890 resultados para endothelial cell


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AIDS dementia complex is a common neurological syndrome thought to result from the invasion of the CNS by HIV. Phosphonoformate has anti-HIV activity but due to its charged nature is excluded from the CNS by the blood-brain barrier. Lipophilic triesters of phosphonoformate designed to improve transport properties are unsuitable prodrugs due to their rapid and complicated hydrolysis, involving competitive P-O and P-C bond cleavage. Diesters, though hydrolytically stable, are considered too polar to passively diffuse into the CNS. Hydrophilic drugs mimicking endogenous nutrients are known to be actively transported across the blood-brain barrier. In this thesis the possibility that diesters of phosphonoformate may be actively transported is investigated. Triesters of phosphonoformate with labile aryl carboxyl esterrs were synthesised and their hydrolysis followed by 31P NMR spectroscopy. The triesters were found to undergo rapid hydrolysis via P-C bond cleavage to the phosphite. Phosphonoformate diesters designed to be analogues of actively transported -keto acids have been synthesised and fully characterised. Tyrosine-phosphonoformate and lipid-phosphonoformate conjugates have also been synthesised and characterised. An in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier utilising confluent monolayers of porcine brain microvessel endothelial cells grown on a permeable support has been established. The presence of enzyme and antigen markers specific to the blood-brain barrier has been demonstrated for the endothelial cells and the diffusional properties of the model investigated with hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds. Active transport systems for -keto acids and large amino acids have been identified in the endothelial cell monolayers using 14C-pyruvate and 3H-L-tyrosine respectively. Temperature and concentration dependence of the two systems have been demonstrated and transport constants calculated. Competition with 14C-pyruvate transport was shown with other monocarboxylic acids including the anti-epileptic drug valproate. Stereospecificity was shown in that L-lactate inhibited pyruvate transport while D-lactate did not. Sodium methyl methoxycarbonylphosphonate, a phosphonoformate diester was shown not to compete for 14C-pyruvate transport indicating that this compound has no affinity for the carrier. Competition with 3H-L-tyrosine transport was shown with other large amino acids, including the anti-Parkinsonian agent L-dopa. Stereospecificity was shown using L- and D-tyrosine and L- and D-dopa. The tyrosine-phosphonoformate conjugate, which was stable under the experimental conditions, was shown to compete with 3H-Ltyrosine transport indicating that it may be actively transported at the blood-brain barrier. Thirty two triesters, diesters and monoesters of phosphonoformate, showed no activity in an anti-HIV screen above that attributable to hydrolysis to the parent compound.


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The airway epithelium is the first point of contact in the lung for inhaled material, including infectious pathogens and particulate matter, and protects against toxicity from these substances by trapping and clearance via the mucociliary escalator, presence of a protective barrier with tight junctions and initiation of a local inflammatory response. The inflammatory response involves recruitment of phagocytic cells to neutralise and remove and invading materials and is oftern modelled using rodents. However, development of valid in vitro airway epithelial models is of great importance due to the restrictions on animal studies for cosmetic compound testing implicit in the 7th amendment to the European Union Cosmetics Directive. Further, rodent innate immune responses have fundamental differences to human. Pulmonary endothelial cells and leukocytes are also involved in the innate response initiated during pulmonary inflammation. Co-culture models of the airways, in particular where epithelial cells are cultured at air liquid interface with the presence of tight junctions and differentiated mucociliary cells, offer a solution to this problem. Ideally validated models will allow for detection of early biomarkers of response to exposure and investigation into inflammatory response during exposure. This thesis describes the approaches taken towards developing an in vitro epithelial/endothelial cell model of the human airways and identification biomarkers of response to exposure to xenobiotics. The model comprised normal human primary microvascular endothelial cells and the bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B or normal human bronchial epithelial cells. BEAS-2B were chosen as their characterisation at air liquid interface is limited but they are robust in culture, thereby predicted to provide a more reliable test system. Proteomics analysis was undertaken on challenged cells to investigate biomarkers of exposure. BEAS-2B morphology was characterised at air liquid interface compared with normal human bronchial epithelial cells. The results indicate that BEAS-2B cells at an air liquid interface form tight junctions as shown by expression of the tight junction protein zonula occludens-1. To this author’s knowledge this is the first time this result has been reported. The inflammatory response of BEAS-2B (measured as secretion of the inflammatory mediators interleukin-8 and -6) air liquid interface mono-cultures to Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide or particulate matter (fine and ultrafine titanium dioxide) was comparable to published data for epithelial cells. Cells were also exposed to polymers of “commercial interest” which were in the nanoparticle range (and referred to particles hereafter). BEAS-2B mono-cultures showed an increased secretion of inflammatory mediators after challenge. Inclusion of microvascular endothelial cells resulted in protection against LPS- and particle- induced epithelial toxicity, measured as cell viability and inflammatory response, indicating the importance of co-cultures for investigations into toxicity. Two-dimensional proteomic analysis of lysates from particle-challenged cells failed to identify biomarkers of toxicity due to assay interference and experimental variability. Separately, decreased plasma concentrations of serine protease inhibitors, and the negative acute phase proteins transthyretin, histidine-rich glycoprotein and alpha2-HS glycoprotein were identified as potential biomarkers of methyl methacrylate/ethyl methacrylate/butylacrylate treatment in rats.


