958 resultados para enzymatic cleavage
Bacterial lipoproteins have many important functions and represent a class of possible vaccine candidates. The prediction of lipoproteins from sequence is thus an important task for computational vaccinology. Naïve-Bayesian networks were trained to identify SpaseII cleavage sites and their preceding signal sequences using a set of 199 distinct lipoprotein sequences. A comprehensive range of sequence models was used to identify the best model for lipoprotein signal sequences. The best performing sequence model was found to be 10-residues in length, including the conserved cysteine lipid attachment site and the nine residues prior to it. The sensitivity of prediction for LipPred was 0.979, while the specificity was 0.742. Here, we describe LipPred, a web server for lipoprotein prediction; available at the URL: http://www.jenner.ac.uk/LipPred/. LipPred is the most accurate method available for the detection of SpaseIIcleaved lipoprotein signal sequences and the prediction of their cleavage sites.
Tensile, crack opening displacement (COD), blunt notch, and Charpy impact tests were used to investigate cleavage initiation in the intercritically reheated coarse-grained heat-affected zone (IC CG HAZ) of three steels. The steels were chosen to provide different distributions and morphologies of MA (high-carbon martensite with some retained austenite) particles within the IC CG HAZ structure. Observation of minimum impact toughness values for the IC CG HAZ was found to be associated with a particular microstructure containing a near-connected grain boundary network of blocky MA particles, the MA particles being significantly harder than the internal grain microstructure. The initiation mechanism for this structure was determined to be from a combination of an overlap of residual transformational induced stress fields, due to the formation of the MA particles, between two closely spaced particles and stress concentration effects resulting from debonding of the particles. © 1994 The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, and ASM International.
In part 1 of this article, cleavage initiation in the intercritically reheated coarse-grained heat affected zone (IC CG HAZ) of high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels was determined to occur between two closely spaced blocky MA particles. Blunt notch, crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), and precracked Charpy testing were used in this investigation to determine the failure criteria required for cleavage initiation to occur by this mechanism in the IC CG HAZ. It was found that the attainment of a critical level of strain was required in addition to a critical level of stress. This does not occur in the case of high strain rate testing, for example, during precracked Charpy testing. A different cleavage initiation mechanism is then found to operate. The precise fracture criteria and microstructural requirements (described in part I of this article) result in competition between potential cleavage initiation mechanisms in the IC CG HAZ.
A study was made of notch effects on the cleavage fracture of polycrystalline zinc. It was seen that the nominal fracture stress of SENB specimens was independent of notch angle. The maximum tensile stress below the notch at fracture in SENB specimens was shown to be different from the tensile stress at fracture in tensile testpieces over a temperature range from −196 to −17°C. The notch root strain at fracture was found to be the same as the uniaxial tensile fracture strain over this temperature interval. These results were interpreted as showing the cleavage fracture of polycrystalline zinc to be shear-stress or initiation controlled, as predicted by Stroh's dislocation model of cleavage.
Cleavage by the proteasome is responsible for generating the C terminus of T-cell epitopes. Modeling the process of proteasome cleavage as part of a multi-step algorithm for T-cell epitope prediction will reduce the number of non-binders and increase the overall accuracy of the predictive algorithm. Quantitative matrix-based models for prediction of the proteasome cleavage sites in a protein were developed using a training set of 489 naturally processed T-cell epitopes (nonamer peptides) associated with HLA-A and HLA-B molecules. The models were validated using an external test set of 227 T-cell epitopes. The performance of the models was good, identifying 76% of the C-termini correctly. The best model of proteasome cleavage was incorporated as the first step in a three-step algorithm for T-cell epitope prediction, where subsequent steps predicted TAP affinity and MHC binding using previously derived models.
Funded by United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), Jerusalem, Israel Israel Science Foundation (ISF). Grant Number: 1349 Israel Science Foundation Israel Strategic Alternative Energy Foundation (I-SAEF) BBSRC. Grant Number: BB/L009951/1 Scottish Government Food, Land and People program Society for Applied Microbiology
Funded by United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), Jerusalem, Israel Israel Science Foundation (ISF). Grant Number: 1349 Israel Science Foundation Israel Strategic Alternative Energy Foundation (I-SAEF) BBSRC. Grant Number: BB/L009951/1 Scottish Government Food, Land and People program Society for Applied Microbiology
We thank EPSRC and the Scottish Imaging Network (SINAPSE) for grants. DO’H thanks the Royal Society for a Wolfson Research Merit Award and ST is grateful to the John and Kathleen Watson Scholarship for financial support. We are grateful to Dr Catherine Botting and Dr Sally Shirran of the St Andrews Mass Spectrometry Service for MALDI-MS acquisitions. We also thank Dr Sally Pimlott of the University of Glasgow for the use of radiochemistry facilities.
