1000 resultados para concepções de leitura e escrita
Esta pesquisa surge da minha preocupação sobre os valores pedagógicos no ensino superior: quais são, quais os seus fundamentos filosóficos, como são concebidos e aplicados na prática docente e especificamente na formação de professores em um curso de Pedagogia. Os conhecimentos, saber-fazer, métodos e habilidades que são mobilizados diariamente, nas salas de aula, com o fim de formar outros professores, também são partes desta busca. O referencial fundamenta-se nas concepções de Paulo Freire sobre valores pedagógicos e sobre educação, a partir da sua visão antropológica, gnosiológica e política do ser humano e de uma sociedade mais justa e equilibrada. O objetivo freiriano é uma educação libertadora que supere as contradições entre opressores e oprimidos, para evitar, por meio da educação, que elas sejam mantidas ou resolvidas a partir de uma solução individual ou por meios violentos. Somente um conjunto de valores pedagógicos bem assimilados e praticados, por parte dos docentes e daqueles que participam do processo educativo, permitem a superação da opressão: diálogo, humildade, fé nos homens, pensar crítico, ética, amor. A aceitação e realização desses valores permitirão não somente melhorar a educação em si, mas a sociedade como um todo. A pesquisa inclui reflexões sobre o ensino brasileiro e a qualidade dos professores com relação ao agir na formação e na sua própria transformação individual como seres críticos, ao usar os valores pedagógicos objeto do pensamento de Freire. Como instrumentos metodológicos, foram utilizados: leitura de textos e artigos de Paulo Freire e de outros comentadores e educadores brasileiros e estrangeiros; questionários fechados que permitiram coletar dados sobre o clima e a cultura organizacional e verificar que a educação nacional ainda está presa a estruturas históricas tradicionais, as quais se manifestam em conteúdos e metodologias que não resolvem a crise educacional do nosso país. Esses questionários foram aplicados a alguns professores, escolhidos por amostragem, do curso de Pedagogia de uma instituição superior em São Paulo. Os resultados desta pesquisa apontam que as opiniões dos professores entrevistados revelam um enfoque pouco participativo. Em alguns aspectos, eles demonstram que não há o hábito de diálogo sobre os problemas educacionais, como também não há abertura para medidas inovadoras que poderiam contribuir para com a qualidade do ensino e aprendizado. Isso demonstra o abismo entre o discurso e a prática docente colaborando para a falta de inspiração e de consciência crítica que todo profissional deve possuir, como valor pedagógico.(AU)
Nos últimos anos, estudos sobre o ensino da linguagem escrita abordaram as práticas de leitura como uma produção cultural, que se originam nos contextos sociais de comunicação e se constituem em um instrumento de inclusão social e de participação política. Essas ideias foram apropriadas pelos discursos oficiais e amplamente divulgadas no meio educacional no Estado de São Paulo em diversos programas de formação continuada. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa fundamentou-se na teoria das representações sociais, desenvolvida por Serge Moscovici, para investigar os sentidos atribuídos ao ato de ler por um grupo de professoras que leciona nos quatro primeiros anos do ensino fundamental. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, foram consideradas as práticas e preferências leitoras das professoras, a história do ensino da leitura, as representações sociais sobre o ato de ler entre as mulheres e as suas relações com o processo de profissionalização do magistério. Por meio da metodologia da análise de conteúdo foi possível desvelar as representações da leitura presentes nos discursos das professoras, contribuindo para conhecer suas formas de conceber a prática de ler.(AU)
This dissertation addresses the work of the memoirs of the potiguar writer Luís da Câmara Cascudo (1898 - 1986) from an integrated reading of four works that comprise: O Tempo e Eu (1968), Pequeno Manual do Doente Aprendiz (1969), Na Ronda do Tempo (1971) and Ontem (1972). Produced under the contingency of the modern movement and urban reform, memories Cascudo evoke the old landscapes of old, populated by those who belonged to the old romantic and provincial Natal that no longer exists, but which still survives in the idealized memory author and that is (re)constructed by him from a written permeated with touches of imagination and a sense of nostalgia. Seeking to analyze how is the process of building memoirist of Cascudo, as well as reflect on the role that memory plays in the (re)construction of a time and a lost space, we used the studies of Maurice Halbwachs (2006) and Ecléa Bosi (1994). Within this theoretical framework, we seek, above all, to understand not only how the lived experiences of Cascudo will work in this matter of his memory, but also as this will guide a writing that touches on the history and social frameworks of the past
