996 resultados para biomechanics


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O impacto da obesidade na fisiopatologia da pele humana parece relacionar-se com diversas dermatoses, resultado da alteração da sua fisiologia normal, incluindo alterações na função barreira e na função de “envelope”. Contudo, a informação disponível é ainda escassa devido às diversas complexidades do tema. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a definição de uma metodologia de abordagem experimental para estudar, de forma objectiva, as alterações funcionais que caracterizam a pele obesa. O presente estudo, transversal, incluiu 28 voluntárias, do sexo feminino, saudáveis, com idade média 23±5 anos de idade, após consentimento informado. Foi realizada uma única medição de caracterização das diversas funções cutâneas obtidas por meios não invasivos em condições controladas. As variáveis consideradas relevantes foram, a hidratação (superficial e profunda) a função de barreira e o comportamento biomecânico, medidos em 4 áreas anatómicas distintas. Através do SPSS (v 20.0) realizámos uma análise estatística univariada com cálculo de medidas de tendência central e de dispersão. Recorremos aos testes de Pearson e de Spearman, para as variáveis que seguiam, ou não, uma distribuição normal, respectivamente, adoptando um grau de confiança de 95% . Os resultados permitem propor uma metodologia para o estudo da pele, aplicável ao doente obeso, incluindo a escolha das áreas anatómicas e das variáveis adequadas ao objetivo pretendido.


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Os modelos animais têm sido úteis para estudar mecanismos específicos que afetam a pele humana. É o caso do envelhecimento e das alterações micromecânicas que determinam o enrugamento (a formação de rugas) nos ratinhos irradiados com UV. Estes modelos permitiram perceber que o envelhecimento envolve muitas respostas mecânicas peculiares que não podem ser explicadas pela deformação homogénea da pele. No entanto, a diferença entre o tempo de vida destas espécies afeta também os processos e este é um aspeto principal a ter em conta. Este projeto é direcionado à comparação das propriedades cutâneas de dois grupos de ratos Wistar com diferentes idades – ratos jovens-adultos (n=7, 20-24 semanas) e adultos-velhos (n=5, 48-72 semanas). Medições não-invasivas de perda transepidérmica de água (PTEA), hidratação superficial (MoistureMeter) e biomecânica (Reviscometer e Cutometer por MPA80) foram realizadas nas zonas dorsais (pescoço, dorso-posterior) do animal durante 5 dias, permitindo comparações estatísticas entre grupos. Os resultados não revelaram diferenças significativas para a PTEA, firmeza ou viscoelasticidade entre os dois grupos. Contudo, foi notada uma diminuição significativa, próxima de 40%, da hidratação da pele no grupo dos ratos adultos-velhos. Estes resultados, apesar de preliminares, se fizermos a translação para os seres humanos poderiam ser úteis para avaliar mudanças relacionadas à idade em processos como a recuperação cutânea, ou eficácia / segurança de pensos, onde a hidratação é um factor determinante. Asua potencial utilização para a predição da eficácia e/ou segurança dos produtos de aplicação tópica para idosos em comparação aos adultos merecem ser exploradas.


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During fatigue tests of cortical bone specimens, at the unload portion of the cycle (zero stress) non-zero strains occur and progressively accumulate as the test progresses. This non-zero strain is hypothesised to be mostly, if not entirely, describable as creep. This work examines the rate of accumulation of this strain and quantifies its stress dependency. A published relationship determined from creep tests of cortical bone (Journal of Biomechanics 21 (1988) 623) is combined with knowledge of the stress history during fatigue testing to derive an expression for the amount of creep strain in fatigue tests. Fatigue tests on 31 bone samples from four individuals showed strong correlations between creep strain rate and both stress and “normalised stress” (σ/E) during tensile fatigue testing (0–T). Combined results were good (r2=0.78) and differences between the various individuals, in particular, vanished when effects were examined against normalised stress values. Constants of the regression showed equivalence to constants derived in creep tests. The universality of the results, with respect to four different individuals of both sexes, shows great promise for use in computational models of fatigue in bone structures.


