963 resultados para cone


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Historically, shifts to reduced and no-tillage management for production of crops were fostered by needs to decrease soil erosion and loss of organic matter, reduce fuel and labour costs and conserve soil water, as compared with conventional fallow tillage management. Recent interest in maintaining soil quality has been stimulated by a renewed awareness of the importance of soil condition to both the sustainability of agricultural production systems and environmental quality (Doran and Parkin, 1996). The aim of this project was to determine the impact on the physical, chemical and microbiological status of the soil of conventional and reduced tillage. It has been suggested that the reduced soil disturbance associated with the tine cultivator improves soil structure, increases nutrient content in the top 10cm of soil, increases microbial activity and improves physical characteristics. From this study it was determined that the environmental benefits linked to reduced tillage in literature, did not develop in the first two years of this programmes implementation. The results of this study determined that soil nutrients did not increase in concentration in the top 10 cm of soil under reduced cultivation. The only exception was exchangeable potassium. As potassium is not a mobile nutrient its movement is dependent on soil disturbance, therefore under reduced cultivation its concentration was allowed to accumulate in the upper horizon of the soil profile. Microbial activity was greater in the conventionally tilled treatments, as determined by total aerobic bacterial numbers. This could be due to the increased rates of soil aeration in this treatment. Numbers of aerobic bacteria were greater in the conventional tillage treatments at both incubation temperatures of 22 and 32° C. The physical characteristics of the soil determined, indicate that below the depth of soil cultivation, cone penetration resistance increases. Therefore the reduced cultivation treatments would be more prone to soil compaction, higher in the soil profile.


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FUNDAMENTO: A doença periodontal representa risco à gestante portadora de valvopatia reumática, seja para contrair endocardite infecciosa, seja por propiciar complicações obstétricas. OBJETIVO: Estudar a frequência da doença periodontal em portadoras de valvopatia reumática durante a gravidez. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 140 gestantes, comparáveis quanto a idade e o nível socioeconômico, divididas em: 70 portadoras de doença valvar reumática e 70 mulheres saudáveis. Todas se submeteram a: 1) avaliação clínica odontológica que incluiu a análise dos seguintes parâmetros: 1.1) profundidade à sondagem, 1.2) distância da linha esmalte-cemento à margem gengival, 1.3) nível clínico de inserção, 1.4) índice de sangramento, 1.5) índice de placa bacteriana, e, 1.6) comprometimento de furca; e, 2) exame microbiológico nas amostras de saliva e do cone que considerou o controle positivo para as cepas das bactérias Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsithia e Aggregobacter actinomycetemcomitans. RESULTADOS: A lesão valvar mitral foi prevalente (65 casos = 92,8%) dentre as gestantes cardiopatas. A comparação entre os grupos mostrou não haver diferenças entre idade e a paridade, e embora tenham sido verificadas diferenças entre as medidas da distância da linha esmalte-cemento à margem gengival (p = 0,01) e o índice de placa (p=0,04), a frequência da doença periodontal identificada em 20 (14,3%) gestantes, não foi diferente entre os grupos (p = 0,147). O exame microbiológico mostrou uma proporção maior da bactéria P. gingivalis na saliva de gestantes saudáveis (p = 0,004). CONCLUSÃO: O estudo clínico e microbiológico periodontal durante a gravidez demonstrou igual frequência da doença periodontal em portadoras de valvopatia reumática quando comparada às mulheres saudáveis.


