925 resultados para database solution
In this paper I am concerned with the problem of applying the notion of rigidity to general terms. In Naming and Necessity, Kripke has clearly suggested that we should include some general terms among the rigid ones, namely, those common nouns semantically correlated with natural substances, species and phenomena, in general, natural kinds -'water', 'tiger', 'heat'- and some adjectives -'red', 'hot', 'loud'. However, the notion of rigidity has been defined for singular terms; after all, the notion that Kripke has provided us with is the notion of a rigid designator. But general terms do not designate single individuals: rather, they apply to many of them. In sum, the original concept of rigidity cannot be straightforwardly applied to general terms: it has to be somehow redefined in order to make it cover them. As is known, two main positions have been put forward to accomplish that task: the identity of designation conception, according to which a rigid general term is one that designates the same property or kind in all possible worlds, and the essentialist conception, which conceives of a rigid general term as an essentialist one, namely, a term that expresses an essential property of an object. My purpose in the present paper is to defend a particular version of the identity of designation conception: on the proposed approach, a rigid general term will be one that expresses the same property in all possible worlds and names the property it expresses. In my opinion, the position can be established on the basis of an inference to the best explanation of our intuitive interpretation and evaluation, relative to counterfactual circumstances, of statements containing different kinds of general terms, which is strictly analogous to our intuitive interpretation and evaluation, relative to such circumstances, of statements containing different kinds of singular ones. I will argue that it is possible to offer a new solution to the trivialization problem that is thought to threaten all versions of the identity of designation conception of rigidity. Finally, I will also sketch a solution to the so-called 'over-generalization and under-generalization problems', both closely related to the above-mentioned one.
Imazapyr has been used in Brazilian eucalypt cultivation for the maintenance of clearings and coppicing control in areas undergoing stand reform. However, inquiries have been made as to the final fate of the molecule. Imazapyr root exudation in eucalypt plants was evaluated through a bioassay under greenhouse conditions, by applying different herbicide doses (0.000, 0.375, 0.750, 1.125, and 1.500 kg ha-1 a.i.) on Eucalyptus grandis seedlings derived from vegetative propagation, hydroponically cultivated in 2.500 ml vases. Forty-day-old seedlings of the same clone were used as bioindicators, transplanted to the vases two days after herbicide application. After a period of 13 days of coexistence, the sprayed plants were removed and discarded; ten days later, the visual symptoms of toxicity were evaluated and the total dry biomass (aerial part and roots) of the bioindicators were determined. The lowest herbicide dose (0.375 kg ha-1 a.i.) affected the total biomass and growth, being most evident in the aerial part, with larger I50 for root dry biomass. The E. grandis seedlings exuded imazapyr, and/or its metabolites, in concentrations capable of affecting the growth of plants of the same species.