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The importance of tissue transglutaminase (TG2) in angiogenesis is unclear and contradictory. Here we show that inhibition of extracellular TG2 protein crosslinking or downregulation of TG2 expression leads to inhibition of angiogenesis in cell culture, the aorta ring assay and in vivo models. In a human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) co-culture model, inhibition of extracellular TG2 activity can halt the progression of angiogenesis, even when introduced after tubule formation has commenced and after addition of excess vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). In both cases, this leads to a significant reduction in tubule branching. Knockdown of TG2 by short hairpin (shRNA) results in inhibition of HUVEC migration and tubule formation, which can be restored by add back of wt TG2, but not by the transamidation-defective but GTP-binding mutant W241A. TG2 inhibition results in inhibition of fibronectin deposition in HUVEC monocultures with a parallel reduction in matrix-bound VEGFA, leading to a reduction in phosphorylated VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2) at Tyr1214 and its downstream effectors Akt and ERK1/2, and importantly its association with b1 integrin. We propose a mechanism for the involvement of matrix-bound VEGFA in angiogenesis that is dependent on extracellular TG2-related activity. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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Background: Pregnancy is characterized by an inflammatory-like process and this may be exacerbated in preeclampsia. The heme oxygenase (HO) enzymes generate carbon monoxide (CO) that induces blood vessel relaxation and biliverdin that acts as an endogenous antioxidant. Materials and Methods: We examined the expression and localization of HO-1 and HO-2 in normal and preeclamptic placenta using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), RNase protection assay, immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry. In addition, the effect of HO activation on tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) induced placental damage and on feto-placental circulation was studied. Results: We provide the first evidence for the role of HO as an endogenous placental factor involved with cytoprotection and placental blood vessel relaxation. HO-1 was significantly higher at term, compared with first trimester placentae indicating its role in placental vascular development and regulation. HO-1 predominantly localized in the extravascular connective tissue that forms the perivascular contractile sheath around the developing blood vessels. HO-2 was localized in the capillaries, as well as the villous stroma, with weak staining of trophoblast. Induction of HO-1 caused a significant attenuation of TNF-mediated cellular damage in placental villous explants, as assessed by lactate dehydrogenase leakage (p 0.01). HO-1 protein was significantly reduced in placentae from pregnancies complicated with preeclampsia, compared with gestationally matched normal pregnancies. This suggests that the impairment of HO-1 activation may compromise the compensatory mechanism and predispose the placenta to cellular injury and subsequent maternal endothelial cell activation. Isometric contractility studies showed that hemin reduced vascular tension by 61% in U46619-preconstricted placental arteries. Hemininduced vessel relaxation and CO production was inhibited by HO inhibitor, tin protoporphyrin IX. Conclusions: Our findings establish HO-1 as an endogenous system that offers protection against cytotoxic damage in the placenta, identifies the HO-CO pathway to regulate feto-placental circulation and provides a new approach to study the disease of preeclampsia.