This study followed the development of Oswaldo Lamartine de Faria as an intellectual, with the aim of establishing the emergence of that de Faria’s work under the umbrella of the sertão (hinterland) in Northeast Brazil. It accompanied the emergence of the researcher, his discovery of his mission to study the sertão in Seridó and the vital importance of his relationship with Luís da Câmara Cascudo, since despite being a natural born observer, Oswaldo Lamartine embarked on a career as a researcher after encouragement by Cascudo. The first chapter of this study, denominated The Gates of Time, portrays the country during the drought of 1919, the year Lamartine was born. It describes his childhood and first encounters with Câmara Cascudo; his urban exile in Rio de Janeiro; the books written by the young Oswaldo, those that came later, and his definitive return to the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The following two chapters, Sand beneath the Feet of the Soul and Images of a Nobleman from the Sertão, summarize Lamartine’s books and describe his entry into the canon of the state’s culture, with particular prominence given to his interview for the documentary “Oswaldo Lamartine: prince of the sertão”, highlighting his attempt (through his writing) to preserve his own existence. In the second section, Verses, Bold, Between the Lines features analyses of texts dedicated to Oswaldo Lamartine, such as those written by de Zila Mamede, Maria Lúcia Dal Farra and Paulo de Tarso Correia de Melo. The next chapter, entitled Warm and Vivid Ashes, highlights Lamartine’s correspondence with Luís da Câmara Cascudo and the incredible friendship between the two researchers. Cascudo’s letters are analyzed through the book De Cascudo para Oswaldo (From Cascudo to Oswaldo) and and are a powerful testimony of Oswaldo Lamartine’s permanent connection to Rio Grande do Norte. In conclusion, the final chapter entitled Combine, Tattoo, Imprint analyzes the writer’s five-book collection entitled Sertões do Seridó (Hinterlands of Seridó). In reading each of these, it becomes clear that observing reality was vital to the writer’s work. This is one of the first studies to be conducted about Oswaldo Lamartine at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and its main theoretical references were the reflections of authors Jacques Le Goff (2003), Lejeune (1994; 2008), Maurice Blanchot (1987; 2005), Alfredo Bosi (1987) and Gaston Bachelard (n.d.).
Google Docs (GD) is an online word processor with which multiple authors can work on the same document, in a synchronous or asynchronous manner, which can help develop the ability of writing in English (WEISSHEIMER; SOARES, 2012). As they write collaboratively, learners find more opportunities to notice the gaps in their written production, since they are exposed to more input from the fellow co-authors (WEISSHEIMER; BERGSLEITHNER; LEANDRO, 2012) and prioritize the process of text (re)construction instead of the concern with the final product, i.e., the final version of the text (LEANDRO; WEISSHEIMER; COOPER, 2013). Moreover, when it comes to second language (L2) learning, producing language enables the consolidation of existing knowledge as well as the internalization of new knowledge (SWAIN, 1985; 1993). Taking this into consideration, this mixed-method (DÖRNYEI, 2007) quasi-experimental (NUNAN, 1999) study aims at investigating the impact of collaborative writing through GD on the development of the writing skill in English and on the noticing of syntactic structures (SCHMIDT, 1990). Thirtyfour university students of English integrated the cohort of the study: twenty-five were assigned to the experimental group and nine were assigned to the control group. All learners went through a pre-test and a post-test so that we could measure their noticing of syntactic structures. Learners in the experimental group were exposed to a blended learning experience, in which they took reading and writing classes at the university and collaboratively wrote three pieces of flash fiction (a complete story told in a hundred words), outside the classroom, online through GD, during eleven weeks. Learners in the control group took reading and writing classes at the university but did not practice collaborative writing. The first and last stories produced by the learners in the experimental group were analysed in terms of grammatical accuracy, operationalized as the number of grammar errors per hundred words (SOUSA, 2014), and lexical density, which refers to the relationship between the number of words produced with lexical properties and the number of words produced with grammatical properties (WEISSHEIMER, 2007; MEHNERT, 1998). Additionally, learners in the experimental group answered an online questionnaire on the blended learning experience they were exposed to. The quantitative results showed that the collaborative task led to the production of more lexically dense texts over the 11 weeks. The noticing and grammatical accuracy results were different from what we expected; however, they provide us with insights on measurement issues, in the case of noticing, and on the participants‟ positive attitude towards collaborative writing with flash fiction. The qualitative results also shed light on the usefulness of computer-mediated collaborative writing in L2 learning.
