1000 resultados para conforte térmico
This study was intended to investigate how the urban form has been influencing the changes in the climate of the city and make a correlation between the climate and the thermal sensation of the users of open spaces. The research was developed in the district of Petrópolis in Natal/ RN whose occupation has been almost consolidated. Among other reasons, this district was selected because it was planned considering the environmental aspects of comfort. The methodologies used are based on KATZSCHNER (1997) and OLIVEIRA (1988) studies, which suggest the drawing and analysis of maps of the area under study, including topography, height of the buildings, land use, green areas, and types of soil pavement, as well as measurement of the environmental variables: air temperature, relative humidity, direction and wind speed for a comparative study. As part of this, study local users of the district were interviewed about their thermal sensations in open spaces. For the statistical analysis, data was collected at 10 distinct points characterized by BUSTOS ROMERO (2002), being 8 within the district and 2 at different places (outside the district), at climatologic stations, in 3 periods (August/2000, January/2002 and June/2002), for 4 consecutive days for each measurement (from Sunday to Wednesday) at the time of lower and higher temperatures in the city, 6:00 am and 1:00 pm, respectively. At the same time interviews were carried out with users of the open spaces in the area, totaling 171 valid formularies. The urban form showed a rather leveled topography, great diversity of land use and height of the buildings, with the existence of an area mostly occupied with high buildings, very little green area and soil practically impermeable. The statistical analysis showed high temperature and humidity levels. The wind direction is predominantly Southeast with extremely variable speeds. When the data from this district is compared with the data from other areas in the city and its outskirt, it was observed that this district is hotter and less ventilated than the others; besides, most users said that they felt uncomfortable in the local environmental conditions. The results of the analysis generated a zoning for the district with recommendations for soil occupation. The profile of the user was defined regarding the thermal comfort, as well as some discussion about the comfort parameters, including the proposal of limiting areas of temperature and humidity for the thermal comfort in the open spaces
Estudo térmico dos resíduos gerados da destilação atmosférica das misturas diesel/biodiesel de dendê
The growing world demand for energy supplied by fossil fuels, a major contributor to the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere and causing environmental problems, has been encouraging governments and international organizations to reflect and encourage the use of alternative renewable sources. Among these new possibilities deserves attention biodiesel, fuel cleaner and easy to reproduce. The study of new technologies involving that source is necessary. From this context, the paper aims at analyzing the thermal stability by thermogravimetric analysis, of the waste generated from atmospheric distillation of mixtures with ratios of 5, 10, 15 and 20% palm biodiesel in diesel with and without addition of BHT antioxidant. It was synthesized biodiesel through palm oil, via homogeneous catalysis in the presence of KOH, with and without the use of BHT and subsequently added to the diesel common indoor type (S1800) from a gas station BR. The diesel was already added with 5% biodiesel, and thus the proportions used for these blends were subtracted from the existing ratio in diesel fuel, resulting in the following proportions palm oil biodiesel: 0% (B5), 5% (B10), 10 % (B15) and 15% (B20). From atmospheric distillation analysis, performed in mixtures with and without BHT were collected residue generated by each sample and performed a thermal study from the thermogravimetric analysis at a heating rate of 10 °C.min-1, nitrogen atmosphere and heating to 600 ° C. According to the specifications of Resolution No. 7/2008 for biodiesel, it was found that the material was synthesized in accordance with the specifications. For mixtures, it was noted that the samples were in accordance with the ANP Resolution No. 42/2009. Given the TG / DTG curves of the samples of waste mixtures with and without BHT antioxidant was able to observe that they showed a single stage of thermal decomposition attributed to decomposition of heavy hydrocarbons and esters and other heavier constituents of the waste sample weighed. The thermal behavior of residues from atmospheric distillation of mixtures of diesel / biodiesel is very important to understand how this affects the proper functioning of the engine. A large amount of waste can generate a high content of particulate material, coke formation and carbonaceous deposits in engine valves, compromising their performance