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Free nitric oxide (NO) reacts with sulphydryl residues to form S-nitrosothiols, which act as NO reservoirs. We sought to determine whether thiol-preserving agents and antioxidants, such as dithiothreitol (DTT) and vitamin C, induce NO release from S-nitrosylated proteins in endothelial cell cultures to promote angiogenesis. NO release was measured directly in cell supernatants using a Sievers NO Analyser, and in vitro angiogenesis was assessed by quantifying capillary-like tube network formation of porcine aortic endothelial cells (PAEC) on growth factor-reduced Matrigel. Incubation of PAEC with DTT or vitamin C significantly increased NO release in a concentration-dependent manner. However, the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitors, L-NNA and L-NIO, had no effect on DTT- or vitamin C-induced NO release, and there was no concomitant increase in the phosphorylation of endothelial NOS at serine-1177 following DTT or vitamin C treatment. DTT and vitamin C increased capillary-like tube network formation by nine- and two-fold, respectively, and the addition of copper ions doubled the effect of vitamin C. Surprisingly, DTT maintained endothelial tube networks for up to one month under serum-free conditions, and selective inhibitors of guanylyl cyclase (ODQ) and PKG (KT-5823) blocked this, demonstrating the requirement of cyclic GMP and PKG in this process. Both DTT and vitamin C are capable of releasing sufficient NO from S-nitrosothiols to induce capillary morphogenesis. This study provides the first evidence that increased denitrosylation leads to increased bioavailability of NO, independent of NOS activity, to promote sustained angiogenesis.


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Background: Bacterial endotoxin is a potently inflammatory antigen that is abundant in the human gut. Endotoxin circulates at low concentrations in the blood of all healthy individuals, although elevated concentrations are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis. Objective: We sought to determine whether a high-fat meal or smoking increases plasma endotoxin concentrations and whether such concentrations are of physiologic relevance. Design: Plasma endotoxin and endotoxin neutralization capacity were measured for 4 h in 12 healthy men after no meal, 3 cigarettes, a high-fat meal, or a high-fat meal with 3 cigarettes by using the limulus assay. Results: Baseline endotoxin concentrations were 8.2 pg/mL (interquartile range: 3.4–13.5 pg/mL) but increased significantly (P < 0.05) by ≈50% after a high-fat meal or after a high-fat meal with cigarettes but not after no meal or cigarettes alone. These results were validated by the observations that a high-fat meal with or without cigarettes, but not no meal or smoking, also significantly (P < 0.05) reduced plasma endotoxin neutralization capacity, which is an indirect measure of endotoxin exposure. Human monocytes, but not aortic endothelial cells, were responsive to transient (30 s) or low-dose (10 pg/mL) exposure to endotoxin. However, plasma from whole blood treated with as little as 10 pg endotoxin/mL increased the endothelial cell expression of E-selectin, at least partly via tumor necrosis factor-α–induced cellular activation. Conclusions: Low-grade endotoxemia may contribute to the postprandial inflammatory state and could represent a novel potential contributor to endothelial activation and the development of atherosclerosis.


