818 resultados para distributed simulation pads anonymity tor simulator anonymous cloud computing


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In this paper, we present the Cellular Dynamic Simulator (CDS) for simulating diffusion and chemical reactions within crowded molecular environments. CDS is based on a novel event driven algorithm specifically designed for precise calculation of the timing of collisions, reactions and other events for each individual molecule in the environment. Generic mesh based compartments allow the creation / importation of very simple or detailed cellular structures that exist in a 3D environment. Multiple levels of compartments and static obstacles can be used to create a dense environment to mimic cellular boundaries and the intracellular space. The CDS algorithm takes into account volume exclusion and molecular crowding that may impact signaling cascades in small sub-cellular compartments such as dendritic spines. With the CDS, we can simulate simple enzyme reactions; aggregation, channel transport, as well as highly complicated chemical reaction networks of both freely diffusing and membrane bound multi-protein complexes. Components of the CDS are generally defined such that the simulator can be applied to a wide range of environments in terms of scale and level of detail. Through an initialization GUI, a simple simulation environment can be created and populated within minutes yet is powerful enough to design complex 3D cellular architecture. The initialization tool allows visual confirmation of the environment construction prior to execution by the simulator. This paper describes the CDS algorithm, design implementation, and provides an overview of the types of features available and the utility of those features are highlighted in demonstrations.


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In this paper, we propose the distributed bees algorithm (DBA) for task allocation in a swarm of robots. In the proposed scenario, task allocation consists in assigning the robots to the found targets in a 2-D arena. The expected distribution is obtained from the targets' qualities that are represented as scalar values. Decision-making mechanism is distributed and robots autonomously choose their assignments taking into account targets' qualities and distances. We tested the scalability of the proposed DBA algorithm in terms of number of robots and number of targets. For that, the experiments were performed in the simulator for various sets of parameters, including number of robots, number of targets, and targets' utilities. Control parameters inherent to DBA were tuned to test how they affect the final robot distribution. The simulation results show that by increasing the robot swarm size, the distribution error decreased.


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Cloud-based infrastructure has been increasingly adopted by the industry in distributed software development (DSD) environments. Its proponents claim that its several benefits include reduced cost, increased speed and greater productivity in software development. Empirical evaluations, however, are in the nascent stage of examining both the benefits and the risks of cloud-based infrastructure. The objective of this paper is to identify potential benefits and risks of using cloud in a DSD project conducted by teams based in Helsinki and Madrid. A cross-case qualitative analysis is performed based on focus groups conducted at the Helsinki and Madrid sites. Participants observations are used to supplement the analysis. The results of the analysis indicated that the main benefits of using cloud are rapid development, continuous integration, cost savings, code sharing, and faster ramp-up. The key risks determined by the project are dependencies, unavailability of access to the cloud, code commitment and integration, technical debt, and additional support costs. The results revealed that if such environments are not planned and set up carefully, the benefits of using cloud in DSD projects might be overshadowed by the risks associated with it.


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8th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FraMCoS8).


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The distributed computing models typically assume every process in the system has a distinct identifier (ID) or each process is programmed differently, which is named as eponymous system. In such kind of distributed systems, the unique ID is helpful to solve problems: it can be incorporated into messages to make them trackable (i.e., to or from which process they are sent) to facilitate the message transmission; several problems (leader election, consensus, etc.) can be solved without the information of network property in priori if processes have unique IDs; messages in the register of one process will not be overwritten by others process if this process announces; it is useful to break the symmetry. Hence, eponymous systems have influenced the distributed computing community significantly either in theory or in practice. However, every thing in the world has its own two sides. The unique ID also has disadvantages: it can leak information of the network(size); processes in the system have no privacy; assign unique ID is costly in bulk-production(e.g, sensors). Hence, homonymous system is appeared. If some processes share the same ID and programmed identically is called homonymous system. Furthermore, if all processes shared the same ID or have no ID is named as anonymous system. In homonymous or anonymous distributed systems, the symmetry problem (i.e., how to distinguish messages sent from which process) is the main obstacle in the design of algorithms. This thesis is aimed to propose different symmetry break methods (e.g., random function, counting technique, etc.) to solve agreement problem. Agreement is a fundamental problem in distributed computing including a family of abstractions. In this thesis, we mainly focus on the design of consensus, set agreement, broadcast algorithms in anonymous and homonymous distributed systems. Firstly, the fault-tolerant broadcast abstraction is studied in anonymous systems with reliable or fair lossy communication channels separately. Two classes of anonymous failure detectors AΘ and AP∗ are proposed, and both of them together with a already proposed failure detector ψ are implemented and used to enrich the system model to implement broadcast abstraction. Then, in the study of the consensus abstraction, it is proved the AΩ′ failure detector class is strictly weaker than AΩ and AΩ′ is implementable. The first implementation of consensus in anonymous asynchronous distributed systems augmented with AΩ′ and where a majority of processes does not crash. Finally, a general consensus problem– k-set agreement is researched and the weakest failure detector L used to solve it, in asynchronous message passing systems where processes may crash and recover, with homonyms (i.e., processes may have equal identities), and without a complete initial knowledge of the membership.