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Objective. To describe the wrist kinematics during movement through free range of motion and activities of daily living using a cyclical task. Design. The wrist angles were initially calculated in a calibration trial and then in two selected activities of daily living (jar opening and carton pouring). Background. Existing studies which describe the wrist movement do not address the specific application of daily activities. Moreover, the data presented from subject to subject may differ simply because of the non-cyclical nature of the upper limbs movements. Methods. The coordinates of external markers attached to bone references on the forearm and dorsal side of the hand were obtained using an optical motion capture system. The wrist angles were derived from free motion trials and successively calculated in four healthy subjects for two specific cyclical daily activities (opening a jar and pouring from a carton). Results. The free motions trial highlighted the interaction between the wrist angles. Both the jar opening and the carton pouring activity showed a repetitive pattern for the three angles within the cycle length. In the jar-opening task, the standard deviation for the whole population was 10.8degrees for flexion-extension, 5.3degrees for radial-ulnar deviation and 10.4degrees for pronation-supination. In the carton-pouring task, the standard deviation for the whole population was 16.0degrees for flexion-extension, 3.4degrees for radial-ulnar deviation and 10.7degrees for pro nation-supination. Conclusion. Wrist kinematics in healthy subjects can be successfully described by the rotations about the axes of marker-defined coordinates systems during free range of motion and daily activities using cyclical tasks.


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By monitoring signals from the central nervous system, humans can be provided with a novel extra channel of communication that can, for example, be used for the voluntary control of peripheral devices. Meanwhile, stimulation of neural tissue can bring about sensation such as touch, can facilitate feedback from external, potentially remote devices and even opens up the possibility of new sensory input for the individual to experience. The concept of successfully harnessing and stimulating nervous system activity is though something that can only be achieved through an appropriate interface. However, interfacing the nervous system by means of implant technology carries with it many problems and dangers. Further, results achieved may not be as expected or as they at first appear. This paper describes a comparative study investigating different implant types and procedures. It is aimed at highlighting potential problem areas and is intended to provide a useful reference explaining important tolerances and limits.


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The project consists of a trilogy of films and a live performance. The Future trilogy takes IKEA riot of 2005 as the starting point for a speculative history of a fictional future, culminating in a choreographed re-enactment of the original event. Shot on 16mm and 8mm film, the series explores the possibility of collective action emerging from the capitalist relations inherent in the consumer riot. The live performance No Haus Like Bau, staged at the HAU 1 theatre in Berlin for the 5th Berlin Biennale, continues this research into re-enactment and post-1989 politics by dramatizing the rise and fall of the soviet union as a neo-Constructivist mime using a stage set made of flatpack furniture. Using the aesthetics of Modernism and the avant garde, from Constructivist and Futurist constumes to biomechanics and Bauhaus theatre theory, the project transposes early twentieth century utopian ideology to a present day setting where mass uprisings are motivated by cheap commodities. These explorations of consumerism and revolution have been widely exhibited internationally and supported by Film London, Arts Council England, Collective Gallery and the Berlin Biennale. The Future Trilogy formed the basis of a solo exhibition at the Te Tuhi Art Centre in Auckland, New Zealand and was screened as part of the Signal and Noise media art festival in Vancouver, as well as other exhibitions and screenings including “Roll it to Me” at Collective Gallery, Edinburgh, and Apocatopia, Castlefield Gallery, Manchester.


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This work presents two schemes of measuring the linear and angular kinematics of a rigid body using a kinematically redundant array of triple-axis accelerometers with potential applications in biomechanics. A novel angular velocity estimation algorithm is proposed and evaluated that can compensate for angular velocity errors using measurements of the direction of gravity. Analysis and discussion of optimal sensor array characteristics are provided. A damped 2 axis pendulum was used to excite all 6 DoF of the a suspended accelerometer array through determined complex motion and is the basis of both simulation and experimental studies. The relationship between accuracy and sensor redundancy is investigated for arrays of up to 100 triple axis (300 accelerometer axes) accelerometers in simulation and 10 equivalent sensors (30 accelerometer axes) in the laboratory test rig. The paper also reports on the sensor calibration techniques and hardware implementation.