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Convex cone, toric variety, graph theory, electrochemical catalysis, oxidation of formic acid, feedback-loopsbifurcations, enzymatic catalysis, Peroxidase reaction, Shil'nikov chaos


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fMRI, color, colour, velocity, speed, contrast, cone contrast, V1, V4, hV4, MT, MT+, V3A, BOLD, Retinotopic Mapping, Contrast Response Function


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Apreciamos, neste trabalho, mais um exemplo de movimento do protoplasma nos pêlos da corola de Allamanda cathartica - vulgarmente chamada "dedal-de-dama", ou "Alamanda-de-flor-grande", e que se reúnem em cinco feixes cônicos, dispostos em frente e um pouco acima dos estames. A técnica empregada na extração dos pêlos destinados ao exame microscópico pode ser resumida nas seguintes operações: 1 - Eliminar a maior porção da corola, até o nível do cone de pêlos. 2 - Dividir o tubo da corola em cinco partes, que são colocadas em água morna para a expulsão do ar retido entre os pêlos. Pode-se, também, encher prèviamente o tubo da corola com água morna, antes da operação número 1. 3 - Cortar, ao binocular estereoscópico, com um escalpelo ou lâmina de barbear, fatias delgadas do tubo da corola, contendo reduzido número de linhas de pêlos. Evitar traumatizem-se os pêlos, a fim de não paralisar o movimento do protoplasma. 4 - Montagem do material em água destilada, vaselina líquida (as placas de cêra dissolvem-se e o ar é eliminado prontamente. O inconveniente é a formação de certa refringência ao redor do pêlo) ou álcool a 10°. Do estudo feito concluímos que o movimento se manifesta com certa intensidade e conta com apreciável quantidade de microssômios, podendo ser classificado ora como giratório, ora como ondulatório e isso conforme o trecho do pêlo considerado. Essa variação deve relacionar-se, provàvelmente, com as dimensões dos pêlos e com o número de vacúolos. De quando em vez, as correntes protoplasmáticas chocam-se e os microssômios aglomeram-se de tal forma que o trânsito celular se interrompe momentaneamente.


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The flowers of this orchard tree presents six fleshy petals, fused two by two, and disposed propeller like. In the center is a cavity which harbors the cone shaped reproductive organs. An eriophyid mite, described by H. H. Keifer as Aculops flechtmann Keifer, 1972, causes considerable bronzing to the petals (Fig. 1-A). Large numbers of this mite attacking the basis of the reproductive organs causes them to dry and drop. On the young fruits, which are squamous, this mite causes some rusting and small necrotic areas (Fig. 1-B). As the fruit grows these small areas remain dark and barky. Very often the necrotic areas are invaded by the false spider mite Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939), which enlarges the damage. The false spider mite also attacks leaves and green stems; the epidermis of the latter then assumes a barky appearance.


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Amostras dos horizontres A e B2 de um Oxisol (LR) e de um Alfisol (PVp) submetidas à compactação, cuja intensidade foi determinada através da medida da resistência à penetração de penotrógrafo de cone de 0-8, 8-17,6 kg/cm²,foram cultivadas com feijoeiro cultivar Rio Pardo 836 durante 67 dias, em vasos com 3,8 litros de terra, em casa de vegetação, com a unidade na faixa correspondente às tensões entre 100 a 300 m bares . Foi verificado que a produção de matéria seca vegetal parece correlacionar-se melhor com a porcentagem de poros de aeração efetiva, daí parecer ser esta propriedade o melhor indicador para a produção de matéria seca para diferentes solos, com diferentes níveis de compactação. Os parâmetros físicos densidade do solo, condutividade hidráulica saturada e resistência mecânica ã penetração de pene trômetro parecem não serem bons indicadores gerais.


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It was made the characterization of marginal sphincter to the species Phymactis clematis (Drayton in Dana, 1849) and Aulactinia marplatensis (Zamponi, 1977), from intertidal ecosystem through their morphogical and functional study. The species P. clematis has a circumscript sphincter of palmate type. This muscle is constituted by a mesogloeal axis and several mesogloeal subaxes. Axis as well as subaxes give a support to the endoderm which border is smooth. Aulactinia marplatensis has a circunscript sphincter pinnate type. The axis has a truncated cone shape while in P. clematis the shape is cylindrical on its origin and it is bifurcated at the end. Both species experiments were carried out using the isolated muscles. They were stimulated at increasing KCl concentrations ranging from 20 to 200 mM. The results were analysed in the form of dose-response curves expressed in tension in grams force vs concentration. Contractil force increases in a sigmoid form to increasing KCl concentrations. The correlation between morphology and function and the differences shown in both species would be related to their intertidal distribution.