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The distributed computing models typically assume every process in the system has a distinct identifier (ID) or each process is programmed differently, which is named as eponymous system. In such kind of distributed systems, the unique ID is helpful to solve problems: it can be incorporated into messages to make them trackable (i.e., to or from which process they are sent) to facilitate the message transmission; several problems (leader election, consensus, etc.) can be solved without the information of network property in priori if processes have unique IDs; messages in the register of one process will not be overwritten by others process if this process announces; it is useful to break the symmetry. Hence, eponymous systems have influenced the distributed computing community significantly either in theory or in practice. However, every thing in the world has its own two sides. The unique ID also has disadvantages: it can leak information of the network(size); processes in the system have no privacy; assign unique ID is costly in bulk-production(e.g, sensors). Hence, homonymous system is appeared. If some processes share the same ID and programmed identically is called homonymous system. Furthermore, if all processes shared the same ID or have no ID is named as anonymous system. In homonymous or anonymous distributed systems, the symmetry problem (i.e., how to distinguish messages sent from which process) is the main obstacle in the design of algorithms. This thesis is aimed to propose different symmetry break methods (e.g., random function, counting technique, etc.) to solve agreement problem. Agreement is a fundamental problem in distributed computing including a family of abstractions. In this thesis, we mainly focus on the design of consensus, set agreement, broadcast algorithms in anonymous and homonymous distributed systems. Firstly, the fault-tolerant broadcast abstraction is studied in anonymous systems with reliable or fair lossy communication channels separately. Two classes of anonymous failure detectors AΘ and AP∗ are proposed, and both of them together with a already proposed failure detector ψ are implemented and used to enrich the system model to implement broadcast abstraction. Then, in the study of the consensus abstraction, it is proved the AΩ′ failure detector class is strictly weaker than AΩ and AΩ′ is implementable. The first implementation of consensus in anonymous asynchronous distributed systems augmented with AΩ′ and where a majority of processes does not crash. Finally, a general consensus problem– k-set agreement is researched and the weakest failure detector L used to solve it, in asynchronous message passing systems where processes may crash and recover, with homonyms (i.e., processes may have equal identities), and without a complete initial knowledge of the membership.