This paper presents a reflection on the written language, a social practice that is increasingly strengthened in everyday life. Unveiling its nature, organization and function must be the first step for teachers to change their posture towards the teaching of this linguistic mode, helping students use it more effectively and securely. Considering these principles, this dissertation seeks to understand on the light of contemporary linguistic theories, the factors that influence the writing deviations were found in the text production of students of the 8th grade of elementary school II, enrolled in a public school in Rio Grande do Norte, whereas those deviations reveal the beginning of learning of this communication tool, representing the first hypotheses raised by students to dominate it. To analyze the data we used the works done by Lemle (1995), Cagliari (2009), Carraher (1985), Zorzi (1998), Guimarães (2005), Miller (2008), Veçossi (2010), among others, starting from of which, the scientific production on reading and writing learning come developing. The results of this analysis showed that the writing deviations present in the texts of the students are motivated not only by lack of knowledge of standard orthographic of the Portuguese language, but, also, stem from phonetic, phonological and grammatical factors. Thus, we seek to present new teaching and learning strategies of writing that might lead students to reflect on the use of the same, developing this ability more critically and creatively. We believe that the activities presented can minimize writing with orthographic deviations or linguistic variation practiced by students. Keywords: Variances writing, spelling, teaching strategies and students
Why students of 6th year still present oral marks in written? To answer this question our paper presents what they are and how writing and grammatical deviations occur and emerged in an attempt to expand on these studies. The same objective to evaluate the presence of these deviations in genres produced by students of the 6th year of the Municipal School Manoel Catarino Filho and check if there are more variation deviations or grammatical deviations. It also aims to improve the linguistic and discursive ability of students in various traffic environments of certain genres and consequently the formation of active readers and writers. In order to better understand how this process occurs, the text starts of the socio discursive conception of gender, with the theoretical background studies of Bakhtin (1992) and Marcuschi (2002) about this conception and the rhetoric conception of Aristoteles and Platão. The text underlies even the works of Callou (2007), Neves (2003), Faraco (2002), Franchi (2006) and Cagliari (2005) on the Grammar School, linguistic variation as also on the sociolinguistic parameters as well in research on the phonetics and phonology of Oliveira e Nascimento (1990), Seara (2009), Hora (2009) and in the PCN. To compose the corpus of this study we collected 23 texts produced by students to serve as a data source for analysis of the presented deviations by quantitative and qualitative research method, in which categorize the deviations found in two groups: oral and linguistic variation deviations and writing and grammar deviations. The results showed that there was a rate of occurrence of oral and variation deviations greater of writing and grammar deviations. We concluded that the orality has a great influence on the written production of students. Finally, we propose some activities aimed at minimizing the occurrence of deviations in written productions of the students.
The little interest in reading and the large presence of deviations in writing observed in the texts of students of the 5th grade of a public school in RN, led us to question the motives of this problem. Thus, the idea to organize and develop teaching sequences with a variety of possibilities of reading and production through the text genres. The practice with the textual genres in elementary school extends the use of reading and writing and improves the quality of learning. In this way, the school, as one of the most active spheres in social practices of the language, we justify this work with the use of text genres as facilitators for teaching and learning the mother tongue. For this purpose, we draw as the main objective to talk about the work with textual genres from the development of didactic sequences, as well as encourage students to take a more reflexive attitude toward language and its uses, as discursive social practices. The development of the study with the text genres was made through the application of didactic sequences in the school context of elementary school classes, from 5th grade. Specifically were chosen, the letter, note, music, poetry, fable and the tale. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: Bakhtin (2011), Miller (1994), Marcuschi (2008) and Bronckart (1999) on the text genres; Marcuschi (2005) and Dolz and Schneuwly (2004) that approve a teaching-learning proposal focused on textual genres, giving a meaning to language in the construction of the knowledge and Dolz and Schneuwly (2004) regarding the didactic sequence; other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), Lerner (2005), among others. The methodology followed the action research guidelines, in a qualitative approach perspective. The instruments of research included questionnaire, observations, readings and productions. The results pointed the students' interest in relation to the activities developed in the didactic sequences and consequently improvement in the students‘ own writings. In this sense, we reiterate the need to contamplate in the teaching activities the diversity of texts and genres and, not only due to its social relevance, therefore the student should be able to use the language in various way and adapt their texts to situations of oral and written interlocution.
In this research, we intend to deliver a possible reading of the narrative Oiteiro: memórias de uma Sinhá-Moça (1958), by the writer Magdalena Antunes, placing it within the context of the Brazilian Literature of Rio Grande do Norte. The author’s personal and social relations described in her book as well as the outcomes within an autobiographical, memorialistic and fictional approach will be under inquiry here. Our intent is to reach an understanding of the autobiographical aspects in Antunes’ work that reveal the “writing of the self” and its probable fictional traits, by means of the tensions identified in the narrative. For this reason, we rely on contributions by Lejeune (2008); Amorim (2007; 2012); Walty (1985) and Iser (2002), among others. Aditionally, Antunes’ work is also constituted of a memorialistic nature, which emerges in the book through the reinterpretation of memories based on the author’s childhood and adolescence. For a theoretical description of those moments, we will utilize some conceptions on individual and collective memory and the thoughts of Henri Bergson (1999) and Le Goff (1984), as opposed to the contributions brought by Maurice Halbwachs (2006) and other authors.