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Maternal endothelial dysfunction in preeclampsia is associated with increased soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1), a circulating antagonist of vascular endothelial growth factor and placental growth factor. Angiotensin II (Ang II) is a potent vasoconstrictor that increases concomitant with sFlt-1 during pregnancy. Therefore, we speculated that Ang II may promote the expression of sFlt-1 in pregnancy. Here we report that infusion of Ang II significantly increases circulating levels of sFlt-1 in pregnant mice, thereby demonstrating that Ang II is a regulator of sFlt-1 secretion in vivo. Furthermore, Ang II stimulated sFlt-1 production in a dose- and time-dependent manner from human villous explants and cultured trophoblasts but not from endothelial cells, suggesting that trophoblasts are the primary source of sFlt-1 during pregnancy. As expected, Ang II-induced sFlt-1 secretion resulted in the inhibition of endothelial cell migration and in vitro tube formation. In vitro and in vivo studies with losartan, small interfering RNA specific for calcineurin and FK506 demonstrated that Ang II-mediated sFlt-1 release was via Ang II type 1 receptor activation and calcineurin signaling, respectively. These findings reveal a previously unrecognized regulatory role for Ang II on sFlt-1 expression in murine and human pregnancy and suggest that elevated sFlt-1 levels in preeclampsia may be caused by a dysregulation of the local renin/angiotensin system.


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Atherosclerosis is promoted by a combination of hypercholesterolemia and vascular inflammation. The function of Angiopoietin (Ang)-2, a key regulator of angiogenesis, in the maintenance of large vessels is unknown. A single systemic administration of Ang-2 adenovirus (AdAng-2) to apoE-/- mice fed a Western diet significantly reduced atherosclerotic lesion size 8 40%) and oxidized LDL and macrophage content of the plaques. These beneficial effects were abolished by the inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). In endothelial cells, endothelial NOS activation per se inhibited LDL oxidation and Ang-2 stimulated NO release in a Tie2-dependent manner to decrease LDL oxidation. These findings demonstrate a novel atheroprotective role for Ang-2 when endothelial cell function is compromised and suggest that growth factors, which stimulate NO release without inducing inflammation, could offer atheroprotection.


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Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific hypertensive syndrome that causes substantial maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Recent evidence indicates that maternal endothelial dysfunction in preeclampsia results from increased soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1), a circulating antiangiogenic protein. Factors responsible for excessive production of sFlt-1 in preeclampsia have not been identified. We tested the hypothesis that angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor activating autoantibodies, which occur in women with preeclampsia, contribute to increased production of sFlt-1. IgG from women with preeclampsia stimulates the synthesis and secretion of sFlt-1 via AT1 receptor activation in pregnant mice, human placental villous explants, and human trophoblast cells. Using FK506 or short-interfering RNA targeted to the calcineurin catalytic subunit mRNA, we determined that calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T-cells signaling functions downstream of the AT1 receptor to induce sFlt-1 synthesis and secretion by AT1-receptor activating autoantibodies. AT1-receptor activating autoantibody–induced sFlt-1 secretion resulted in inhibition of endothelial cell migration and capillary tube formation in vitro. Overall, our studies demonstrate that an autoantibody from women with preeclampsia induces sFlt-1 production via angiotensin receptor activation and downstream calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T-cells signaling. These autoantibodies represent potentially important targets for diagnosis and therapeutic intervention.


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S-glutathionylation occurs when reactive oxygen or nitrogen species react with protein-cysteine thiols. Glutaredoxin-1 (Glrx) is a cytosolic enzyme which enzymatically catalyses the reduction in S-glutathionylation, conferring reversible signalling function to proteins with redox-sensitive thiols. Glrx can regulate vascular hypertrophy and inflammation by regulating the activity of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and actin polymerization. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-induced endothelial cell (EC) migration is inhibited by Glrx overexpression. In mice overexpressing Glrx, blood flow recovery, exercise function and capillary density were significantly attenuated after hindlimb ischaemia (HLI). Wnt5a and soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) were enhanced in the ischaemic-limb muscle and plasma respectively from Glrx transgenic (TG) mice. A Wnt5a/sFlt-1 pathway had been described in myeloid cells controlling retinal blood vessel development. Interestingly, a Wnt5a/sFlt-1 pathway was found also to play a role in EC to inhibit network formation. S-glutathionylation of NF-κB components inhibits its activation. Up-regulated Glrx stimulated the Wnt5a/sFlt-1 pathway through enhancing NF-κB signalling. These studies show a novel role for Glrx in post-ischaemic neovascularization, which could define a potential target for therapy of impaired angiogenesis in pathological conditions including diabetes.