Teollisuuden kasvavien laatuvaatimusten johdosta valmistava teollisuus joutuu tiukentamaan laatuvaatimuksiaan täyttääkseen asiakasvaatimukset. Laatujärjestelmät asettavat valmistajille erilaisia vaatimuksia, kuten valmistuksessa käytettävien laitteistojen huoltodokumentaatioiden tuottaminen. Standardi SFS-EN ISO 3834-2 Metallien sulahitsauksen laatuvaatimukset: Kattavat laatuvaatimukset tuo edellä mainitut vaatimukset myös hitsaustuotantoon. Ennakoivaa kunnossapitoa käytetään monilla teollisuuden aloilla, koska tuotannon yllättävät keskeytymiset halutaan ennaltaehkäistä. Käsinhitsaukseen ei ole ollut toistaiseksi työkaluja, jotka mahdollistaisivat ennakoivan kunnossapidon hitsauskoneille. Kemppi Oy kehittää hitsauksen monitorointiratkaisua, jonka yhtenä päämääränä on kunnonvalvontajärjestelmän kehittäminen hitsauslaitteistolle. Järjestelmä ottaa huomioon myös laatujärjestelmien asettamat vaatimukset hitsauskoneiden huoltodokumentaation tuottamisesta. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tehdä vaatimusmäärittely hitsauskoneiden kunnonvalvontajärjestelmälle. Tässä diplomityössä perehdyttiin kunnossapidon ja vikaantumisen lajeihin, laatujärjestelmiin sekä hitsauslaitteistoon. Tutkimuksessa syvennyttiin hitsauskoneiden kunnossapidon ja vikaantumistapauksien kautta suunnitteilla olevan järjestelmän tarpeisiin. Haastatteluiden avulla kartoitettiin hitsauslaitteiden kunnonvalvontajärjestelmältä vaadittavia piirteitä, järjestelmälle asetettavia vaatimuksia sekä järjestelmän monitorointikohteita. Tutkimuksen pohjalta laadittuun vaatimusmäärittelyyn saatiin muodostettua toiminnalliset vaatimukset, joista muodostetaan tuotekehityksen aikana tuotteen ominaisuudet. Lisäksi vaatimusmäärittelyyn luotiin käyttäjäryhmät, käyttötapaukset sekä alustavat monitorointikohteet. Vaatimusten täyttämiseksi kunnonvalvontajärjestelmään on suunnitteilla myös laitetietokanta, johon sisällytetään hitsauslaitteille suoritettujen huoltojen ja validointien tiedot. Varsinaisen tuotekehitystyön alkaessa nyt laadittua vaatimusmäärittelyä tullaan käyttämään suuntaviivojen näyttäjänä projektissa.
This study examined solution business models and how they could be applied into energy efficiency business. The target of this study was to find out, what a functional solution business model applied to energy efficiency improvement projects is like. The term “functionality” was used to refer not only to the economic viability but to environmental and legal aspects and also to the implement of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and the ability to overcome the most important market barriers and risks. This thesis is based on a comprehensive literature study on solution business, business models and energy efficiency business. This literature review was used as a foundation to an energy efficiency solution business model scheme. The created scheme was tested in a case study which studied two different energy efficiency improvement projects, illustrated the functionality of the created business model and evaluated their potential as customer targets. Solution approach was found to be suitable for energy efficiency business. The most important characteristics of a good solution business model were identified to be the relationship between the supplier and customer, a proper network, knowledge on the customer’s process and supreme technological expertise. Thus the energy efficiency solution business was recognized to be particularly suitable for example for energy suppliers or technological equipment suppliers. Because the case study was not executed from a certain company’s point of view, the most important factors such as relationships and the availability of funding could not be evaluated. Although the energy efficiency business is recognized to be economically viable, the most important factors influencing the profitability and the success of energy efficiency solution business model were identified to be the proper risk management, the ability to overcome market barriers and the realization of CSFs.
Tourism is one of the biggest industry branches with billions of tourists traveling every year around the world. Therefore, solutions providing tourist information have to be up to date with both changes in the industry and the world’s technological progress. The aim of this thesis is to present a design and a prototype of a tourist mobile service which is individual-oriented, cost-free for the end user, and secure. On the information providers’ side, the solution is implemented as a Webbased database. The end users access the information through a Bluetooth application on their mobile devices. The Bluetooth-based solution allows to avoid any costs for the end users, that is tourists. The study shows that, even with small data transfers, the tourists could save significantly when compared to possible roaming charges for data transfer. Also, the proposed mobile service is not intrusive, as it is provided through an application installed by tourists voluntarily on their mobile devices. Through design and implementation this work shows that it is possible to build a system which can be used to provide information services to tourists through mobile phones. The work achieved a successful ongoing synchronization between the client and the server databases. Implementation and usage were limited to smart phones only, as they provide better technological support for the solution having features like maps, GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Databases. Moreover, the design of this system shows how Bluetooth technology can be used effectively as a means of communication while minimizing its shortcomings and risks, such as security, by bypassing Bluetooth server service discovery protocol (SDP) and connecting directly to the device. Apart from showing the design and implementation of the end-user costfree mobile information service, the results of this work also highlight the possible business opportunities to the provider of the service.
