589 resultados para edentulous jaws


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INTRODUCTION: The Nobel Direct implant (Nobel Biocare AB, Göteborg, Sweden) was developed to minimize marginal bone resorption and to result in "soft tissue integration" for an optimized aesthetic outcome. However, conflicting results have been presented in the literature. The aim of this present study was to evaluate the clinical and microbiologic outcomes of Nobel Direct implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten partially edentulous subjects without evidence of active periodontitis (mean age 55 years) received 12 Nobel Direct implants. Implants were loaded with single crowns after a healing period of 3 to 6 months. Treatment outcomes were assessed at month 24. Routine clinical assessments, intraoral radiographs, and microbiologic samplings were made. Histologic analysis of one failing implant and chemical spectroscopy around three unused implants was performed. Paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for the evaluation of bone loss; otherwise, descriptive analysis was performed. RESULTS: Implants were functionally loaded after 3 to 6 months. At 2 years, the mean bone loss of remaining implants was 2.0 mm (SD +/- 1.1 mm; range: 0.0-3.4 mm). Three out of 12 implants with an early mean bone loss >3 mm were lost. The surviving implants showed increasing bone loss between 6 and 24 months (p = .028). Only 3 out of the 12 implants were considered successful and showed bone loss of <1.7 mm after 2 years. High rates of pathogens, including Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium spp., Porphyromonas gingivalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Tanerella forsythia, were found. Chemical spectroscopy revealed, despite the normal signals from Ti, O, and C, also peaks of P, F, S, N, and Ca. A normal histologic image of osseointegration was observed in the apical part of the retrieved implant. CONCLUSION: Radiographic evidence and 25% implant failures are indications of a low success rate. High counts and prevalence of significant pathogens were found at surviving implants. Although extensive bone loss had occurred in the coronal part, the apical portion of the implant showed some bone to implant integration.


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Purpose: This retrospective study analyzed the pool of patients referred for treatment with dental implants over a 3-year period in a referral specialty clinic. Materials and Methods: All patients receiving dental implants between 2002 and 2004 in the Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology, University of Bern, were included in this retrospective study. Patients were analyzed according to age, gender, indications for implant therapy, location of implants, and type and length of implants placed. A cumulative logistic regression analysis was performed to identify and analyze potential risk factors for complications or failures. Results: A total of 1,206 patients received 1,817 dental implants. The group comprised 573 men and 633 women with a mean age of 55.2 years. Almost 60% of patients were age 50 or older. The most frequent indication for implant therapy was single-tooth replacement in the maxilla (522 implants or 28.7%). A total of 726 implants (40%) were inserted in the esthetically demanding region of the anterior maxilla. For 939 implants (51.7%), additional bone-augmentation procedures were required. Of these, ridge augmentation with guided bone regeneration was performed more frequently than sinus grafting. Thirteen complications leading to early failures were recorded, resulting in an early failure rate of 0.7%. The regression analysis failed to identify statistically significant failure etiologies for the variables assessed. Conclusions: From this study it can be concluded that patients referred to a specialty clinic for implant placement were more likely to be partially edentulous and over 50 years old. Single-tooth replacement was the most frequent indication (> 50%). Similarly, additional bone augmentation was indicated in more than 50% of cases. Adhering to strict patient selection criteria and a standardized surgical protocol, an early failure rate of 0.7% was experienced in this study population