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Identifying the cellular responses to photodynamic therapy (PDT) is important if the mechanisms of cellular damage are to be fully understood. The relationship between sensitizer, fluence rate and the removal of cells by trypsinization was studied using the RIF-1 cell line. Following treatment of RIF-1 cells with pyridinium zinc (II) phthalocyanine (PPC), or polyhaematoporphyrin at 10 mW cm−2 (3 J cm−2), there was a significant number of cells that were not removed by trypsin incubation compared to controls. Decreasing the fluence rate from 10 to 2.5 mW cm−2 resulted in a two-fold increase in the number of cells attached to the substratum when PPC used as sensitizer; however, with 5,10,15,20 meso-tetra(hydroxyphenyl) chlorin (m-THPC) there was no resistance to trypsinization following treatment at either fluence rate. The results indicate that resistance of cells to trypsinization following PDT is likely to be both sensitizer and fluence rate dependent. Increased activity of the enzyme tissue-transglutaminase (tTGase) was observed following PPC-PDT, but not following m-THPC-PDT. Similar results were obtained using HT29 human colonic carcinoma and ECV304 human umbilical vein endothelial cell lines. Hamster fibrosarcoma cell (Met B) clones transfected with human tTGase also exhibited resistance to trypsinization following PPC-mediated photosensitization; however, a similar degree of resistance was observed in PDT-treated control Met B cells suggesting that tTGase activity alone was not involved in this process.


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Placental villous development requires the co-ordinated action of angiogenic factors on both endothelial and trophoblast cells. Like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF-C increases vascular permeability, stimulates endothelial cell proliferation and migration. In the present study, we investigated the expression of VEGF-C and its receptors VEGFR-3 and VEGFR-2 in normal and intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) placenta. Immunolocalisation studies showed that like VEGF and VEGFR-1, VEGF-C, VEGFR-3 and VEGFR-2 co-localised to the syncytiotrophoblast, to cells in the maternal decidua, as well as to the endothelium of the large placental blood vessels. Western blot analysis demonstrated a significant decrease in placental VEGF-C and VEGFR-3 protein expression in severe IUGR as compared to gestationally-matched third trimester pregnancies. Conditioned medium from VEGF-C producing pancreatic carcinoma (Suit-2) and endometrial epithelial (Hec-1B) cell lines caused an increased association of the phosphorylated extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) in VEGFR-3 immunoprecipitates from spontaneously transformed first trimester trophoblast cells. VEGF121 caused dose-dependant phosphorylation of VEGFR-2 in trophoblast cells as well as stimulating DNA synthesis. In addition, premixing VEGF165 with heparin sulphate proteoglycan potentiated trophoblast proliferation and the association of phospho-ERK with the VEGFR-2 receptor. VEGF165-mediated DNA synthesis was inhibited by anti-VEGFR-2 neutralising antibody. The results demonstrate functional VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 receptors on trophoblast and suggest that the decreased expression of VEGF-C and VEGFR-3 may contribute to the abnormal villous development observed in IUGR placenta.


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The bronchial epithelium is a source of both α and β chemokines and, uniquely, of secretory component (SC), the extracellular ligand-binding domain of the polymeric IgA receptor. Ig superfamily relatives of SC, such as IgG and α2-macroglobulin, bind IL-8. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that SC binds IL-8, modifying its activity as a neutrophil chemoattractant. Primary bronchial epithelial cells were cultured under conditions to optimize SC synthesis. The chemokines IL-8, epithelial neutrophil-activating peptide-78, growth-related oncogene α, and RANTES were released constitutively by epithelial cells from both normal and asthmatic donors and detected in high m.w. complexes with SC. There were no qualitative differences in the production of SC-chemokine complexes by epithelial cells from normal or asthmatic donors, and in all cases this was the only form of chemokine detected. SC contains 15% N-linked carbohydrate, and complete deglycosylation with peptide N-glycosidase F abolished IL-8 binding. In micro-Boyden chamber assays, no IL-8-dependent neutrophil chemotactic responses to epithelial culture supernatants could be demonstrated. SC dose-dependently (IC50 ∼0.3 nM) inhibited the neutrophil chemotactic response to rIL-8 (10 nM) in micro-Boyden chamber assays and also inhibited IL-8-mediated neutrophil transendothelial migration. SC inhibited the binding of IL-8 to nonspecific binding sites on polycarbonate filters and endothelial cell monolayers, and therefore the formation of haptotactic gradients, without effects on IL-8 binding to specific receptors on neutrophils. The data indicate that in the airways IL-8 may be solubilized and inactivated by binding to SC