The edafoclimatic conditions of the Brazilian semiarid region favor the water loss by surface runoff. The state of Ceará, almost completely covered by semiarid, has developed public policies for the construction of dams in order to attend the varied water demand. Several hydrological models were developed to support decisive processes in the complex management of reservoirs. This study aimed to establish a methodology for obtaining a georeferenced database suitable for use as input data in hydrological modeling in the semiarid of Ceará. It was used images of Landsat satellite and SRTM Mission, and soil maps of the state of Ceará. The Landsat images allowed the determination of the land cover and the SRTM Mission images, the automatic delineation of hydrographic basins. The soil type was obtained through the soil map. The database was obtained for Jaguaribe River hydrographic basin, in the state of Ceará, and is applicable to hydrological modeling based on the Curve Number method for estimating the surface runoff.
The Fertigation is the combined application of water and nutrients to a crop. It can be adapted to all types of agricultural crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of urea concentration in irrigation water on electrical conductivity of the soil solution and saturation extract along the first cycle of banana cv. Terra Maranhão. The experiment followed a completely randomized design with six treatments and ten replications. Treatments regarded for using three urea concentrations (1.0; 2.5 and 4.0 g L-1) in irrigation water applied by two micro irrigation systems (microsprinkler and drip). Results showed that there was a linear elevation of electrical conductivity of saturation extract and soil solution with the increase on concentration of urea in the injection solution. Urea should be used under concentrations up to 2.5 g L-1 in irrigation water without causing increase on electric conductivity of soil solution and saturation extract, considering 1.1 dS m-1 as the tolerated value for the crop. Nitrate in the soil solution increased significantly with the increase of urea concentration in the injection solution. The maximum concentration of nitrate in the soil occurred for 4,0 g L-1 concentration of the injection solution.
Competition for customers in business-to-business markets is rough, and in order to survive a seller has to be able to deliver more value to its customers than its competitors. This thesis is done for the sales department of an energy technology company operating in business-to-business markets. The company is a relatively small in its field, and it aims to expand internationally and differ itself from its competitors by providing better service for its customers and selling solutions. This study aims to design the transformation from a product seller into a solution seller by defining what is a solution and how solutions are sold, and creating an action plan for sales. Data for the study is collected in ten theme interviews, and analyzed with thematic and content analysis. The action plan is constructed based both on the data and theory. According to the findings of the study, solution is defined as a specially designed unique combination of elements – such as products, services, knowledge, experience and thinking – that work with and complement each other, and bring value to a particular customer. Solution sales requires capabilities to anticipate; build relationships with customers; identify needs and define requirements; cocreate solutions by customizing and integrating elements; and provide postdeployment support. Vision for the change is to sell solution through sensing customers’ needs and responding to them, and the steps of the action plan are to (1) cascade customer-focus, (2) involve other departments in solution sales, (3) develop customer relationship management, and (4) involve the whole organization in solution business.
Business On-Demand solutions are widely used by SMEs in the world today. When I started working in SAP, SAP had just launched its first version mobile solutions for Business On-Demand solutions. SAP ByDesign mobile solution is great, but I believe we could do something even better on mobile phones. My job is focusing on mobile application development. Therefore, I have lots of thoughts about how we could make the mobile solutions better serve desktop solutions and how to distinguish the mobile solutions. Finally I decide to have a further research into this area. The purpose of this thesis is trying to find out how to improve the mobile solutions for Business On-Demand, find out its benefit and limits, and distinguish SaaS mobile solutions from desktop ones. In order to conduct this research, I had some online literature search to find out the Business On-Demand market and major players in this area. I compare the materials from public internet with the ones that are used internally in SAP. I had some interviews with SAP solution manager and SAP‟s potential customers. I finally made some pro-posals for mobile SaaS solutions which I believe will make the solutions better present and much helpful to the customers.