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No trabalho apresentado, descrevemos a evolução do espérmio maduro de triatoma infestans, iniciando-se a observação das transformações a partir dos espermídeos. Destacamos, em seguida, os principais resultados: 1. A histogênese dos espérmios é subdividida em 6 fases que se superpõem, parcialmente, a respeito do cronismo dos acontecimentos celulares: a) fase de translações (translações dos centríolos, mitocôndrios e do aparelho de GoLGI do pólo apical o pòlo basal da célula). b) Alongamento dos centríolos (formação do filamento axial). c) Alongamento da massa mitocondrial (formação dos fios periféricos). d) Formação do acrosoma (divisão do aparelho de GOLGI em acrosoma e corpo restante, que é eliminado da célula; além disto, translação do acrosoma para o pólo apical). e) Primeira fase de alongamento do núcleo (alongamento do núcleo e condensação da cromatina). f) Segunda fase de alongamento do núcleo (alongamento definitivo do núcleo para formar a cabeça do espérmio). 2. Os centríolos, em Triatoma infestans, podem ser observados, contînuamente, dos estádios da profase (estádio dos cromosomas difusos) até o fim da formação do espérmio. Para esta observação precisamos de cortes finos com, aproximadamente, um micron de espessura. 3. Os centríolos, depois da última divisão de maturação, ficam escondidos no interior do corpo dos restos dos fusos. 4. Não se pode distinguir o centríolo distal do proximal. os dois justapõem-se, um ao lado do outro, sôbre a parede do núcleo. 5. O fio axial tem origem dos dois centríolos, sendo êste um fio duplo. 6. Observamos a transformação dos mitocôndrios em microfibrilas da cauda bem como a de uma parte do aparelho de GOLGI em acrosoma. 7. Depois da condensação da cromatina sôbre a parede do núcleo, formam-se duas saliências longitudinais cromáticas, que são orientadas em espiral com torsão em sentido inverso do relógio. Por isso, o corte transversal do núcleo, fortemente alongado, tem o aspecto de ferradura. 8. O espérmio maduro é composto pelos seguintes elementos, cuja existência é provada, no microscópio eletrônico, por intermédio de cortes e dilacerações: a) Acrosoma (em forma de um cone, ligeiramente curvado). b) Núcleo, formado a "cabeça" do espérmio, sem qualquer estrutura vísivel no seu interior. c) Cone basal do núcleo, formado pelos centríolos. d) Fio axial, composto de duas microfibrilas dos centríolos. e) Oito fios longitudinais mitocondriais, unidos em dois grupos (corpos em forma de vírgula), e incluídos em uma massa homogênea. Cada um dos corpos em forma de vírgula...


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Estudio elaborado a partir de una estancia en el Karolinska University Hospital, Suecia, entre marzo y junio del 2006. En la radioterapia estereotáxica extracraneal (SBRT) de tumores de pulmón existen principalmente dos problemas en el cálculo de la dosis con los sistemas de planificación disponibles: la precisión limitada de los algoritmos de cálculo en presencia de tejidos con densidades muy diferentes y los movimientos debidos a la respiración del paciente durante el tratamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido llevar a cabo la simulación con el código Monte Carlo PENELOPE de la distribución de dosis en tumores de pulmón en casos representativos de tratamientos con SBRT teniendo en cuenta los movimientos respiratorios y su comparación con los resultados de varios planificadores. Se han estudiado casos representativos de tratamientos de SBRT en el Karolinska University Hospital. Los haces de radiación se han simulado mediante el código PENELOPE y se han usado para la obtención de los resultados MC de perfiles de dosis. Los resultados obtenidos para el caso estático (sin movimiento respiratorio ) ponen de manifiesto que, en comparación con la MC, la dosis (Gy/MU) calculada por los planificadores en el tumor tiene una precisión del 2-3%. En la zona de interfase entre tumor y tejido pulmonar los planificadores basados en el algoritmo PB sobrestiman la dosis en un 10%, mientras que el algoritmo CC la subestima en un 3-4%. Los resultados de la simulación mediante MC de los movimientos respiratorios indican que los resultados de los planificadores son suficientemente precisos en el tumor, aunque en la interfase hay una mayor subestimación de la dosis en comparación con el caso estático. Estos resultados son compatibles con la experiencia clínica adquirida durante 15 años en el Karolinska University Hospital. Los resultados se han publicado en la revista Acta Oncologica.