Acknowledgements We thank the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK, for a research grant. Funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK
Topoisomerase 1 (Top1), a Type IB topoisomerase, functions to relieve transcription- and replication-associated torsional stress in DNA. Top1 cleaves one strand of DNA, covalently associates with the 3’ end of the nick to form a Top1-cleavage complex (Top1cc), passes the intact strand through the nick and finally re-ligates the broken strand. The chemotherapeutic drug, Camptothecin, intercalates at a Top1cc and prevents the crucial re-ligation reaction that is mediated by Top1, resulting in the conversion of a nick to a toxic double-strand break during DNA replication or the accumulation of Top1cc. This mechanism of action preferentially targets rapidly dividing tumor cells, but can also affect non-tumor cells when patients undergo treatment. Additionally, Top1 is found to be elevated in numerous tumor tissues making it an attractive target for anticancer therapies. We investigated the effects of Top1 on genome stability, effects of persistent Top1-cleavage complexes and elevated Top1 levels, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that increased levels of the Top1cc resulted in a five- to ten-fold increase in reciprocal crossovers, three- to fifteen fold increase in mutagenesis and greatly increased instability within the rDNA and CUP1 tandem arrays. Increased Top1 levels resulted in a fifteen- to twenty-two fold increase in mutagenesis and increased instability in rDNA locus. These results have important implications for understanding the effects of CPT and elevated Top1 levels as a chemotherapeutic agent.
The use of DNA as a polymeric building material transcends its function in biology and is exciting in bionanotechnology for applications ranging from biosensing, to diagnostics, and to targeted drug delivery. These applications are enabled by DNA’s unique structural and chemical properties, embodied as a directional polyanion that exhibits molecular recognition capabilities. Hence, the efficient and precise synthesis of high molecular weight DNA materials has become key to advance DNA bionanotechnology. Current synthesis methods largely rely on either solid phase chemical synthesis or template-dependent polymerase amplification. The inherent step-by-step fashion of solid phase synthesis limits the length of the resulting DNA to typically less than 150 nucleotides. In contrast, polymerase based enzymatic synthesis methods (e.g., polymerase chain reaction) are not limited by product length, but require a DNA template to guide the synthesis. Furthermore, advanced DNA bionanotechnology requires tailorable structural and self-assembly properties. Current synthesis methods, however, often involve multiple conjugating reactions and extensive purification steps.
The research described in this dissertation aims to develop a facile method to synthesize high molecular weight, single stranded DNA (or polynucleotide) with versatile functionalities. We exploit the ability of a template-independent DNA polymerase−terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) to catalyze the polymerization of 2’-deoxyribonucleoside 5’-triphosphates (dNTP, monomer) from the 3’-hydroxyl group of an oligodeoxyribonucleotide (initiator). We termed this enzymatic synthesis method: TdT catalyzed enzymatic polymerization, or TcEP.
Specifically, this dissertation is structured to address three specific research aims. With the objective to generate high molecular weight polynucleotides, Specific Aim 1 studies the reaction kinetics of TcEP by investigating the polymerization of 2’-deoxythymidine 5’-triphosphates (monomer) from the 3’-hydroxyl group of oligodeoxyribothymidine (initiator) using in situ 1H NMR and fluorescent gel electrophoresis. We found that TcEP kinetics follows the “living” chain-growth polycondensation mechanism, and like in “living” polymerizations, the molecular weight of the final product is determined by the starting molar ratio of monomer to initiator. The distribution of the molecular weight is crucially influenced by the molar ratio of initiator to TdT. We developed a reaction kinetics model that allows us to quantitatively describe the reaction and predict the molecular weight of the reaction products.
Specific Aim 2 further explores TcEP’s ability to transcend homo-polynucleotide synthesis by varying the choices of initiators and monomers. We investigated the effects of initiator length and sequence on TcEP, and found that the minimum length of an effective initiator should be 10 nucleotides and that the formation of secondary structures close to the 3’-hydroxyl group can impede the polymerization reaction. We also demonstrated TcEP’s capacity to incorporate a wide range of unnatural dNTPs into the growing chain, such as, hydrophobic fluorescent dNTP and fluoro modified dNTP. By harnessing the encoded nucleotide sequence of an initiator and the chemical diversity of monomers, TcEP enables us to introduce molecular recognition capabilities and chemical functionalities on the 5’-terminus and 3’-terminus, respectively.
Building on TcEP’s synthesis capacities, in Specific Aim 3 we invented a two-step strategy to synthesize diblock amphiphilic polynucleotides, in which the first, hydrophilic block serves as a macro-initiator for the growth of the second block, comprised of natural and/or unnatural nucleotides. By tuning the hydrophilic length, we synthesized the amphiphilic diblock polynucleotides that can self-assemble into micellar structures ranging from star-like to crew-cut morphologies. The observed self-assembly behaviors agree with predictions from dissipative particle dynamics simulations as well as scaling law for polyelectrolyte block copolymers.
In summary, we developed an enzymatic synthesis method (i.e., TcEP) that enables the facile synthesis of high molecular weight polynucleotides with low polydispersity. Although we can control the nucleotide sequence only to a limited extent, TcEP offers a method to integrate an oligodeoxyribonucleotide with specific sequence at the 5’-terminus and to incorporate functional groups along the growing chains simultaneously. Additionally, we used TcEP to synthesize amphiphilic polynucleotides that display self-assemble ability. We anticipate that our facile synthesis method will not only advance molecular biology, but also invigorate materials science and bionanotechnology.