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The project consists of a live performance taking the 2005 IKEA riot as the starting point for a speculative history of a fictional future, culminating in a choreographed re-enactment of the original event. It is accompanied by a film series explores the possibility of collective action emerging from the capitalist relations inherent in the consumer riot. The performance, staged at the Berlin Biennale, continues this research into re-enactment and post-1989 politics, using a stage set made of flatpack furniture. Using the aesthetics of Modernism and the avant garde, the project transposes early twentieth century utopian ideology to a present day setting where mass uprisings are motivated by cheap commodities. By re-evaluating biomechanics and Bauhaus theatre theory, these explorations of consumerism and revolution propose that the mechanized movement developed in conjunction with industrial labour survives as a historical re-enactment in the wake of manufacturing work in the west. In the absence of a visual language apt to the contemporary, No Haus Like Bau uses re-enactment as a retrogarde tactic. Its purpose on the one hand is to invoke trajectories for alternate futures that never materialized at an originary moment. On the other hand, the clash of past forms with present content serves to accentuate the historical changes that have thrown into question these forms. Rather than reflecting the present, the projection of the past into a fictional future aims to destabilize the dominant narrative that suggests the current configuration of art, politics and human nature has always been this way. The project has been widely exhibited internationally and supported by Film London and Arts Council England. A theoretical essay on re-enactment as a strategy for performance has been published in Art Papers and in Memory [MIT]. The project also formed the basis of a solo exhibition at Te Tuhi Art Centre, Auckland.


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An inappropriate prosthetic fit could cause stress over the interface implant/bone. The objective of this study was to compare stresses transmitted to implants from frameworks cast using different materials and to investigate a possible correlation between vertical misfits and these stresses. Fifteen one-piece cast frameworks simulating bars for fixed prosthesis in a model with five implants were fabricated and arranged into three different groups according to the material used for casting: CP Ti (commercially pure titanium), Co-Cr (cobalt-chromium) or Ni-Cr-Ti (nickel-chromium-titanium) alloys. Each framework was installed over the metal model with all screws tightened to a 10 N cm torque and then, vertical misfits were measured using an optical microscope. The stresses transmitted to implants were measured using quantitative photoelastic analysis in values of maximum shear stress (T), when each framework was tightened to the photoelastic model to a 10 N cm standardized torque. Stress data were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test and correlation tests were performed using Pearson`s rank correlation (alpha = 0.05). Mean and standard deviation values of vertical misfit are presented for CP Ti (22.40 +/- 9.05 mu m), Co-Cr (66.41 +/- 35.47 mu m) and Ni-Cr-Ti (32.20 +/- 24.47 mu m). Stresses generated by Co-Cr alloy (tau = 7.70 +/- 2.16 kPa) were significantly higher than those generated by CP Ti (tau = 5.86 +/- 1.55 kPa, p = 0.018) and Ni-Cr-Ti alloy (tau =5.74 +/- 3.05 kPa, p = 0.011), which were similar (p = 0.982). Correlations between vertical misfits and stresses around the implants were not significant as for any evaluated materials. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study compared splinted and non-splinted implant-supported prosthesis with and without a distal proximal contact using a digital image correlation method. An epoxy resin model was made with acrylic resin replicas of a mandibular first premolar and second molar and with threaded implants replacing the second premolar and first molar. Splinted and non-splinted metal-ceramic screw-retained crowns were fabricated and loaded with and without the presence of the second molar. A single-camera measuring system was used to record the in-plane deformation on the model surface at a frequency of 1.0 Hz under a load from 0 to 250 N. The images were then analyzed with specialist software to determine the direct (horizontal) and shear strains along the model. Not splinting the crowns resulted in higher stress transfer to the supporting implants when the second molar replica was absent. The presence of a second molar and an effective interproximal contact contributed to lower stress transfer to the supporting structures even for non-splinted restorations. Shear strains were higher in the region between the molars when the second molar was absent, regardless of splinting. The opposite was found for the region between the implants, which had higher shear strain values when the second molar was present. When an effective distal contact is absent, non-splinted implant-supported restorations introduce higher direct strains to the supporting structures under loading. Shear strains appear to be dependent also on the region within the model, with different regions showing different trends in strain changes in the absence of an effective distal contact. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) has been reported to be involved with both bone healing and bone metabolism. The aim of this study was to test the null hypothesis that there is no correlation between new bone formation during mandibular distraction osteogenesis and NOS expression in the trigeminal ganglion of rats. Newly formed tissue during distraction osteogenesis and trigeminal NOS expression measured by the NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) reaction were evaluated in 72 male Wistar rats by histomorphometric and histochemical methods. In animals submitted to 0.5 mm/day distraction osteogenesis, the percentage of bone tissue was higher in the basal area of the mandibles compared with the center and significantly increased through the experimental periods (P < 0.05). At the sixth postoperative week, the difference in bone formation between the continuous and acute distraction osteogenesis groups was the highest. Significant correlation between new bone formation by distraction osteogenesis and NADPH-d-reactive neurons was found, varying according to neuronal cell size (r = -0.6, P = 0.005, small cells strongly stained; r = 0.5, P = 0.018, large cells moderately stained). The results suggest that NOS may play a role in the bone healing process via neurogenic pathways, and the phenomenon seems to be neuronal cell morphotype-dependent. Further studies are now warranted to investigate the mechanistic link between the expression of trigeminal NOS and mandibular new bone formation by distraction osteogenesis.