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Current anti-angiogenic treatments involve the attenuation of signalling via the pro-angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor/receptor (VEGF/VEGFR) axis. Stimulation of angiogenesis by VEGF requires the activation of the calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) signal transduction pathway which is inhibited by Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase 4 (PMCA4), an endogenous calcium extrusion pump. However, PMCA4s role in calcineurin/NFAT-dependent angiogenesis is unknown. Using “gain of function” studies, we show here that adenoviral overexpression of PMCA4 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) inhibited NFAT activity, decreased the expression of NFAT-dependent pro-angiogenic proteins (regulator of calcineurin 1.4 (RCAN1.4) and cyclooxygenase-2) and diminished in vitro cell migration and tube formation in response to VEGF-stimulation. Furthermore, in vivo blood vessel formation was attenuated in a matrigel plug assay by ectopic expression of PMCA4. Conversely, “loss of function” experiments by si-RNA-mediated knockdown of PMCA4 in HUVEC or isolation of mouse lung endothelial cells from PMCA4−/− mice showed increased VEGF-induced NFAT activity, RCAN1.4 expression, in vitro endothelial cell migration, tube formation and in vivo blood vessel formation. Additionally, in an in vivo pathological angiogenesis model of limb ischemia, the reperfusion of the ischemic limb of PMCA4−/− mice was augmented compared to wild-type. Disruption of the interaction between endogenous PMCA4 and calcineurin by adenoviral overexpression of the region of PMCA4 that interacts with calcineurin (residues 428–651) increased NFAT activity, RCAN1.4 protein expression and in vitro tube formation. These results identify PMCA4 as an inhibitor of VEGF-induced angiogenesis, highlighting its potential as a new therapeutic target for anti-angiogenic treatments.


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This dissertation evaluated the feasibility of using commercially available immortalized cell lines in building a tissue engineered in vitro blood-brain barrier (BBB) co-culture model for preliminary drug development studies. Mouse endothelial cell line and rat astrocyte cell lines purchased from American Type Culture Collections (ATCC) were the building blocks of the co-culture model. An astrocyte derived acellular extracellular matrix (aECM) was introduced in the co-culture model to provide a novel in vitro biomimetic basement membrane for the endothelial cells to form endothelial tight junctions. Trans-endothelial electrical resistance (TEER) and solute mass transport studies were engaged to quantitatively evaluate the tight junction formation on the in-vitro BBB models. Immuno-fluorescence microscopy and Western Blot analysis were used to qualitatively verify the in vitro expression of occludin, one of the earliest discovered tight junction proteins. Experimental data from a total of 12 experiments conclusively showed that the novel BBB in vitro co-culture model with the astrocyte derived aECM (CO+aECM) was promising in terms of establishing tight junction formation represented by TEER values, transport profiles and tight junction protein expression when compared with traditional co-culture (CO) model setups and endothelial cells cultured alone. Experimental data were also found to be comparable with several existing in vitro BBB models built from various methods. In vitro colorimetric sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay revealed that the co-cultured samples with aECM resulted in less cell loss on the basal sides of the insert membranes than that from traditional co-culture samples. The novel tissue engineering approach using immortalized cell lines with the addition of aECM was proven to be a relevant alternative to the traditional BBB in vitro modeling.