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OBJECTIVES: Various imaging techniques, including conventional radiography and computed tomography, are proposed to localize the mandibular canal prior to implant surgery. The aim of this study is to determine the incidence of altered mental nerve sensation after implant placement in the posterior segment of the mandible when a panoramic radiograph is the only preoperative imaging technique used. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 1527 partially and totally edentulous patients who had consecutively received 2584 implants in the posterior segment of the mandible. Preoperative bone height was evaluated from the top of the alveolar crest to the superior border of the mandibular canal on a standard panoramic radiograph. A graduated implant scale from the implant manufacturer was used and 2 mm were subtracted as a safety margin to determine the length of the implant to be inserted. RESULTS: No permanent sensory disturbances of the inferior alveolar nerve were observed. There were two cases of postoperative paresthesia, representing 2/2584 (0.08%) of implants inserted in the posterior segment of the mandible or 2/1527 (0.13%) of patients. These sensory disturbances were minor, lasted for 3 and 6 weeks and resolved spontaneously. CONCLUSIONS: Panoramic examination can be considered a safe preoperative evaluation procedure for routine posterior mandibular implant placement. Panoramic radiography is a quick, simple, low-cost and low-dose presurgical diagnostic tool. When a safety margin of at least 2 mm above the mandibular canal is respected, panoramic radiography appears to be sufficient to evaluate available bone height prior to insertion of posterior mandibular implants; cross-sectional imaging techniques may not be necessary.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate whether systemic diseases with/without systemic medication increase the risk of implant failure and therefore diminish success and survival rates of dental implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A MEDLINE search was undertaken to find human studies reporting implant survival in subjects treated with osseointegrated dental implants who were diagnosed with at least one of 12 systemic diseases. RESULTS: For most conditions, no studies comparing patients with and without the condition in a controlled setting were found. For most systemic diseases there are only case reports or case series demonstrating that implant placement, integration, and function are possible in affected patients. For diabetes, heterogeneity of the material and the method of reporting data precluded a formal meta-analysis. No unequivocal tendency for subjects with diabetes to have higher failure rates emerged. The data from papers reporting on osteoporotic patients were also heterogeneous. The evidence for an association between osteoporosis and implant failure was low. Nevertheless, some reports now tend to focus on the medication used in osteoporotic patients, with oral bisphosphonates considered a potential risk factor for osteonecrosis of the jaws, rather than osteoporosis as a risk factor for implant success and survival on its own. CONCLUSIONS: The level of evidence indicative of absolute and relative contraindications for implant therapy due to systemic diseases is low. Studies comparing patients with and without the condition in a controlled setting are sparse. Especially for patients with manifest osteoporosis under an oral regime of bisphosphonates, prospective controlled studies are urgently needed.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this prospective case series study was to evaluate the short-term success rates of titanium screw-type implants with a chemically modified sand-blasted and acid-etched (mod SLA) surface after 3 weeks of healing. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 56 implants were inserted in the posterior mandible of 40 partially edentulous patients exhibiting bone densities of class I to III. After a healing period of 3 weeks, all implants were functionally loaded with a screw-retained crown or fixed dental prosthesis. The patients were recalled at weeks 4, 7, 12, and 26 for monitoring and assessment of clinical and radiological parameters, including implant stability quotient (ISQ) measurements. RESULTS: None of the implants failed to integrate. However, two implants were considered "spinners" at day 21 and left unloaded for an extended period. Therefore, 96.4% of the inserted implants were loaded according to the protocol tested. All 56 implants including the "spinners" showed favorable clinical and radiographic findings at the 6-month follow-up examination. The ISQ values increased steadily throughout the follow-up period. At the time of implant placement, the range of ISQ values exhibited a mean of 74.33, and by week 26, a mean value of 83.82 was recorded. Based on strict criteria, all 56 implants were considered successfully integrated, resulting in a 6-month survival and success rate of 100.0%. CONCLUSION: This prospective study using an early-loading protocol after 3 weeks of healing demonstrated that titanium implants with the modified SLA surface can achieve and maintain successful tissue integration over a period of at least 6 months. The ISQ method seems feasible to monitor implant stability during the initial wound-healing period.