The purpose of this thesis is twofold. The first and major part is devoted to sensitivity analysis of various discrete optimization problems while the second part addresses methods applied for calculating measures of solution stability and solving multicriteria discrete optimization problems. Despite numerous approaches to stability analysis of discrete optimization problems two major directions can be single out: quantitative and qualitative. Qualitative sensitivity analysis is conducted for multicriteria discrete optimization problems with minisum, minimax and minimin partial criteria. The main results obtained here are necessary and sufficient conditions for different stability types of optimal solutions (or a set of optimal solutions) of the considered problems. Within the framework of quantitative direction various measures of solution stability are investigated. A formula for a quantitative characteristic called stability radius is obtained for the generalized equilibrium situation invariant to changes of game parameters in the case of the H¨older metric. Quality of the problem solution can also be described in terms of robustness analysis. In this work the concepts of accuracy and robustness tolerances are presented for a strategic game with a finite number of players where initial coefficients (costs) of linear payoff functions are subject to perturbations. Investigation of stability radius also aims to devise methods for its calculation. A new metaheuristic approach is derived for calculation of stability radius of an optimal solution to the shortest path problem. The main advantage of the developed method is that it can be potentially applicable for calculating stability radii of NP-hard problems. The last chapter of the thesis focuses on deriving innovative methods based on interactive optimization approach for solving multicriteria combinatorial optimization problems. The key idea of the proposed approach is to utilize a parameterized achievement scalarizing function for solution calculation and to direct interactive procedure by changing weighting coefficients of this function. In order to illustrate the introduced ideas a decision making process is simulated for three objective median location problem. The concepts, models, and ideas collected and analyzed in this thesis create a good and relevant grounds for developing more complicated and integrated models of postoptimal analysis and solving the most computationally challenging problems related to it.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effectiveness and the safety of orally administered misoprostol in comparison to intravenously infused oxytocin for labor induction in term pregnant women. METHODS: Between 2008 and 2010, a total of 285 term pregnant women whom were candidate for vaginal delivery were assessed for eligibility to enter the study. Twenty five patients were excluded for different reasons; and 260 included women were randomly assigned to one of the two groups according to the method of treatment, misoprostol or oxytocin. The misoprostol group received 25 µg every 2 hours for up to 24 hours for induction. The oxytocin group received an infusion of 10 IU which was gradually increased. The time from induction to delivery and induction to the beginning of the active phase and successful inductions within 12, 18, and 24 hours were recorded. The trial is registered at irct.ir, number IRCT2012061910068N1. RESULTS: Failure of induction, leading to caesarean section was around 38.3% in the oxytocin group and significantly higher than that of the misoprostol group (20.3%) (p<0.001). Despite the more prevalent failure in the oxytocin group, the mean time intervals from induction to active phase and labor of this group were both significantly less than the misoprostol group (10.1±6.1 and 13.2±7.7 versus 12.9±5.4 and 15.6±5.1 hours respectively, both p-values were <0.05). Maternal and fetal complications were comparable between groups except gastrointestinal symptoms which were encountered more frequently in the misoprostol (10.9 versus 3.9%, p=0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Misoprostol is a safe and effective drug with low complications for the induction of labor. Failure is seen less with misoprostol and caesarean sections are less frequently indicated as compared to oxytocin.
In this work the implementation of the active magnetic bearing control system in a single FPGA is studied. Requirements for the full magnetic bearing control system are reviewed. Different control methods for active magnetic bearings are described shortly. Flux and the current base controllers are implemented in a FPGA. Suitability of the con-trollers for a low-cost magnetic bearing application is studied. Floating-point arithmetic’s are used in the controllers to ease designing burden and improve calculation precision. Per-formance of the flux controller is verified with simulations.