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Until a few years ago, most of the network communications were based in the wire as the physical media, but due to the advances and the maturity of the wireless communications, this is changing. Nowadays wireless communications offers fast, secure, efficient and reliable connections. Mobile communications are in expansion, clearly driven by the use of smart phones and other mobile devices, the use of laptops, etc… Besides that point, the inversion in the installation and maintenance of the physical medium is much lower than in wired communications, not only because the air has no cost, but because the installation and maintenance of the wire require a high economic cost. Besides the economic cost we find that wire is a more vulnerable medium to external threats such as noise, sabotages, etc… There are two different types of wireless networks: those which the structure is part of the network itself and those which have a lack of structure or any centralization, in a way that the devices that form part of the network can connect themselves in a dynamic and random way, handling also the routing of every control and information messages, this kind of networks is known as Ad-hoc. In the present work we will proceed to study one of the multiple wireless protocols that allows mobile communications, it is Optimized Link State Routing, from now on, OLSR, it is an pro-active routing, standard mechanism that works in a distributed in order to stablish the connections among the different nodes that belong to a wireless network. Thanks to this protocol it is possible to get all the routing tables in all the devices correctly updated every moment through the periodical transmission of control messages and on this way allow a complete connectivity among the devices that are part of the network and also, allow access to other external networks such as virtual private networks o Internet. This protocol could be perfectly used in environments such as airports, malls, etc… The update of the routing tables in all the devices is got thanks to the periodical transmission of control messages and finally it will offer connectivity among all the devices and the corresponding external networks. For the study of OLSR protocol we will have the help of the network simulator “Network Simulator 2”, a freeware network simulator programmed in C++ based in discrete events. This simulator is used mainly in educational and research environments and allows a very extensive range of protocols, both, wired networks protocols and wireless network protocols, what is going to be really useful to proceed to the simulation of different configurations of networks and protocols. In the present work we will also study different simulations with Network Simulator 2, in different scenarios with different configurations, wired networks, and Ad-hoc networks, where we will study OLSR Protocol. RESUMEN. Hasta hace pocos años, la mayoría de las comunicaciones de red estaban basadas en el cable como medio físico pero debido al avance y madurez alcanzados en el campo de las comunicaciones inalámbricas esto está cambiando. Hoy día las comunicaciones inalámbricas nos ofrecen conexiones veloces, seguras, eficientes y fiables. Las comunicaciones móviles se encuentran en su momento de máxima expansión, claramente impulsadas por el uso de teléfonos y demás dispositivos móviles, el uso de portátiles, etc… Además la inversión a realizar en la instalación y el mantenimiento del medio físico en las comunicaciones móviles es muchísimo menor que en comunicaciones por cable, ya no sólo porque el aire no tenga coste alguno, sino porque la instalación y mantenimiento del cable precisan de un elevado coste económico por norma. Además del coste económico nos encontramos con que es un medio más vulnerable a amenazas externas tales como el ruido, escuchas no autorizadas, sabotajes, etc… Existen dos tipos de redes inalámbricas: las constituidas por una infraestructura que forma parte más o menos de la misma y las que carecen de estructura o centralización alguna, de modo que los dispositivos que forman parte de ella pueden conectarse de manera dinámica y arbitraria entre ellos, encargándose además del encaminamiento de todos los mensajes de control e información, a este tipo de redes se las conoce como redes Ad-hoc. En el presente Proyecto de Fin de Carrera se procederá al estudio de uno de los múltiples protocolos inalámbricos que permiten comunicaciones móviles, se trata del protocolo inalámbrico Optimized Link State Routing, de ahora en adelante OLSR, un mecanismo estándar de enrutamiento pro-activo, que trabaja de manera distribuida para establecer las conexiones entre los nodos que formen parte de las redes inalámbricas Ad-hoc, las cuales carecen de un nodo central y de una infraestructura pre-existente. Gracias a este protocolo es posible conseguir que todos los equipos mantengan en todo momento las tablas de ruta actualizadas correctamente mediante la transmisión periódica de mensajes de control y así permitir una completa conectividad entre todos los equipos que formen parte de la red y, a su vez, también permitir el acceso a otras redes externas tales como redes privadas virtuales o Internet. Este protocolo sería usado en entornos tales como aeropuertos La actualización de las tablas de enrutamiento de todos los equipos se conseguirá mediante la transmisión periódica de mensajes de control y así finalmente se podrá permitir conectividad entre todos los equipos y con las correspondientes redes externas. Para el estudio del protocolo OLSR contaremos con el simulador de redes Network Simulator 2, un simulador de redes freeware programado en C++ basado en eventos discretos. Este simulador es usado principalmente en ambientes educativos y de investigación y permite la simulación tanto de protocolos unicast como multicast. El campo donde más se utiliza es precisamente en el de la investigación de redes móviles Ad-hoc. El simulador Network Simulator 2 no sólo implementa el protocolo OLSR, sino que éste implementa una amplia gama de protocolos, tanto de redes cableadas como de redes inalámbricas, lo cual va a sernos de gran utilidad para proceder a la simulación de distintas configuraciones de redes y protocolos. En el presente Proyecto de Fin de Carrera se estudiarán también diversas simulaciones con el simulador NS2 en diferentes escenarios con diversas configuraciones; redes cableadas, redes inalámbricas Ad-hoc, donde se estudiará el protocolo antes mencionado: OLSR. Este Proyecto de Fin de Carrera consta de cuatro apartados distintos: Primeramente se realizará el estudio completo del protocolo OLSR, se verán los beneficios y contrapartidas que ofrece este protocolo inalámbrico. También se verán los distintos tipos de mensajes existentes en este protocolo y unos pequeños ejemplos del funcionamiento del protocolo OLSR. Seguidamente se hará una pequeña introducción al simulador de redes Network Simulator 2, veremos la historia de este simulador, y también se hará referencia a la herramienta extra NAM, la cual nos permitirá visualizar el intercambio de paquetes que se produce entre los diferentes dispositivos de nuestras simulaciones de forma intuitiva y amigable. Se hará mención a la plataforma MASIMUM, encargada de facilitar en un entorno académico software y documentación a sus alumnos con el fin de facilitarles la investigación y la simulación de redes y sensores Ad-hoc. Finalmente se verán dos ejemplos, uno en el que se realizará una simulación entre dos PCs en un entorno Ethernet y otro ejemplo en el que se realizará una simulación inalámbrica entre cinco dispositivos móviles mediante el protocolo a estudiar, OLSR.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Shipboard power systems have different characteristics than the utility power systems. In the Shipboard power system it is crucial that the systems and equipment work at their peak performance levels. One of the most demanding aspects for simulations of the Shipboard Power Systems is to connect the device under test to a real-time simulated dynamic equivalent and in an environment with actual hardware in the Loop (HIL). The real time simulations can be achieved by using multi-distributed modeling concept, in which the global system model is distributed over several processors through a communication link. The advantage of this approach is that it permits the gradual change from pure simulation to actual application. In order to perform system studies in such an environment physical phase variable models of different components of the shipboard power system were developed using operational parameters obtained from finite element (FE) analysis. These models were developed for two types of studies low and high frequency studies. Low frequency studies are used to examine the shipboard power systems behavior under load switching, and faults. High-frequency studies were used to predict abnormal conditions due to overvoltage, and components harmonic behavior. Different experiments were conducted to validate the developed models. The Simulation and experiment results show excellent agreement. The shipboard power systems components behavior under internal faults was investigated using FE analysis. This developed technique is very curial in the Shipboard power systems faults detection due to the lack of comprehensive fault test databases. A wavelet based methodology for feature extraction of the shipboard power systems current signals was developed for harmonic and fault diagnosis studies. This modeling methodology can be utilized to evaluate and predicate the NPS components future behavior in the design stage which will reduce the development cycles, cut overall cost, prevent failures, and test each subsystem exhaustively before integrating it into the system.