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Grafting of the maxillary sinus in both one- and two-stage protocols has become a highly predictable surgical technique for site development and for the placement of implants to support dentures. However, despite the predictability and high success rates reported for dental implants placed either simultaneously with or after a sinus floor elevation (SFE) procedure, complications have been reported. The aim of the following case report is to present an uncommon complication in a staged SFE procedure: the displacement of a dental implant into the maxillary sinus during insertion. As implant dentistry is becoming more and more popular among practitioners, and ever more demanding procedures for initial site development in jaws with bony deficiencies are being introduced into daily practice, the displacement of dental implants into the maxillary sinus during implant placement may become a more frequent complication. Management of this complication is presented, discussed, and evaluated in light of the current literature.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess retrospectively, over at least 5 years, the incidences of technical and biological complications and failures in young adult patients with birth defects affecting the formation of teeth. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All insurance cases with a birth defect that had crowns and fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) inserted more than 5 years ago were contacted and asked to participate in a reexamination. RESULTS: The median age of the patients was 19.3 years (range 16.6-24.7 years) when prosthetic treatment was initiated. Over the median observation period of 15.7 years (range 7.4-24.9 years) and considering the treatment needs at the reexamination, 19 out of 33 patients (58%) with reconstructions on teeth remained free from all failures or complications. From the patients with FDPs and single unit crowns (SCs) on implants followed over a median observation period of 8 years (range 4.6-15.3 years), eight out of 17% or 47% needed a retreatment or repair at some point due to a failure or a complication. From the three groups of patients, the cases with amelogenesis/dentinogenesis imperfecta demonstrated the highest failure and complication rates. In the cases with cleft lip, alveolus and palate (CLAP) or hypodontia/oligodontia, 71% of the SCs and 73% of the FDPs on teeth (FDP T) remained complication free over a median observation period of about 16 years. Sixty-two percent of the SCs and 64% of the FDPs on implants remained complication free over 8 years. Complications occurred earlier with implant-supported reconstructions. CONCLUSIONS: Because healthy, pristine teeth can be left unprepared, implant-supported SCs and FDPs are the treatment choice in young adults with birth defects resulting in tooth agenesis and in whom the edentulous spaces cannot be closed by means of orthodontic therapy. However, the trend for earlier and more frequent complications with implant-supported reconstructions in young adults, expecting many years of function with the reconstructions, has to be weighed against the benefits of keeping teeth unprepared. In cases with CLAP in which anatomical conditions render implant placement difficult and in which teeth adjacent to the cleft require esthetic corrections, the conventional FDP T still remains the treatment of choice.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to analyze prosthetic maintenance in partially edentulous patients with removable prostheses supported by teeth and strategic implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty patients with removable partial prostheses and combined tooth-implant support were identified within the time period from 1998 to 2006. One group consisted of 42 patients (planned group) with a reduced residual dentition and in need of removable partial dentures (RPDs) or overdentures in the maxilla and/or mandible. They were admitted consecutively for treatment. Due to missing teeth in strategic important positions, one or two implants were placed to improve symmetrical denture support and retention. The majority of residual teeth exhibited an impaired structural integrity and therefore were provided with root copings for denture retention. A few vital teeth were used for telescopic crowns. The anchorage system for the strategic implants was selected accordingly. A second group of 18 patients (repair group) wearing RPDs with the loss of one abutment tooth due to biologic or mechanical failure was identified. These abutment teeth were replaced by 21 implants, and patients continued to wear their original prostheses. The observation time for planned and repair groups was 12 months to 8 years. All patients followed a regular maintenance schedule. Technical or biologic complications with supporting teeth or implants and prosthetic service were registered regularly. RESULTS: Three maxillary implants were lost after loading and three roots with copings had to be removed. Biologic problems included caries and periodontal/peri-implant infection with a significantly higher incidence in the repair group (P < .05). Technical complications with the dentures were rather frequent in both groups, mostly related to the anchorage system (matrices) of root copings and implants. Maintenance and complications were observed more frequently in the first year after delivery of the denture than in the following 3 years (P < .05). No denture had to be remade. CONCLUSIONS: The placement of a few implants allows for maintaining a compromised residual dentition for support of RPDs. The combination of root and implant support facilitates treatment planning and enhances designing the removable denture. It also proves to be a practical rescue method. Technical problems with the anchorage system were frequent, particularly in the first year after delivery of the dentures.


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PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to investigate the association between dental injuries and facial fractures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a prospective study of 273 patients examined at a level 1 trauma center in Switzerland from September 2005 until August 2006 who had facial fractures. Medical history and clinical and radiologic examination findings were recorded to evaluate demographics, etiology, presentation, and type of facial fracture, as well as its relationship to dental injury site and type. RESULTS: In 273 patients with dentition, we recorded 339 different facial fractures. Of these patients, 130 (47.5%) sustained a fracture in the non-tooth-bearing region, 44 (16%) had a fractured maxilla, and 65 (24%) had a fractured mandible. Among 224 patients with dentition who had a facial fracture in only 1 compartment, 140 injured teeth were found in 50 patients. Of 122 patients with an injury limited to the non-tooth-bearing facial skeleton, 12 sustained dental trauma (10%). In patients with fractures limited to the maxilla (n = 41), 6 patients had dental injuries (14.5%). In patients with fractures to the mandible (n = 61), 24 sustained dental injuries (39%). When we compared the type of tooth lesion and the location, simple crown fractures prevailed in both jaws. Patients with a fracture of the mandible were most likely to have a dental injury (39.3%). The highest incidence of dental lesions was found in the maxilla in combination with fractures of the lower jaw (39%). This incidence was even higher than the incidence of dental lesions in the lower jaw in combination with fractures of the mandible (24%). CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of the association of dental injuries and maxillofacial fractures is a basic tool for their prevention. Our study showed that in cases of trauma with mandibular fracture, the teeth in the upper jaw might be at higher risk than the teeth in the lower jaw. Further larger-scale studies on this topic could clarify this finding and may provide suggestions for the amelioration of safety devices (such as modified bicycle helmets).