This work proposes a model to investigate the use of a cylindrical antenna used in the thermal method of recovering through electromagnetic radiation of high-viscosity oil. The antenna has a simple geometry, adapted dipole type, and it can be modelled by using Maxwell s equation. The wavelet transforms are used as basis functions and applied in conjunction with the method of moments to obtain the current distribution in the antenna. The electric field, power and temperature distribution are carefully calculated for the analysis of the antenna as electromagnetic heating. The energy performance is analyzed based on thermo-fluid dynamic simulations at field scale, and through the adaptation in the Steam Thermal and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator (STARS) by Computer Modelling Group (CMG). The model proposed and the numerical results obtained are stable and presented good agreement with the results reported in the specialized literature
Com o crescente avanço tecnológico as questões ambientais bem como a eficiência energética assumem cada vez maior relevância e, neste sentido, torna-se imperativo pensar de uma forma mais eficaz e eficiente tanto ao nível ambiental como energético, aliando a eficiência energética a um menor nível dos consumos energéticos. Uma das medidas para melhorar a eficiência energética passa pela construção de edifícios mais eficientes utilizando diversas tecnologias passivas. Assim sendo, este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar o comportamento térmico e as consequências da ventilação numa cobertura em telha cerâmica e subtelha com beiral ventilado, durante os meses de Outono e Inverno. Através de instrumentação diversa colocada numa célula-teste e no ambiente exterior envolvente obtiveram-se diversos dados experimentais relativos a fatores ambientais tais como: temperaturas, humidades relativas, velocidade do ar, radiação solar, entre outros. Fez-se uma avaliação dos dados experimentais recolhidos e da transferência de calor verificada nesses meses. Os resultados mostram que tanto o comportamento térmico bem como a ventilação da caixa-de-ar são fortemente dependentes das condições do ar exterior e da radiação solar, o que tendo em conta os meses de estudo ,permite concluir que a tipologia da cobertura pode não se tornar vantajosa neste período. No entanto, os valores de humidade relativa registados em toda a cobertura bem como no interior da célula demonstram que a ventilação na caixa-de-ar é um fator relevante que contribui para reduzir a possibilidade de ocorrência da condensação do vapor de água contido no ar, ou seja, não existem períodos muito longos com valores de humidade relativa elevados, contribuído para a sua salubridade.
A motivação que deu início a este projeto foi a necessidade da empresa Bollinghaus querer alcançar novos mercados, em especial o mercado da indústria petrolífera norueguesa, regida pelas normas NORSOK, aumentar a qualidade do produto e reduzir o tempo de entrega. Para dar resposta a esta necessidade, foi formado um grupo de 5 pessoas que iriam acompanhar e gerir este projeto, tendo como objetivo final a implementação de um forno de tratamento térmico de acordo com a norma NORSOK M650 e que obtenha resultados de propriedades mecânicas iguais ou superiores àqueles obtidos até ao momento nos fornos existentes na empresa. Foram definidas as especificações técnicas do forno e equipamentos envolventes, modificados e/ou instalados os equipamentos necessários e por último, foi feito um controlo às propriedades mecânicas do produto final para garantir a sua conformidade. No final, conclui-se que o forno respeita os requisitos definidos pela empresa, embora os resultados das propriedades mecânicas não estejam completamente de acordo com o que a empresa pretendia.
Este artigo tem por objetivo verificar as temperaturas da superfície intraurbana por meio de imagens térmicas do satélite Landsat 7 em cidade de médio porte e avaliar o conforto térmico no interior de moradias com diferentes padrões construtivos.Presidente Prudente, cidade escolhida para estudo, localiza-se no oeste do Estado de São Paulo/Brasil, próxima ao trópico de Capricórnio, entre os paralelos de 22º 07’ de latitude sul e entre os meridianos de 51o 23’ de longitude oeste.Para verificar a temperatura da superfície intraurbana foram utilizadas imagens do canal do infravermelho termal (canal 6) do satélite Landsat-7, com resolução espacial de 60 metros.Para a análise do conforto térmico foram registradas a temperatura e a umidade relativa do ar em ambientes internos, de moradias com diferentes padrões construtivos em dois pontos localizados na área urbana e um na área rural do município.Os resultados mostraram que as imagens de satélite são importantes para se verificar as diferenças de temperaturas da superfície intraurbana e o desconforto térmico foi significativo no interior da moradia que se utilizou de materiais construtivos inadequados coincidindo com as áreas de maior temperatura dos alvos detectadas por meio da imagem de satélite.