Uma leitura de gênero nos contos "Prelúdio", "Na baía" e "A casa de bonecas", de Katherine Mansfield
This work aims to analyze the short stories “Prelude”, “At the Bay” and “The Doll’s House”, by Katherine Mansfield under the prism of the gender studies (mainly on the works of Joan Scott and Elisabeth Badinter). To reach such objective, and based on the feminist criticism works (especially those of Elaine Showalter and Toril Moi), we analyzed the three stories, which are from the writer’s so-called “family phase”. The present work contains a bibliographical contextualization of Mansfield’s modernist work under three main aspects: modernism, the short story and women’s writing/writings on women. From the analysis of the three short stories, we observed that questions of gender, representation and identity were depicted by means of the preponderance of female characters from all ages, marital statuses and classes. At the end it was possible to verify how Mansfield works contributed to a reflection about places and roles occupied by women in turn of the XIX and XX Centuries, whereas how this author was also in search for her own identity as a woman and as a writer, exactly in a context when women writers and women’s writings started to become more visible face to a predominantly masculine literary canon.
In our work, we analyze some works of Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós that compose the “autobiographical cycle”, especially those ones that bring the image of father’s absence/presence, the relationship between life and writing, as well as the father’s figurations and his intermediates and substitutes. We especially investigated the aspect of repetition about how the family relations are articulated, highlighting those ones that happen between father and son and that appear in these texts. This problematic interested us as a research object, a priori, because the works of Bartholomeu Campos de Queirós are an exponent of literature for children field, as far as they show that the childhood is not always “colorful”, happy and perfect as several productions supposedly made “for children” seek to have us believe. In addition, the selected texts that have an autobiographical characteristic and put the issue of child suffering because of the father’s absence are configured as a very rich corpus for studies related to the relation between life/work and investigations in the dialogue between Literature and Psychoanalysis. These aspects will permit us to understand why the pain of missing father be repetitive and insistent in these books. Thus, we problematize, by the selected works for this study, the concept of literature for children and young people and the notion of literary reading. We also analyzed in the “statements” given by the author the relationship between life and writing and we investigated, based on psychoanalytic studies, the literary writing as a possibility of both unconscious development of memory marked by the father’s absence – remedy – as of a perpetuation of this same conflict – poison. Furthermore, we analyzed how the relationship between son and father are processed considering the mother’s absence, since the works that have this person’s presence, she seems to mediate such relationships in a certain way.
LOURENÇO, André Luís Cabral de ; Macedo, Luziene Dantas de ; SILVA,Marconi Gomes da ; BEZERRA, Márcia Maria de Oliveira ; PEREIRA, W. E. N. . O processo de acumulação na economia política clássica: uma interpretação não-convencional a partir da leitura dos ricos detalhes comumente inexplorados. In: Encontro Nacional de Economia Política, 14., 2009, São Paulo. Anais... São Paulo, 2009.
LOURENÇO, André Luís Cabral de ; Macedo, Luziene Dantas de ; SILVA,Marconi Gomes da ; BEZERRA, Márcia Maria de Oliveira ; PEREIRA, W. E. N. . O processo de acumulação na economia política clássica: uma interpretação não-convencional a partir da leitura dos ricos detalhes comumente inexplorados. In: Encontro Nacional de Economia Política, 14., 2009, São Paulo. Anais... São Paulo, 2009.
O projecto de intervenção pedagógica “Detectives de Palavras: uma abordagem ao desenvolvimento da criatividade através da escrita” remete-nos para uma análise acerca da importância da criatividade no mundo actual, como capacidade pessoal e social. Partindo da ideia de que a criatividade é o produto da interacção entre o domínio, o campo e a pessoa (Csikszentmihalyi, 1988) e de que a imaginação, a originalidade e a expressão são características essenciais do processo criativo (Bellón, 1998) desenvolveu-se um projecto direccionado para crianças em idade escolar com o intuito de desenvolver o pensamento criativo assim como despertar a motivação para a escrita e para a leitura. No presente projecto, são trabalhadas com os intervenientes algumas estratégias de Escrita Criativa passando, as crianças, a incorporarem o papel de Detectives de Palavras. Cada criança possui um kit pedagógico-didáctico de construção/investigação de histórias. Este kit é constituído por uma pasta de detective que contém alguns objectos utilizados por escritores e por detectives, tais como blocos de notas, lupas, pasta arquivadora de textos, cartões de identificação, entre outros, que podem ser capazes de ajudar as crianças a desenvolverem as suas ideias. Além de ser essencial avaliar o desenrolar do projecto, ou seja, o processo, também é importante avaliar o produto, neste caso, os textos das crianças. Contudo, avaliar a criatividade é uma tarefa complexa e muito subjectiva, por isso, esta avaliação baseia-se nos quatro factores que, de acordo com Guilford (1950) e Torrance (1972), estão envolvidos no processo criativo: a flexibilidade, a originalidade, a fluência e a elaboração.