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PURPOSE: This retrospective study reports the clinical outcome following placement of extraoral implants in severely resorbed posterior ridges to support distal-extension removable dentures. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Consecutively treated patients with partially or completely edentulous ridges, with available bone height in the posterior region of 6 mm or less, were included in the study. Implants originally intended for extraoral use (Straumann) were placed in second molar regions and allowed to heal for 4 to 6 months before abutment connection. At recall appointments, the peri-implant hard and soft tissues were evaluated. Complications with implant components, as well as mechanical and structural failures of the prostheses, were recorded. Two-year survival rates were calculated and life table analyses undertaken. RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients (19 women and 10 men; average age 61.2 years, range, 44 to 75 years) were included in the study. Forty-seven extraoral implants in 26 patients were placed in the second molar site of the mandible. Two extraoral implants in 2 patients failed during the osseointegration phase, yielding an 8-year cumulative success rate of 91.8%. The mean distance from the extraoral implants to the most distal tooth/implant was 28.1 mm (range, 16.7 to 39.2 mm). Twenty-three extraoral implants were restored with magnets, 18 with ball anchors, and 4 with conical cylinders. Replacement of abutments and retention elements was necessary in 2 patients. Four abutments in 2 patients were disconnected from the restorations. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of the employed research design, extraoral implants may be used successfully to provide support for distal-extension removable dentures in severely resorbed posterior alveolar ridges.


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BACKGROUND Due to the increasing number of older people, there is a need for studies focused on this population. The aims of the present study are to assess oral and systemic conditions in individuals aged 60 to 95 years with access to dental insurance. METHODS Probing depths (PDs), tooth loss, alveolar bone levels, and systemic health were studied among a representative cohort of older individuals. RESULTS A total of 1,147 individuals in young-old (aged 60 or 67 years), old (aged 72 or 78 years), and old-old (aged ≥81 years) age groups were enrolled, including 200 individuals who were edentulous, in this study. Annual dental care was received by 82% of dentate individuals. Systemic diseases were common (diabetes: 5.8%; cardiovascular diseases: 20.7%; obesity: 71.2%; elevated C-reactive protein [CRP]: 98.4%). Serum CRP values were unrelated to periodontal conditions. Rates of periodontitis, defined as ≥30% of sites with a distance from cemento-enamel junction to bone of ≥5 mm, were 11.2% in women in the young-old age group and 44.9% in men in the old-old age group. Individuals in older age groups had a higher likelihood of periodontitis defined by bone loss and cutoff levels of PD ≥5 mm (odds ratio: 1.8; 95% confidence interval: 1.2 to 2.5; P <0.01). A total of 7% of individuals in the old-old age group had ≥20 teeth and no periodontitis. Systemic diseases, dental use, or smoking were not explanatory, whereas age and sex were explanatory for periodontitis. CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of periodontitis increased with age. Sex seems to be the dominant explanatory factor for periodontitis in older individuals. Despite frequent dental visits, overall oral health in the oldest age cohort was poor.


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OBJECTIVES Optical scanners combined with computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology provide high accuracy in the fabrication of titanium (TIT) and zirconium dioxide (ZrO) bars. The aim of this study was to compare the precision of fit of CAD/CAM TIT bars produced with a photogrammetric and a laser scanner. METHODS Twenty rigid CAD/CAM bars were fabricated on one single edentulous master cast with 6 implants in the positions of the second premolars, canines and central incisors. A photogrammetric scanner (P) provided digitized data for TIT-P (n=5) while a laser scanner (L) was used for TIT-L (n=5). The control groups consisted of soldered gold bars (gold, n=5) and ZrO-P with similar bar design. Median vertical distance between implant and bar platforms from non-tightened implants (one-screw test) was calculated from mesial, buccal and distal scanning electron microscope measurements. RESULTS Vertical microgaps were not significantly different between TIT-P (median 16μm; 95% CI 10-27μm) and TIT-L (25μm; 13-32μm). Gold (49μm; 12-69μm) had higher values than TIT-P (p=0.001) and TIT-L (p=0.008), while ZrO-P (35μm; 17-55μm) exhibited higher values than TIT-P (p=0.023). Misfit values increased in all groups from implant position 23 (3 units) to 15 (10 units), while in gold and TIT-P values decreased from implant 11 toward the most distal implant 15. SIGNIFICANCE CAD/CAM titanium bars showed high precision of fit using photogrammetric and laser scanners. In comparison, the misfit of ZrO bars (CAM/CAM, photogrammetric scanner) and soldered gold bars was statistically higher but values were clinically acceptable.