O solo é um recurso básico que suporta toda a cobertura vegetal da terra, sem a qual os seres vivos não poderiam existir. Nessa cobertura, incluem-se não só as culturas como, também, todos os tipos de árvores, gramíneas, raízes e herbáceas que podem ser utilizadas pelo homem. (BERTONI; LOMBARDI NETO, 1990). As cidades se fixaram e se expandiram ocupando o solo sem análise prévia da sua susceptibilidade, principalmente o entorno de rios e córregos, que na atualidade são protegidas por leis especificas (APP). Conforme a cidade se expandiu sem planejamento, o processo tornou-se degradante ao espaço natural. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o conflito entre o uso e a ocupação do solo em Área de Preservação Permanente, e as leis que protegem esses espaços. Para atingir tais objetivos foi realizado pesquisa bibliográfica e trabalhos de campos para caracterizar o uso e ocupação do solo do entorno do rio Corumbataí próximo ao município de Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brasil. Na segunda etapa foram realizadas as análises pertinentes a discussão.
O açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) é uma fruta nativa da floresta amazônica tendo seu consumo mundial impulsionado devido à presença de antocianinas e sua capacidade antioxidante (1,2). O mercado consumidor interno regional amazônico, bastante tradicional e peculiar, tem preferência pelo produto processado sem qualquer tratamento térmico e para consumo imediato (3). No Brasil, este tipo de bebida tem sido relacionado a casos crescentes de doença de Chagas (4), devido à contaminação dos frutos pelo protozoário Trypanosoma cruzi (5), agente causal da doença, podendo ser inativado pelo tratamento térmico por branqueamento dos frutos a 80 °C por 10s. Entretanto, o fruto de açaí também apresenta elevada carga microbiana patogênica que quando não tratada adequadamente é repassada para o produto final (6). Outra importante fonte de contaminação microbiológica da bebida é a água utilizada durante todas as operações de processamento, pois mais de 50% dos municípios localizados na região amazônica brasileira não realizam a cloração simples da água (7). Um aspecto importante a ser considerado é que o tipo de processamento, mesmo melhorando a qualidade microbiológica, não pode interferir no perfil qualitativo sensorial do produto e influenciar na aceitabilidade pelo consumidor tradicional de açaí batido. Neste sentido, este trabalho propôs estudar o impacto sensorial de alternativas térmicas eficazes como tratamentos de sanitização de frutos de açaí, que fossem factíveis de implementação para o processador artesanal, e que seu produto fosse aceitável para o consumidor tradicional.
An alternative proposal for floor heating system by means of electric resistance for both chick and piggy installation is presented in this work. Several formulations of rice husk and cement mortar boards were used. An electronic device controlled all board temperature. This system presented a good efficiency design. The conventional cement mortar mixed with rice husk showed a better performance.
Livestock facilities, where animals carry their productive cycle, must have as main characteristic, the control of influence over climatic factors on animals. The environment variations can be controlled through the use of different ventilation systems. The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of different environment conditioning systems on swine nursery. Three treatments have been tested: natural ventilation, cooled ventilation and forced ventilation. The climatic parameters evaluated were: air temperature, relative humidity and black globe temperature. The physiological parameters analyzed were: respiratory frequency and back fat thickness. Number of born alive piglets, average weight at weaning and number of weaned piglets were also evaluated parameters. The use of cooled ventilation systems were able to decreased animal's air temperature and respiratory frequency, and the black globe temperature and humidity index (WBGT) and the radiating thermal load (RTL).
