT than LMA. Thermophilic (principally mesothermal) taxa include various insects, the aquatic fern Azolla, palms, the banana relative Ensete, taxodiaceous conifers, Eucommia and Gordonia, taxa which may have occurred near their climatic limits. The mixture of thermophilic and temperate insect and plant taxa indicates low-temperature seasonality (i.e., highly equable climate).
Many diurnal planktivorous fish in coral reefs efficiently consume zooplankton drifting in the overlying water column. Our survey, carried out at two coral reefs in the Red Sea, showed that most of the diurnal planktivorous fish foraged near the bottom, close to the shelters from piscivores. The planktivorous fish were order of magnitude more abundant near (
Conservation of U.S. coral reefs has been sidetracked by the partial implementation of management plans without clearly achievable goals. Historical ecology reveals global patterns of coral reef degradation that provide a framework for reversing reef decline with ecologically meaningful metrics for success. The authors of this Policy Forum urge action now to address multiple threats simultaneously, because the harmful effects of stressors like overfishing, pollution, poor land-use practices, and global warming are interdependent. Prompt implementation of proven, practical solutions would lead to both short- and long-term benefits, including the return of keystone species and the economic benefits they entail.
Understanding genetic variability and gene flow between populations of scleractinian corals separated by one to several hundred kilometers is crucially important as we head into a century of climate change in which an understanding of the connectivity of populations is a critically important question in management. Genetic methods that directly use molecular variance in the DNA should offer greater precision in detecting differences among individuals and populations than the more traditional allozyme electrophoresis. However, this paper highlights the point that the limited number of DNA markers that have been identified for scleractinian coral genetic studies do not necessarily offer greater precision than that offered by allozymes. In fact, at present allozyme electrophoresis yields greater information than the eight different DNA markers used in this study. Given the relative ease of use of allozymes and the wealth of comparable data sets from numerous previously published studies, allozyme electrophoresis should not be dismissed for population structure and connectivity studies on coral reefs. While continued effort should be placed into searching for new DNA markers, until a more sensitive DNA marker becomes available for scleractinian corals, allozyme electrophoresis remains a powerful and relevant technique for understanding the connectivity of coral population studies.
Sedimentation and high turbidity have long been considered a major threat to corals, causing world-wide concern for the health of coral reefs in coastal environments. While studies have demonstrated that sediment conditions characteristic of inshore reefs cause stress in corals, the consequences of such conditions for the physiological status of corals require testing in field situations. Here, I compare the size of energy stores (as lipid content), a proxy for physiological condition, of 2 coral species (Turbinaria mesenterina and Acropora valida) between coastal and offshore environments. Corals on coastal reefs contained 4-fold (T mesenterina) and 2-fold (A. valida) more lipid than conspecifics offshore, despite 1 order of magnitude higher turbidity levels inshore. Results were consistent across 4 sites in each environment. Reproductive investment in A. valida (a seasonal mass spawner) did not vary between environments, suggesting that the larger lipid stores in corals on coastal reefs are mainly somatic energy reserves. These results demonstrate that the environmental conditions on inshore, high-turbidity reefs do not always impact negatively on the physiology of corals. The contrasting lipid levels of T. mesenterina between environments may explain its greater success on coastal reefs.
An extended refraction-diffraction equation [Massel, S.R., 1993. Extended refraction-diffraction equation for surface waves. Coastal Eng. 19, 97-126] has been applied to predict wave transformation and breaking as well as wave-induced set-up on two-dimensional reef profiles of various shapes. A free empirical coefficient alpha in a formula for the average rate of energy dissipation [epsilon(b)] = (alpha rho g omega/8 pi)(root gh/C)(H-3/h) in the modified periodic bore model was found to be a function of the dimensionless parameter F-c0 = (g(1.25)H(0)(0.5)T(2.5))/h(r)(1.75), proposed by Gourlay [Gourlayl M.R., 1994. Wave transformation on a coral reef. Coastal Eng. 23, 17-42]. The applicability of the developed model has been demonstrated for reefs of various shapes subjected to various incident wave conditions. Assuming proposed relationships of the coefficient alpha and F-c0, the model provides results on wave height attenuation and set-up elevation which compare well with experimental data. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Coral reefs, excellent climatic and environmental archives in tropical oceans, are widely distributed in the South China Sea (SCS), which is the largest enclosed marginal sea of western Pacific, covering over 20° in latitude and different climate conditions. Our recent research in the SCS focuses on coral-based high-resolution climate reconstruction and coral reef ecological responses using geochemical and U-series geochronological tools, which provide an ideal opportunity for understanding of Holocene climate processes and events. Some major research highlights are summarized below: