963 resultados para degree-of-freedom (DOF)
"Series title: Computational methods in applied sciences, ISSN1871-3033, vol. 42"
The general properties of POISSON distributions and their relations to the binomial distribuitions are discussed. Two methods of statistical analysis are dealt with in detail: X2-test. In order to carry out the X2-test, the mean frequency and the theoretical frequencies for all classes are calculated. Than the observed and the calculated frequencies are compared, using the well nown formula: f(obs) - f(esp) 2; i(esp). When the expected frequencies are small, one must not forget that the value of X2 may only be calculated, if the expected frequencies are biger than 5. If smaller values should occur, the frequencies of neighboroughing classes must ge pooled. As a second test reintroduced by BRIEGER, consists in comparing the observed and expected error standard of the series. The observed error is calculated by the general formula: δ + Σ f . VK n-1 where n represents the number of cases. The theoretical error of a POISSON series with mean frequency m is always ± Vm. These two values may be compared either by dividing the observed by the theoretical error and using BRIEGER's tables for # or by dividing the respective variances and using SNEDECOR's tables for F. The degree of freedom for the observed error is one less the number of cases studied, and that of the theoretical error is always infinite. In carrying out these tests, one important point must never be overlloked. The values for the first class, even if no concrete cases of the type were observed, must always be zero, an dthe value of the subsequent classes must be 1, 2, 3, etc.. This is easily seen in some of the classical experiments. For instance in BORKEWITZ example of accidents in Prussian armee corps, the classes are: no, one, two, etc., accidents. When counting the frequency of bacteria, these values are: no, one, two, etc., bacteria or cultures of bacteria. Ins studies of plant diseases equally the frequencies are : no, one, two, etc., plants deseased. Howewer more complicated cases may occur. For instance, when analising the degree of polyembriony, frequently the case of "no polyembryony" corresponds to the occurrence of one embryo per each seed. Thus the classes are not: no, one, etc., embryo per seed, but they are: no additional embryo, one additional embryo, etc., per seed with at least one embryo. Another interestin case was found by BRIEGER in genetic studies on the number os rows in maize. Here the minimum number is of course not: no rows, but: no additional beyond eight rows. The next class is not: nine rows, but: 10 rows, since the row number varies always in pairs of rows. Thus the value of successive classes are: no additional pair of rows beyond 8, one additional pair (or 10 rows), two additional pairs (or 12 rows) etc.. The application of the methods is finally shown on the hand of three examples : the number of seeds per fruit in the oranges M Natal" and "Coco" and in "Calamondin". As shown in the text and the tables, the agreement with a POISSON series is very satisfactory in the first two cases. In the third case BRIEGER's error test indicated a significant reduction of variability, and the X2 test showed that there were two many fruits with 4 or 5 seeds and too few with more or with less seeds. Howewer the fact that no fruit was found without seed, may be taken to indicate that in Calamondin fruits are not fully parthenocarpic and may develop only with one seed at the least. Thus a new analysis was carried out, on another class basis. As value for the first class the following value was accepted: no additional seed beyond the indispensable minimum number of one seed, and for the later classes the values were: one, two, etc., additional seeds. Using this new basis for all calculations, a complete agreement of the observed and expected frequencies, of the correspondig POISSON series was obtained, thus proving that our hypothesis of the impossibility of obtaining fruits without any seed was correct for Calamondin while the other two oranges were completely parthenocarpic and fruits without seeds did occur.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Darmouth College, from august 2007 until february 2008. It has been very successful, from different viewpoints: scientific, philosophical, human. We have definitely advanced, during the past six months, towards the comprehension of the behaviour of the fluctuations of the quantum vacuum in the presence of boundaries, moving and non-moving, and also in situations where the topology of space-time changes: the dynamical Casimir effect, regularization problems, particle creation statistics, according to different BC, etc. We have solved some longstanding problems and got in this subject quite remarkable results (as we will explain in more detail below). We also pursued a general approach towards a viable modified f(R) gravity in both the Jordan and the Einstein frames (which are known to be mathematically equivalent, but physically not so). A class of exponential, realistic modified gravities has been introduced by us and investigated with care. Special focus was made on step-class models, most promising from the phenomenological viewpoint and which provide a natural way to classify all viable modified gravities. One- and two-steps models were considered, but the analysis is extensible to N-step models. Both inflation in the early universe and the onset of recent accelerated expansion arise in these models in a natural, unified way, what makes them very promising. Moreover, it is monstrated in our work that models in this category easily pass all local tests, including stability of spherical body solution, non-violation of Newton's law, and generation of a very heavy positive mass for the additional scalar degree of freedom.
In this paper, an extension of the multi-scale finite-volume (MSFV) method is devised, which allows to Simulate flow and transport in reservoirs with complex well configurations. The new framework fits nicely into the data Structure of the original MSFV method,and has the important property that large patches covering the whole well are not required. For each well. an additional degree of freedom is introduced. While the treatment of pressure-constraint wells is trivial (the well-bore reference pressure is explicitly specified), additional equations have to be solved to obtain the unknown well-bore pressure of rate-constraint wells. Numerical Simulations of test cases with multiple complex wells demonstrate the ability of the new algorithm to capture the interference between the various wells and the reservoir accurately. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Diplomityössä tutkittiin kaupallisen monikappaledynamiikkaohjelmiston soveltuvuutta kiinnirullaimen dynamiikan ja värähtelyjen tutkimiseen. Erityisen kiinnostuneita oltiin nipin kuvauksesta sekä nipissä tapahtuvista värähtelyistä. Tässä diplomityössä mallinnettiin kiinnirullaimen ensiö- ja toisiokäytöt sekä tampuuritela. Malli yhdistettiin myöhemmin Metso Paper Järvenpäässä rinnakkaisena diplomityönä tehtyyn malliin, joista muodostui kahteen ratkaisijaan perustuva simulointimalli. Simulointimalli rakennettiin käyttämään kahta erillistä ratkaisijaa, joista toinen on mekaniikkamallin rakentamisessa käytetty ADAMS-ohjelmisto ja toinen säätöjärjestelmää ja hydraulipiirejä kuvaava Simulink-malli. Nipin mallintamiseksi tampuuritela ja rullaussylinteri mallinnettiin joustaviksi käyttäen keskitettyjen massojen menetelmää. Siirtolaitteissa sekä runkorakenteissa tapahtuvat joustot kuvattiin yhden vapausasteen jousi-vaimennin voimilla kuvattuina järjestelminä. Tässä diplomityössä on myös keskitytty esittelemään ADAMS-ohjelmiston toimintaa ohjeistavasti sekä käsittelemään parametrisen mallintamisen etuja. Työssä havaittiin monikappaledynamiikan soveltuvuus kiinnirullaimen dynamiikan sekä dynaamisten voimien aiheuttamien värähtelyjen tutkimiseen. Suoritetuista värähtelymittauksista voitiin tehdä vain arvioita. Mallin havaittiin vaativan lisätutkimusta ja kehitystyötä
This paper discuss the consequences of the equipartition principle when used to calculate the heat capacity of atoms and molecules, a discussion that appeared at the end of XIX century and beginning of the XX century. Classical molecular thermodynamics prediction of the heat capacity is introduced, followed by a presentation of the degrees of freedom of a system. The historical discussion that appeared at the time, by Dulong, Petit, Maxwell, Boltzmann, Rayleigh and Kelvin is discussed afterwards. The necessity of a new theory is also presented as a direct consequence of the equipartition principle collapse.
This master’s thesis is focused on the active magnetic bearings control, specifically the robust control. As carrying out of such kind of control used mixed H2/Hinf controller. So the goal of this work is to design it using Robust Control Toolbox™ in MATLAB and compare it performance and robustness with Hinf robust controller characteristics. But only one degree-of-freedom controller considered.
Thèse de doctorat réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Institut du social et du politique de l'École Normale supérieure de Cachan.
Les entraîneurs en sports acrobatiques disposent de peu d’outils permettant d’améliorer leur compréhension des saltos vrillés et la performance des athlètes. L’objectif de ce mémoire était de développer un environnement graphique de simulation numérique réaliste et utile des acrobaties aériennes. Un modèle composé de 17 segments et de 42 degrés de liberté a été développé et personnalisé à une athlète de plongeon. Un système optoélectronique échantillonné à 300 Hz a permis l’acquisition de huit plongeons en situation réelle d’entraînement. La cinématique articulaire reconstruite avec un filtre de Kalman étendu a été utilisée comme entrée du modèle. Des erreurs quadratiques moyennes de 20° (salto) et de 9° (vrille) entre les performances simulées et réelles ont permis de valider le modèle. Enfin, une formation basée sur le simulateur a été offerte à 14 entraîneurs en sports acrobatiques. Une augmentation moyenne de 11 % des résultats aux questionnaires post-test a permis de constater le potentiel pédagogique de l’outil pour la formation.
L’analyse biomécanique du mouvement humain en utilisant des systèmes optoélectroniques et des marqueurs cutanés considère les segments du corps comme des corps rigides. Cependant, le mouvement des tissus mous par rapport à l'os, c’est à dire les muscles et le tissu adipeux, provoque le déplacement des marqueurs. Ce déplacement est le fait de deux composantes, une composante propre correspondant au mouvement aléatoire de chaque marqueur et une composante à l’unisson provoquant le déplacement commun des marqueurs cutanés lié au mouvement des masses sous-jacentes. Si nombre d’études visent à minimiser ces déplacements, des simulations ont montré que le mouvement des masses molles réduit la dynamique articulaire. Cette observation est faite uniquement par la simulation, car il n'existe pas de méthodes capables de dissocier la cinématique des masses molles de celle de l’os. L’objectif principal de cette thèse consiste à développer une méthode numérique capable de distinguer ces deux cinématiques. Le premier objectif était d'évaluer une méthode d'optimisation locale pour estimer le mouvement des masses molles par rapport à l’humérus obtenu avec une tige intra-corticale vissée chez trois sujets. Les résultats montrent que l'optimisation locale sous-estime de 50% le déplacement des marqueurs et qu’elle conduit à un classement de marqueurs différents en fonction de leur déplacement. La limite de cette méthode vient du fait qu'elle ne tient pas compte de l’ensemble des composantes du mouvement des tissus mous, notamment la composante en unisson. Le second objectif était de développer une méthode numérique qui considère toutes les composantes du mouvement des tissus mous. Plus précisément, cette méthode devait fournir une cinématique similaire et une plus grande estimation du déplacement des marqueurs par rapport aux méthodes classiques et dissocier ces composantes. Le membre inférieur est modélisé avec une chaine cinématique de 10 degrés de liberté reconstruite par optimisation globale en utilisant seulement les marqueurs placés sur le pelvis et la face médiale du tibia. L’estimation de la cinématique sans considérer les marqueurs placés sur la cuisse et le mollet permet d'éviter l’influence de leur déplacement sur la reconstruction du modèle cinématique. Cette méthode testée sur 13 sujets lors de sauts a obtenu jusqu’à 2,1 fois plus de déplacement des marqueurs en fonction de la méthode considérée en assurant des cinématiques similaires. Une approche vectorielle a montré que le déplacement des marqueurs est surtout dû à la composante à l’unisson. Une approche matricielle associant l’optimisation locale à la chaine cinématique a montré que les masses molles se déplacent principalement autour de l'axe longitudinal et le long de l'axe antéro-postérieur de l'os. L'originalité de cette thèse est de dissocier numériquement la cinématique os de celle des masses molles et les composantes de ce mouvement. Les méthodes développées dans cette thèse augmentent les connaissances sur le mouvement des masses molles et permettent d’envisager l’étude de leur effet sur la dynamique articulaire.
This thesis details the development of a model of a seven degree of freedom manipulator for position control. Then, it goes on to discuss the design and construction of a the PHD, a robot built to serve two purposes: first, to perform research on joint torque control schemes, and second, to determine the important dynamic characteristics of the Harmonic Drive. The PHD, is a planar, three degree of freedom arm with torque sensors integral to each joint. Preliminary testing has shown that a simple linear spring model of the Harmonic Drive's flexibility is suitable in many situations.
Here we present an economical and versatile platform for developing motor control and sensory feedback of a prosthetic hand via in vitro mammalian peripheral nerve activity. In this study, closed-loop control of the grasp function of the prosthetic hand was achieved by stimulation of a peripheral nerve preparation in response to slip sensor data from a robotic hand, forming a rudimentary reflex action. The single degree of freedom grasp was triggered by single unit activity from motor and sensory fibers as a result of stimulation. The work presented here provides a novel, reproducible, economic, and robust platform for experimenting with neural control of prosthetic devices before attempting in vivo implementation.
The authors demonstrate four real-time reactive responses to movement in everyday scenes using an active head/eye platform. They first describe the design and realization of a high-bandwidth four-degree-of-freedom head/eye platform and visual feedback loop for the exploration of motion processing within active vision. The vision system divides processing into two scales and two broad functions. At a coarse, quasi-peripheral scale, detection and segmentation of new motion occurs across the whole image, and at fine scale, tracking of already detected motion takes place within a foveal region. Several simple coarse scale motion sensors which run concurrently at 25 Hz with latencies around 100 ms are detailed. The use of these sensors are discussed to drive the following real-time responses: (1) head/eye saccades to moving regions of interest; (2) a panic response to looming motion; (3) an opto-kinetic response to continuous motion across the image and (4) smooth pursuit of a moving target using motion alone.
We report numerical results from a study of balance dynamics using a simple model of atmospheric motion that is designed to help address the question of why balance dynamics is so stable. The non-autonomous Hamiltonian model has a chaotic slow degree of freedom (representing vortical modes) coupled to one or two linear fast oscillators (representing inertia-gravity waves). The system is said to be balanced when the fast and slow degrees of freedom are separated. We find adiabatic invariants that drift slowly in time. This drift is consistent with a random-walk behaviour at a speed which qualitatively scales, even for modest time scale separations, as the upper bound given by Neishtadt’s and Nekhoroshev’s theorems. Moreover, a similar type of scaling is observed for solutions obtained using a singular perturbation (‘slaving’) technique in resonant cases where Nekhoroshev’s theorem does not apply. We present evidence that the smaller Lyapunov exponents of the system scale exponentially as well. The results suggest that the observed stability of nearly-slow motion is a consequence of the approximate adiabatic invariance of the fast motion.
The concept of a slowest invariant manifold is investigated for the five-component model of Lorenz under conservative dynamics. It is shown that Lorenz's model is a two-degree-of-freedom canonical Hamiltonian system, consisting of a nonlinear vorticity-triad oscillator coupled to a linear gravity wave oscillator, whose solutions consist of regular and chaotic orbits. When either the Rossby number or the rotational Froude number is small, there is a formal separation of timescales, and one can speak of fast and slow motion. In the same regime, the coupling is weak, and the Kolmogorov–Arnold-Moser theorem is shown to apply. The chaotic orbits are inherently unbalanced and are confined to regions sandwiched between invariant tori consisting of quasi-periodic regular orbits. The regular orbits generally contain free fast motion, but a slowest invariant manifold may be geometrically defined as the set of all slow cores of invariant tori (defined by zero fast action) that are smoothly related to such cores in the uncoupled system. This slowest invariant manifold is not global; in fact, its structure is fractal; but it is of nearly full measure in the limit of weak coupling. It is also nonlinearly stable. As the coupling increases, the slowest invariant manifold shrinks until it disappears altogether. The results clarify previous definitions of a slowest invariant manifold and highlight the ambiguity in the definition of “slowness.” An asymptotic procedure, analogous to standard initialization techniques, is found to yield nonzero free fast motion even when the core solutions contain none. A hierarchy of Hamiltonian balanced models preserving the symmetries in the original low-order model is formulated; these models are compared with classic balanced models, asymptotically initialized solutions of the full system and the slowest invariant manifold defined by the core solutions. The analysis suggests that for sufficiently small Rossby or rotational Froude numbers, a stable slowest invariant manifold can be defined for this system, which has zero free gravity wave activity, but it cannot be defined everywhere. The implications of the results for more complex systems are discussed.