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Developing analytical models that can accurately describe behaviors of Internet-scale networks is difficult. This is due, in part, to the heterogeneous structure, immense size and rapidly changing properties of today's networks. The lack of analytical models makes large-scale network simulation an indispensable tool for studying immense networks. However, large-scale network simulation has not been commonly used to study networks of Internet-scale. This can be attributed to three factors: 1) current large-scale network simulators are geared towards simulation research and not network research, 2) the memory required to execute an Internet-scale model is exorbitant, and 3) large-scale network models are difficult to validate. This dissertation tackles each of these problems. ^ First, this work presents a method for automatically enabling real-time interaction, monitoring, and control of large-scale network models. Network researchers need tools that allow them to focus on creating realistic models and conducting experiments. However, this should not increase the complexity of developing a large-scale network simulator. This work presents a systematic approach to separating the concerns of running large-scale network models on parallel computers and the user facing concerns of configuring and interacting with large-scale network models. ^ Second, this work deals with reducing memory consumption of network models. As network models become larger, so does the amount of memory needed to simulate them. This work presents a comprehensive approach to exploiting structural duplications in network models to dramatically reduce the memory required to execute large-scale network experiments. ^ Lastly, this work addresses the issue of validating large-scale simulations by integrating real protocols and applications into the simulation. With an emulation extension, a network simulator operating in real-time can run together with real-world distributed applications and services. As such, real-time network simulation not only alleviates the burden of developing separate models for applications in simulation, but as real systems are included in the network model, it also increases the confidence level of network simulation. This work presents a scalable and flexible framework to integrate real-world applications with real-time simulation.^


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Shipboard power systems have different characteristics than the utility power systems. In the Shipboard power system it is crucial that the systems and equipment work at their peak performance levels. One of the most demanding aspects for simulations of the Shipboard Power Systems is to connect the device under test to a real-time simulated dynamic equivalent and in an environment with actual hardware in the Loop (HIL). The real time simulations can be achieved by using multi-distributed modeling concept, in which the global system model is distributed over several processors through a communication link. The advantage of this approach is that it permits the gradual change from pure simulation to actual application. In order to perform system studies in such an environment physical phase variable models of different components of the shipboard power system were developed using operational parameters obtained from finite element (FE) analysis. These models were developed for two types of studies low and high frequency studies. Low frequency studies are used to examine the shipboard power systems behavior under load switching, and faults. High-frequency studies were used to predict abnormal conditions due to overvoltage, and components harmonic behavior. Different experiments were conducted to validate the developed models. The Simulation and experiment results show excellent agreement. The shipboard power systems components behavior under internal faults was investigated using FE analysis. This developed technique is very curial in the Shipboard power systems faults detection due to the lack of comprehensive fault test databases. A wavelet based methodology for feature extraction of the shipboard power systems current signals was developed for harmonic and fault diagnosis studies. This modeling methodology can be utilized to evaluate and predicate the NPS components future behavior in the design stage which will reduce the development cycles, cut overall cost, prevent failures, and test each subsystem exhaustively before integrating it into the system.


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Impactive contact between a vibrating string and a barrier is a strongly nonlinear phenomenon that presents several challenges in the design of numerical models for simulation and sound synthesis of musical string instruments. These are addressed here by applying Hamiltonian methods to incorporate distributed contact forces into a modal framework for discrete-time simulation of the dynamics of a stiff, damped string. The resulting algorithms have spectral accuracy, are unconditionally stable, and require solving a multivariate nonlinear equation that is guaranteed to have a unique solution. Exemplifying results are presented and discussed in terms of accuracy, convergence, and spurious high-frequency oscillations.