Prostate Cancer is a disease that primarily affects elderly men. The incidence of prostate cancer has been progressively increasing in the western world over the last two decades. Life expectancy and diet are believed to be the main factors contributing to this increase in prevalence. Prostate cancer is a slowly progressing disorder and patients often live for over 10 years after initially being diagnosed with prostate cancer. However, patients with hormone refractory prostate cancer have a poor prognosis and generally do not survive for longer than 2 or 3 years. Hormone refractory prostate cancer is responsible for over 200,000 deaths each year and current chemotherapeutic regimens are only useful as palliative agents. The long-term survival rate is poor and chemotherapy does not significantly increase this. Cell lines derived from hormone refractory tumours usually display elevated resistance to many cytotoxic drugs. The Fas receptor is a membrane bound protein capable of binding to a ligand called Fas ligand. Engagement of Fas receptor with Fas ligand results in clustering of Fas receptor on the plasma membrane of cells. A number of proteins responsible for initiating apoptosis are recruited to the plasma membrane and are activated in response to elevated local concentrations. This series of events initiates a proteolysis cascade and that culminates in the degradation of structural and enzymatic processes and the repackaging of cellular constituents within membrane bound vesicles that can be endocytosed and recycled by surrounding phagocytic cells. The Fas receptor is believed to be a key mechanism by which immune cells can destroy damaged cells. Consequently, resistance to Fas receptor mediated apoptosis often correlates with tumour progression. It has been reported that prostate cancer cell lines display elevated resistance to Fas receptor mediated apoptosis and this correlates with the stage of tumour from which the cell lines were isolated. JNK, a stress-activated protein kinase, has been implicated both with increased survival and increased apoptosis in prostate cancer. Elevated endogenous JNK activity has been demonstrated to correlate with prostate cancer progression. It has been shown that endogenous JNK activity increases the expression of anti-apoptotic proteins and can increase the resistance of prostate cancer cell lines to chemotherapy. In addition, elevated endogenous JNK activity is required for improved proliferation and transformation of a number of epithelial tumours. However, prolonged JNK activation in response to cytotoxic stimuli can increase the sensitivity of cells to apoptosis. Prolonged JNK activity appears to induce the expression of a separate set of genes responsible for promoting apoptosis. Our group has recently shown that activation of JNK by chemotherapeutic drugs can sensitise DU 145 prostate carcinoma cells to Fas receptor mediated apoptosis. In order toidentify novel targets for treating hormone refractory prostate cancer we have investigated the role of JNK in Fas receptor mediated apoptosis. We have demonstrated that prolonged JNK activation is defective in DU 145 cells in response to Fas receptor activation alone. Co-administering anisomycin, a JNK agonist, greatly enhances the ability of DU 145 cells to undergo apoptosis by increasing the rate of Caspase 8 cleavage. We also investigated the role of endogenous JNK activity in Fas receptor mediated.
Miniaturized, self-sufficient bioelectronics powered by unconventional micropower may lead to a new generation of implantable, wireless, minimally invasive medical devices, such as pacemakers, defibrillators, drug-delivering pumps, sensor transmitters, and neurostimulators. Studies have shown that micro-enzymatic biofuel cells (EBFCs) are among the most intuitive candidates for in vivo micropower. In the fisrt part of this thesis, the prototype design of an EBFC chip, having 3D intedigitated microelectrode arrays was proposed to obtain an optimum design of 3D microelectrode arrays for carbon microelectromechanical systems (C-MEMS) based EBFCs. A detailed modeling solving partial differential equations (PDEs) by finite element techniques has been developed on the effect of 1) dimensions of microelectrodes, 2) spatial arrangement of 3D microelectrode arrays, 3) geometry of microelectrode on the EBFC performance based on COMSOL Multiphysics. In the second part of this thesis, in order to investigate the performance of an EBFC, behavior of an EBFC chip performance inside an artery has been studied. COMSOL Multiphysics software has also been applied to analyze mass transport for different orientations of an EBFC chip inside a blood artery. Two orientations: horizontal position (HP) and vertical position (VP) have been analyzed. The third part of this thesis has been focused on experimental work towards high performance EBFC. This work has integrated graphene/enzyme onto three-dimensional (3D) micropillar arrays in order to obtain efficient enzyme immobilization, enhanced enzyme loading and facilitate direct electron transfer. The developed 3D graphene/enzyme network based EBFC generated a maximum power density of 136.3 μWcm-2 at 0.59 V, which is almost 7 times of the maximum power density of the bare 3D carbon micropillar arrays based EBFC. To further improve the EBFC performance, reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/carbon nanotubes (CNTs) has been integrated onto 3D mciropillar arrays to further increase EBFC performance in the fourth part of this thesisThe developed rGO/CNTs based EBFC generated twice the maximum power density of rGO based EBFC. Through a comparison of experimental and theoretical results, the cell performance efficiency is noted to be 67%.