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Purpose: To evaluate normal tissue dose reduction in step-and-shoot intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) on the Varian 2100 platform by tracking the multileaf collimator (MLC) apertures with the accelerator jaws. Methods: Clinical radiation treatment plans for 10 thoracic, 3 pediatric and 3 head and neck patients were converted to plans with the jaws tracking each segment’s MLC apertures. Each segment was then renormalized to account for the change in collimator scatter to obtain target coverage within 1% of that in the original plan. The new plans were compared to the original plans in a commercial radiation treatment planning system (TPS). Reduction in normal tissue dose was evaluated in the new plan by using the parameters V5, V10, and V20 in the cumulative dose-volume histogram for the following structures: total lung minus GTV (gross target volume), heart, esophagus, spinal cord, liver, parotids, and brainstem. In order to validate the accuracy of our beam model, MLC transmission measurements were made and compared to those predicted by the TPS. Results: The greatest change between the original plan and new plan occurred at lower dose levels. The reduction in V20 was never more than 6.3% and was typically less than 1% for all patients. The reduction in V5 was 16.7% maximum and was typically less than 3% for all patients. The variation in normal tissue dose reduction was not predictable, and we found no clear parameters that indicated which patients would benefit most from jaw tracking. Our TPS model of MLC transmission agreed with measurements with absolute transmission differences of less than 0.1 % and thus uncertainties in the model did not contribute significantly to the uncertainty in the dose determination. Conclusion: The amount of dose reduction achieved by collimating the jaws around each MLC aperture in step-and-shoot IMRT does not appear to be clinically significant.


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Botryoid odontogenic cysts (BOC) are considered to be rare polycystic variants of lateral periodontal cysts characterized by a multilocular growth pattern. The most frequent location of BOC is the mandible, predominantly the premolar-canine area, followed by the anterior region of the maxilla. The cyst shows a slight female predilection. This case report of a BOC demonstrates a treatment with initial fenestration and decompression of the cyst in order to prevent damage to adjacent structures such as the inferior alveolar nerve. The present case report emphasizes the importance of accurate clinical, radiographic, and histologic diagnostic procedures of unspecific radiolucent lesions in the jaws to establish a firm diagnosis and avoid inappropriate treatment strategies.


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PURPOSE Clinical studies related to the long-term outcomes with implant-supported reconstructions are still sparse. The aim of this 10-year retrospective study was to assess the rate of mechanical/technical complications and failures with implant supported fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) and single crowns (SCs) in a large cohort of partially edentulous patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS The comprehensive multidisciplinary examination consisted of a medical/dental history, clinical examination, and a radiographic analysis. Prosthodontic examination evaluated the implant-supported reconstructions for mechanical/technical complications and failures, occlusal analysis, presence/absence of attrition, and location, extension, and retention type. RESULTS Out of three hundred ninety seven fixed reconstructions in three hundred three patients, two hundred sixty eight were SCs and one hundred twenty seven were FDPs. Of these three hundred ninety seven implant-supported reconstructions, 18 had failed, yielding a failure rate of 4.5% and a survival rate of 95.5% after a mean observation period of 10.75 years (range: 8.4-13.5 years). The most frequent complication was ceramic chipping (20.31%) followed by occlusal screw loosening (2.57%) and loss of retention (2.06%). No occlusal screw fracture, one abutment loosening, and two abutment fractures were noted. This resulted in a total mechanical/technical complication rate of 24.7%. The prosthetic success rate over a mean follow-up time of 10.75 years was 70.8%. Generalized attrition and FDPs were associated with statistically significantly higher rates of ceramic fractures when compared with SCs. Cantilever extensions, screw retention, anterior versus posterior, and gender did not influence the chipping rate. CONCLUSIONS After a mean exposure time of 10.75 years, high survival rates for reconstructions supported by Sand-blasted Large-grit Acid-etched implants can be expected. Ceramic chipping was the most frequent complication and was increased in dentitions with attrition and in FDPs compared with SCs.