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BACKGROUND: Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) systems are widely used tools to verify and correct the target position before each fraction, allowing to maximize treatment accuracy and precision. In this study, we evaluate automatic three-dimensional intensity-based rigid registration (RR) methods for prostate setup correction using CBCT scans and study the impact of rectal distension on registration quality. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 115 CBCT scans of 10 prostate patients. CT-to-CBCT registration was performed using (a) global RR, (b) bony RR, or (c) bony RR refined by a local prostate RR using the CT clinical target volume (CTV) expanded with 1-to-20-mm varying margins. After propagation of the manual CT contours, automatic CBCT contours were generated. For evaluation, a radiation oncologist manually delineated the CTV on the CBCT scans. The propagated and manual CBCT contours were compared using the Dice similarity and a measure based on the bidirectional local distance (BLD). We also conducted a blind visual assessment of the quality of the propagated segmentations. Moreover, we automatically quantified rectal distension between the CT and CBCT scans without using the manual CBCT contours and we investigated its correlation with the registration failures. To improve the registration quality, the air in the rectum was replaced with soft tissue using a filter. The results with and without filtering were compared. RESULTS: The statistical analysis of the Dice coefficients and the BLD values resulted in highly significant differences (p<10(-6)) for the 5-mm and 8-mm local RRs vs the global, bony and 1-mm local RRs. The 8-mm local RR provided the best compromise between accuracy and robustness (Dice median of 0.814 and 97% of success with filtering the air in the rectum). We observed that all failures were due to high rectal distension. Moreover, the visual assessment confirmed the superiority of the 8-mm local RR over the bony RR. CONCLUSION: The most successful CT-to-CBCT RR method proved to be the 8-mm local RR. We have shown the correlation between its registration failures and rectal distension. Furthermore, we have provided a simple (easily applicable in routine) and automatic method to quantify rectal distension and to predict registration failure using only the manual CT contours.


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NR2E3, a photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor (PNR), represses cone-specific genes and activates several rod-specific genes. In humans, mutations in NR2E3 have been associated with the recessively-inherited enhanced short-wavelength sensitive S-cone syndrome (ESCS) and, recently, with autosomal dominant (ad) retinitis pigmentosa (RP) (adRP). In the present work, we describe two additional families affected by adRP that carry a heterozygous c.166G&gt;A (p.G56R) mutation in the NR2E3 gene. Functional analysis determined the dominant negative activity of the p.G56R mutant protein as the molecular mechanism of adRP. Interestingly, in one pedigree, the most common causal variant for ESCS (p.R311Q) cosegregated with the adRP-linked p.G56R mutation, and the compound heterozygotes exhibited an ESCS-like phenotype, which in 1 of the 2 cases was strikingly "milder" than the patients carrying the p.G56R mutation alone. Impaired repression of cone-specific genes by the corepressors atrophin-1 (dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy [DRPLA] gene product) and atrophin-2 (arginine-glutamic acid dipeptide repeat [RERE] protein) appeared to be a molecular mechanism mediating the beneficial effect of the p.R311Q mutation. Finally, the functional dominance of the p.R311Q variant to the p.G56R mutation is discussed.