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Recent literature has highlighted that the flexibility of walking barefoot reduces overload in individuals with knee osteoarthritis (OA). As such, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of inexpensive, flexible, non-heeled footwear (Moleca (R)) as compared with a modern heeled shoes and walking barefoot on the knee adduction moment (KAM) during gait in elderly women with and without knee OA. The gait of 45 elderly women between 60 and 70 years of age was evaluated. Twenty-one had knee OR graded 2 or 3 according to Kellgren and Lawrence`s criteria, and 24 who had no OA comprised the control group (CG). The gait conditions were: barefoot, Moleca (R), and modern heeled shoes. Three-dimensional kinematics and ground reaction forces were measured to calculate KAM by inverse dynamics. For both groups, the Moleca (R) provided peak KAM and KAM impulse similar to barefoot walking. For the OA group, the Moleca (R) reduced KAM even more as compared to the barefoot condition during midstance. On the other hand, the modern heeled shoes increased this variable in both groups. Inexpensive, flexible, and non-heeled footwear provided loading on the knee joint similar to a barefoot gait and significant overload decreases in elderly women with and without knee OA, compared to modern heeled shoes. During midstance, the Moleca (R) also allowed greater reduction in the knee joint loads as compared to barefoot gait in elderly women with knee OA, with the further advantage of providing external foot protection during gait. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: To investigate plantar pressure distribution in individuals with and without Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome during the Support phase of stair descent. Design: Observational case-control study. Participants: 30 Young adults With Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome and 44 matched controls. Main outcome measures: Contact area, peak pressure and pressure-time integral (Novel Pedar-X system) were evaluated in six plantar areas (medial, central and lateral rearfoot: midfoot; medial and lateral forefoot) during stair descent. Results: Contact area was greater in the Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Group at medial rearfoot (p = 0.019) and midfoot (p < 0.001). Subjects with Patellofemoral pain Syndrome presented smaller peak pressures (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The pattern of plantar pressure distribution during stair descent in Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Subjects was different from controls. This seems to be related to greater medial rearfoot and midfoot Support. Smaller plantar loads found in Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome subjects during stair descent reveal a more Cautious motor pattern in a challenging task. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this work was the force-displacement response analysis of the masticatory process in a dried human skull by Double-Exposure Photorefractive Holographic Interferometry Technique (2E-PRHI). The load concentration and dissipation of the forces from dried human skull were analysed at applied loading stands as a Simulation of Isolated Contraction (SIC) of some mastication muscles. The 2EHI and Fringe Analysis Method were used to obtain the quantitative results of this force-displacement response. These results document quantitatively the real biomechanical response from dried human skull under applied loading and it can be used for complementary study by finite element model and others analysis type. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.