Brazil is an important poultry meat export country, and large parts of its destination are countries with specific rearing restrictions related to broiler s welfare. One of the aerial pollutants mostly found in high concentrations in closed poultry housing environment is ammonia. There are evidences that broilers welfare may be compromised by the continuous exposition to this pollutant in rearing housing. This research aimed to estimate broilers welfare reared under specific thermal environmental attributes and bird s density, as function of the ammonia concentration and light intensity inside the housing environment using the Fuzzy Theory. Results showed that the best welfare value (0.89 in the scale: 0-1) approximately 90% of the ideal was found in the conditions that associated the ideal thermal environment, with bird s density between 13-15 birds m-2, with values of the ammonia concentration in the environment below 5 ppm, and light intensity near 1 lx. Using the predictive method it was possible to estimate broilers welfare with relation to the ammonia concentration and light intensity in the housing.
The swine breeder rearing environment directly affects the animal's performance. This research had the objective of developing a thermal, aerial and acoustic environmental evaluation pattern for boar housing. The experiment was carried on a commercial swine farm in Salto County -SP, Brazil. Thermal, aerial and acoustic environment data of rearing conditions were registered. Data were statistically analyzed using as threshold the ideal housing environment that leads to animal welfare. Results showed that ambient temperature was around 70% beyond normal range, while air relative humidity, air speed and gases concentration were within threshold values. Noise level data besides being within normal range did not present large variation. In relation to the fuzzy logic analysis it was possible to build up a scenario which indicated that the best welfare indexes to male swine breeders happens when thermal comfort index are close to 80%, and noise level is lower than 40 dB. In the other hand the worst welfare index occur in the sector where the thermal comfort values are below 40% at the same time that the noise level is higher than 80 dB leading to inadequate conditions to the animal, and may directly interfere in the reproduction system performance.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Roofing provides the main protection against direct solar radiation in animal housing. Appropriate thermal properties of roofing materials tend to improve the thermal comfort in the inner ambient. Nonasbestos fiber-cement roofing components reinforced with cellulose pulp from sisal (Agave sisalana) were produced by slurry and dewatering techniques, with an optional addition of polypropylene fibers. Nonasbestos tiles were evaluated and compared with commercially available asbestos-cement sheets and ceramic tiles (frequently chosen as roofing materials for animal housing). Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of tiles were determined by the parallel hot-wire method, along with the evaluation of the downside surface temperature. Cement-based components reinforced with sisal pulp presented better thermal performance at room temperature (25ºC), while those reinforced with sisal pulp added by polypropylene fibers presented better thermal performance at 60ºC. Non-asbestos cement tiles provided more efficient protection against radiation than asbestos corrugated sheets.
Osmotic dehydration is becoming more popular as a complementary treatment in the processing of dehydrated foods, since it presents some advantages such as minimising heat damage to the colour and flavour, inhibiting enzymatic browning and thus dispensing the addition of sulphite and, mainly, reducing energy costs. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of using inverted sugar and sucrose syrups as osmotic agents in the dehydration of mango. The conditions used in the dehydration process were: syrup/fruit ratio of 3:1 (v/w); temperature of 45ºC and constant stirring. The in natura and osmo-dehydrated fruits were evaluated in relation to pH, moisture content, water activity (a w) and soluble solids (ºBrix). Solids incorporation and loss in mass after the dehydration process were also determined. The sensory acceptance of the in natura and osmo-dehydrated fruits was determined for the attributes of aroma, flavour, texture and overall acceptance using a hedonic scale. Osmotic dehydration resulted in a reduction in moisture content and water activity, an increase in Brix and maintenance of the pH. The treatment with inverted sugar syrup resulted in more significant alterations in moisture content, a w, Brix, solids incorporation and loss in mass than the treatment with sucrose syrup. Mangos osmo-dehydrated with inverted sugar (55.3% inversion rate) syrup obtained acceptance similar to in natura mangos, this treatment being considered the most adequate for dehydration purposes.