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The 2009 International Society of Urological Pathology Consensus Conference in Boston made recommendations regarding the standardization of pathology reporting of radical prostatectomy specimens. Issues relating to the handling and processing of radical prostatectomy specimens were coordinated by working group 1. Most uropathologists followed similar procedures for fixation of radical prostatectomy specimens, with 51% of respondents transporting tissue in formalin. There was also consensus that the prostate weight without the seminal vesicles should be recorded. There was consensus that the surface of the prostate should be painted. It was agreed that both the prostate apex and base should be examined by the cone method with sagittal sectioning of the tissue sample. There was consensus that the gland should be fully fixed before sectioning. Both partial and complete embedding of prostates was considered to be acceptable as long as the method of partial embedding is stated. No consensus was determined regarding the necessity of weighing and measuring the length of the seminal vesicles, the preparation of whole mounts rather than standardized blocks and the methodology for sampling of fresh tissue for research purposes, and it was agreed that these should be left to the discretion of the working pathologist.


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Two new species are described from the caiman. Caiman crocodilus yacare. Proterodiplostomum breve n. sp. differs from all other species in the genus by the following chacacteristics: (1) the paraprostate gland is shorter and club-shaped; (2) the genital cone is, in average, eight times longer than that of P. medusae; (3) the genital atrium is larger and without pseudosuckers; (4) the oral sucker and pharynx are longer; and (5) there are larger numbers of papillae surrounding the tribocytic organ (40) against 20 in P. longum, 16 in p. tumidilum, 8 in P. ophidum, and 16-18 in P. medusae. Proterodiplostomum globulare n. sp. differs from all the other species in the fenus by the following characteristics: (1) from P. tumidilum, P. lomgum, P. medusae, and P. breve n. sp. for the absense of pseudosuckers or muscular bunches in the inferior wall of the genital atrium; (2) the shape of the paraprostate gland, which is globular and not cylindrical as in P. longum, P. tumidilum, P. medusae, and P. ophidum; (3) the size of the tribocytic organ 201-407 long, 183-495 wide, while is 138-270 long, 102-292 wide in P. medusae, and 138-270 long, 255 wide in P. ophidum; (4) the number of papillae in the tribocytic organ (18-20) in P. globulare and 16-18 in P. medusae, and 8 in P. ophidum. Specimens belonging to six other species of proterodiplostomes are recorded for the first time infecting the caiman, C. c. yacare in the Pantanal Mato-grossense, Brazil, namely: Proterodiplostomum medusae, P. tumidilum, Cystodiplostomum hollyi, Prolecithodiplostomum constrictum, Paradiplostomum abbreviatum, and Herpetodiplostomum caimancola.


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Night vision requires signaling from rod photoreceptors to adjacent bipolar cells in the retina. Mutations in the genes NYX and GRM6, expressed in ON bipolar cells, lead to a disruption of the ON bipolar cell response. This dysfunction is present in patients with complete X-linked and autosomal-recessive congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) and can be assessed by standard full-field electroretinography (ERG), showing severely reduced rod b-wave amplitude and slightly altered cone responses. Although many cases of complete CSNB (cCSNB) are caused by mutations in NYX and GRM6, in approximately 60% of the patients the gene defect remains unknown. Animal models of human diseases are a good source for candidate genes, and we noted that a cCSNB phenotype present in homozygous Appaloosa horses is associated with downregulation of TRPM1. TRPM1, belonging to the family of transient receptor potential channels, is expressed in ON bipolar cells and therefore qualifies as an excellent candidate. Indeed, mutation analysis of 38 patients with CSNB identified ten unrelated cCSNB patients with 14 different mutations in this gene. The mutation spectrum comprises missense, splice-site, deletion, and nonsense mutations. We propose that the cCSNB phenotype in these patients is due to the absence of functional TRPM1 in retinal ON bipolar cells.